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Am I Going Crazy?

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#1 emilys



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    thinking i am going crazy b/c of a recent cymbalta increase

Posted 09 February 2011 - 02:21 PM

I have been on cymbalta for about 5 years now - started gradually and somehow ended up at 120mg/day for general depression/anxiety. For the most part, haven't had any problems until recently. About a year and a half ago, I decided to wean myself down to 60mg/day because I just got out of college and wasn't sure if I was going to get insurance to cover the meds. This wasn't a big problem for me - I did so painlessly for the most part.

Only recently have I been having increased anxieties again - I think this is seasonal, but that is a different story. So, I went to see my doc because I was having reoccurring panic/anxiety attacks, and she upped my meds to 90mg/day. The anxiety continued, and even worsened, so we went up to 120mg/day for a bit. This clearly wasn't working - my panic/anxiety was ALL the time. I felt like I was constantly in my head worrying about how I was feeling, worrying that I was going crazy or something. It all felt so unmanageable - like I was going to loose control at any minute and that I needed to be hospitalized. But when I talked to people, they reassured me that I was fine - that it was all in my head.

So, recently I decided to go back down to 60mg on my own. The crazy thoughts are starting to subside, and the increased/constant anxiety is beginning to slowly go away, but now I just feel like complete crap - my head feels fuzzy/heavy, like I have the flu or something. So now, I am having anxiety about this. I didn't go to work today because I just can't deal with it, and I ended up just sleeping most of the day. I have an appointment to go to my doctor this afternoon, but I am not sure if I should even go, or if I should just wait for the withdrawal symptoms to subside, if that is what they are?

Has anyone experienced this or something like this??? I started looking through the posts, but started to get nervous about whether or not the symptoms applied to my situation, about being on cymbalta in general, etc. I just figured I would reach out instead to see if there are others who are feeling or who have felt this way.


#2 kate015



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    Finally free from cymbalta after a 1 1/2 year struggle of tapering. Want to help guide others off of cymbalta. You can do it!

Posted 09 February 2011 - 05:43 PM

Dear Emily,

I, too, have struggled with cymbalta withdrawal and side effects. I am curious as to how fast the doctor changed your dosage? I had a psychiatrist that changed my dosage fast (she wanted me to change doses every week) and that caused severe anxiety and out of control feelings similar to what you are describing. I felt like I was going crazy. I ended up in the emergency room a few times during the whole process. It's important to remember that going up to a higher dose of cymbalta can have just as severe effects as going down. Going from 90 to 120 is a big leap. If possible, I would recommend switching doctors. Try to find a psychiatrist that knows how to get people off of cymbalta, if that's what you want to do.

Please try not to be anxious about what you are feeling. I felt very, very similar when I was changing cymbalta doses. It took my body about 2 1/2 weeks to adjust every time I tapered down (I usually didn't go down by more that 10 mg at a time and I started at 60). Sometimes I couldn't get out of bed. The flu like symptoms were overwhelming. However, if you do have a fever or rash or are feeling seriously ill then do see a doctor. Unfortunately, the cost of going to the doctor can make that a difficult choice.

I highly, highly recommend that you read The Antidepressant Solution

This book saved my life. It should also give you an idea of if what you are feeling is cymbalta related.

Also, if you are currently suffering from anxiety/depression then drugs should only be 50% of your treatment at most. If you can, try to see a therapist in your community at least 1x a week. This could also help to ease you out from the anxiety you are experiencing.

Force yourself to go out. You will feel better when you do.

Try to eat right. Strongly limit caffeine, refined sugars, cigarettes, alcohol, etc

Fish oil, chamomile tea, and electrolyte enhanced water worked for me.

Good luck and I hope this helps. I doubt that you are going crazy. Look to the book I mentioned for more answers. I felt just like you did and though it took me about a year and 8 months to feel better, I eventually did and do now. You will get through this.

#3 emilys



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    thinking i am going crazy b/c of a recent cymbalta increase

Posted 11 February 2011 - 12:27 AM


Thanks for your advice and support. I just ordered the book off of amazon, and am going to read it as soon as it comes in the mail.

It just a huge relief to know that I am not alone. It's weird - there are some times of the day when I feel absolutely fine, and others when I physically and mentally just can not bare it. Like I need to jump out of my body.

Yes, the increase in dosage is questionable (especially at such a quick pace) - I think my doctor felt it was okay for me to increase because I had taken that quantity before, but clearly, it was too much too soon. I am trying to get a new doctor, and possibly start an amino acid treatment for depression, have you (or anyone) ever heard of this before? I have been doing some research and talking to people who have all said it has done wonders for them. My only concern is about withdrawling from cymbalta entirely - it seems like even coming off 60mg is going to be a hellish challenge.

I also bought fish oil - any recommendation on how frequently I should be taking this? Once or twice a day?

Thanks again for your support.

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