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#31 Nauseated as we speak

Nauseated as we speak


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 01:36 AM

I have been on Cymbalta for about 10 months, and over that period of time,the most significant side effect was the weight gain. I read the materials that came with the prescrition...there was no mention of this. I questioned my doctor but he gave me no indication that it was a possible side effect of the medication. In fact, he began to ask me about my eating habits (which hadn't changed). Because I suffer from chronic anemia due to another condition, I attributed my weight gain as being too fatigued to work out. But having put on close to 50 lbs ...which felt like it just crept up on me...this was more depressing to me than any reason that I had started on antidepressants in the first place.

As far as other symptoms were concerned while I was taking Cymbalta, those have been merely inconvenient in comparison. Insomnia?...it's after 3am. Dry-mouth? ...yes. Night sweats?... sure. Lost libido?...you bet. Orgasms?..forget about it. In fact, when I mentioned to my dr. about my loss of interest in sex and whether it could be attributed to the meds, he began asking me questions about my marriage. I really thought that it must've been me...I should drink more water and I would get rid of the dry mouth; the night sweats must mean that I'm pre-menopausal; that maybe I really wasn't attracted to my husband anymore, etc. The thing is, Cymbalta just made me feel more passive about these things. I was just accepting things for how they were. That it was just me.

I ended up switching doctors due to changes in my insurance. One of the first questions that my new doctor had was whether I had put on any weight with the Cymbalta. Umm..YES. She said she didn't wan't to alter things on our first visit, but when I got home, her words still haunted me. I really blame myself for not going on the internet sooner, and for blindly trusting my doctor. I decided to stop immediately; that I could deal with quitting cold turkey (it worked with smoking 13 years ago). So I stopped. I called my new doctor to inform her, but we ended up playing phone tag, and by the time we spoke, it had been 3 days.

WOW. Though I don't regret my decision (yet) , it has been a pretty tough 7 days so far. Emotionally, I'm up and down. In fact, I had tears in my eyes tonight while watching Wizards of Waverly Place with my 11 year old daughter. (Yes, that IS a Disney comedy that is not meant to be even remotely sentimental). I haven't been having chest pains, but after listening to my boys discussing/arguing about Star Wars, I did think my chest would implode. I've been seriously short fused. I don't have any buzzing in my ears, but my whole head is buzzing continuously. Normal movements can give me vertigo. Just turning my head is like a delayed reaction in my brain and in my vision. My eyes have a constant throbbing. Not pain, but a strong throbbing sensation. I have been an unbelievable klutz; dropping things, bumping into things, etc. And I am so jumpy. Driving to pick up my preschool daughter the first day off was dangerous.. I felt like I had been drugged...very woozy. My memory is shot and I am so spacey. I've already missed two appointments, bringing my son to a boy scouts meeting, and most disturbing, just forgetting the most typical and common aspects of my day to day life. I'll take an object out and not remember why. I'll drive somewhere only to realize that I should be going somewhere else. I feel like a real ditz. I am hoping that the worst of my symptoms will soon fade. The fact that I can write this is, I hope, evidence that my brain is beginning to de-fog.

If I knew then what I know now.....ugh.

My main concerns right now is: if the withdrawals from this drug are so severe, what long lasting damage could it have caused? I guess we'll find out. However, if anyone is starting a class action lawsuit, I am ready to sign on.

Thanks for reading..i feels good to get this off my (imploding) chest.

Wow...I could not have said that better myself!!! That is exactly what I am experiencing. How are you now?

#32 Junior


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 02:04 AM

I have thought many times about getting off of Cymbalta but I knew what I felt like after being just a couple of hours late taking my dose. I was scared. A friend of mine told me that she went thru it when her doc switched her to something else and it was 2 weeks of sheer hell. I normally get samples from my doctor so I don't have a prescription on file at the pharmacy. I called his office and they were out of samples that day. I asked for them to please call the prescription in for me. I never got a response(and it was Friday afternoon of course). After checking with the phamacy 3 times with no prescription I realized they never called it in. A WEEK later the nurse called me back. So...ive gone cold turkey for 8 days now. Im not at all happy about what is going on. I am extremely nauseated right now. Bowels havent been right in a week. I can feel my pulse all over my body, my head does something really strange every now and then, i am dizzy and very uncoordinated. This sucks to say the very least. Im not sure what needs to be done at this point. My withdrawl symptoms have lessoned a bit but are still very much there. I dont want to stick another one of those pills in my mouth again EVER! I had a hysterectomy in 2008 so occasionally I have hot flashes. I saw somewhere on here that one withdrawal symptom is sweating...particularly at night? I literally took a cold bath tonight. That isnt normal. Suggestions? (besides taking it again) Any idea how long this misery will last???

What you are feeling right now is withdrawal. Plain and simple. These drugs should NEVER be discontinued suddenly. What you need to do is go back ON it and wean slowly. By slowly I mean 10% every 3-6 weeks. I know it sounds like it will take forever but your overall recovery will be far far better than if you continue with the c/t method. I've read of people who are fine after 2-3 weeks only for major problems to crop up 6 months later. By then it is too late to go back on the original drug.

It is not the drug itself, it is how it has changed your brain function. This brain function will not automatically right itself. It will take time. Better to do a slow wean and have quality of life than go c/t and have major problems for up to 2 yrs.

Just some thoughts for you to ponder

#33 Nauseated as we speak

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 02:13 AM

What you are feeling right now is withdrawal. Plain and simple. These drugs should NEVER be discontinued suddenly. What you need to do is go back ON it and wean slowly. By slowly I mean 10% every 3-6 weeks. I know it sounds like it will take forever but your overall recovery will be far far better than if you continue with the c/t method. I've read of people who are fine after 2-3 weeks only for major problems to crop up 6 months later. By then it is too late to go back on the original drug.

It is not the drug itself, it is how it has changed your brain function. This brain function will not automatically right itself. It will take time. Better to do a slow wean and have quality of life than go c/t and have major problems for up to 2 yrs.

Just some thoughts for you to ponder

I will have to admit, the thought of a this drug (that was given to me to help with something) haunting me two years down the road scares me. Are there any studies that have been done that tell exactly what is going on with brain function here during the w/d period? Ive been off 8 or 9 days now...not sure which...Im confused at this point...obv its 2am and Im wide awake! Thanks for your response

#34 Ms_M


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Posted 19 May 2010 - 06:31 AM


Dear Friends of Brain Zapping, I went cold turkey from cymbalta in August of last year. I didn't know what was happening. Every time I shifted my eyes in any direction, I would get this electrical vibration through my brain.My face felt like it was being eletrocuted and my ankles would swell up to the size of a baseball. Of course the ankle swelling confused the doctor, but my body is very sensitive to damaging medicine. I went cold turkey, because Work Comp would not approve it. This is when I went to the computer and looked up cymbalta withdrawls. The first thing I saw in a little box, someone explaining the symptoms I was having and calling them brain zaps. Well,I could go one for an hour but I won't. After many attempts of trying to wean off of cymalta.I evern did three months of prozac to get off this crap (cymbalta), then weening off of prozac wasn't working. Six days ago,I was having the usual beginning of brain zapping.I've been praying to God for help for months and that morning, I got the message to put on a pair of sunglasses. Now, I just happened to be by my friend's cabinet, where she keeps random pairs of sunglasses. I grab a pair, took the price tag off and whamo, no more brain zapping!The sunglasses are not very dark, so I can see what I am doing. They are medium dark on top then gradually changes into a very light base. I wear them when I wake up, to ease my eyes into looking around, I wear them even at night, if the symptoms start. I have been rambling on,I appologize. I am just so excited to be sharing my problem with others who feel the way I do. You can contact me at yourway421@yahoo.com, If you wish to. Thanks for you help and listening. Yours truly< Lorraine Freeman

Oh wow - ankle swelling is related to this, too? I have had ankle problems (had surgery last summer) and I assumed the worsening of my swelling had something to do with that. Now I am beginning to think the w/d was making it worse. Goodness knows I wasn't up and about doing things to make them swell.

Hope you are feeling better.

#35 Jinjer



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    I decided to quit taking my cymbalta 90mg cold turkey. I keep saying it will be better tomorrow but it just gets worse. I need advice on easing my withdrawals. The brain zaps feel like they are going through my arms and hands. Can't handle if it gets worse but need to know what to expect.

Posted 20 May 2010 - 08:15 PM

Hey all! I'm really trying to get through being off cymbalta 90mg with no help but the brain zaps and body zings are making typing this so difficult. Anyone know what will happen next? I can hardly concentrate on conversations because of this problem. Which to everyone at work they just think I'm spacey. I'm on day 7. What do I have to look forward to tomorrow?? Cause I'm a little worse everyday. I feel like my heart is pusling in my arms chest brain stomach. Hard tot take much more

#36 Riley



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    I am withdrawing from Cymbalta. :(

Posted 08 September 2010 - 08:04 PM

I describe my brain zaps like ... my eyes are not synching up with my brain. So when I turn my head, everything kinda unfocuses for a few seconds. It happens alot during movement.

#37 m from pawleys island

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 11:45 AM

I was put on Cymbalta last September (30 mg) because I was having problems dealing with my Mom's "last" days....I lost my Mom that December but because I was greiving decided I needed to be on this drug a bit longer....almost one year to the day, I decided to "wean" myself off it....taking a pill every other day (that's what the dr said to do to my Mom who was also on it)....I didn't think I had any problems, until recently....I started to put one and one together......during the time i was on the drug, i had very "strange" pains to my lower front teeth....like i might be grinding my teeth....but it comes and goes....still having it, since i got off my last pill about 6 days ago....been having bad headaches and problems with my neck....like i slept on it wrong....also i have been having horrid leg muscle pain....blamed it on the weather....could it be that i have these problems coming off the drug???? My gyn dr did not say anything about side effects!!!! They are there, or could I be "dreaming" it's the drugs fault???? Thanks for listening!

#38 kathyl


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Posted 18 September 2010 - 02:44 PM

All this time I thought the "BRAIN BUZZING/ZAPPING" that people were refering to was another way of saying "EAR BUZZING". I am 90% sure now that I am wrong.

Please give me your description of exactly WHAT YOU FEEL when you have "BRAIN BUZZING/ZAPPING".

Here's hoping we all catch a break from this sooner or later... hopefully sooner than later.. but later's better than never!


I was told by a psych that the brain zaps are your brain having slight seziures. I am no longer having the zaps (thank God) I am day 15 of cold turkey and a total of 36 days scince I started weaning.
At about day 9, I was so miserable, I went to my psych dr and she was going to hospitalize me. I got my health dr and my psych dr together and started a nutrition and anti nuasea and anti dizzy med regiment.

Here is what I take:
in the morning, I drink Apple Cider, fresh from the produce dept, or I get it right from a farm. This helps detoxify my body.
25mg of meclizine (you can buy over the counter for about $6.00. This helps with the dizzyness. Makes me a little tired in the morning, but I perk up in the afternoon.
12.5mg promethazine ( you need an RX for this, i paid $9.00) This helps with the nausea.
20mg Citalpram (to replace the Cymbalta) I paid $4.00 you need an RX for this.

At night I take : Vitamin E-400 (over the counter) and Fish Oil 1000mg (over the counter)this tells the brain to get rid of the cymbalta.
25mg of meclizine and 12.5mg of Promethazine

I feel great. No more zaps, nausea, I still have the trots and sometimes a slight headache here and there, but bearable.

I don't know how much more I could have taken. I really mean that.

Good luck to you and let me know how you are doing.

#39 RickWC


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Posted 28 February 2011 - 11:53 PM

I have been receiving Cymbalta free samples from the doctor at student health for over two years now. I was taking 90mg and that seemed helpful. I am no longer a student and my supply of samples is gone...

I know I am withdrawing and I think I need to go back on an anti-depressant...
I am experiencing all the same symptoms as previously described, no patience, upset, and my muscles/nerves in my body want to scream....i get all tight clench my jaw for a few seconds and then release...I feel like crap. I have severe depression and need to be medicated but I can't afford this medicine...I also have treatment resistant depression and I dont know what to do now. I saw on the cymbalta site a free 30 day trial...Im thinking about getting it...but then after 30 days what do I do? I have no insurance and for 90mg it is over $350/month.

I feel bad about your circumstance because you are dealing with this cold turkey which is a horrible way to go. You could go with the 30 day free trial but that is going to take a few working days to get. You are going to continue to suffer until then. If you can hold out until the free trial arrives, take a normal dose to get your head back to normal. Then do a lot of reading on this forum about how to wean off Cymbalta. I went from 60mg to 30mg and then started skipping days. One extra day each cycle. But some members go as far as opeing up the capsules and removing beads.

If you have a doctor, see if he can presribe Prozac for you. You might have to explain that you are stopping Cymbalta and heard that it helps. You can get generic Prozac for under $10 with no insurance. You might even see if he can provide some sample Cymbalta that you can take while you are weaning. I found that the Prozac helped me.

You didn't say how many days that you have missed your Cymbalta dose but it is obvious that you are going through withdrawals. If it has been more then a week since you took any, you might just want to go cold turkey. Not something I would advise considering I couldn't do it. And I was only on 60mg instead of 90mg.

Hope everything works out for you. Let us all know how you are doing.


#40 heathermcfeather



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Posted 22 July 2011 - 04:15 PM

All this time I thought the "BRAIN BUZZING/ZAPPING" that people were refering to was another way of saying "EAR BUZZING". I am 90% sure now that I am wrong.

Please give me your description of exactly WHAT YOU FEEL when you have "BRAIN BUZZING/ZAPPING".

Here's hoping we all catch a break from this sooner or later... hopefully sooner than later.. but later's better than never!


For me, it starts at the bottom of my neck, moved up my spine into my head and my vision becomes blurred for a second. It moves/happens so fast that the whole buzzing happens within a couple seconds. I get dizzy momentarily and then it's gone. Sometimes I get a few in a row. I just decreased my dose to 30 mg from 60 mg 3 days ago. So far, I'm only experiencing these episodes for a couple hours a day between 2-6pm. then I'll feel fine. I'm curious what it will be like when I start 30 mgs every other day. I hace 7 days to go before I start that. I imagine it will be worse at that time, but so far, it's not too bad, just annoying.

#41 MoniqueKim



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Posted 22 July 2011 - 05:57 PM

I was told by a psych that the brain zaps are your brain having slight seziures ...

Oh my goodness, I felt the same way about brain zaps but was never really sure. Thank you for sharing this piece of information. :)

#42 MoniqueKim



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Posted 22 July 2011 - 06:07 PM

... I drink Apple Cider ...

Is that Apple Cider Vinegar?

#43 infjmom



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Posted 24 July 2011 - 05:05 PM

All this time I thought the "BRAIN BUZZING/ZAPPING" that people were refering to was another way of saying "EAR BUZZING". I am 90% sure now that I am wrong.

Please give me your description of exactly WHAT YOU FEEL when you have "BRAIN BUZZING/ZAPPING".

Here's hoping we all catch a break from this sooner or later... hopefully sooner than later.. but later's better than never!


For me, the brain zapping feels like everything goes spaz for a mili second and then relaxes. I have only just today heard that term, but I am thrilled because it totally describes what I have felt, off and on, for years! I am 7 days into an un-planned cold turkey quit. Very miserable, but the knowledge shared on this site has been very empowering!

#44 infjmom



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Posted 24 July 2011 - 05:14 PM

I have had brain zaps from stopping other medications and my way of describing them is that my brain feels like iron and I'm walking through a roomful of magnets. Strange random pulls like my brain is shifting. Or I've been walking against a strong wind and it's suddenly calm. While trying to regain my equilibrium there's a delay and during the realignment the ringing in my ears gets very loud for just a millisecond. A weird feeling accompanies this, like when the doctor hits my knee to test my reflexes, except it's in my brain.

this is a much better description of brain zaps - the magnet and steel with the quick regaining of equilibrium. Thank you all for letting me know I am not alone!

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