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A Possible More Effective Way To Come Off Cymbalta.

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#1 LouboutinBabe



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    to give advice for those coming off of Cymbalta.

Posted 25 June 2010 - 02:12 AM

I have been on Cymbalta for a few months, and I found it great for helping my anxiety and anger issues. I heard many horror stories from friends and relatives about coming off this drug, they all said something about the "brain/body zaps" and feeling like you are just plain loosing your mind. I remembered this 2 weeks ago when I decided to start coming off of this. I was taking the 30mg capsule, I pulled it apart (blue ontop, white on bottom) and poured out a tiny bit of the meds inside. I would pour out approx the same amount for 2 nights in a row, increasing the amount by a little bit every 2 nights. I have one pill left and I am just now starting to feel the "zaps". They aren't very intense though. It could also be because I am so tired from being on the go lately. So far, that is the only side effect I have had. I don't know that doctors would recommend breaking open the capsule. but after the nightmares I have heard, I figured it can't be that bad.
My heart goes out to all of you suffering from the horrible side effects. Goodluck!

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