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My Trip To Becoming Cymbalta Free!

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    I too take Cymbalta and am trying to wean off of it.

Posted 23 November 2010 - 01:22 AM

Hello! I am new here and wanted to say hi, introduce myself, and ask for your opinion!
OK, I am not a physician, but does anyone else see a problem with the following method of "weaning off" Cymbalta?

Just finished day 4 going from 60mg to 30mg. I take my Cymbalta at night because it makes me drowsy (or it did before I dropped to 30!) I began feeling pretty good when I first started taking Cymbalta. As time went along I began to have the brain zaps, night sweats, anxious/shaky feelings. About 18 days ago I also started to have severe headaches almost everyday. Then my hands started to feel as if I was retaining water. Once that happened, I finally thought to take my blood pressure. Wow, it went through some dramatic swings! 130/62 one day to 118/97 the next. (My normal is 112-116 over 68-72.) The top number would swing as high as 149. I called the doctor and was seen the next day. I was told to drop from 60 to 30mg for a week, then stop taking it.

The last couple of days, about 14-16 hours after I take my pill I get the brain fog and brain zaps, nausea, and shakes. Today it lasted from around 1:30 pm to about 5:15 pm. I'm ready for the ride to stop!

By the way, on day 3 my hands stopped feeling lke they were retaining water. Today my bp was 125/85. A slow decrease!

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