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Tapered Off And Still Sick, Weeks Later! (Rant)

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#1 cymbalta is as bad as junk

cymbalta is as bad as junk


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    I have been battling this drug for a long time. It is a dangerous and addictive substance, which causes users to not only have withdrawal syndrome, but addictive behaviours, like seeking the drug out, while withdrawing, or even later. This drug is as hard as some illegal ones, and some that SHOULD be illegal, like alcohol. Hopefully soon, the world will know how bad it REALLY is.

Posted 15 August 2010 - 06:24 AM

I am a 28 year-old female. I suffer from (draws breath) GAD, MDD, Panic disorder, agorophobia, social phobia,and Borderline Disorder with Schyzotypal traits and Polysubstance dependance, sustained full remission. I am currently in pre-med classes. I hope to be in a position to help indigent persons (like me -1 year) with psychiatric and addiction-related illnesses. People shouldn't have to go through what I did to feel sane...

I have been on cymbalta 3 times, once "off-the-books" and twice perscribed. The first time, Ironically, the first time I took cymbalta, was to lessen the withdrawal effects of methadone. Fortunately I did not take it long enough to become physically dependant. Although, when I took cymbalta the first time, I thought "Jesus, this feels like Speed, and my pupils are dilated, big-time". I SHOULD have taken that as a sign. The second round occurred when I was diagnosed with postpartum depression. That time did not last long, either, because my medicaid ran out. This last time, I literally asked for it. I can't blame my doctor, he is an internal medicine doctor (a very good one), not a psychiatrist, and doesn't deal with as many head-cases like myself. I am withdrawing because I have lost my health insurance, because of my school schedule I cannot work full-time anymore.

I began taking cymbalta 30mg 1X day (this round) in December 2009. It was perscribed along with clonazepam .5mg 2X day, for panic and severe anxiety and agorophobia. Oh yeah, I felt ALOT BETTER. Then I got pregnant, and found out how dangerous this drug really is. I began tapering down, from Cymbalta as soon as that home pg test showed positive. Clonazepam has very predictable effects on a developing pregnancy. It is not advisable to take ANY drug while pregnant, but risks must be weighed. Serious withdrawal can cause problems with the pregnancy, no matter what the drug is, heroin, or an SSNRI. Since the half-life of cymbalta is shorter and the dosage higher, I decided to discontinue it first. What followed was a special kind of HELL. As mentioned earlier, I have come off methadone. Methadone has a 24 hour half-life. it is a very strong opioid drug. The withdraw is the worst thing, physically, that I have ever endured, and a close second, as far as emotional pain goes It would be first, but at age 11, I watched my mom die. Ask anyone who knows about opiate addiction, and you may hear about methadone withdrawal. If a person were to go cold-turkey off of 100mg or more, they would probably die, from seizure or suicide. It is very bad. I would say cymbalta is worse than alcohol withdrawal, nicotine withdrawal, amphetamine withdrawal, but not as bad as opiate withdrawal. Anyway sorry,I ramble.

So, three months into my pregnancy, I am off cymbalta, and my IDIOT OBGYN perscribes me Zoloft 50mg/day. I was still in agony from cymbalta dt's and staying true to my plan to cut back to .25mg clonazepam once a day.He promised me it was safe to take and he had never had any patients have problems with it.

I had my second miscarriage in 2 years, a week later, I lost twins, that time....twins. The day after, I went to my internist and got back on my cymbalta and clonazepam regimen. It really made me feel so much better. My symptoms were reduced by, oh...50%. Pretty good, considering. Then I lost my insurance, and got my last perscription. I rationed it out, to last me 2 months instead of 4.5. I tapered down as per Eli Lilly's warning. and more than a month after being cymbalta-free, I AM STILL SICK.

I still sweat, have nightmares, "head zaps"or paraesthesia, insomnia, mood lability, rages, paranoia, increased depression and fear of places and people, ideations of reference are back. I still have chills and hot flashes. I can't function. Thank God, I am on unemployment for a while longer, or I would be in deep trouble...

Eli Lilly denies that cymbalta is addictive. I say "the F it isn't"! Cymbalta is as bad as junk, speed, alcohol. It is more expensive than it is worth. Eli Lilly is by nature of being a corporation, Evil, and, they kil people with their drugs. They help you as long as you can afford your dope, then they turn their collective nose up at you when you call them on their Bull. I have never, ever ever ever ever, EVER met a "street" pharmicist who will deny the addictive nature of anything. (except THC, which really isnt). Big pharma companies LIE, cheat, and KILL.

Bottom line, cymbalta is addictive, it makes you sick when you try to get off it. what I really wonder now, is when will this withdrawal end, and is there a class-action regarding this problem. If there is, where do i sign up!?


"That’s what I hate about the war on drugs. All day long we see those commercials: “Here’s your brain, here’s your brain on drugs”, “Just Say No”, “Why do you think they call it dope?” … And then the next commercial is [singing] “This Bud’s for yooouuuu.” C’mon, everybody, let’s be hypocritical bastards. It’s okay to drink your drug. We meant those other drugs. Those untaxed drugs. Those are the ones that are bad for you."

Bill Hicks – Flying Saucer Tour Vol 1

#2 TimC97124


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    Taking Cymbalta for 4 years has taken it's toll and now I need to get off of it.

Posted 29 August 2010 - 02:54 PM

You are so right! I hope you're doing better every day. Thanks for your insights into this damn drug (and others.)

Best wishes,

#3 perL



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    Stopped Cymbalta cold turkey

Posted 06 September 2010 - 06:48 PM

I hope you are getting better. What a hard story- I am so sorry. aaaaaaaaaargh, here comes another of those damn hot flashes. (Heading for my fan.) Bless you for the fact that you are keeping on keepin' on.

#4 kathyl


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    Recovering from withdrawals from Cymbalta 2010. Currently 2015

Posted 08 September 2010 - 06:23 PM

I hope you are getting better. What a hard story- I am so sorry. aaaaaaaaaargh, here comes another of those damn hot flashes. (Heading for my fan.) Bless you for the fact that you are keeping on keepin' on.

Me too, flashes of immense heat. And I crave salt so bad, I have to have it. Don't know why

#5 cookie



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    In the future I would like to stop cymbalta

Posted 09 September 2010 - 01:04 PM

Dear Friend:
First of all, I will tell you something that I have learned through this process, which has helped me to have another view about my life and health, maybe it can help you too. Modern traditional medicine gives a name/label to everything: (GAD, MDD, Panic disorder, agorophobia, social phobia, Borderline Disorder with Schyzotypal traits). If you keep on living focused on those names and believing you are suffering such long list of mental illnesses, your healing will be more difficult. I am not a doctor, just someone who has suffered mental issues. For me all those “illnesses” symptoms overlap and possibly have the same cause: imbalances of neurotrasmitters. From all the list you wrote down, it seems that the common cause is: ANXIETY. Could it be that the anxiety is the one that is causing the social phobia, agoraphobia, panic disorder and GAD???? Could it be that if you solved what is causing the anxiety you won´t have the other problems you mentioned?? Just a thought

Ancient alternative medicine, for example homeopathy, treats the human being as a whole based on the symptoms. And treats the cause of the problem. I am not saying here that alternative medicine is the answer for you or for me. I am just saying I like it´s point of view.

It is so nice of you of wanting to help others under the same conditions. I am sure helping others will help you heal.

Yes my pupils also dilated under cymbalta.

From your story, it sounds you have lived a lot at a very young age. Seeing your mom die, and having a miscarriage of twins, must be something very hard. I think anyone on those circumstances will get anxious and depressed. But everyone has reasons to get depressed and anxious, what we have to do is learn ways to deal with problems differently.

Maybe I am not the right person to say this because I am still on 13mg of cymbalta. But from what I´ve read on this site, there is hope. Every one is different, and everyone gets back to normal in a different period of time. I am sad to hear that after a month you are still feelings all those symptoms. Take advantage that you are not working now and take time to heal.

I learned a lesson, and this is to do my own research when a medicine is prescribed. I was never told about the side or withdrawal effects of this drug. If I had known at least it would have been my decision to take it or not.
Now the important thing is that you feel better. I´ve found that healthy nutrition (omega, vitamins), exercise (yoga), and sunlight have helped me not only with withdrawal but also to improve my mood and lower my anxiety.

I hope you get well soon


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