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Very Frightened And Unsure.

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#1 StephieCosmos



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Posted 08 March 2012 - 06:00 AM

I started taking ADs when I was 13. It's been 10 years, and after countless types of drugs, my doctor decided to prescribe Cymbalta along with Klonopin after a very scary breakdown I had where I was derealized, depersonalized, having panic attacks several times throughout the day and just generally felt like I was going insane. After all that subsided, I continued taking the 60mg of Cymbalta and the 1mg Klonopin and seemed to be doing okay. As a little time went on, my anxiety and panic attacks were coming back with a vengeance. I decided enough was enough. I wanted to get off of ADs once and for all. I went from 60mg straight to 30mg with hardly any problems. Then my doctor said to take one pill every other day, then every two days, then three, etc etc. I had asked him about the withdrawal symptoms and he legitimately told me he had "never heard of anyone having withdrawals from Cymbalta and didn't know where I was getting this information from." I called bullshit right away. But anyways, I did the first week with the every other day, and was fine. I'm supposed to be on week 2 where I take it every 2 days, but by the second day I was just not myself at all. I was crying over nothing, getting angry over the tiniest things, feeling completely lethargic and just generally feeling awful. I found this site, and decided to try and taper off rather than taking it one day and not taking it another. That just doesn't seem healthy to me anyways. What I'm doing is the '10 ball a day removal' method. Taking out ten the first day, 20 the second, 30 the third, and so on until I get to as close to zero as I can. I'll still be taking the Klonopin since I do have severe anxiety to begin with. I guess I'm just trying to say I'm scared. I'm 23 years old and I can't even remember a time where I wasn't on ADs, and that makes me really upset and scared about getting off of them. I can't exactly talk to my doctor about it since I'm pretty much just another check to him and it's unfortunate I can't afford to get another one right now. I just need some support from people who have been through this. Maybe even a little encouragement. Anything would be greatly appreciated. :unsure:

#2 amarie221



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    I want to get off this med :(

Posted 09 March 2012 - 11:58 PM

I had a horrible break down 3 or 4 years ago where the dr put me on klonopin and cymbalta at the same time. I decided to kick the klonopin habit since it is an addictive narcotic and now I have been klonopin free for 20 days. In the next month or so I plan on doing the same with cymbalta. I too have felt withdrawal symptoms after just 2-3 days when my refills were late. I have read a lot about fish oil or omega 3,6,9 in one can help alot with withdrawl symptoms.

#3 Jonah



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Posted 10 March 2012 - 12:20 AM

I wouldn't recommend going off cold turkey. I did 7 days ago from 60mg and am suffering dearly for it. Each day gets a little better, so I hope it's gone soon. After experiencing horrible brain zaps and migraine like headaches that last an entire day I considered going back on and slowly weaning off, but I refuse to put this shit back in my body. I would rather suffer for a while. Good luck

#4 StephieCosmos



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Posted 10 March 2012 - 04:53 AM

Well, I'm not going cold turkey. As I said, I'm taking out 10 more "balls" from the capsules for every day until I get to none at all. I'm on day 3 - meaning 30 balls out - and I'm feeling not as edgy as opposed to not taking it for days then taking it again. That was just screwing with my mind too much. I have gotten a couple of those brain zaps that I see people talk about, but they only lasted for a few seconds and then was gone. I think the worst thing happening to me at the moment is the lethargy. I'm constantly sleepy but I'm planning to just ride it out and hopefully it will subside. And Amarie, I plan on kicking the klonopin as soon as I can get the cymbalta withdrawal behind me. But did you quit the klonopin cold turky or did you wean? And have there been any noticeable withdrawal side effects?

#5 amarie221



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    I want to get off this med :(

Posted 11 March 2012 - 08:45 PM

Well, I'm not going cold turkey. As I said, I'm taking out 10 more "balls" from the capsules for every day until I get to none at all. I'm on day 3 - meaning 30 balls out - and I'm feeling not as edgy as opposed to not taking it for days then taking it again. That was just screwing with my mind too much. I have gotten a couple of those brain zaps that I see people talk about, but they only lasted for a few seconds and then was gone. I think the worst thing happening to me at the moment is the lethargy. I'm constantly sleepy but I'm planning to just ride it out and hopefully it will subside. And Amarie, I plan on kicking the klonopin as soon as I can get the cymbalta withdrawal behind me. But did you quit the klonopin cold turky or did you wean? And have there been any noticeable withdrawal side effects?

I was always on a low dose of klonopin. when i first started taking it i was on .5mg a day and i cut those inhalf, so half in the morning half at night. i'm a very thin person so my dr said my body would not need much. since i've been on the cymbalta which also helps anxiety i drew back from my klonopin so i went to only 1/2 of my .5mg tablet daily. i have been doing that for about a year when i decided to see if i could get off of it. i started by doing 1/2 of my .5mg tablet every other day for 2 weeks, then every 3 days for 3 weeks. then after that i only took it when i felt i really needed it. and i have only taken 1/2 of my .5mg tablet in almost 25 days. i will always keep some on hand in-case i feel a panic attack coming on. and as far as withdrawals go i know everyone is different but my side effects were nowhere near as harsh as it is for cymbalta. sometimes i felt winded or dizzy and i just pushed through. also coming off of klonopin can make you feel anxious so keep that in mind. i definitely would wean bc i know klonopin can effect breathing, so be careful.

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