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Withdrawal From A Drug Not Working?

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#1 LessLoveLess



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Posted 23 December 2016 - 10:52 PM

Hello Everyone, 


My girlfriend has been off of Cymbalta for at least a month or so now, we were not sure the drug was working at all for her symptoms as she would still get and remain very upset, anxiety ridden sometimes, ridden with depression others, normal only very briefly.. However, she did continue to take it. The doctor she was going to regarding her medicine completely stopped her perscription to my knowledge, and she has been unable to take it since. We have tried various homeopathic options for her, along with some...


Not so traditional methods, and found one thing that worked however... well its not fully legal in our state yet, and she is no longer able to take it. 


Since stopping the cymbalta, of which she still has some left, and i believe half a prescription she can refill, though i dont know how valid it is. And since stopping the thing that was easing her back into normalcy of which im not sure would be proper to name here. She is back in the state that got her hospitalized a small amount of time ago. Thinking about going back to drinking, complaining of a constant pain in her body, upset, hurt at the easiest remarks from her friends, bed ridden, full of anxiety, and in a state of returning depression. This actually leads me to believe that the cymbalta was having some unnoticed effect, and that she may have been progressing on it after all. 


Im unsure really of what to do. Currently, i am waiting to start a new job, and have not very much, to any money at all to continue her treatment and get her to a doctor until my new job begins, which is putting me in a difficult state...


My question i suppose would be, say Cymbalta was not curing her symptoms, could she be withdrawing from it, and if so, could that still be happening so long out from her stopping. 


Also, say you found a safe alternative that was illegal to do, would you stop taking cymbalta, or continue? 


I beg you all for help regarding this situation, as embarassing as it is to ask we find ourselves in a situation where she may not be able to get help without us taking out some form of loan, if they even would give those to someone who is not employed. 






To add to this, how long did it take you to experience relief from cymbalta, and when it began, was it noticeable to you personally or was it something people had to point out. 

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 24 December 2016 - 09:53 AM



Welcome. Normally it takes Cymbalta four to 6 weeks to kick in and the improvement (if there is any0 is usually easily noticed by the patient. What you are describing as her current symptoms is sort of classic Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms. Most of us that have been through this wound up coming off over a 3 to 4 month period. May I ask how long did it take her to wean off and how long has she been off?  What was her dose?

#3 Raven72


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Posted 27 December 2016 - 03:06 PM

FH is right in that it takes 4-6 weeks to take full effect.  I can tell you that after it took full effect on me I loved it (at first).  Then I started feeling worse and every time I mentioned it to my Doc (who is no longer my Doc), I would get my dose taken up. She wanted to see it up to max dose to make sure it was in fact the medication not working. Then I ended up in the ER twice for thinking harmful thoughts and I knew I had to get off of it. So, here I am - I've been on cold turkey since April 1st. Mind you I don't advise cold turkey but I had no choice.  But things will get better, but it might be wise to talk to her doc or find another doc and see about a small doze of a non addictive benzo to start on in the mean time.


Hope this helps and let us know if you need anything else.

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