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Two Weeks--Cymbalta Free Cold Turkey

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#1 kathyj



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    Former Cymbalta user. Went off the drug 2 weeks ago 60 mg cold turkey. Came here looking for support and answers to how long the withdrawals will take.

Posted 01 October 2010 - 09:18 PM

I just found this forum and I know it is a blessing. I have been asking God to please help me thru this.

I've been taking 60mg of Cymbalta for over 6 years. I decided 2 weeks ago that I wasn't going to take this medication anymore.

These last two weeks have not been easy. Plus last weekend I saw a man get blown up in a wreck on an Interstate where I was traveling. Last weekend was when I ran away from home. Well, technically I went to see my mom, but I had to get away from where I am.

A friend of mine who is a pharmacist suggested to try to ride this out. There are some herbal supplements you can take like Healthy Brain, but I don't want anything messing with my brain every again. I take 3 mg of Zanax thru out the day, otherwise I don't think I could function.

I have been working, it has been very hard. I've experienced the nausea and head aches and sore muscles. I have Fibromialgia, but something like Cymbalta is too devestating for me to ever take again.

I cannot believe these withdrawals. I've not been suicidal, but I sure have felt like getting a divorce and moving away. There were problems before I quit the Cymbalta, so I really wonder....is this the old me coming back???

I hope this is a place I can come and get the help and support that I need. I'm sure I'll see everyone around.

Take care, everyone. God Bless.


#2 David W.

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    Cymbalta discontinuation symptoms

Posted 02 October 2010 - 09:46 AM

Hi Kathyj,

From your posting, it sounds like we're in the same boat. I've been on Cymbalta (60 mg) for about five years (along with WellButrin for about two months). My doctor took me off of the Cymbalta about ten days ago and gave me no instructions on any method of discontinuation. Accordingly, I simply stopped taking it ("cold turkey") and have since developed some rather significant withdrawl symptoms.

The most annoying is a variation in the pitch and intensity of my tinnitus whenever I move my head, jaw, or eyes (tinnitus: constant steady ringing in my ears since I was injured in a car accident 37 years ago...I'm 49 years old).

I also get the sensation that my brain is swimming aroung in my skull whenever I move my head, and a general lethargic "hung over" feeling of diminished energy, fatigue, and tiredness. My sense of balance and equillibrium is also affected.

I left a message for my doctor yesterday (he was conveniently unavailable to take my call) describing these symptoms. I think that he should have warned me that they may occur and my confidence in him has been compromised.

I hope they go away soon. You mention divorce in your post...I'm in the middle of one now and am in the process of emerging from 22 years of a depressing, suffocating, and isolating marriage that was probably the primary culprit in my depression/anxiety. The Wellbutrin mentioned earlier facilitated a recovery such that I had, finally, the clarity of thought to make the decision to divorce. A decision I've struggled with for many years. After all is said and done, I hope to live medication free.

Take care Kathyj...all my best to you.


#3 kathyj



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    Former Cymbalta user. Went off the drug 2 weeks ago 60 mg cold turkey. Came here looking for support and answers to how long the withdrawals will take.

Posted 06 October 2010 - 12:21 AM

Well, I wish I had good news about being off Cymbalta, but I don't. I thought that if I quit taking Cymbalta, everything would be better.

I was told by a pharmacist friend that the reason I was having trouble loosing weight was probably this drug. That was back on Sept. 9, 2010 and my last dose was on the 10th. I've slowly gained weight over the 6 year period I took it, so that made perfect sense to me. I asked what the 1/2 life of the drug was and was told that after about 5 days I should be back to normal. I was also told I would need a "few extra" Zanax to help with anxiety symptoms I might have. When I went to the dr last week, my dr was furious and could not believe I quit this cold turkey. Oh well. I did it. A therapist I go to suggested I go to a "mental facility." Um, yeah, right. That was to help me get thru this better. I can picture myself right now in a straight jacket in some padded room. Nope. I'll just hang out here, thank you.

No one told me about the sweating, the anger, the diarrhea or vomiting. No one told me I wouldn't be able to eat or sleep. No one told me that me coming off this drug would make me almost have manic depressive symptoms. I am not suicidal but I really have to keep my mouth shut when someone says something to me otherwise I'm liable to rip their head off. I can't stand sound. I just want to be all alone. No one told me about the lack of concentration, the lack of emotion that I would feel and no one told me I would have uncontrollable spells of crying. The other day when I finally did start crying I cried for 5 hours straight. That's not normal.

I hadn't experienced the "electric shock" symptoms until the other day. I had one and resorted to a Zanax. Trading evil for evil is how I feel. I want to be drug free. In just a few days I will have been off this stuff for one month. I've already walked out of work and took short term disability (right now I wonder why I did it) and I've gone to see a lawyer about a divorce after being married for 27 years. I can't stand to be around anybody and I'm SURE no one can stand to be around me.

It is after 1 am and I am wide awake. Tears are starting to roll down my cheeks and I don't know why. I know I am sick. I know it is this medication. WHY did they not warn you about the side effects. They gave it to me for depression and for fibromialgia. Neither one got any better so I thought WHY am I taking it? When I was told my weight gain was probably because of this drug, that was what hit the nail on the head. I quit.

If anyone out there reads this, if you can help me, please. It is all I am asking is for some help. How long will this last?

#4 Kirk84



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    I have had chronic pain for 15 years and four spine surgeries. I have been on some type "depression" medicine (SSRI, SNRI), for 15 years as well and I have recently stoped taking Cymbalta.

Posted 15 October 2010 - 09:54 PM

Greetings to anyone on this site enduring the pain, misery and suffering associated with Cymbalta withdrawals. My story is not unique -- even though I may think it is. I started on SSRI's (depression drugs) 15 years ago and went through the gamut of these (Prozac, Lexapro, Celexa, Effexor, etc.).

Since I also have chronic pain, I was "provided" narcotic pain medication, neurontin, benzodiazepines (Valium, Zanax, etc.) and maybe some others that I can't even remember. While I was in the "full swing" of these meds, I was fully immersed and could have been a drug company spokesman. I loved "western" medicine--take pills and feel better fast. Isn't that what most of us want in this get-it-now society?

But sometimes when you make a deal that seems to be great, that deal comes back stronger and harder than you could have ever imagined. Then after 15 years, I had an event where I was cut-off from the meds. I was in a foreign country and my medication was stolen. Well, I almost died and it was scary. That was the wake up call.

After this, I weaned off the narcotics, the benzo's and the others, BUT stayed on Cymbalta. Yes, it was tough. I stayed in bed, I was immobilized but somehow I got through and with no support of any family or friends, none of them wanted to "DEAL" with me and referred to me as LAZY and said you SLEEP ALL DAY.

So, I was naive enough to stay on Cymbalta, feeling that it was MILD.

Then I was out of town on work and I ran out of Cymbalta. No problem I had refills and great insurance. Well, my insurance changed my prescription medication benefits and even on a refill, I had to obtain doctor approval.

Well you know what happened, the doctor blew off the pharmacy request and I had to go COLD TURKEY. At first I panicked but then I just decided to go for it. That was about 12 days ago and I have endured through:

-Brain Zapps

-Ear ringing

-Loose stools


-flu like malaise

AND it is still going with some good and bad days.

On about day 7, I finally received my Cymbalta. But I just didn't take it. Maybe this was smart or foolish. I don't know. But what I do know is that taking a benzo like Zanax to help ease the withdrawals will most likely not help in the long-run. It was harder for me to get OFF the benzo's than the narcotics.

HOWEVER, I am not here to judge anyone. These medications help a lot of people and they kept me FUNCTIONAL for 15 years. BUT I have learned that all these MEDS basically changed the ORGANIC structure of my BRAIN. So for my children, I just had to stop and see what happens.


Thank you.

#5 Lorimeyamommaof3



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    trying to dc cymbalta on my own and it sucks, cant even afford dr copay so this is how i do it

Posted 22 October 2010 - 04:45 PM

I just found this forum and I know it is a blessing. I have been asking God to please help me thru this.

I've been taking 60mg of Cymbalta for over 6 years. I decided 2 weeks ago that I wasn't going to take this medication anymore.

These last two weeks have not been easy. Plus last weekend I saw a man get blown up in a wreck on an Interstate where I was traveling. Last weekend was when I ran away from home. Well, technically I went to see my mom, but I had to get away from where I am.

A friend of mine who is a pharmacist suggested to try to ride this out. There are some herbal supplements you can take like Healthy Brain, but I don't want anything messing with my brain every again. I take 3 mg of Zanax thru out the day, otherwise I don't think I could function.

I have been working, it has been very hard. I've experienced the nausea and head aches and sore muscles. I have Fibromialgia, but something like Cymbalta is too devestating for me to ever take again.

I cannot believe these withdrawals. I've not been suicidal, but I sure have felt like getting a divorce and moving away. There were problems before I quit the Cymbalta, so I really wonder....is this the old me coming back???

I hope this is a place I can come and get the help and support that I need. I'm sure I'll see everyone around.

Take care, everyone. God Bless.


wow i just did the same thing this week. im so scared of what it is going to be like. are you feeling better??i hope so. i have no idea what to expect from this .sending well wishes to ya

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