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Did You Quit Cold Turkey?

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#61 Priscilla



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Posted 05 May 2008 - 08:15 AM

Yeah, I quit cold turkey. It has been 2 weeks, I still feel occasional brain zaps and the irritability.....still lingering. One other problem that plagued me even while I was taking the medicine is that when I ate, I couldn't keep my food down. I got really sick last night, I ate a sandwich 10 minutes prior and my body didn't even get the chance to digest it. My boyfriend is worried, he's worried for me everyday. This medicine has caused a lot of HELL for our relationship, but we managed and got through it. The first week of being off this medicine, I would stay locked in my room and on the edge, I didn't think I should have been out in public feeling the way I did. It cost me money, too. I couldn't go to work because getting up and walking around for a certain amount of time would get to me, so I just stayed in bed. I am a server and we all know that field of work is very fast-paced....so, yeah, not the best thing for me at the time. I would get heart palpitations, get hot from not doing much, and every so often, I'd close my eyes and the hallucinations would come, thats one thing that kept me awake and scared to be around my own boyfriend, he was disheartened with it. So thats my story as to why I called it quits and I am still going through some hell with the withdrawal, but surely, it'll be all over soon. My nurse prescribed me a medicine called Lamictal last week, so I hope that this medicine helps. I am going to try to exercise more like I did in the past, I'd run like 2 miles a day and I was on this salmon and white rice with green tea diet and I felt great. On that note, I expressed my deepest sympathy for the people that have taken this drug, be strong and don't let it defeat you and the life you want to live. :lol:

#62 CoryR



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 05:18 AM

Hello-- Can anyone help me understand how soon after stopping Cymbalta (80mg/day) I can expect to experience withdrawal symptoms? Assuming a cold-turkey stop-would they symptoms be immediate? Start slowly and intensify? If so, how quickly? Does the intensity of the symptoms correlate with the length of time on the med? Would one expect w/d symptoms if only taking the med for a couple months?

Thanks in advance for any experience you can share!

#63 shatto



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Posted 23 May 2008 - 03:11 PM

I made it!! Hi all, I'm back and feeling tons better. Really no withdrawal symptoms at all these days. (or at least none that I notice) I quit cold turkey exactly 4 weeks ago and I survived! From days 3-14 was pure hell, but really haven't had any troubles the remaining time. I have noticed a huge change in my energy level and really starting to feel "normal" again. I look back and wonder where in the heck the past 6mo-1yr went. I can't believe I was in such a fog that long. Oh I did forget that my memory still is not up to par (lol no kidding) :D , but I am under a huge amount of stress right now with work, buying a house, boyfriend issues and all the other issues of being a single mom. So that could be part of it. The other day when I was driving home from work, for the life of me I could not figure out what day it was. By the time I was at my daughter's school, I had convinced myself it was Tuesday. When I went in to pick my daughter up and sign her out, I then realized it was actually Wed. I was really disturbed by this and wondered if I should call my doctor. Of course I didn't and thought I would wait and see if it happens again. Has this happened to anyone else? It's kind of scary.

But I'm managing and making it thru. I don't think there would be any way I could have made it if I was still taking "the drug from hell".

Well just wanted to give some encouragement, that withdrawal gets better and hopefully with help (that I didn't have) from your physicians you can make it thru too!!

#64 lmo1201



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Posted 02 June 2008 - 02:51 PM

I quit cold turkey six days ago. My brain has frolicking about since day three. Day three the anxiety was so bad I wanted to crawl in a hole and hide, I had a migraine on day 4 and upset stomach with emotional outbursts day 5. I will not go back on this demon drug. The support from this website has given me the strenghth to carry on. I have been on some sort of antidepressant for 20 years now. You name it. The Chronic pain from the neuropathy in my feet depresses me. Cymbalta sounded perfect! Help with the pain and the depression. I now realize that it has really changed me into a person I don't know anymore. It is suttle, I will tell you that! I just want to be me again, enjoy life, regardless of the pain, which it stopped helping for that after about six months. Also I am so tired all the time. I don't think I have slept well in a year, even though I sleep. It is all really very hard to explain. Anyway. I apprecaite this web site for feedback. I guess the Cymbalta withdrawal has me emotional today as I just started crying, my brain is shakin and I am still sick to my stomach. I will hang in there, and anyone else trying to get off do the same!
So far the brain thing, the migraine and the crying aren't anything compared to getting my old self back! Any suggestions for the brain frolicking?

#65 Sarah J

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Posted 02 June 2008 - 02:55 PM

I responded to your other post:

Omega 3 fatty acids help some people with the brain zaps or as you called it frolicking.

I understand about the not sleeping well on Cymbalta. Are you at least sleeping better now that you have been off 6 days?

Again, don't try to do this alone, please make sure somebody in your day to day life knows that you have stopped taking this drug. Hang in there, hope you are feeling better soon.

#66 schmb01


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Posted 02 June 2008 - 08:11 PM

Think "sedate". Calm music, low key TV, if you can find it, being outside and getting some sunshine, avoiding outside stress if at all possible. The brain zaps or frolicking just slowly begin to fade. They are horrible, but they really do start to lessen. Unfortunately, there really is no easy way around all of the unpleasantness of coming off of this, but there are ideas to help. Some people used another antidepressant to help, such as Celexa or Prozac, there are nutrional tips in the nutrition section, as well as supplements that can help. Omega 3 is a good choice, as it is supposed to act like a natural prozac. It helped me.

Mostly, remember that when you are feeling agitated that it is your brain rewiring itself to get back to normal. Know too that there are great people here to help you through this.

I'm at 80+ days, and while I have the occasional brain zap, they are mostly gone, and are mild in comparison to the beginning of the process.


#67 schmb01


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Posted 03 June 2008 - 10:44 PM

Oh, I so remember how awful it was to not be able to sleep, or when I did, that the nightmares were so vivid I sometimes wondered if they were real. Try listening to soothing music when you go to bed. Also, try some chamomile tea, or sleeptime tea. It will begin to ease up, and sleep will come to you again.

Feeling brain damaged is normal too, but actually, the craziness that you are feeling is a sign that your brain is working hard to get balanced again, therefore it is not damaged, right? Okay, twisted logic, but I found it to be true. I feel such a sense of calm now that I never thought I would feel again, so take heart, you will feel better too.

Just hang on tight, and try to stay as de-stressed as possible.

I am sending the sandman across the wires to you! ;)

#68 schmb01


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Posted 04 June 2008 - 02:02 PM

:mrgreen: I'm a huge control freak, so for those of us with that personality trait, this really is an internal struggle! I know what you mean! So, I just try to fix everyone else instead!

#69 delantex



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Posted 06 June 2008 - 04:14 PM

:roll: Hello everyone!! I am new here and hoping to get some further insight on low dose - short term use. After two days on this medication, I knew things were not going well and called the doctor. Of course, got the typical, the side effects will decrease after continued use. Well, after my seventh day on 30 mg/day, I couldn't take it anymore, but waited until my ninth day to quit. Yes, cold turkey!! My doctor never mentioned the side effects of this medicine nor the effects of quitting it, stupid me for not asking. I am on day three and all I want to do is sleep and I operate in complete fog. The evenings are better than the mornings. But with four kids, I need to be aware all the time. Could someone please let me know what I have to look forward to. I have read the entire website and am scared to death. But I never went over one 30mg a day for nine days. Will this lessen my withdrawals or does anyone know? Also, thank you for having this website. Without it, I really would have felt like I was truely going over the edge.

#70 delantex



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Posted 06 June 2008 - 05:59 PM

Thank you Greybeard! It is great to know that I have a place to come and talk. I will begin the Omega 3 tonight and B12 tomorrow. Hoping this helps. I am really scared to death come Sunday, we are boarding a plane and going to Disneyworld for 8 days, couldn't have been put on this horrible stuff at any better time. All I can do at this point is to hope and pray for the best.

#71 schmb01


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Posted 06 June 2008 - 06:25 PM

Welcome, and good luck! Nordic Naturals makes an excellent Omega 3, and I take 1000 mg, but I'm not sure, you may be able to take as much as 1500. Sarah J posted a link under the nutrition section, and that site has several other links relating to Omega 3.

As GB said, limit your caffeine for awhile, eat lots of good healthy foods, and try to keep the stress level low. With 4 kids and getting ready for Disney, that is a tall order, so while getting ready in the next few days, enlist your family's help to keep from getting even more tired, and stressed out. Staying calm is key.

If so far your worst side effect is sleepiness/fogginess, then this may pass for you without the other nastier side effects. If you feel any nausea, dramamine is reported to work well too.

This is a great group of people, and we are here to help you out. Gee, maybe I should go to Disney with you just in case? ;) I've been there a few times, and it is the best vacation I've ever had! You will have a wonderful time, kick back and enjoy yourself, be sure to get to a water park to relax, and ride the Tower of Terror several times and then report back!

#72 robyn_amber


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Posted 07 June 2008 - 04:55 PM

Help! HELP! Someone please respond....
Well obviously I'm here because I'm suffering. Had no idea that I was experiencing cold turkey detox from SSRI. Trying to be funny, but am very anxious about what to do next?! Started my own reduction off the cymbalta. Did not initially discuss with my doctor...but, because of some symptoms of agitation that I was having, decided to try to stop taking my medication quickly! The first 7 days I took a 50% (30mg) reduction of 60mg which I had been on for over 2 years. The following three (3) days I decreased by an additional 50% (emptying out capsule) and took that 15mg (?) maybe every other day for another 5 days(?). Today is day 8 of 0 mgs of cymbalta. During all of this I was suffering from what I thought were menopausal symptoms except for the brain swishes/shivers. I'm feeling agitated and short tempered and have the constant buzzing in my head along with a dull headache on-and-off. Can't seem to feel comfortable in my skin having incredible shifts in body temperature...my hands and feet are cold and I'm simultaneously having hot flashes, my neck and right shoulder are tight and painful. Have the eye zoomies-don't know what it's called--swishing sound when you move eyes right to left. The road back website doesn't seem to offer any help stating that I'm close to the point of no return. Am I at the point of no return or not? If I go back on drug what amount? and states that probably won't alleviate my withdrawal and likely will cause additional symptoms!!! Can't get in touch with my doctor b/c it's a Saturday. Called the service..some other Dr. called back and suggested going back on taper amount (30 mg?) till Monday and call "MY Dr." b/c he's not familiar with that drug...my G.P. basically said get help from the other Dr. who prescribed the cymbalta bye, bye!! ...HHHHHHELLLLLPPPPPP! Don't know if the worst is over or yet to come. Don't know if I'm doing some type of permanent damage to my brain going "inadvertently coldturkey." Saw something about benedryl helping but couldn't find how much...

Awww, sweetie, if you can make it, stay off Cymbalta. The others on this site know much more than me, but I have experienced some of what you have. It's not easy, and until you know what is happening, it's terrifying. Even after knowing, it's still scary.

I went cold turkey on accident. I don't know if a slow tapering would have been better or not, but I'll never really know. Doesn't matter, really, what matters is that I'm on Day 12 right now, and I am starting to feel like I might actually end up back to ... well, normal doesn't seem the right word ... perhaps healthy. I'm not sure what day you are on, but you should count your first day without Cymbalta as Day 1. Yes, it's hell, and I don't use that description lightly. AND my withdrawals are less severe than others. BUT it's completely worth it.

When I took the Benedryl on the night it helped, I took two 25 mg pills. I haven't felt like I've needed it desperately since then. I'm keeping as much drugs out of my body right now as I can. I'm still on my Wellbutrin, and I'm taking vitamins. I also have been taking the two meds my doctor prescribed for nausea and vomiting and also the acid reducer. That's it. These guys on this forum have been super great. Stick around, and I'm sure you'll feel better. They made ME feel better.

Make sure several people that you trust know what you are going through. I actually had my cousin with me for 48 hours during some of the worst part of it. There's no way I could have gone to work without her. Also, some you tell may take it very lightly and act as if it's nothing. Please don't take that to heart. It's not your fault. It's the drug. Don't let that hurt your relationship with them. For some people, unless they have gone through it themselves, they will not understand. It hurt me at first, that people I trusted basically dismissed what I was going through. But, in retrospect, I realize that some personality types have to feel stuff first-hand. It doesn't mean they love me less. It's just part of their character make-up.

Being forgetful is driving me nutters. I can be right in the middle of a conversation and suddenly stop, having lost what we were talking about. People laugh when I do that, and it IS funny. But, it's disconcerting, too. And the dreams blending with my reality are unnerving. I'm hoping those stop soon.

Anyway, stay, post, let the others help you the way they have helped me. They are wonderful!!! Hope you do well this weekend. Take care! ^.^

#73 erinfair



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Posted 13 June 2008 - 11:37 AM

Day 5 off Cymbalta. I can say for me day 2 was the worst of them all-SO FAR!! I am still very dizzy and getting my brained zapped everytime I move my body or turn my eyes to look at something. I am trying not to scream at the kids too much. Sometimes I can't control it but most the time I tell myself it's not me it is the Cymbalta making me do it. I refuse to let this get the best of me. I have crazy energy but can't get anything done for lack of concentration. I zoom around the house cleaning cleaning cleaning. Something I have been too relaxed about since I started taking Cymbalta a little over a year ago. I swear I have been living in some drug induced coma this last year with Cymbalta. I tried to quit about 6 months ago by way of cutting the dosage and then eventually quitting altogether. That seemed to be way worse than doing it cold turkey this time. Last time it almost cost me my marriage. I got back on the drug quickly!! This time I vowed to get off quickly and stay off of it. I thought I was going to die on day 2 through 4 but since then I am doing much better. I am still dizzy and living in a world that seems to be fake. I feel very high all the time like an LSD trip. Very bright lights and bright colors. I crack up laughing or start balling crying in a split second. My alcohol consumption has decreased only because of the fact I already feel half drunk all day long.
I think the difference in this time and the last time is noticably better because of the research I did before quitting. I went out and stocked up on St. Johns wart and also 5-HTP. Both are mood enhancers and help to produce serotonin(sp?). I got a big bottle of benadryl. I am not sorry to say that I have not been counting how many mg a day I take of each of these because I don't care!! For now I need all the help my brain can get! After I get through this then I will worry about correct dosage. Rough estimate I think in a day I consume around 1200mg St john wort and about 250-300 mg 5-HTP. I pop them whenever I feel myself about to have a melt down. If I get too much anxiety or if the brain zaps are too much at the moment. If I am getting so dizzy I can't seem to move. I reach out and take a dose of my herbs. Then if things really get out of hand and I can't stop moving and I can't stop talking and my breathing gets sporadic I take a dose of benadryl. I have found these 3 things together to make a huge marked difference in the time 6 months ago that I quit and this time I am going through right now.
Oh did I mention I am eating anything and everything that is not nailed down?? I was hoping to lose the 40 plus pounds I put on since being on Cymbalta....LOL there goes my dream. LOL. I really think this too shall pass and I will eventually lose this tub of lard that is having such a great time being attached to my middle. So for now once again like the st. johns wort and the 5-HTP I will do what my body is telling me to do while I am going through this. My body knows best. If it is telling me to stuff my face with anything fried with melted cheese on top and to dip it all into ranch then thats what I will do! The things I am wanting to eat are too gross to even mention so I will spare you. I am sure thats all you need now with your upset stomachs and bouts of diarreah! Well I hope I helped someone. My advice is to stock up on the 3 things I suggest,keep yourself busy(you may look like a crack head in the process but get out of the house and do things!!),remember it will end,and eat eat eat!!!!!

#74 erinfair



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Posted 13 June 2008 - 12:06 PM

Oh I forgot the most important thing!!!!!!!
Can you believe it??? After a year or so without one then bam the first time having sex since I quit Cymablta and I have 4! AAAHHHHH the good old days are coming back. LOL

#75 schmb01


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Posted 13 June 2008 - 04:45 PM

Erin, not to rain on your parade, but as GB said, taking SJW and/or 5-htp while on, or close to coming off of Cymbalta is very dangerous. It could exlpain some of your manic feelings. I don't know if you are working with a doctor or not, but you really shouldn't be taking those at the moment. Your best bet is to wean slowly, although you may be past that point. You can take an Omega 3 supplement to help. Also, use some caution with the benedryl too. You are likely trading one thing for another here. It isn't our intent to scare you, but all of these things affect your seratonin levels, and even though SJW and 5-htp are "natural", they are still antidepressants. We just want you to be safe dear.

#76 erinfair



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Posted 13 June 2008 - 06:46 PM

Thanks guys. I appreciate your concerns. I know they are natural anti-depressants but at the moment it is the only thing helping me get through. The manic feelings are from stopping Cymbalta. I know that for sure because they were a thousand times worse last time I quit and didn't take any supplements. I really do thank you all for worrying about me and I will make sure to keep close eye out for any related symptoms associated with seratonin overdose. I will also try to cut back on them since I am feeling better than the last few days.

#77 erinfair



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 06:17 AM

Day 8? off Cymbalta. I feel great!!! I had the most wonderful weekend in over a year. I can feel again. I can cry and laugh and understand people! I love being off this drug. Please please don't give up. I went cold turkey 8 days ago and all is well and I am back to my bubbly self! Good luck and remember there is a light at the end of this deep dark tunnel called cymbalta withdrawal.

#78 sera



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 10:33 AM

Erin: That is so fabulous! You give me hope. I'm on Day 6 of 0 mg., so looking forward to coming out the other side, too.

One good thing I've noticed in the last week is that my appetite is waning. Thank goodness! ;)

#79 erinfair



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 06:08 PM

oh my gosh I wish I had that problem!!! Although it is getting better by the days I can't stop eating!!!!! I think this too will pass. I keep telling myself that my metabolism just isn't used to feeling and doing it's job so it's buzzing overtime and making me think I am starved! Hope it goes away or we have a big problem!! LOL.Good luck and you will get through,

#80 robyn_amber


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 11:56 AM

Erin, I'm so with you on that one! LOL I can't seem to stop eating, and it has nothing to do with hunger, either. It's very frustrating. I'm on day 26. We'll see how today goes.

Zapie, I had the rage, too, so it's (I was gonna put the word "normal" here, but nothing about this drug makes us feel normal LOL). And It's completely unexplainable, and makes me feel helpless against it. So, just know that others are experiencing it, too.

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