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Off For 6 Days And Counting - Cold Turkey

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#1 Alisha



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    Going through withdrawal.

Posted 23 June 2010 - 02:08 AM

So I recently had to go off Cymbalta cold turkey since I cannot afford it now that I'm unemployed. I was on 60mg of Cymbalta, have been taking it for about 3 years now for MDD. I knew going off would not be fun, but damn, this has been bad. Although I suppose it could be worse. Definitely have the 'brain zaps', and they sometimes resonate in the body. The second or third day I was off I slept almost non-stop for over 24 hrs, only getting up once in a while to grab something to eat or drink. Just seemed like I could not get rested. Maybe this was my brain trying to help recover itself. Now the tiredness is still there not as severe as it was. It definitely helps that I still have some Trazodone to ensure I get sleep at night. I was also taking Zoloft which I also went off cold turkey.
Major withdrawal symptoms I've been having have been the zaps, some loss of balance, tiredness, sometimes my brain just feels like it hurts, sense of deep dread, some anxiety, lethargy, some memory lapses and withdrawing into myself. I just hope I don't go over the edge into a deep depression. Especially since I've been taking this to keep my depression stabilized, and helped keep me from the deep down periods.

Things I have tried...

benadryl-doesn't seem to work that well for me

prozac- i found an old rx i had and took one today and yesterday, not sure that it helped that much, was still zappy and emo today

gatorade-had one of the big bottles yesterday and it did seem to help, odd i know, i've read some on here that you can easily get dehydrated maybe going off cymbalta? so obviously gatorade would help with that, plus keep my electrolytes up...i dunno, didn't have any to try today, will try to update if i find it helps again

naps- when nothing is helping i go lay down, and if i fall asleep that's ok by me so i'm not up trying to do things feeling like this

My counselor and my one good friend are the only ones that know that I'm going through this right now, but don't exactly have the understanding that those of you that have already been through this.

Any suggestions to try would be greatly welcome, and open to natural or homeopathic remedies. And is there any hope that someone with major depression and dysthimia make it through this withdrawal without going into the deep darkside?


#2 cookie



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    In the future I would like to stop cymbalta

Posted 23 June 2010 - 03:01 PM

Dear Alisha:
Now it is not only your counselor and good friend, who know what your going through. I also know what you are going through ;) and you´ll find other people on this site.

I am so sorry that you had to go off cymbalta cold turkey and Zoloft because you are unemployed. The symptoms you mentioned are definitely caused by the lack of cymbalta. From what I have learned, going cold turkey is the worst way to quit cymbalta. Weaning slowly is so much better. Imagine, you have taking cymbalta 60mg for 3 years and all of the sudden, your brain doesn´t receive the dose of cymbalta it´s used to receive.

Health is such an important thing, Mental health super important. Major Depressive Disorder is a -major- illness, I have suffer from it for 5 years.
If you could wean slowly, symptoms would be so much lesser. It has taken me 6 weeks to go from 60mg to 30mg and it will take another 3 months to go to cero. If you definitely can´t afford cymbalta you must find other ways to go through this horrible stage. I´ve read on this site of people that have gone through it with prozac.
I would recommend lots of water instead of gatorade for dehydration.

It is very important that you eat very healthy, exercise, take vitamins and minerals.

Now that you decided to go off cymbalta it is very important to look for a long run treatment for your depression.
If you can afford homeopathy and going to an homeopath it would be great.


#3 Alisha



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Posted 23 June 2010 - 10:42 PM

Thank you, this helps. Will definitely try to drink more water than gatorade, and thanks for advice to make sure I'm eating healthy, being aware of my diet and and try to eat healthy (definitely not one of my stronger points lol). I did buy a vitamin B complex today to start taking, maybe will help with my energy a bit. Today was a little bit better of a day, not as many brain zaps, still trying to chug through.
And I will start looking for a homeopath, thanks!

Dear Alisha:
Now it is not only your counselor and good friend, who know what your going through. I also know what you are going through ;) and you´ll find other people on this site.

I am so sorry that you had to go off cymbalta cold turkey and Zoloft because you are unemployed. The symptoms you mentioned are definitely caused by the lack of cymbalta. From what I have learned, going cold turkey is the worst way to quit cymbalta. Weaning slowly is so much better. Imagine, you have taking cymbalta 60mg for 3 years and all of the sudden, your brain doesn´t receive the dose of cymbalta it´s used to receive.

Health is such an important thing, Mental health super important. Major Depressive Disorder is a -major- illness, I have suffer from it for 5 years.
If you could wean slowly, symptoms would be so much lesser. It has taken me 6 weeks to go from 60mg to 30mg and it will take another 3 months to go to cero. If you definitely can´t afford cymbalta you must find other ways to go through this horrible stage. I´ve read on this site of people that have gone through it with prozac.
I would recommend lots of water instead of gatorade for dehydration.

It is very important that you eat very healthy, exercise, take vitamins and minerals.

Now that you decided to go off cymbalta it is very important to look for a long run treatment for your depression.
If you can afford homeopathy and going to an homeopath it would be great.


#4 MaureenV



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    Am trying to get off Cymbalta 30mg and wondering about brain zaps.

Posted 24 June 2010 - 05:00 AM

Thank you, this helps. Will definitely try to drink more water than gatorade, and thanks for advice to make sure I'm eating healthy, being aware of my diet and and try to eat healthy (definitely not one of my stronger points lol). I did buy a vitamin B complex today to start taking, maybe will help with my energy a bit. Today was a little bit better of a day, not as many brain zaps, still trying to chug through.
And I will start looking for a homeopath, thanks!

I certainly agree with Cookie on the water vs gatorade. Like Cymbalta, a lot of this is just clever marketing by the manufacturers. It's true that sports people MAY need these sorts of drinkings, because they lose electrolytes as well as water. Marathon runners burn so many calories, and lose lots of sodium in sweat. In fact if a long distance runner tried to keep hydrated just with water they'd more than likely end up with big problems with low sodium.

The rest of us ordinary mortals though, actually need to dilute those self same electrolytes, NOT add more to our system. It's a bit like drinking lemonade or orange juice if you're (genuinely) thirsty. You might dilute the sodium, but you're increasing your sugar levels and so often still feel thirsty.

Unless you have a long term problem with low blood pressure, water is the best way to stay hydrated.

regards, maureen.

#5 Alisha



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Posted 25 June 2010 - 01:42 AM

Thanks for this info and advice, don't need to increase sugar for no real benefit.

I certainly agree with Cookie on the water vs gatorade. Like Cymbalta, a lot of this is just clever marketing by the manufacturers. It's true that sports people MAY need these sorts of drinkings, because they lose electrolytes as well as water. Marathon runners burn so many calories, and lose lots of sodium in sweat. In fact if a long distance runner tried to keep hydrated just with water they'd more than likely end up with big problems with low sodium.

The rest of us ordinary mortals though, actually need to dilute those self same electrolytes, NOT add more to our system. It's a bit like drinking lemonade or orange juice if you're (genuinely) thirsty. You might dilute the sodium, but you're increasing your sugar levels and so often still feel thirsty.

Unless you have a long term problem with low blood pressure, water is the best way to stay hydrated.

regards, maureen.

#6 cookie



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    In the future I would like to stop cymbalta

Posted 25 June 2010 - 02:18 PM

Thanks for this info and advice, don't need to increase sugar for no real benefit.

Dear Alisha:
In this process of weaning I´ve learned that to eat healthy is so important. Try to stay away from any processed food and drinks. I have also read, that unstable levels of glucose (sugar) in the body can lead to depression or mood swings. Since I started dieting, loosing weight, controling my blood sugar, I´ve felt much better.

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