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Just started weening....

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#1 Destiny



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Posted 20 March 2008 - 11:37 AM

Hi. I'm new here and thought I might be able to find the support I need to get through this weening process. I just started yesterday. I had muy visit and told her about the extensive research I've done on Cymbalta and the withdrawal effects they may have. I've been on anti depressants and clonazepam for 10 years.
After reading the postings on several different sites I decided I no longer wanted on the med. I have been having the majority of the side effects taking this stuff that other patients have posted and it scared me. The memory loss is the big one for me and the constant shaking. Things I didn't notice till it was pointed out to me. SO I told my doc I wanted off the meds and she was very much against it telling me I have a disease that needs to be treated and i told her I will deal with it other ways I WANT OFF. So I have gone from 90mg of Cymbalta once a day to 60mg of Cymbalta once a day for two weeks. Then I am to take 30mg everyday for 1 week then 30mg every other day for one week. The clonazepam is a 1mg dose everyday. I am now taking 1/2 of a tablet every night for 2 weeks then 1/2 tablet every other night for two weeks then stop. We are concerned that this is such a drastic decrease and both being done at the same time. Any thoughts on this?

As I stated this is my first second day of decrease and I feel okay so far but am waiting for the dreaded side effects to kick in. I have bad side effects just missing the meds so I'm sure the withdrawals will arrive shortly. Had I known the long term affects of the meds I never would have taken them to begin with.

Any feedback will be helpful at this point. Thank you!

#2 Sarah J

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Posted 20 March 2008 - 04:59 PM

First off, expect to not have the side effects. You might be one of the lucky ones who comes off of this with no problem, many people do and right now, you don't know. You know what might happen to you, not what will!!!

I would do the cymbalta first if you doctor agrees. The clonazepam could help you be calm if you need it. The way I understand clonzapam, is that you should take it on an as needed basis for anxiety. It was helpful for me with withdrawal.

I would talk to your doctor again about the every other day dose and possibly ask to go from 30 mg to the 20 mg capsule. The short half life of Cymbalta negates every other day doses.

Let us all know how you are doing - you may be in fact one of the lucky ones who comes off of Cymbalta with no problems

#3 schmb01


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Posted 20 March 2008 - 05:05 PM

Your plan sounds reasonable with the exception of taking a pill every other day towards the end. You don't want to do that, as it will keep you in a prolonged state of withdrawal. Your best bet is to continue to decrease the amount that you are taking, and once down to the 30 mg, just start emptying some of the granules out to slowly get down to 15 mg for a week, then 1/2 that again to 7.5 until you are ready to stop altogether. I hope by now you have read other posts to see what others have done, and weaning slowly is your best bet. It will take some time, but it is worth the effort.

There are also other posts about taking another anti to help you, such as Celexa or Prozac, and that worked well for some here. I didn't do that, but added an Omega 3 supplement to help.

Also, keep in mind that while Cymbalta may not be the right med for you, there are other antidepressants that may work. You may or may not need one going forward; that is for you and your doctor to work out. Depression is an illness, and for many it does go into remission, and for others it does not. Please don't put your health at risk by refusing any treatment.

It may be hard for awhile to know for sure if your depression is coming back,or if you are suffering withdrawal effects. Just pay close attention to how you are feeling, and have friends or family members do the same. At some of the rougher moments of withdrawal, you can lose your perspective. I know I did, and it was very scary. I am at day 18 with zero Cymbalta, after being on antis for 5-6 years. While I am still having some of the withdrawal symptoms, they are far better than they were. I know I may need another anti at some point, yet I'm giving myself time to be cleansed of this one to see where my state of mind really is.

Good Luck, and remember if things start feeling out of whack, it is likely the drug, and coming here to read and ask questions will help keep you grounded.

#4 Sarah J

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 07:42 AM

Make sure that when you are doing the Cymbalta dosage drops, that you do it slowly to give your brain time to readjust, your doctor may suggest that you stay on the lower doses a little longer. If at two weeks of a new dose, you don't feel quite right, stay there a little longer until you are balanced out enough emotionally and physically to adjust to a new and lower dose.

Just please, do not read our stories and expect those things to happen to you. Many people don't experience bad withdrawal.

Many of my side effects were the opposite of what people post. I did not get tons of brain zaps, just a couple. When my last day of Cymbalta came, I did not develop insominia, I was able to sleep and sleep well for the first time in 3.5 years! It is such an individual experience and you are an individual human being. I wish you luck in your journey and hope that you will let us all know how your process is going - especially if you are able to have your doctor work with you in a way that is successful, so you can pass this on and encourage others.

And if your doctor is somebody you can trust, please make sure s/he is part of this process, tell them how you are feeling, good bad and ugly. Your doctor is supposed to be a partner in your health and well being.

And make sure your doctor is aware that Cymbalta comes in a 20 mg dose, which she may not be aware of.

#5 Destiny



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 10:49 AM

So this is my 4th day of weening off meds. I have mild sypmtoms. Excessive sweating while just sitting, quick dizzy spells on and off, blurred vision off and on, and can't tell if i need to run to the bathroom with the increase in gas. If this is the worst I get I'm okay with that. Today I'm gonna get some vitamins to take. Any suggestions?

#6 Sarah J

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Posted 22 March 2008 - 11:02 AM

Just remember, slow and steady with the drop down. Give yourself at least a week of feeling good on this new dose, if you feel well, with the support of your doctor, then do the next drop.

Omega 3 fatty acids is what most people will take, I can't say for sure that it helps with the withdrawal, but I do notice that it helps me with my digestion.

Best of luck to you. Let us know how you are doing.

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