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Does your body want continually higher doses?

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#1 Determined



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    Trying to get off of Cymbalta after 2.5 years on it.

Posted 10 January 2010 - 12:56 PM

I just googled "getting off of cymbalta" and ended up here. I'm scared! Some of the withdrawl symtoms I am already experiencing, even though I am religiously taking my 60mg dose daily and I have been for 2.5 years. Is cymbalta like a narcotic, in that your body wants increasingly higher doses? Why would I have symptoms I have never experienced before while being on the maintenance dose? The most disturbing is the vertigo, as I've never had it, and I work on a CNC lathe and around heavy dangerous equipment. Enquiring minds want to know.

It is Sunday and I left a message for my Dr to call, because I want to start the weaning process immediately. I'm going to assume he knows nothing and suggest two to three weeks of 40mg and then the same at 20mg. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


#2 MaureenV



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Posted 10 January 2010 - 06:00 PM

I just googled "getting off of cymbalta" and ended up here. I'm scared! Some of the withdrawl symtoms I am already experiencing, even though I am religiously taking my 60mg dose daily and I have been for 2.5 years. Is cymbalta like a narcotic, in that your body wants increasingly higher doses? Why would I have symptoms I have never experienced before while being on the maintenance dose? The most disturbing is the vertigo, as I've never had it, and I work on a CNC lathe and around heavy dangerous equipment. Enquiring minds want to know.

It is Sunday and I left a message for my Dr to call, because I want to start the weaning process immediately. I'm going to assume he knows nothing and suggest two to three weeks of 40mg and then the same at 20mg. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Randy,

That's a pretty fast wean; most people have difficulty doing such big drops, but some can be lucky. I don't know much about this,but some people find that the drugs can stop working well for them, in which case they start suffering the same symptoms as those withdrawing.

Importantly though, is whether or not you really DO have Vertigo (BPPV) or are just dizzy. Many use the words interchangeably, but only about 20% of bad dizziness is vertigo. The good news is that vertigo can be 'cured' but dizzyness related to Cymbalta withdrawal just has to be got through.

As a long time vertigo sufferer, I had bad dizzyness with withdrawal, but having had a very long experience of vertigo knew it wasn't that.

It's important that you know, given your work. Let me know if you don't and I'll try to describe the difference.

cheers, Maureen.

#3 Determined



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    Trying to get off of Cymbalta after 2.5 years on it.

Posted 10 January 2010 - 07:43 PM

Thanks for your input Maureen. I have read a lot about the symptoms and I am going to weather them and get off of this stuff. It might cost me some work, but we will get through that.


#4 Junior


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Posted 11 January 2010 - 06:34 AM

Hi Randy

What you describes sounds like what some call "poop out" meaning that your body has developed a tolerance to Cymbalta. What tends to happen is that people experience withdrawal symptoms while still taking their full dose. So in short..and to answer your question..YES.

Just a word of caution - withdrawal can play havoc with your body. It is not about being determined or being strong, it is about allowing your body a chance to properly heal. It is about allowing the serotonin and norepinephrine receptors to 'up-regulate' and for all the other neurotransmitters (scientists have discovered more than 50!) to return to their pre-medication levels. From the many stories of SSRI / SNRI (effexor and cymbalta) withdrawal that I have read, slow and steady seems to bring the most long-term success.

Good luck

#5 nursedeborah



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    I am reallly trying to get off Cymbalta, and not having, well I am having nightmares even with the decreased does, and clanging in my head.

    I just found this site, and I really need help, I can't do this, I fear I willl never get off this brutal medication.

    Deboreah Wesson

Posted 12 January 2010 - 02:34 PM

I just googled "getting off of cymbalta" and ended up here. I'm scared! Some of the withdrawl symtoms I am already experiencing, even though I am religiously taking my 60mg dose daily and I have been for 2.5 years. Is cymbalta like a narcotic, in that your body wants increasingly higher doses? Why would I have symptoms I have never experienced before while being on the maintenance dose? The most disturbing is the vertigo, as I've never had it, and I work on a CNC lathe and around heavy dangerous equipment. Enquiring minds want to know.

It is Sunday and I left a message for my Dr to call, because I want to start the weaning process immediately. I'm going to assume he knows nothing and suggest two to three weeks of 40mg and then the same at 20mg. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


I had the same while taking the drug. How long has this been going on for you>
Some people have side effects that are just as awful as the withdrawls.

For me it creeped up so slowly until I was just out of it, but knew it, and
ouldn't function at all.

I would also look up Vertigo for yourself as I had just plain old dizzness,and
still do at times.

Also to avoid really major problems you will want to do a very slow taper, trust
us on that one! I was on 60 mg for over 3 years, and started my weaning on Aug 31
2009, and I am finally down to 5 mg. It was hell for me as I would forget what dose
I was on, long story, and would decrease again. I finally got it down right, and that's
when things finallly gott real easy, well so much better for me.

I am still having some withdrawls like being so tired I can't stay awake, and will just fall
asleep when I wake up, and sleep the entire day! A few other's but nothing like it was before.

I have never heard of anyone having to take more to get the side effect to stop or who want to.
We just want off this stuff. I also don't think its' Poop out symdrome either. I think it is just
that for so many of us this drug is very dangerous.

Try you method, and just know we are always here to help you if you can't take your method.


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