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Withdrawal And Symptoms Of Arthritis

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#1 lillymae



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Posted 22 July 2011 - 07:44 AM

Hi, Just joined site. I had been taking Cymbalta for 2 yrs. and in the last two months I have weaned off. I now am dealing with such stiffness in my body. My hands are the worst. I had been on Effexor for a few yrs.and when off that my feet were so stiff for months and months. Finally it went away.
I am sure many on here know about med withdrawal all too much. I have been on and off several meds for about 12 yrs. and really have had to work so hard to accept that I do need meds for anxiety/depression/possible add.
I have the terrible problem that ALL the meds make me gain weight and I am a fitness/nutrition educator. every med I have taken has worked wonderfully on my mental health issues but the weight. mY father passed at 51 and now at 47 I have outlived all my grandparents. Knowing this has always kept my in top shape as a prevention method. I have gone off meds several times and the anxiety/depression always returns even when off the meds for nearly one yr. I have a hard time accepting the brain chemistry facts BUT I know that many times there is imbalanced brain chemistry as I have seen and read so much research on this as I am a certified alcohol/drug counselor. I have seen many, many studies and brain photos that show the lack of the chemicals or too many chemicals for some people.
For me it is just the fact that I must accept that we all get a cross to bear in life. thankfully I do not have cancer, diabetes, parkinsons, loss of any limbs etc....but meds esp. the side effects are so hard to manage. For me it has been the weight gain and the huge loss of feeling thinner, fit and able to wear my clothes. I also have dealt with the cruel things people say. Yes I never had a weight issue until meds. As I knew I
could be at risk for weight gain I began exercising even more and eating even healthier but still the weight. Oh when I have come off the meds it comes off. NOW not immediately but after about a month the pounds start coming off but the depression returnins so, so, so much worse despite many healthy interventions and slow withdrawal. My current doctor has had me research weight loss resistance connected to meds. The sad part is that we have now been through all of the med choices and no luck. They also all make me sweat terribly to the point of staying home. I was able to combat that by another med that is used for ulcers. tHIS sweating is on my face and groin area so the things suggested by dermotologist do not help in those areas. The lotions are great under the arms but will burn the skin on the face.I never even needed to use deodorent till meds.oh when off the meds the sweating stops. I have been blessed to be able to get info from some of the finest mental health professionals through my work. No they do not know of my issues but the issues my clients face. yES many of my clients have also had the weight problems and the sweating. Many have stopped meds due to this and of course it puts them in a worse spot. Many of my female clients have developed eating disorders due to med issues. Now recent research says that only about 5-15% of people deal with that weight thing. Many people who take mental health meds never have weight problems and they at times struggle with seeing how that can happen to others.
I can tell you that when my hubby went on mental health med-effexor -he lost weight. mY sister in law cannot find a med that she can take that does not cause her to take pounds off despite increasing calories from good foods. That is the strength of the meds and it is so damaging when a doctor tells a patient they just don't exercise enough or eat wrong. That might be for some but to hear that honestly creates eating disorder issues.
Currently I am now on wellbutrin which also has created weight issues. I am also on meds for add which thus far do not cause more weight gain. I am so hoping my stiff hands start to heal .
I have also had test upon test taken to see if the weight is related to any other physical issue like thyroid. I have spent thousands on tests and should know it is the meds as the weight comes off when off meds. I have also tried many, many vitamins and SAM-E, St. John's wort etc....NO luck. Accepting imbalanced brain chemistry is so hard esp. since the meds can have such negative side effects which actually create more anxiety and depression. I am now in the process of coming off the wellbutrin and will just try the add meds. Yes my husband has watched me just cry and has also been concerned over the amount of exercise I do just to stay at the fat weight and not gain more. He also has told me he has never seen a woman be so disciplined with eating . He too has cried for me and my attempts esp. when he has heard people make comments about me. I will say that I have become a far kinder and more understanding person due to weight issues esp. med related as I now get it.
I also know that all mental health issues have situational things that could be connected to them. I will honestly say that i DID COUNSELING in my 20's and now my life is wonderful except for the meds and trying to accept that brain chemistry can be off for some people even if their lives are very good and fulfilling. GOOD TO HAVE SITES LIKE THIS TO GAIN SUPPORT.Lilly

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