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Just Starting To Withdraw...yikes!

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#1 Cin



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Posted 26 October 2011 - 01:13 PM

Wow, I'm so glad I found this site...I had no idea that my symptoms were withdrawal related, thought I had the flu or something. I've been on 30 mg. of Cymbalta for a year, prescribed for fibromyalgia.

I noticed the constipation as the first main side effect but assumed it would get better. Instead, it kept getting worse even though I was using Benefiber daily. My doc suggested using Miralax daily instead and said it wouldn't harm me. Don't know about harm, but it certainly didn't help. I won't go into detail about the constipation but just suffice it to say that it was miserable...FOR A YEAR! What was I thinking?? About the same time (but again not thinking it had to do with the meds), I began having what they called "overactive bladder" for which they prescribed medication which I have to take daily. Now I'm wondering if this could all be related as well. I should mention that I'm 54, active, and other than the 20 pounds I've gained since starting the Cymbalta, have always been fairly close to a normal weight. And some of the things I was experiencing I just wrote off to the newness of menopause (another thing docs don't seem to be able to pinpoint symptoms of - if it's new and weird it must be due to menopause)>>>

I was referred to a rheumatologist b/c I had never seen one for a "formal diagnosis" and b/c my pain wasn't under control, she upped my dose to 60 mg. Within a few days I started having some weird things going on with my eyes - hard to describe but much like when I used to wear contacts and my eyes would get dry so that when I'd blink I was very aware of the contact moving up and down on my eye. But I haven't worn contacts in years and was worried something was really wrong so I saw an opthamologist. She couldn't find anything wrong and asked if I had changed or added any medications recently. That was the first time it occurred to me that this medication was really messing me up. I immediately went back to 30 mg. which I discussed w/ my primary doc since the rheumatologist was out on maternity leave. I don't recall having major problems with that switch but I was only on the increased dose a few weeks.

I told my primary doc that when the rheumatologist returned I wanted to go off the Cymbalta - was tired of the constipation and this eye thing really scared me. She suggested that I start weaning myself slowly during the two months until the other doc returned. I went to every other day without any major problems that I can recall (or maybe I just didn't connect the symptoms, who knows). I did that until last Friday when I finally saw the rheumatologist and told her I was coming off. She told me to stop the Cymbalta and gave me something called Savella which apparently was developed specifically for fibro. So I stopped the Cymbalta after my Thurs. night dose and by Sunday I was experiencing nausea and dizzyness. I thought I was coming down with the flu. Monday it was worse and I stayed in bed most of the day but noticed the irritability/anxiety to be rediculous...my poor husband. I was screaming, crying, acting like a fool...and finally decided to look up Cymbalta to see if it mentioned withdrawal symptoms. WOW, to discover that exactly what I was experiencing was what was listed. What a nightmare.

I spent a good many years taking drugs for a seizure disorder that resulted from a car accident so I was very aware of the weaning and slow build-up process with these meds. I also have taken a number of anti-depressants over the years and have NEVER EVER experienced anything like this. I searched yesterday afternoon in my travel case for the one lone Cymbalta tablet I still had and took it. We had plans that I didn't want to change, but I couldn't imagine going out in public the way I was feeling. Within an hour of taking the 30 mg. pill, the dizzyness and nausea were relieved (not completely, but to a tolerable level)and I actually enjoyed myself last night.

I put in a call to my doctor's office this morning to ask for a prescription to be called in so I can continue this weaning process. Obviously I wasn't anywhere near the point of being ready to go off. I felt like a drug addict searching for a fix yesterday when I was scrounging for the one pill I knew had to be around. There is addiction in my family but I NEVER thought I'd be one to have to deal with something like this. The drug companies ought to be held responsible somehow...they make those information sheets so cumbersome and lengthy (not to mention the tiny print)that I never read the whole thing. I guarantee I will be going that in the future.

I haven't started the Savella...anyone have any experience with it (good or bad). I'm very tempted to get off the Cymbalta and not take anything other than Advil or Alleve, but any thoughts are welcome. Sorry to be so wordy, but it helps just to write it down. Thanks for listening and being here with all your words of wisdom!

#2 outamymind


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Posted 26 October 2011 - 04:37 PM

Hi Cin,

Noone can tell you whether to come off Cymbalta or not but you mentioned addiction - there's your answer.

If you really want to be free of this poison you have to stick at it, just like any other drug. They say withdrawal from this is likened to heroin withdrawal & far from easy.

Keep reading through this site for support. It DOES help. Everyone here has their own horror experience to share & the fact that you're not alone in this journey is the most comforting thing to know.

I wish you all the best in your efforts to be free. If you're ready YOU CAN DO THIS!

#3 drugfree



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Posted 28 October 2011 - 01:34 PM

Hi Cin
I was put on this drug as a migraine prophylactic and stayed on it for 3 years at which time it had ceased to help. I was back to having 3 or 4 bad headaches a week. I experienced all the side effect of withdrawal mentioned here. It was so reassuring to know that I didn't have anything dire, that others have gone through this and survived. For me, the brain zaps are the worst. I feel like someone is touching my brain with the end of a 9 Volt battery, like the sensation you get when you test a battery with your tongue, only this is inside my head. I am a sweet nonviolent person, but I lost it last night and was crying and heaving things at my husband. Fortunately he knows this is just the drug withdrawal, and he didn't react badly. I have found that yoga is really helping me cope. Alcohol is a definite no-no. I had a glass of wine a few days ago and had a horrible sleep followed by a full day of feeling hung over. One glass of wine should not make me hung over. Now for the good news. Today is day 14 off the drug and I do believe the intensity and frequency of the zaps is diminishing. I have gone for 24 h without crying or acting like a two year old. So progress is happening, albeit slower than I would like. My heart goes out to all of you who are fighting through this. Thank you for your posts; they are like badly needed hugs.

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