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Weight Gain, Grrrrrrrr

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#1 djraley01



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Posted 07 August 2010 - 08:03 PM

I started taking Cymbalta 2 years ago after my postpartum Lexapro just wasnt doing it for me anymore, I loved it at first......lost a lot of weight and looked and felt great. About 6 months ago it wasn't working as well and when I mentioned it to my primary care doctor he cold turkey changed me to Effexor, three weeks later I woke up at a mental institution, I had been committed for an attempted suicide. After talking with my new mental health practitioner we went back on the Cymbalta and uped the dose to 60MG and added abilify, which was ok with me, until I got home from that place and weighed myself. 8 lbs in 6 days! and it didn't stop there....at least 1 to 2 a week since and I am so hungry all the time! Well I stopped the ablilify about 2 months ago we just could afford it or all the food I wanted to eat! But unfortunately the weight kept coming....without the hunger I had experienced. After reading so much on here I've decided my body doesn't know what to do.....store food for fat, use it or what! So I am off the cymbalta for 5 days now, still feeling very nauseated and have uncontrollable jerks and twitches and as my mom always called them, the "zappos"! I haven't slept the entire time since I stopped and sometimes I have no control over my body at all, but I'm not starving all the time and have normal digestive activity since I started depression medication at 17. My main thing is am I going to continue to gain the weight and will I ever lose the weight I have gained? I am so afraid of being fat I don't ever want to have an active eating disorder again(why I originally was treated for depression). I mean its one thing to be sad and skinny but to be Fat is enough to make me depressed! Any advice or personal experiences are appreciated!

#2 barebones



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Posted 08 August 2010 - 11:55 AM

I was put on cymbalta to helps with my BPD and eating disorder, i was told that i had less chance putting weight on with this drug than others. The thing is this drug helps with bulimia and controls binging i was told. It was year and half ago, when i became ill with some health problems that my weight went up. So really unsure if it was this drug or not, but when first started, i never put on weight.

I know some other anti ds will increase ur apetite, which my pdoc knows it wasnt good idea for me going onto that kind of drug if it was high risk on the side effects.

The other thing i know u may have an appetite now, are u able to control it? this is prob because it enhances good feeling and that and that part of the brain, hense why us people with eating disorders is that supposibly anti d work.

All i can suggest is, that u try control more of ur eating and ofcause u excercise more, its not the actual drug thats putting weight, its part of brain that is making u feel more hungry or giving u some feelings.

sry hard for me to explain, this drug did help with my bulimia at first, as i said not sure if its this drug that is why ive put weight on, and yes im not happy.

so understand hun x

#3 djraley01



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Posted 08 August 2010 - 05:40 PM

ok after reading this and realizing I have thrown everything I have ate up for the entire time I have been off this med maybe i should try to wein myself vs quiting cold turkey

#4 Kristen



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Posted 14 August 2010 - 09:39 PM

Please, please don't go cold turkey. Wean, read in this site how to take out beads and to wean slowly. This medication is very hard n the body and even a little difference can give you serious side effects. The weight will be controllable after you get this stuff out of your system and give your brain time to adjust. Part of the weight gain with this is because of constipation. I have no more issues with that and have lost some weight just because I am not constipated anymore. ONce your brain adjusts to not haveing this drug, it will react better for you. Not eating alot all the time and/or having the munchies. For me, it was really frusterating because I would eat about nothing and would exercise daily and not be able to lose a pound.

Stick with this group, there is a lot of supprt here. Keep us psted and don't gve up. You can conquer this with time.

#5 cymbalta is as bad as junk

cymbalta is as bad as junk


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    I have been battling this drug for a long time. It is a dangerous and addictive substance, which causes users to not only have withdrawal syndrome, but addictive behaviours, like seeking the drug out, while withdrawing, or even later. This drug is as hard as some illegal ones, and some that SHOULD be illegal, like alcohol. Hopefully soon, the world will know how bad it REALLY is.

Posted 15 August 2010 - 06:57 AM

When I got pregnant with my son, 5 years ago, I got "Fat". I went from 120 lbs,up to 220 lbs. Yep, 100 lbs in 8 mos. I blame the foodstamp program. Just couldn't.stop.eating.porkchops. This happens to many people after they have gone hungry and have been homeless, they feel the need to eat as much as they can, when they can, because their bodies have been used to starving.

I went on cymbalta and got my dose up tp 120mg/day. I felt great and I lost 20 pounds in about 4 months and a total of 40-something, depending on the day, since my pregnancy ended in 2006. Not bad, finally out of the obesity range.(i'm 5'9'') All I wanted to eat was granola. Ate twice a day, ate regular portions. I thought it had been long enough for my body to "go back to normal". WRONG

I am off of cymbalta and I have gained back 10 pounds. I can stomach "real" food again, and I have begun overeating. The last thing I need now is rebound weight gain. I am only on clonazepam, now and that does not cause weight gain, that I know of.

Oddly enough, a friend of mine, was admitted to a mental health/drug rehab hospital becaus eshe had some 'problems' and had got her weight down to 80lbs (totally unhealthy) and they gave her cymbalts to make her gain weight, because it made her nauseated if she did not have food in her stomach. Strange, that. It never did me that way, but whatever works.

Hopefully, I find a way to counter this weight gain. I weigh 189 and if I get back to 200 I will be SO POed. But psysically, I am healthy, all my numbers are good. So im guana locita? Somenody calls me fat to my face, I PUNCH them in the face. What are they gonna do? Whip me? (no, they won't, because they CAN'T, HA HA)

Since I gained all the weight, I think it has added to my depression. I think my face is pretty enough, but dadgummit, I used to be a stone fox.

Being Fat is not the worst thing that could happen to a person, so long as they are healthy. There IS such a thing as an unhealthy weight, on the high end AND the low end. You could have terminal cancer, you could be homeless, pregnant, and starving, you could be a woman in Yemen.

Not much you can do about depression, just try to thing rationally. Try to be a healthy weight, and try to be realistic about your appearance. Most all of my friends are guys, and every one of them says 'damn she needs a hamburger' when they see a really skinny girl, and they all say I look way better now than I did when I wasnt 'fat'.

Still, I think 150 would be nice. heh.

#6 Riley



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Posted 07 September 2010 - 09:51 AM

I think my experience with Cymbalta and my appetite is different than everyone here has posted, thus far. I'm interested in hearing if anyone else finds they had similar experiences, so please, post and let me know!

I don't remember how I first felt on Cymbalta... I was fit and exercised a lot about 7 years ago, but then my mother was ill with a brain tumor and the meds she was on made her ravenous. She gained over 100 lbs within a few months from the steroids and other meds. Since I was her primary caregiver, I was responsible for feeding her and keeping her happy. She was on Hospice for much of this time, and we fed her and medicated her as much as she wanted, b/c she was dying and eating made her happy. Unfortunately, I got in the habit of eating with her, so I packed on the pounds pretty quickly too, especially after she died. I went from about 160 to 210 and I've hovered around 220 for the last 4 years or so.

My issue is my hunger is never sated. I never turn down food, or feel full. At a restaurant, I stuff myself to the point of feeling sick, and can turn around and eat again in a couple of hours. It's ridiculous!!! This med has also messed with my digestive system, I go a week without a BM (keep in mind, I'm stuffing food in my face like a starving person all week!) and then get to a point that I feel so terrible and bloated. My husband says, no wonder I'm a B most of the time - he would be too if he didn't have a BM for a week! LOL!

The one thing I notice is that when I've cut back or stopped the pills cold turkey, I regain some control over my appetite. I actually turned down a candy bar over the weekend! Of course, I'd just thrown up, but still, that's improvement! (I love me some chocolate - not a side effect of the meds, here!)

Anyone else feel like being on Cymbalta gives you no appetite suppresion? No idea of when to stop eating?? Never feeling satisfied or full??

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