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Weaning Starts Today!

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#1 freeme2


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Posted 13 June 2012 - 09:09 AM

I had to get magnifying glasses to take out the little balls. I took out 8 or 9. One might have dropped. I can't see. Oh, well - I am on 60mg (30mg x2)Cymbalta.
Taking the following supplements which I started wk ago to build my system up.

I think I might be a little paranoid. It could be the C or not? But I am trying to avoid as much symptoms as I can, especially the dizziness, which makes driving a hazard with the kids in tow.

So here is what I am taking. I will let you know if they work or not.

Omega 3 1200mg x2 day
Ginkgo Smart - help stabilize the brain
5-HTP TR - replace serotonin lost
Immuno Shield - increase my immune defense from getting cold or flu like symptoms
lecithin with grapfruit and cider vinegar - provides Choline is the precursor molecule for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which is
involved in many functions including memory and muscle control. Hoping this will reduce
the side effects mind fog, and spasms in muscle. Since the neurotransmitters have been
blocked by cymbalta. I want to start them to do something.
B-complex with L theanine - reduce stress on body
Whey protein x2 - get as much protein to increase essential AA.

Kava Kava - reduce anxiety and mood swings produce calm.
Dramamine - to reduce dizzy spells
leg cramps - 3 tablets under tongue. This helps with the RLS and legs hurting. Already this has helped me to sleep better instead of
feeling the hurt in my leg. Before I would take a Epson salt bath which is good to increase the magnesium.
Magnesium - 400mg get rid of awful headaches. Also drink lots of water help to reduce. Tylenol doesn't help.
Exercise - walking to increase serotonin
- running or tennis to increase dopamine levels norep
GABA + niacin - with niacin it will cross the brain barrier.. gives you a sense of calmness and I know my anxiety/anger get very bad
with the withdrawals from 90mg to 60mg.

I am doing all of this to help reduce any side effects. I have 3 toddler kids who do not understand when mommy gets extremely anger and then they get out of sorts and start screaming too and then I want to have my brain blown up to take me away from all the stress.

DL- Phenylalanine 500mg - D is for natural pain killer, L is for antidepressant effects or increase serotonin

#2 kzap


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    Glad to know i"m not alone or crazy

Posted 13 June 2012 - 03:32 PM

Hi Freeme2

Sounds like you have really prepared yourself for weaning. Good luck with the weaning process as you free your body from all of the effects of cymbalta. It sounds like you have your hands full with 3 young kids. May God Bless you with an abundabnce of patience at this critical time in your life. I will definitely keep you and your family in my Prayers. God is the only way I made it through One Day At A Time. You have a lot of support and encouragement on this site. I know you will be SUCCESSFUL!

Today is day 33 for me without Cymbalta. I have occaisional dizziness, h/a and diarrhea. I still have insomnia at times but I can usually fall asleep if I take 25-50mg of Benadryl. I got the results of my bloodwork and MRI . Everything is normal. I tried to tell my Dr it was just the Cymbalta withdrawal but he wouldn't believe me. He thought it should have been out of my system by now. Oh well, I'm still optimistic that I will be completely over all of these symptoms soon. I'm really looking forward to getting back to teaching Sunday School and getting back to water aerobics again.

Good luck on your Cymbalta Adventure. I hope you have it easy. May God Bless you and keep you safe. :rolleyes:

#3 freckles



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Posted 13 June 2012 - 09:28 PM

So I'm new to this site and trying to find some advise on how best to help my wife to stop this "evil" med. We have discussed doing it cold turkey, but after reading some other's experiences I'm not sure that is the best way. Yesterday we went to a health food store and bought a few supplements that we hope will help: Living Green Liquid-Gel Multi, Extension B-Plex, Magnesium Malate, and Cell Power. Most of these were purchased on suggestions of a friend and some suggested by the guy that worked there. She had back surgery 3 months ago and was also recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia; 12 hours before her surgery she was fired from her job, so there has been a lot going on and that has caused her to have depression, which is why she was put on the Cymbalta. She started is about a month ago along with Lyrica. At this point getting her off the Cymbalta is my top priority!!
It seems as though you have a plan and I'm wondering where you found or why you choose the supplements that you listed above and what you think about the ones I have listed? Just seems like there is so much out there, where do I start? What's the basic or most important thinks to look for?

Any suggestions would be amazing!!!
Thank you.

#4 freeme2


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 08:06 AM

As you wean from the cymbalta, your serotonin level depletes. Some of the supplements have been supplied by other people suggested at what helped them. We are trying to put a bandaide on the withdrawals effects so we can survive the day.

Most of mine are amino acids precursors to help either increase the serotonin production or increase the neurotransmitters.

I think the best way to get off this stuff is to take the little balls out of the capsule, stay the same a few days to stabilize, and
hope and pray for no ill effects.

I put an article on the web site which describe all the side effects. It is called Cymbalta discontinuation syndrome.

#5 freeme2


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 09:55 AM

Day 1 - 9 balls(30mg)+ 30mg.
I feel a headache coming on, but it doesn't happen. Slow to go to sleep at night.
Day 2 - 11 balls taken out one 30mg and then I take another 30mg.
My mind feels slow and cloudy, and I felt nausea for about 15 mins. After I had lunch, I felt
great. I have a deep pain in my tendon of my rt. leg @ night while I am trying to sleep. I take
3 tablets for leg cramps. In 20 mins, it goes away. I took a dramamine at pm. It didn't hinder
my motivation to plant flowers.
Day 3 - 14 balls taken out of 30mg +30mg.
Took most of my supplements, my mind feels slow and it feels like a headache coming on. I took a
long walk.

I am amazed that even taking out a few balls that I know I don't feel quite normal. My brain feels slow and a little cloudy. I can feel a headache coming on, but it is not the pounding headaches like before. The GABA,Kava Kava, 5-HTP, DL-phenl, helps to keep my emotions happy with the ability to control my anger. I can drive.
When I went from 90 to 60mg, I was out of control, easily upset, anger sky-rocketed, and getting depressed.
I know taking a few balls a day out is a slow process, but so far the withdrawals are not interfering with my day to day lifestyle. I will continue this route.

So far, the only difference is a little tiny nausea and it feels like a headache at my eyes and temple
Day 4,5,6,7, at 23 balls taken out.
I haven't counted the balls in the capsule yet. I wonder how long this is going to take, but at least I am assured a good day everyday.

#6 freeme2


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 11:53 AM

Day 4 - 16 balls in a wall or taken out. Woke up at 4am this am and then finally got back to sleep to wake up even more tired. So far the side effects are not bad at all. I just need to get some sleep. I have been keeping very busy and the only downtime is when I get to bed.
I haven't had any side effects. I feel a little sore throat, but that has gone away.
This is very manageable for day to day living.
I have a lot of graduations and parties to attend and I really don't want to feel bad and so far it has worked to take a few balls out.
june 17 Day 5 - 18 balls. After taking cymbalta, I do not feel my best until after lunch. I feel like I am dragging and my brain is not alert. I can tell I have decreased the dose. I was nausea for about 30 minutes in the evening but I ate anyway.

I know with cymbalta you can have good days and bad days, but so far it is transparent that I am slowly weaning. It would be nice to come off quickly but I can handle any bad side effects. I need my brain to be alert.

#7 freeme2


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Posted 17 June 2012 - 07:42 PM

WOW.. This is the way to go if you want to wean and have a life. I admire all the strength and courage it takes to wean off this drug. It is hard to explain to someone the side effects unless they walk in your shoes. Every minute of my life is precious and I want to live and be on the go. The nausea that I had for a bit today went away with some gingerale. After weaning from 90 to 60 mg, it is much too quickly for me. I don't want to feel the depression or even be an emotional basket. I was so sick with the blasted cold and flu symptoms which knocked me out for 3 wks. Taking out 2 to 3 balls everyday, I found that I can live with the minimal amount of effects.

#8 freeme2


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Posted 22 June 2012 - 07:49 PM

day 9 35 balls taken out of a 30mg. 300/35 + 30mg. I was taking out 2 balls a day, now I am up to 6 balls a day.
I haven't noticed any side effects. I take my supplements first in the morning before I take the cymbalta. My vision seems to be changing a little bit. Not sure if this is a side effect. I hope my vision gets clearer.
I have been taking a 3 mile walk everyday to kick up the serotonin. I haven't had any crying spells or even any anger moments. My emotions are even and happy. Life is good.
My legs hurt the other day, maybe from all the new walking I have done. I took a nice bath with Epsom salts and I felt much better. I wish I could sleep through the night. I love taking Ambien. I would get such a good night sleep, but then it's another drug to wean from my body. I take Dramamine and a motrin PM to try to get a good night sleep. I still wake up 2 or more times a night.
I am having fun with the kids which is what is important. It will take awhile to come off the cymbalta, but I am not suffering. At least, not yet. I wondering when I start to do the last balls what will happen???
I am going to try to take out 6 balls a day for awhile and then up it to 7.
I am expecting to have some side effects when I start to take out more balls. I will find out. The supplement must be helping the weaning doesn't interfer with my life, work, kids, emotions, or marriage.
It is a great way to wean.
I kind of want to get rid of taking cymbalta as fast as I can, but do not want the awful side effects. I did find taking an antihistamine seems to keep me from going into a big cold inflammatory response.

#9 freeme2


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Posted 27 June 2012 - 10:44 AM

I am at 2.5 weeks. I have increased my balls taken out to 7 balls. I have noticed that I woke up with a sore throat, but I took some antihistamine and I hope it will go away. Maybe 7 balls is too much. I have a slight headache and I read taking magnesium 400mg will take it away.
I don't have any brain zaps, pain in the legs, dizziness or any other side effects. I do not take the omega 3 6 everyday, but I have been taking the ginkgo smart by Irwin naturals. I do take the complex b vitamins.
I really think that the HTP-5 precuror to seratonin and taking the DL-adenylalanine which helps making the neurotransmitters really help.
I might get some nausea for about 5 to 10 mins. before lunch and I eat some salad with the ginger dressing which helps.
I really think starting out super slow helps (2 balls) and waiting for any side effects.
This is my 2nd day of taking 7 balls out. I can tell that I don't feel super great that my body is dragging a little bit. Like I am on the ferge of getting a cold. I might back it up to 6 balls tomorrow.
I starting going for a higher dose to find out if I would get any side effects or that the supplements would help. I think it is that my body needs to adjust to the 7 balls for a few days. Also I usually take a 4 mile walk in the morning which I didn't do today.
I want to at least feel 90%.
The kava kava, passionflower, and Gaba really help keep me super calm.

Does anyone notice that the little balls that they are taking out are two sizes. One seems to be a more uniform size and they other balls are just a tiny bit smaller. I wonder which ones are the filler balls.. Anybody know.
Anyway. This truely is a great way to wean. It may be longer, but I can function around screaming kids and keep my emotions together. I do not cry or yell, but I can maintain myself. I think better than being only on the cymbalta. That kava kava is amazing!!!!

I wish my body could handle taking out 7 balls, but it must be too fast for me. I progressly got worst with sore throat, running nose, headache, feeling grumpy, and nausea. I don't like any of these symptoms. I pretty much feel awful. So I took 4 little balls and put it in an empty capsule and took it. I went for a walk hoping that the symptoms would disappear. About 2 hours later, I start feeling better and I could feel the symptoms disappearing.
I think I found my limit of 6 balls per day without having to endure side effects.
day 13 decrease so far to 49mg which is about 53 mg from 60mg.

#10 freeme2


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Posted 27 June 2012 - 03:56 PM

It makes me wonder if the supplements even make a difference. I thought they would be able to fix the side effects. Maybe nothing can really help except to wean as fast as your body can handle.
Is anyone weaning slowly without taking any supplements?????

#11 freeme2


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Posted 30 June 2012 - 10:29 AM

day 18 64 balls taken out.
6 balls taken out seems to be a limit for me.

I would love to have any other side effects other than get a cold. I know I have taken too many balls out when my nose starts running. I sound and feel like I have a cold. I am even cough up phelm from my lungs. What a crazy side effect? I take sudafed, allegro-D drugs hoping to put a stop to it, it helps a little, but the cold doesn't go away.
ON day 16, 17, and 18. I just coasted doing a couple of balls taken out a day until I felt like most of the symptoms disappear.
I found when you have nausea it will go away if you eat. This is totally different than when I was pregnant when food made me sicker.

I even take a immune system supplements and B-vitamins but nothing conquers this drug.

It seems the only way to wean without side effects is to slowly take out balls, such as 2 at a time, and see how you react. You can always take a couple of balls to end the side effects, effect for the cold seems to take it course for about 4 to 5 days no matter what.

Cold turkey is too awful to consider since it will take at least 20 days of side effects. Weaning slowly will get rid of almost all of the side effects. The only side effect I get is a little nausea that food will take away this symptom.
If you want to enjoy your summer.. try to do this slowly unless you want to hole yourself up 3 wks or more.
Lilly doesn't give us much choice at all.

#12 freeme2


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 11:58 AM

You know what makes me feel better is drinking rock star in the AM. It hydrates me and I do not have any side effects.
down to 84 balls. (I take 6 balls out now everyday)
This is a very workable solution.
I am still trying to get rid of this blasted cold. I take allegro-D really helps.
I wish I could do 7 balls a day, but why push my luck when I feel great all day.
If there is 286 balls in a 30mg, then every 95 balls would put me down to 10mg.

#13 zazzed



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Posted 05 July 2012 - 11:15 AM

good for you that the only way do slowly count the BALLS best of luck

#14 zazzed



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Posted 05 July 2012 - 11:19 AM

I'm down to 33 balls 10mg from 60mg taking it slow

#15 freeme2


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Posted 06 July 2012 - 10:03 AM

I'm down to 33 balls 10mg from 60mg taking it slow

How are you feeling? Are you doing okay?

#16 freeme2


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Posted 06 July 2012 - 10:17 AM

The days turn into weeks... I am down 96 balls taken out of 30 mg. I am at 50 mg. I am enjoying my life and having a great summer. By drinking the ROCK STAR (I like the orange one), it helps with the exhaustion and gives me energy all day. As soon as I get up, I take all my supplements first, count the balls out, and go for a 4 mile walk. I have to do something to keep the serotonin up. I still feel that I do not have the passion to do my hobbies even reading. I have to fight myself to do something. I have to make myself do the gardening which was a great passion of mine. I have good days and bad days where I do not feel like doing anything. I tell myself it is the drug making my serotonin low and it is NOT me. I listen to inspirational tapes on my walks and cleaning. Don't feel bad if it is a fight against being sad. You know this feeling will pass and try to do something to pamper yourself.
My sleeping is still not good. I wake up at least 2x a night. I end up eating thinking if I have a full tummy I will go back to sleep. I have investing into getting some healthy snacks like fruit to eat during these wakeful moments. Eating cereal was beginning to make me gain wt.
All I can say is that I am looking forward to not being on any antidepressants nor will I ever take any. I would rather go the natural route. I think it is okay to be sad for a while, otherwise; the alternative is being numb to emotions. Last night, this is what I was thinking about. I am so numb to any emotions. When I get off this drug, I will be like a toddler re-learning to handle emotions again since I haven't felt anything for 5 years. No wonder I can handle anything on this drug. I don't feel at all. This is definitely not living.

#17 mitsisue90



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Posted 09 July 2012 - 08:15 PM

HI there,
I am doing it the same way you are and although it is slow, it doesn't cause too many problems. I have been doing it for about 6 weeks now and am down to 30mg from 60 and ended up tipping them into my hand as my glasses were just not strong enough to see the little beads.What you said about the sizes of the beads is scary as I never thought about how that might affect the weaning process. I am going to sit here at 30 for a little while as i am taking them at night and am not suffering. I am going to get some Omega 3 though today. As i am in Australia my morning is the middle of your night or the previous day so I have to keep checking in to see who is posting. Just rambling now as I need to go to work. Cheers.

#18 becki


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Posted 09 July 2012 - 10:19 PM

I'm also doing the slow wean, going down 4mg/week. I started at 60 mg, and now down to 22mg. freeme, you asked if anyone was doing this without supplements and I am not. I honestly just don't want to put one more pill in my body.
I am going to look for the Kava Kava though. The mood swings are driving me crazy, high one minute and laying in bed crying the next (which is crazy, because I haven't cried for the past FIVE YEARS being on this drug!)....
I've also had 3 reallly bad colds the past 4 weeks. Anyone think this is withdrawal related?

#19 freeme2


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Posted 10 July 2012 - 09:13 AM

I am at 114 balls. Today I am sad for no reason. I don't want to do anything. I do my 4 mile walk but I feel so exhausted. Yuck. I must be at a serotonin low.

day who knows... 120 balls out. So far my mood seems happier. I went for a short walk.

#20 mitsisue90



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Posted 20 July 2012 - 06:17 AM

Week something or other...lost count. Still feeling ok but am taking the little blighters at night. Is anyone else doing this?? I am sitting at 30mg for a couple of weeks before having another go. Herbal supplements have helped. :)

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