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6 Weeks No Cymbalta, Still Feel Lousy

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#1 tired08


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Posted 03 March 2008 - 03:03 PM

Has anyone been off this long and still feel awful? I don't have the intense initial effects, like mood swings, shaking uncontrollable, stomach stuff, etc, etc. but I am left feeling non-energectic and no motiviation. Does this mean that I will always need an anti-depressant?

#2 Sarah J

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 10:41 AM

I was off for 45 days. Felt awful more than better, but knew that Cymbalta was not going to be the thing to help me.

Please make sure you have some good medical support. It may be that you need to take a lower dose of another anti-depressant that is not so difficult to withdrawal from. Don't suffer anymore, please get some medical help from somebody who is knowledgeable about this. Which is hard to find as you can see by the number of new users to this forum every day, there is a whole slew of us who are coming off this stuff and freaking out.

Please be healthy, I hope to hear that you are feeling better soon. It is pretty much everybody who posts here desire to be Cymbalta free. I waited so long to get help because I did not want to have any more poison given to me, but my brain chemistry was not readjusting well at all.

Best to you.

#3 pegasus



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 12:03 PM

I was just looking for side effects regarding Cymbalta. Let me first start with my doctor put me on this end of December '07 with the first week taking 30mg and then after that taking one 60mg per day. I really was not that depressed but he suggested it as I have so much family life stress and work stress. I am a young 60 yr. old female and a professional in corporate. About 10 years ago I did take Zoloft for about 18 months and I did experience about 3 months of withdrawal "hell" but was eventually able to get off Zoloft.

I wanted to see what the withdrawal symptoms were as I am very lightheaded, very loose bowels, and just don't like how I am feeling. I really do not see any difference from before taking Cymbalta where I really did see a difference with Zoloft.
My doctor told me that Cymbalta would not cause weight gain as Zoloft did for me (20 lbs).

Do you think I can stope Cymbalta "cold turkey" where I have only taken it for abut 9-10 weeks?

#4 Sarah J

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 12:31 PM

60 mg is a large amount to stop cold turkey. Cymbalta takes around 6 to 8 weeks to build up in your system. Please get with your prescriber about tapering down. There are 30mg and 20mg pills available.

So, I hope that your prescriber encourages you to go to 30 and then down slowly. Please be safe.

#5 schmb01


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 03:36 PM

I'm amazed at how many doctors are prescribing this for mild depression, as it was not intended for that.

Like Sarah said, going cold turkey isnt a good idea. If your doc is resistant to helping you, find one who will. The withdrawal effects can be minimized by tapering the right way. Remember, your doctor works for you, so hold to what you believe, and know in your heart is right for you.

good luck!

#6 schmb01


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 03:41 PM

Has anyone been off this long and still feel awful? I don't have the intense initial effects, like mood swings, shaking uncontrollable, stomach stuff, etc, etc. but I am left feeling non-energectic and no motiviation. Does this mean that I will always need an anti-depressant?

I think it is too soon to know if you will always need an anti. Focus on the now, and taking each day as it comes. Try a multi vitamin, Omega 3 supplements, and getting even 10 minutes of sunshine on your face. When you feel the least like doing anything, force yourself to get up and do something. Wash dishes, fold laundry, vacuum, read, whatever it takes to keep your mind engaged. It seems worse for me to just sit and think. I have to keep telling myself that the bizarre thoughts and feelings are part of my brain re-adjusting, so I need to keep it busy with mundane "normal" things. It may sound simple, but oddly enough, it is helping me. My brain is whizzing so fast with strange thoughts, that the more normal and boring I can make my days, the easier it seems to be.

Sorry to ramble, I'm just on day 2 of zero mg, and taking it a minute at a time.

#7 pegasus



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 04:19 PM

I did call my pharmacist for help as the doctor who prescribed Cymbalta for me less than 3 months ago has left the practice! The pharmacist suggested that I take (1) 60mg. every other day the first week. The second week take (1) every third day...The third week take one every fourth day, etc. I will do this till I run out of my "last" 30 pills and then go cold turkey as I'm hoping that being on Cymbalta for 9 weeks will be easier to get off then folks who have been on for years. Actually, my pharmacist claims that Cymbalta is one of the "easier" ones to get off..

#8 MumboGuy



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:23 PM

I did call my pharmacist for help as the doctor who prescribed Cymbalta for me less than 3 months ago has left the practice! The pharmacist suggested that I take (1) 60mg. every other day the first week. The second week take (1) every third day...The third week take one every fourth day, etc. I will do this till I run out of my "last" 30 pills and then go cold turkey as I'm hoping that being on Cymbalta for 9 weeks will be easier to get off then folks who have been on for years. Actually, my pharmacist claims that Cymbalta is one of the "easier" ones to get off..

I'm just weaning off the 20mg dose. I've been at it 3 or 4 days. I tried the every other day thing with the 20's and previously with the 30's. Each time I experienced withdrawal symptoms, dizziness, generally feeling bad. I exercise regularly and that seems to help some. If this is the way it is with 20's I wouldn't want to try to quit on the 60 mg dose. So my suggestion would be get some 20's and after a month wean off on them, not the 60's.

Cymbalta is an effective drug and stabilizing my mood / depression but wow the withdrawal symptoms suck. My plan was to stop for 6 months and see how I felt off of it. Unfortunately I've been plagued with mild depression since high school. This was the only thing that seemed to help. I guess there is a cost for everything. Doctor said that some people with a long history of depression, like me, might need to be on an anti depressant for life. Heck I might be on it for life because I'm addicted to it. (BTW I have no history, personal or family, of addictive behavior)

Spoke with my Doctor and he suggested I divide my 20's in 1/2. Based on the 1/2 life of cymbalta being 12 hours I want some in my system so I decided to divided up my 20's into 1/3 tabs. I tried a CD case but static made that impossible. A piece of paper and a business card worked, kinda. I just eyeballed the balls into rough thirds. I'll let you know how it works.

#9 pegasus



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Posted 05 March 2008 - 05:29 PM

Thanks for the info, but I still (maybe foolish) feel that where I only took Cymbalta for 9 weeks, I can go "cold turkey". If not, I have 30 capsules at the 60 mg level which I will dump out half of the crystals before I take a capsule every other day. Let me know how you do.

#10 Sarah J

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 05:50 PM


6-8 weeks is when the Cymbalta is starting to take hold in your brain, starting to "do it's job". I hope that you can wean after not being on so long on your own, but if you are feeling strange after a couple of days, get some help and do not needlessly put yourself through something that can be avoided.

My best to you.

#11 hopeful



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Posted 08 March 2008 - 05:30 AM

good luck on cold turkey...most I talk to, like myself feel horrid. I feel like crap and I tapered slowly in last 6 weeks according to drs plan...., 60, 40 20 10, every other day now off completly for 4 days and brain zapps continue. UGH!! My emotions are okay, a bit irritable, but the physical is the worst. nauseau, insomnia, brain achy, headache, dizzy. whew. make sure you don't mess up your emotions on top of your physical withdrawal you will need all your strength to get through this and don't need to tank emotionally too. good luck. :roll:

#12 MumboGuy



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Posted 09 March 2008 - 12:35 AM

I'm taking 1/3 of a 20mg capsule. It keeps me from feeling 80 to 90 percent of the withdrawals so far. I'm going to go for another week then try to quit.

Not all is bad with this drug. It did help ease my depression. The withdrawals are worse than I expected. It would be nice if a tapering off dosages were provided or available. Kinda silly that I have to divide up my own pills. It would be ok if there was a pill pack that would take you down 10mg a week / per week till down to 5 mg or so for a stopping dose.

My $.02

#13 schmb01


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Posted 09 March 2008 - 03:04 AM

I agree. I reduced too fast, 90 to zero in a week, but then started taking 1/2 of a 30 mg each day. I just had to eyeball it. After a week of 15 mg, I went to zero, and this is day 5. It has been a roller coaster; one very good day, which lulled me into a false sense of victory, but with each day, I'm noticing a very small improvement in my mood swings. The thing that isn't easing up much are the brain zaps, and then that dream like sensation that always follows. I seriously have times where I look back on my day, and can't remember if my memories are real, or dreams from the night before, which is hugely unsettling.

I thought Cymbalta and Effexor helped with my depression, but even with the crappy withdrawals, am finding a sense of joy in actually FEELING things again, even if it is anger or sadness. The best I've ever felt on an anti depressant was when I was taking St. John's Wort. I literally felt stable and whole while on it, and my reactions to life were "normal". I wasn't deadened to things going on around me, yet I also didn't over react.

Another bad withdrawal issue for me is the rambling thoughts, as if you couldn't tell! :oops:

#14 sallym777



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Posted 09 March 2008 - 10:59 AM

I have been taking cymbalta for the past 4 years 60mg and Kadian 20mg x 2 for past 5 years. It did serve a purpose...lupus, fibromyalga, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and bad discs in back and neck. Car accidents and life. I am tired of being on them and don't want to live my life with them. I am on my 4th full day going cold turkey off of them and am doing pretty well. Little fuzzy, but not bad. I prayed and asked God to get me through it and he has been faithful. I still take Hydrocodone as needed for pain. Maybe 2-4 a day. I also want to tell you that about 2 weeks ago I ordered the Kinoki foot pads off of Ebay. Had been watching the ads and did some research online. I know that I must be full of toxins so decided it was a pretty cheap thing to try and didn't have anything to lose. I am on my 14th day of using them at night. At first totally BLACk and now is down to charcoal brown. The clarity I feel is unbelievable and I feel as tho I have been removed from a fog. I also have so much more energy. I am telling you only what is my experience so far and I am very thankful. I am 56 years old. Another thing is I put on about 30lbs taking the meds. No matter what I tried I couldn't lose it. Since being off of it I have lost 5 lbs in the past 4 days. I pray that this helps someone and good luck to all of you.

#15 That1TyGuy


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Posted 09 March 2008 - 07:54 PM

Yea, I really like the advice that those others have offered to you, I hope that you get better and that it doesn't keep dragging on. Wish you all the best and hope that it goes easy for you.

#16 herbabec



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Posted 14 March 2008 - 04:45 PM

I have been off of 120mg of Cymbalta for 12 days and I finally feel fantastic. I am doing a cleanse that I started the day before I stopped taking the medication. For the first 6 days I felt aweful and hugged the toilet for an entire week. Yuck! This week, I am having trouble with swelling and allergies, but that is just part of living in West Texas. I finally feel :( Fantastic :lol: after 12 days. Please go and see a Hollistic Health Practioner or just go to your local Natural Foods Market. They can really help.

#17 cheyanna12



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Posted 16 March 2008 - 09:42 PM

I also am a new member.
I was put on this for pain in my hip that goes to my foot. I am a diabetic Type II.
I have been on 30mg. for 7 days and I am quiting it also. My doctor wrote a 60mg. but am giving it back,. I have had breathing problems,headaches,fever in my face,red irritated skin,throat feels smaller to swollow saliva,woke up-could not catch a breath for 3 nights in a row,my sugers went from normal control of 97-124 to (1st day of cymbalta) to 157-235.
All this is way too much for me to keep on this for leg pain,or nerophathy nerve pain .
Hopfully When I go in to work tomorrow I will not have a bad withdrawal day,I'm off tue. I will check in then to see if anyone has some suggestions for me. I have a lot of allergys. So I can't take quite a few meds. It is my back and leg pain that is being treated ,pain shots,steroids,Opana (now going to increase to 60mg from 30mg,lyrica 30mg. are my meds-as well as 800mg. motrin that seem to be helping. Im just going to let him knoe I'll try the increase in opana for a while. I've been on it for about 6-7 weeks now. I have thought about going to a accupunture person too. :|

#18 schmb01


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 07:23 AM

I also am a new member.
I was put on this for pain in my hip that goes to my foot. I am a diabetic Type II.
I have been on 30mg. for 7 days and I am quiting it also. My doctor wrote a 60mg. but am giving it back,. I have had breathing problems,headaches,fever in my face,red irritated skin,throat feels smaller to swollow saliva,woke up-could not catch a breath for 3 nights in a row,my sugers went from normal control of 97-124 to (1st day of cymbalta) to 157-235.
All this is way too much for me to keep on this for leg pain,or nerophathy nerve pain .
Hopfully When I go in to work tomorrow I will not have a bad withdrawal day,I'm off tue. I will check in then to see if anyone has some suggestions for me. I have a lot of allergys. So I can't take quite a few meds. It is my back and leg pain that is being treated ,pain shots,steroids,Opana (now going to increase to 60mg from 30mg,lyrica 30mg. are my meds-as well as 800mg. motrin that seem to be helping. Im just going to let him knoe I'll try the increase in opana for a while. I've been on it for about 6-7 weeks now. I have thought about going to a accupunture person too. :|

Hopefully since you have only been on it for a week, you will have few if any side effects coming off of it. Since it had such an impact on your blood sugar, I would watch that really close, since coming off if it now may have a sudden effect, yet I'm sure you watch that closely anyway. It is pretty scary that it affected you so badly in such a short time frame, and that really says it all! Run from this stuff, just be sure your doctor knows what it did to you and that you are stopping it. Good luck and be careful!

#19 MrNice



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Posted 15 April 2008 - 09:26 AM

I wish I was that far alsong. Im at day 4. I stopped smoking cigarettes 3 years ago. I stopped taking Xanax for fun and Vicodin to feel good. I stopped taking Percocets after 18 months of daily "use" at 8 pills a day - COLD TURKEY. Warning: percocets (after a year of daily doses) will cause you to scratch at bugs that dont exist. I was positive our house was infested with BUGS, but it was the drugs talking. Who know my "dealer" is a doctor with a medical license. Dont let the drugs talk to you and you will be OK. I'm 38 yrs old, I'm a hustler and i pull the trigger long. laugh.gif

#20 4ALLIE



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Posted 19 April 2008 - 12:15 AM

Take 20 mg Prozac to counter effect the symptoms. Look at my forum above and read the paragrahs I cut and pasted from a doctor who manages withdrawl succesfully. Iam doing it and it works !!

#21 4ALLIE



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Posted 19 April 2008 - 12:35 AM

Take 20 mg Prozac to counter effect the symptoms. Look at my forum above and read the paragrahs I cut and pasted from a doctor who manages withdrawl succesfully. Iam doing it and it works !!

#22 dithered



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Posted 19 May 2008 - 03:33 PM

I am also about six weeks into my withdrawal. It's been about a week since I took any cymbalta at all. I am surprised how constant the withdrawal symptoms are and how little they fade from day to day. It is definitely not as bad as it was a few weeks ago, but it is constant and difficult for me to work around. I'm putting in some of the worst work performance of my life right now.

I was on 60mg/day for several years. I decided to get off of cymbalta for several reasons. First, I do not have health insurance. Cymbalta costs me about $120/month, then there is a $150 trip to the psych every three months, so it's costing me about $170/month and it is one of the reasons the insurers decline to cover me. Second, on Cymbalta I lost most of my libido and sexual function. Third, things didn't bother me when they should (for example, not wanting or having sex for years). I was perpetually unperturbed and I allowed some situations to get out of hand because I simply didn't care enough to watch out for my own interests.

I'm doing the withdrawal without help from my psychiatrist. Why? When changing doses, he wants additional appointments, hence additional cost. Plus I don't want to be talked into another med -- pharms are not my friends these days. I have an appointment with my family doctor and I'll discuss it with him, but I am feeling foolish for allowing myself to be manipulated into this kind of pharmaceutical trap.

I noticed in about the last year or so of my 60mg/day habit that accidentally missing a dose for one day was enough to set off the brain zaps (BZs).To withdraw, I went to 60mg every other day for a week, then every third day for a week. The BZs and overall dizziness/nausea were constant on the off days. So I started splitting the contents of a 60mg cap into empty capsules and taking lower doses at the same daily rate instead of skipping days. This led to my final technique, where I'd eyeball out 5mg or less from a capsule only on days when the symptoms were really intense.

And now I am off entirely for a week. But that does not mean I'm withdrawn. The BZs, nausea, and dizziness have not completely subsided. I'm curious to find out if and when they will be gone forever. Has anyone ever fully recovered from this drug?

I feel generally irritable and scatter-brained. My libido has returned. Hooray. Keep a safe distance.

I read here that some have experienced digestive issues with withdrawal. I have had diarrhea and bloating frequently during this process. I don't know if it's related to cymbalta withdrawal, but perhaps it is. It is incompatible with my increased libido.

#23 dithered



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Posted 19 May 2008 - 06:10 PM

Thanks for your reply Greybeard. It really helps to hear someone declare that the withdrawal is behind them and to also offer a time frame data point. Of course, our underlying issues remain. Mine are depression and social anxiety, and my psych says with my background I should expect to use medications for the rest of my life. I was feeling pretty poorly when I started up with Rx treatments, so I should not be too quick to condemn the drugs. But my feeling at the moment is that I wish I'd just suffered through that bad time and not agreed to long-term medication. It was a more radical and insidious treatment than I bargained for.

Best of luck, and enjoy your new living room!

- dithered

BTW, one of the best choices I have made in my life was to leave Ohio. :lol: Those Great Lakes winters are desolate.

#24 Sarah J

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Posted 20 May 2008 - 10:47 AM

I am also about six weeks into my withdrawal. It's been about a week since I took any cymbalta at all. I am surprised how constant the withdrawal symptoms are and how little they fade from day to day. It is definitely not as bad as it was a few weeks ago, but it is constant and difficult for me to work around. I'm putting in some of the worst work performance of my life right now.

You will get through this and your work will improve. Aside from the mental blender aspect, the work stuff hit me hard in the pride department during withdrawal. But you can and will get through it.

And now I am off entirely for a week. But that does not mean I'm withdrawn. The BZs, nausea, and dizziness have not completely subsided. I'm curious to find out if and when they will be gone forever. Has anyone ever fully recovered from this drug?
I read here that some have experienced digestive issues with withdrawal. I have had diarrhea and bloating frequently during this process. I don't know if it's related to cymbalta withdrawal, but perhaps it is. It is incompatible with my increased libido.

So I am antidepressant free now -
128 days no Cymbalta
43 days off of the Celexa (antidepressant free! :lol: )
Everything in my mind that I thought was broken permanently when I began this journey is intact and functional.
Try to relax, which I know is hard to do. Everything will improve with time.

And, try the Omega 3 for the stomach issues - it helps with my digestion. I took them when on cymbalta, so I can't say it helps with withdrawal, but it does help with digestion issues.

I joined this board and I think I was member #87. Most people who get over this don't come back here and post, and it is heartwarming to see so many people getting over this and staying on to support others. Thanks everybody for helping.

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