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Just Starting Withdrawal

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#1 Lolita



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Posted 23 June 2008 - 08:13 PM

Hey, Its been 4 weeks for me and i can say i do feel some what better. Ive tried alot of things on the Nutritional forum, like benadryl, antioxidants and different foods but i do feel the aggression/snappyness still.

I would suggest to you and anyone really that you should get your husband to read the forums, my partner found here after we nearly broke up an its helped him understand alot more, when i snap at him and what these drugs can do to you.

The brain saps do go away trust me !, my head has just a dull ache now.

Good luck and all the best.

#2 Laurie



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Posted 24 June 2008 - 10:29 PM

I just started my withdrawal 4 days ago. I have a constant headache, neck and jaw pain, no appetite and am feeling restless. I'm having vivid, bizzare dreams and night sweats. I can't handle loud noises and my husbands voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard when I hear it. I read about the horrors of withdrawing from this medication, so postponed my withdrawal for a few months. The clincher for me was when I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and suddenly had high blood pressure. I was shocked! I have always been on the low side. Then, after doing research I found out it's one of the side affects of Cymbalta. At any rate, I'm hoping the withdrawal symptoms don't get worse. I called my doctor today and told him I couldn't handle the symptoms - especially the restlessness and headaches. He prescribed Ativan .05 mg for sleeping and Darvocet for the pain. I can only take the Darvocet in the evening since I need to be alert and functioning at work. So I just take Tylenol during the day and close my office door when the pain and noise become unbearable. I have a few staff evaluations that are due in the next week, but am putting them off for fear I'll be annoyed with all of them and give them a bad review. :?

#3 Laurie



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Posted 25 June 2008 - 09:14 PM

Thanks for the info. and your support. I am unable to take Benadryl. I am one of the few people that actually get hyper when I take it, like I've just downed a whole pot of coffee. I noticed today that I had a few bouts of dizziness - it was real fast and like my balance was off. I did better last night with the night sweats, not so severe. I'm still having the headaches but am able to subdue them a little with Tylenol. They seem transient - one day they are on the right and the next they are on the left - or it changes throughout the day. I had some blood work done yesterday and today found out I have hypothyroidism - which could explain the depression that led me to Cymbalta. I can't help but feel we are all Eli LIlly's guinea pigs - they didn't take the time to really study this drug and the withdrawal effects, so now they're getting the data from us and laughing all the way to the bank. It's amazing that they got it on the market after only 8 weeks of studies, when it takes years sometimes to get the FDA approval for cancer treatments. I'm worried about the long term effects they may discover down the road. At any rate, thanks again. I'll look into and try the primrose. I hope you're feeling better yourself.

#4 schmb01


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Posted 26 June 2008 - 11:46 PM

Houdi, don't rush yourself, and don't be discouraged if you have some bad days intermingled with good ones. It takes time to level out, but it does happen, and you will be feeling more level. I've lost count of how many days off of this crap, but it is well over 100, and I feel like me again. I have normal ups and downs, NO MORE NIGHT SWEATS!!!, ya hoo!! and life looks pretty even keeled. You do have to just take it a day at a time, and sometimes, an hour at a time on those bad days.

Best of Luck!!


#5 Laurie



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Posted 27 June 2008 - 10:45 PM

So today was one week since I stopped the Cymbalta. I still feel a bit "spacy" at times. And then there are the random mood swings. Today I was in a meeting where I was supposed to be the moderator and I completely forgot my agenda! I felt like I was floundering and couldn't even think clearly at times. At one point, for no reason, I wanted to burst into tears. Very uncomfortable. I ended up going into my Executive Administrator's office and apologizing profusely for my poor performance. I figured I'd be pro-active and ward off a call to report to her office later in the day to explain my poor performance. I'm glad it's Friday. I don't have too much planned this weekend, so hopefully the lack of stress and rest will be a help. I'm sure people at work are wondering why I was so "crazy" this week. Of course, it's not something that can or should be discussed in the work place, so hopefully they'll just write it off to a "bad week". I did feel more dizzy off and on today, and had tingling from time to time on my left side, which would last a few seconds and then go away. I hope you all have a good weekend, and that next week is better for us all. Hang in there.

#6 Laurie



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 11:58 AM

Houdi - thanks for the encouragement. I had a mani/pedi yesterday and booked a massage for later this week. I don't have a lot planned for today, maybe get caught up on some reading or TV shows and movies I DVR'd and have been meaning to watch. Tomorrow it's back to work. I'm feeling better than I did this time last week, and even better than I did Friday. The headaches are gone, so I have eliminated the Darvocet at night - yeah! I tried to sleep last night without the help of the Ativan, tossed and turned until 1:00 a.m. and finally gave in. I broke a .05 in half (not an easy feat since already the tablets are so micro and they aren't scored :D ) and that produced results. I'm hoping to eliminate it all together either tonight or tomorrow. I've been sleeping in the guest bedroom since I find I prefer my solitude right now. How nice for you that you work from home! I work for a large OB/GYN center, where unfortunately the doc's are rx'ing the Cymbalta on a regular basis. :? My Internist rx'd it for me, and fortunately is very helpful in during the withdrawal phase. He wasn't too anxious to put me on it to begin with, but I went in at the time thinking it was going to be the wonder drug I needed. :D I have a good friend who is a physician and she is on Cymbalta - I've talked to her about the withdrawals but she doesn't appear to be concerned and has pretty much resigned herself that she will just stay on it indefinitely. Tomorrow I have the follow up on all my blood test results and find out what treatment will take place for the Hypothyroidism. Late last week they discovered it, but we are waiting for the antibody test results to make sure it's not Hashimoto's. I'm having this treated by one of the doc's that I work with, which is nice, so that if there are any problems I can address them immediately. I appreciate your encouragement and words of support so much! I hope you had a good weekend yourself.

#7 Lori


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Posted 30 June 2008 - 06:30 AM

The withdrawal side effects from Cymbalta are heartless and cruel, and it saddens me to know the many people who have been, who are going through and will go through this nightmare......but when I stop and think of a doctor, who MAY have the same side effects as many of us did and do, and will be treating patients on a daily basis, well that actually makes me nervous and sick to my stomach. I hope, if that doctor every goes through what we did, that she will take some time off from work. But thats just my opinion.

#8 CathyH


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Posted 10 July 2008 - 12:33 PM

I have actually attended two community functions this year. This is absolutely ground breaking for me. I haven't ventured farther than the grocery store in literally years. A month and a half ago or so, I went from 600mg of Seroquel to 300mg of Seroquel (no side effects, except for minimal GI stuff), and I know this site isn't about Seroquel, but just cutting that dose in half made me feel human again. More energy, more emotion, less isolation, laughing more, sunnier disposition.

Then the CYMBALTA WITHDRAWAL. It has put all that progress on hold. I say "on hold" because I believe it will come back, the good progress, and probably be even better once I get through this crap :!:

#9 firewtr38



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Posted 10 July 2008 - 08:19 PM

I have been tapering off of my Cymbalta for a couple of months now. My partner and I are trying to have a baby and so I can't take it because of the pregnancy. I was taking 60mg a day and weened down to 30 every other day for a week. I took my last dose this past Saturday. Suddenly on Tuesday afternoon my brain started doing the tingley thing. It's making me nuts! This site has been helpful because I've had the hardest time describing the way it feels without people thinking I'm having a stroke or something.
I feel like my brain is shorting and like resetting itself. And I'm exhausted and my head has been hurting. I feel spacey too. But the brain "shorts" and the tingling are the worst. My doctor said it should last about a week. Does that sound about right? I'm just going crazy feeling like this because of how weird it feels!

#10 Attorney_Victim


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Posted 10 July 2008 - 09:07 PM

Glad you found this site, but sorry you need it! I stumbled upon this board not quite 2 wks ago when I hit rock bottom and thought I was having a mental breakdown (trust me, I wasn't...I was just hitting bottom from the side effects and withdrawal). I am not a doctor, but based on all of the stories posted here, you will be one of the lucky few if your withdrawal symptoms are completely gone within one week.

Today is Day 12 for me and I feel pretty good. Days 3-6 were horrible!! I started taking Prozac on Day 4 to help with the withdrawal symptoms, and within 36 hours of starting it, I felt some relief. Everybody's body reacts differently during the withdrawal process...some people feel better right away and never relapse...some people suffer for weeks/months, with good days interspersed...some people (like me) switch to a different category of anti-depressant and get relief from symptoms.

The most important thing is to make your loved ones aware of what you are going through, and keep in touch with your doctor if your symptoms persist. Cymbalta is very powerful drug, so be careful as you withdrawal. Watch out for possible rage and impulse behavior...many people report having thoughts of self-harm during withdrawal.

I don't mean to scare you, but everyone needs to be aware of the scary aspects of this dangerous drug!! Try to rest and know that you will find lots of support on here if you need it :)

#11 proud_marine_mom



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 10:36 AM

Hi all,

I just ran across this site and find it to be very interesting. I was put on Cymbalta a little over a year and a half ago when my son went in the Marines. I recently went through a life and job change and figured money wise that I could just stop taking the Cymbalta...boy was I wrong. I have been off of it for about a week now and feel like I am going crazy. I have gone from feeling like a bobble head, neck aches bad, blurry vision, and can't remember hardly anything. I just started a new job this past week...of all times to stop the Cymbalta. I have to pretend that I am smart and know that I actually am pretty intellegent. I have been tempted all weekend to go to the ER because I am tired of feeling dizzy, my neck hurts and muscles ache. I have been taking a lot of Advil, Tylenol, etc...probably too much. I don't know what to do to feel better. My son is coming in for leave this Wednesday for two weeks before he leaves to go to Iraq and I would love to feel better when he is in town, but cant see possibly getting back on Cymbalta after reading all of this. I was on 60 mg and went straight to 0 mg. (Cold Turkey). I am going to try the Benadryl to see if that helps. I really hope the word of Cymbalta withdrawls gets to everyone. I could have never imagined withdrawls like this.


#12 Lori


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Posted 14 July 2008 - 06:31 AM

proud_marine_mom, have you seen the different threads and topics in regards to foods, supplements and viatmins that can help lessen some of the side effects? Too, some people need another anti depressant, for a temporary time, to assist with the withdrawal side effects. Prozac is a popular one and it has little to no withdrawal side effects. Make sure you tell your son what happened and I realize you will not want to spend your two weeks with him, educating him on the "discontinuation syndrome" but you may want to show him some of these posts or atleast tell him how you are feeling and continue to reassure him that it is the drug and not you. Hang in there Rhonda, and keep us posted on how you are doing. If you have any questions, please ask. There are quite a few intelligent people on this message board who will take the time to give you their best answer.


#13 proud_marine_mom



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Posted 21 July 2008 - 11:55 AM

Hi all....I am just now getting to get back to the board to check and update. My son has been a trooper through this. I think he just thinks that I am falling apart with him gone...LOL. I try to keep my spirits up. I have gotten past the headaches...still have a few brain zaps and now having to deal with muscles aching...real bad...my neck has been in knots and my rib muscles on my right side are KILLING me. I hated my new job(I am sure that coming off of the medicine didn't help at all!!!), and received an awesome job offer that I couldn't turn down and I will be starting it August 4th. In the meantime....I am a licensce real estate agent and two of my closing have gone south totalling about $5,500 in commission, so unfortunately I cannot afford to even go to the doctor and get medicine after paying to fly my son in. I am telling you...if I can get one of the closings to go through...first and foremost I will get the doctor to put me on something for the stress...but not Cymbalta. I swear...no one should have to go with the side effect of coming off of this medication. A friend of mine that is also on it went off cold turkey for 3 days after trying to wean herself off and the doctor had to put her back on 30 mg because her head hurt so bad and she couldn't function...she had to go home sick from work and couldn't get out of bed because she hurt so bad. I will keep you posted and do some more research to figure out how to deal with the muscle aches other than the Advil...Tylenol...and bengay that I have been smelling like for a week. I will try to post again more often and follow up to see how everyone is doing. Rhonda

#14 Lori


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Posted 22 July 2008 - 08:09 AM

Hang in there, proud_marine_mom....it will get easier. Trying to juggle life while going through Cymbalta withdrawal felt nearly impossible for me to accomplish so I commend you on hanging on to your job, as well as others who have kept their jobs. I could not even cook dinner, let alone hold down a job!! I am so glad your son handled things well, for you. I hope you enjoyed the time you shared with him. I know it was not easy. Keep us posted. I may not be on here very much but I am going through NOT SMOKING, so I dont like to sit at any given time....but I will try to atleast check on everyone once or twice a week.

#15 amy1



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Posted 22 July 2008 - 05:45 PM

Hi...reading everyone's stories and I don't feel as bad..well as I sit here and my brain and eyes feel like like they are someone eles. I have been off of that hideous drug for 4 days and still feel like total crap!! My dr. adviced that I open the pill each day and dump alittle out at a time...because now I am a pharmacist?? I was taking the poison for 8 months mixed with different things, Depakote, Lamictal for depression and nothing seemed to work. I took Effexor many years ago and it worked wonderful for about 2 years and the side effects were nothing like this! Unfortunatly it just stopped working like all antidepressants, so that's why he has me on mood stablizers instead. I feel for everyone that is and has gone thru this and for the families and friend that don't understand how tough it is to try and act normal everyday. Thanks for letting me share...I know It will get better


#16 Attorney_Victim


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Posted 22 July 2008 - 06:26 PM

Hi Amy,
My sister is an Amy :D Welcome to this site, but sorry to hear you need it! At Day 4, I was pretty much at my worst...sleep as much as you can to avoid the terrible suffering. Based on most of the stories I have read, the withdrawal should start getting a little better within the next couple of days. Some people, including me, found that an anti-depressant from a different category (like Prozac) helped relieve the symptoms of withdrawal.

It will get better!!

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