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Have Anyone's Withdrawal Symptoms Stopped?

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#1 nevereveragain



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Posted 23 November 2011 - 01:51 AM

Hi. I'm sorry if this is incoherent or poorly written but Lilly as stolen the vast majority of neurons. I have a simple question: WHEN WILL THIS END?

I have been on pretty much every antidepressant that you could imagine. Coming off of them sucked, but it only sucked for about a week and I could deal with life despite the withdrawal symptoms.

This, however, is insane. I tapered 60 --> 30 --> 0 as per my doctor's instructions (after reading several posts I see that my doctor did not advise me very well). Anyway, I've been off for three days and I've got your classic case of brain zaps, dizziness, crying, stomach aches, insomnia, anger (which is freaking me out because I am a very very passive and non-confrontational person), an inability to focus (to the point where I might lose my job; I am a teaching assistant and I can't see straight enough to mark papers), and so on and so forth.

I have been all over the internet and have yet to read a story about someone who got off and eventually felt better. DO THESE PEOPLE EXIST!? If so...how long? Please tell me how long...

Just knowing that it will end one day is the only thing that is going to get me through this.

Thanks for reading.

#2 autimom4ever


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Posted 23 November 2011 - 07:51 AM

I have read a few comments of people coming back to let us know there IS an end...

People typically come to these forums cause they are miserable and need support... Once better, most will probably not come back.

I hope I reach there soon!!!! (4 weeks and counting of 0 cymbalta)....

Good luck!!!

#3 Blackapple



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Posted 25 November 2011 - 10:15 AM

Im on day 9 ( I quit cold turkey) , and I feel soo much better than I did a couple days ago. I have been taking fish oil and a multi vitamin and drinking lots of detox herbal tea. All my symptoms are gone except for the brain zap which are really mild now and the dizziness that comes in waves. Besides that I feel pretty good, like I will be back to my normal self soon. Try taking fish oil ( I take 3 triples strength fish oil supplements a day) and drinking lots of water. I found that getting out and taking a walk really helps too. Good luck, I hope you feel relief soon!

#4 Pixi


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Posted 27 November 2011 - 12:04 AM

I weaned over 7 months - it takes at least that. In hindsight, I would say allow a year. Why do people read experienced advice here and then go attempt withdrawal in a few days thinking they will walk away from this drug okay - it's not the case, please hear us people! I'm fed up reading posts about patients who go cold turkey etc...there are no free lunches and this drug is one of the worst to withdraw from unless you are a superhuman. :)

I have been Cymbalta free now for about 6 months (round of applause permitted) and I'm okay, not too retarded from it, but I have bad days when my memory is shot which frightens me and I know it's from Cymbalta use. Sometimes I can't even type or read or form speech anymore, it's like mini Alzheimers, yet I'm 46 years old. I knew this drug was killing me, made depression 100 times worse, brought out all sorts of weirdness, ruined interest in a sex life, made my body & emotions numb and I feel like I have mild brain damage for life now. I constantly grind my teeth. I was on it a little over 2 years - which exceeds their own recommendations of use anyway and my GP wants shooting. The brain zaps stopped after about 3 months, but they were so bad in the early days that I almost was tempted to stay on that evil stuff or just top myself. I get the odd one now & again when I am very overtired, otherwise I am sooo much better now I'm on nothing for major depression. Even that is 90% better on nothing rather than on Cymbalta which doesn't work other than get you hooked & mess ur head up. Good luck, but you need to wean slowly for minimal side effects & further damage from this insidious drug. Either tough it out now or take a low dose to restore neuro function and then wean properly over months going down 5mg a week until ur clear. The Doctors do not study withdrawals from such toxins, only prescribe them. They are not trained to deal with this - they are the middle men/women & too stupid to know it half the time otherwise they would have become Vets. ;)

PS: I for one, do bother to come back with my updates every couple of months because it's vital to prove to people & newbies to Cymbalta weaning that there is an end to the hell. You will get better, a lot better, maybe not as u once were, just not overnight and please allow up to a year to recover no matter what low dose or short few days you have been on it. You have been poisoned - so treat yourself kindly and recover slowly. No shame in that. It's not ur fault. This is what no one tells you - it's a nasty PRODUCT and you are nothing more than a consumer worth a lot in hooked $$. They want to make it f*cking hard to get off. It's as hard as heroin to kick & takes a while - months to find what ur "normal" is and you may have to find a brand new normal, but over time, you should be alright. If ur planning on becoming pregnant - please ensure you are Cymbalte free for 12 months as it could affect the neuro development of ur baby. It messes ur head up - what do you think it's going to do to a developing fetus? Be responsible - you took it with what you believed was the best advice & guidance from a Doctor who is not trained in drug withdrawal & probably said about a week right? They generally have no clue or interest. Going to Prozac helps some wean, but imho just adds to the process, more toxins & recovery time. You have found it's either not working or the side effects are ruining your life. You already know how it feels to be a little late with the next pill right? You MUST wean slowly. Listen to us old timers on here and cut it down by a max of 5mg per week until you're in the clear - then go thru the next set of withdrawals and hold out, take naps when it's bad. I would tip out 5-10 balls per week from my daily dose until there were hardly any - but my body/brain still needed those grains until it could cope with none.The zaps stop after about 2-3 months. You may get one now & then when ur overtired, so take it as as a warning to rest up a bit. The zaps are really bad in the first week or so. Be careful they don't knock you down or crash you into the walls! Don't be scared, each zap means you are on ur way to having survived this dreadful drug. I do believe it can cause long term neuro damage - I am also a bit incontinent because of Cymbalta but it's improving slowly. No one gave a toss either, but I am here, I survived and you will too. Hold the dream and keep weaning slowly guys. :)

#5 irnwmn05



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    I am the victim of Cymbalta withdrawals. I am hoping to find a network of support and information regarding this. And to help others that are experiencing the same.

Posted 28 November 2011 - 10:25 AM

Hi. I'm sorry if this is incoherent or poorly written but Lilly as stolen the vast majority of neurons. I have a simple question: WHEN WILL THIS END?

I have been on pretty much every antidepressant that you could imagine. Coming off of them sucked, but it only sucked for about a week and I could deal with life despite the withdrawal symptoms.

This, however, is insane. I tapered 60 --> 30 --> 0 as per my doctor's instructions (after reading several posts I see that my doctor did not advise me very well). Anyway, I've been off for three days and I've got your classic case of brain zaps, dizziness, crying, stomach aches, insomnia, anger (which is freaking me out because I am a very very passive and non-confrontational person), an inability to focus (to the point where I might lose my job; I am a teaching assistant and I can't see straight enough to mark papers), and so on and so forth.

I have been all over the internet and have yet to read a story about someone who got off and eventually felt better. DO THESE PEOPLE EXIST!? If so...how long? Please tell me how long...

Just knowing that it will end one day is the only thing that is going to get me through this.

Thanks for reading.

It has been 2 months and 4 days since I began this ordeal. I have to say that I am feeling more like myself, finally. I still get hot flashes and some minor chest pain occasionally. But the other WD symptoms have stopped: zaps, fatigue, nausea, fits of rage and muscle weakness. My BP is back to normal, my energy levels have increased substantially and my sex drive is back. I have noticed my weight has been steadily increasing over the past 2 months though, not sure if it's an effect of the WD process or my Thyroid, getting that checked out next month. Hang in there, it will be better! Stay strong.

#6 watchdog


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Posted 29 November 2011 - 09:24 AM

My wife was on Cymbalta for approx two years, typically 60mg, but as high as 90mg dependant upon the worthless psych docs "diagnosis". After literally going through hell (documented elsewhere on this site) she decided to get off of the drug. This, as you know starts a whole new set of ailments and withdrawl effects. My wife used a combination of the 20 & 30mg capsules to detox, eventually getting down to just 20mg, then quit completely. She did not want to remove pellets from the capsules to lessen the dose, so elected to quit after the 20mg level. Typically she would reduce the dose, stay at that level until all the effects would dissipate (or at least be tolerable), the drop 10mg again. She has now been free of cymbalta for almost a year, with minimal after effects. For the most part, she is back to "normal", and has been living life again. There is most certainly life after cymbalta, but is not an easy road to get there by any means.

Let me know if I can be of service......

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#7 Pixi


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Posted 29 November 2011 - 01:49 PM

In Australia, they do not import the 20mg doses, only 30mg & 60mg +. Going from 30mg (the "therapeutic" dose) to zero is not possible for most due to the severity of withdrawal - like brain zaps & psych dysfunction, so we have little choice but to open the capsule & tip approx half the contents out to make roughly 15mg and so on. Even this is too much of a drop if you are dependant on C, so removing the grains & going down that way is far more tolerable & safer. Why Eli Lily do not provide a proper weaning programme is beyond me. How hard would it be to provide this for the poor buggers who cannot tolerate their poison nor the severe withdrawal symptoms? Could it be they know the vast majority of ppl will never be C free? It's negligent & irresponsible to leave us to manage withdrawal in the experimental & creative ways we have to find.

One way we - the consumers/labrats - could make a difference to giant pharma is to ask when we are offered or told by Doctors we should be taking Cymbalta, Lexapro or Effexor or whatever the hell other nasty they are trying to peddle to us is - "And what weaning programme is offered by this drug company?", rather than being like compliant little lambs to the slaughter. If there is no weaning programme offered in properly manufactured reduced doses down to zero - do NOT start taking the drug!!! Your Doctor or Shrink will look at you like a stunned mullet of course - but if enough of us even asked that simple question - we could change the suffering in the world of antidepressant withdrawal & educate first hand these Doctors who have taken the Hippocratic Oath to "Do no harm". A huge majority of them have never even heard of SNRI or SSRI withdrawal let alone Seratonin Syndrome! Click "Like" and share. lol :)

#8 volksvagn



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Posted 03 December 2011 - 12:47 AM

Hey friend. I have some hopeful news and information for you. I have recently got off cymbalta. I did the same as you 60 - 30 - 20 - 0 over three months. I still felt withdrawals even with lowering the dose.

Three day after I stopped completely, I was so depressed I wanted to go back on the nasty drug but I discovered an herb that has helped me. I know I did not believe that it was possible but I am very certain it is working. It has decreased the withdrawal symptoms (not eliminated but made them manageable) and it has alleviated my depression better than cymbalta ever did.

Its called rhodiola. its a safe herb that acts as an MAO inhibitor. It works fast and effectively (without side effects). I HIGHLY recommend you look into this. It has changed my life. My life after cymbalta.

good luck to you!

#9 autimom4ever


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 08:12 AM

6 weeks at 0 cymbalta after a month of tapering - 60-40-20

Not like it was (see other posts of mine here)_
but still get intermittent irritability, panic feeling, nausea

I hope, one day soon, I am able to say I'm 100% cymbalta free

#10 distill



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Posted 06 December 2011 - 01:26 AM

I'm on 5 months, but I still have occasional brain zaps and now suffer from chronic PTSD anxiety caused from a ct proven self inflicted gunshot.
Another thing you will notice is that all the bad things you have done while on it will start flooding your emotions and you will want to right you wrongs. At least I did. Hope this helps and wish the best for you.

#11 distill



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Posted 06 December 2011 - 01:28 AM

Dang it
Ct proven brain glitch. Sorry about that lol

#12 UnitedWeCan



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Posted 06 December 2011 - 01:49 PM

Prozac will help your symptoms and allow you to keep your job.

#13 newby



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Posted 08 December 2011 - 03:07 PM

Hang on it will end. This is my second withdrawal from Cymbalta. It takes awhile. Make sure you take Magnesium 400 mg-Melatonin to sleep and walk. I know you don't want to exercise, but walk and embrace your emotions. It will all go away in about 4-6 weeks. It starts easing off after about 10 days. Eat good food and drink LOTS of water to flush your system. God Bless!!

#14 somebody0plz0help0me



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    I had to quit Cymbalta cold turkey after only 3 months of taking due to insurance reasons. I need help getting through this, its awful!!!

Posted 17 December 2011 - 07:42 PM

I weaned over 7 months - it takes at least that. In hindsight, I would say allow a year. Why do people read experienced advice here and then go attempt withdrawal in a few days thinking they will walk away from this drug okay - it's not the case, please hear us people! I'm fed up reading posts about patients who go cold turkey etc...there are no free lunches and this drug is one of the worst to withdraw from unless you are a superhuman. :)

I have been Cymbalta free now for about 6 months (round of applause permitted) and I'm okay, not too retarded from it, but I have bad days when my memory is shot which frightens me and I know it's from Cymbalta use. Sometimes I can't even type or read or form speech anymore, it's like mini Alzheimers, yet I'm 46 years old. I knew this drug was killing me, made depression 100 times worse, brought out all sorts of weirdness, ruined interest in a sex life, made my body & emotions numb and I feel like I have mild brain damage for life now. I constantly grind my teeth. I was on it a little over 2 years - which exceeds their own recommendations of use anyway and my GP wants shooting. The brain zaps stopped after about 3 months, but they were so bad in the early days that I almost was tempted to stay on that evil stuff or just top myself. I get the odd one now & again when I am very overtired, otherwise I am sooo much better now I'm on nothing for major depression. Even that is 90% better on nothing rather than on Cymbalta which doesn't work other than get you hooked & mess ur head up. Good luck, but you need to wean slowly for minimal side effects & further damage from this insidious drug. Either tough it out now or take a low dose to restore neuro function and then wean properly over months going down 5mg a week until ur clear. The Doctors do not study withdrawals from such toxins, only prescribe them. They are not trained to deal with this - they are the middle men/women & too stupid to know it half the time otherwise they would have become Vets. ;)

PS: I for one, do bother to come back with my updates every couple of months because it's vital to prove to people & newbies to Cymbalta weaning that there is an end to the hell. You will get better, a lot better, maybe not as u once were, just not overnight and please allow up to a year to recover no matter what low dose or short few days you have been on it. You have been poisoned - so treat yourself kindly and recover slowly. No shame in that. It's not ur fault. This is what no one tells you - it's a nasty PRODUCT and you are nothing more than a consumer worth a lot in hooked $$. They want to make it f*cking hard to get off. It's as hard as heroin to kick & takes a while - months to find what ur "normal" is and you may have to find a brand new normal, but over time, you should be alright. If ur planning on becoming pregnant - please ensure you are Cymbalte free for 12 months as it could affect the neuro development of ur baby. It messes ur head up - what do you think it's going to do to a developing fetus? Be responsible - you took it with what you believed was the best advice & guidance from a Doctor who is not trained in drug withdrawal & probably said about a week right? They generally have no clue or interest. Going to Prozac helps some wean, but imho just adds to the process, more toxins & recovery time. You have found it's either not working or the side effects are ruining your life. You already know how it feels to be a little late with the next pill right? You MUST wean slowly. Listen to us old timers on here and cut it down by a max of 5mg per week until you're in the clear - then go thru the next set of withdrawals and hold out, take naps when it's bad. I would tip out 5-10 balls per week from my daily dose until there were hardly any - but my body/brain still needed those grains until it could cope with none.The zaps stop after about 2-3 months. You may get one now & then when ur overtired, so take it as as a warning to rest up a bit. The zaps are really bad in the first week or so. Be careful they don't knock you down or crash you into the walls! Don't be scared, each zap means you are on ur way to having survived this dreadful drug. I do believe it can cause long term neuro damage - I am also a bit incontinent because of Cymbalta but it's improving slowly. No one gave a toss either, but I am here, I survived and you will too. Hold the dream and keep weaning slowly guys. :)

#15 somebody0plz0help0me



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    I had to quit Cymbalta cold turkey after only 3 months of taking due to insurance reasons. I need help getting through this, its awful!!!

Posted 17 December 2011 - 08:30 PM

Thank you Pixie!!! I am sure I know what lead me to your post, however I am not here to get religious. I found the post and this site after snapping on my poor husband, screaming at him, and throwing his clothes into the front yard. I need your help,,all of you who are going through this crap. I have only been on Cymbalta aka The Devils Pills for about 3 months. I was giving it by my doctor for anxiety and chronic pain from a past back surgery and chronic pancreatitis. I have lost my medicaid and there is no way I can afford Cymbalta on my unemployment. I had to stop cold turkey, I have no choice. The doctors office wont even give me sample to wean myself off with because I cant pay an office visit. It has been about 4 days off of it, I think anyway, I cant focus or think or function anymore. The doctor gave me Cymbalta to get me off of the pain meds I have been on for over a year, ya know because pain meds are bad for you and highly addictive. what a joke... I have detoxed off of Lortab when I had my last back surgery, this is WAY worse!!! I have EXTREME IRRITABILITY, HORRIFIC BRAIN ZAPS, UNBELIEVABLE PAIN EVERYWHERE, night sweats, dizziness, did I say IRRITABILITY???Its almost Christmas for goodness sake, I can't be evil...I have 8 kids to deal with...talk about stress!!! and to have to deal with this on top of everything. My symptoms on Cymbalta were this, my anxiety was better, and the chronic pain was much better. However....I couldn't get out of bed, I went from being high strung to just not caring about anything at all. It was just too far the other direction. I didn't care if the house was clean, clothes were washed, there was food to eat. I even lost 10 lbs, not that I am complaining about that, I did give birth to 8 kids...not good on the figure..lol. Anyway, someone please off some suggestions please, I have no choice but to do it cold turkey. Thank you for listening.

#16 arteest



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    My doctor put me on Cymbalta for body pain and anxiety. I've only been on it since May.

Posted 31 December 2011 - 12:46 PM

Hi all... I'm one of those who finally got off Cymbalta and didn't come back to say so. But, here I am a year later and I can tell you it's doable. If if hadn't been for this website, however, I don't know what I would've done. At the time, we here in Canada, couldn't get the 20mg dose so I was on the 30mg pill per day. I started out on 30mg per day and went up to 60mg and that's when the trouble started. (I'm very sensitive to drugs.) After a few days at 60, I went back to 30mg.

Cymbalta worked very well for my Fibro pain but I had to stop taking it because my brain was doing weird things, like telling me to let my dog of her leash in a busy parking lot. I'm very sensitive to meds so withdrawal from Cymbalta was hell. I had many of the same withdrawal symptoms as the others but the one I remember the most is sleep. During the day, all I wanted to do was sleep.

How I got off Cymbalta was by counting the beads in each 30 mg capsule and slowly reducing the dosage that way. If I remember correctly, 9 beads equaled a mg. It took me a few months to get off of it but I did. Towards the end, I was able to go a little faster than in the beginning. Low dose Modafinil helped me stay awake in the beginning.

Now, we're trying something else for the Fibro pain but I'm here to tell you I felt fine once I was completely off of the Cymbalta. There is hope. Happy New Year! :D

#17 arteest



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    My doctor put me on Cymbalta for body pain and anxiety. I've only been on it since May.

Posted 31 December 2011 - 12:57 PM

Thank you Pixie!!! I am sure I know what lead me to your post, however I am not here to get religious. I found the post and this site after snapping on my poor husband, screaming at him, and throwing his clothes into the front yard. I need your help,,all of you who are going through this crap. I have only been on Cymbalta aka The Devils Pills for about 3 months. I was giving it by my doctor for anxiety and chronic pain from a past back surgery and chronic pancreatitis. I have lost my medicaid and there is no way I can afford Cymbalta on my unemployment. I had to stop cold turkey, I have no choice. The doctors office wont even give me sample to wean myself off with because I cant pay an office visit. It has been about 4 days off of it, I think anyway, I cant focus or think or function anymore. The doctor gave me Cymbalta to get me off of the pain meds I have been on for over a year, ya know because pain meds are bad for you and highly addictive. what a joke... I have detoxed off of Lortab when I had my last back surgery, this is WAY worse!!! I have EXTREME IRRITABILITY, HORRIFIC BRAIN ZAPS, UNBELIEVABLE PAIN EVERYWHERE, night sweats, dizziness, did I say IRRITABILITY???Its almost Christmas for goodness sake, I can't be evil...I have 8 kids to deal with...talk about stress!!! and to have to deal with this on top of everything. My symptoms on Cymbalta were this, my anxiety was better, and the chronic pain was much better. However....I couldn't get out of bed, I went from being high strung to just not caring about anything at all. It was just too far the other direction. I didn't care if the house was clean, clothes were washed, there was food to eat. I even lost 10 lbs, not that I am complaining about that, I did give birth to 8 kids...not good on the figure..lol. Anyway, someone please off some suggestions please, I have no choice but to do it cold turkey. Thank you for listening.

Oh, I feel for you. There should be a law that drug companies are required to offer lower dose pills to those trying to get off of it. It's really criminal. At the time, I was lucky. Money wasn't the issue so I was able to buy enough meds to get off of them. In the end, I had capsules left over and was hoping someone could use them as they were individually sealed but my doc said no. Maybe there should be some kind of underground sharing system. Of course, it'd be illegal but some people are desperate.

I wish I had something positive to say to you. It just doesn't seem right that there is no way to let you decrease your dosage slowly. I can't imagine having 8 kids and going through it. Can you get a script for something like low dose Xanax for a little while?

#18 arteest



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    My doctor put me on Cymbalta for body pain and anxiety. I've only been on it since May.

Posted 31 December 2011 - 01:06 PM

Hey friend. I have some hopeful news and information for you. I have recently got off cymbalta. I did the same as you 60 - 30 - 20 - 0 over three months. I still felt withdrawals even with lowering the dose.

Three day after I stopped completely, I was so depressed I wanted to go back on the nasty drug but I discovered an herb that has helped me. I know I did not believe that it was possible but I am very certain it is working. It has decreased the withdrawal symptoms (not eliminated but made them manageable) and it has alleviated my depression better than cymbalta ever did.

Its called rhodiola. its a safe herb that acts as an MAO inhibitor. It works fast and effectively (without side effects). I HIGHLY recommend you look into this. It has changed my life. My life after cymbalta.

good luck to you!

Yes, Rhodiola is pretty great. I have an herbal supplement that combines it with ginseng and a few others. I don't know if it's been that or the big time blue green algae I've been taking that have helped my Fibro brain. The body still hurts but I got my head back. Rhodiola is also good for energy. My advice to anyone trying it, buy the best quality you can. It can make a difference where the herb is harvested. Do not buy the Chinese variety. From what I hear it's a different version and, for me, I try not to put anything Chinese in my mouth. :)

#19 Lucienne



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Posted 07 January 2012 - 08:44 AM

My wife was on Cymbalta for approx two years, typically 60mg, but as high as 90mg dependant upon the worthless psych docs "diagnosis". After literally going through hell (documented elsewhere on this site) she decided to get off of the drug. This, as you know starts a whole new set of ailments and withdrawl effects. My wife used a combination of the 20 & 30mg capsules to detox, eventually getting down to just 20mg, then quit completely. She did not want to remove pellets from the capsules to lessen the dose, so elected to quit after the 20mg level. Typically she would reduce the dose, stay at that level until all the effects would dissipate (or at least be tolerable), the drop 10mg again. She has now been free of cymbalta for almost a year, with minimal after effects. For the most part, she is back to "normal", and has been living life again. There is most certainly life after cymbalta, but is not an easy road to get there by any means.

Let me know if I can be of service......


#20 Lucienne



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Posted 07 January 2012 - 08:53 AM

Thanks for your information on withdrawal. I have been off of cybalta for 5 weeks now. I have had nausea, vomiting,
sweats, weakness, dreaming nightly and confusion. I feel like I am in a fog now and not sure if I still need to be on a antidrepressant Now after 5 weeks I am haveing daily sweats, weakness, nausea and loss of appetite. Did your wife experience these symptons after 5 or 6 weeks. I'm afraid that I am crashing and need help. This is a very xcary process to go through. I am on Welbrutrin XL and my internest said that with this medication that it would protect me from depression, but now I'm not sure. Any history of this withdrawal will be appreciated.

Thanks alot.


#21 Lucienne



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Posted 07 January 2012 - 08:58 AM

I have been off cymbalta for 5 weeks. I am experiencing daily sweats and weakness. Are these symptoms normal. I don't know what to do. I am on Welbutrin XL. My internest says I am protected form depression but I am scared that I may be crashing. How do you know is you are just going through withdrawal. This process has be awful. Any coments will be appreciated.


#22 Lucienne



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Posted 07 January 2012 - 09:08 AM

I have been off of cymbalt for 5 weeks. I have had sweats, nausea, vomiting, and weakness. I did wean off from 90 to 60 to 30 and to 20mg then skipped to 3 days for 2 weeks and then I stopped. Now I am experienceing sweats almot consistantly and weakness and I feel like I am in a fog. Have you experienced these symptoms? I'm worried that I am crashing and my shrink was right not to go off of the cymbalta. Any help will be appreciated.

#23 feelincrappy



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Posted 07 January 2012 - 09:22 PM

Haven't posted for awhile and something new has begun, and I don't know if it is from Cymbalta w/d, though I suspect it is. At first I thought it was a side effect of too much holiday food, but it has continued even after I have tried to watch how much I eat, and sometimes don't even want to eat. My stomach is bloated like it's going to explode. this is high up, right under my ribcage. have some pain on the right side also. I had a sonogram of my gallbladder which was normal, according to a card I got in the mail. I have a follow up appt. with doc on Tuesday. Has anyone else had severe gastro symptoms? My understanding is the gastro intestinal system is highly affected by levels of seratonin--so stopping the drug and trying to get back to normal could be causing this--the bloating seems to go away over a couple hours, but It literally feels like by belly could burst! Any other advice or thoughts would be appreciated

#24 lemon



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Posted 09 January 2012 - 11:51 AM

Do you ever feel like it just might be our condition coming back again and not so much withdrawal? We don't find success stories because the people that don't have any problems, don't go searching on the internet for problems, kwim? I called the pharmacist today and asked about taking the beads out of the capsule to help lessen withdrawal. He said that the majority of people have no problems at all coming off cymbalta if they taper from 60 to 30 to 20 and then done. So, I'm just wondering if it's "who we are" that makes us feel the way we do. Thoughts? Not accusing anyone of anything...please don't take it that way. After all, I'm in the same boat. :) I am a nervous person anyway and tend to worry about every little symptom I have so I wonder if I weren't that way, if I'd notice any of these side effects. Oh and the pharmacist did say he doesn't advise taking the beads out because you have no way of knowing how much time release is in each bead.

#25 cymbalta7777



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Posted 12 January 2012 - 03:42 AM

Maybe I am just an enigma but I have yet to experience any withdrawal symptoms. I was on Cymbalta for about 3 years and stopped taking it a week ago. I don't feel any different then when I was taking it. Besides regaining the ability to poop again :P

#26 Jenni



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Posted 13 January 2012 - 11:27 AM

Yes, it is going to get easier and it may get easier for you very quickly. I have been coming down from 90 to zero since mid-November. Each drop (I can't do the pellet counting thing) has been 30mg.

From 90 to 60 - pooping for England! Stomach pains like really bad indigestion. Little bit of dizziness, pins and needles, feeling faint. One massive outburst at poor daughter.
Took a two week break and felt fine.

From 60 to 30 - basically more intense but the same symptoms. Spent Christmas day afternoon on the couch under a blanket but had managed to prepare Christmas dinner with no real problems. Symptoms probably lasted 14 days and then just stopped. If I keep myself distracted, it's not too bad - put on some gentle music, try to read, watch a film, little walks, nice bubble baths, ask everyone for help (esp if you have kids), naps, try not to think about it too much. Not too much time googling discontinuation - lol!
Took a two week break and felt fine

Currently going from 30 to zero. Pretty yukky. I have decided to take an anti-emetic today. I have some for my migraines and I thought I should give them a try, see if it helps the nausea. Eating a little, no more than 2 hours apart is also helping.

My family doctor said that, if possible, just ride out the symptoms (he was sympathetic). He said that, otherwise, we would be having the same conversation about reducing my dose in 12 months time.

Best wishes.

#27 Jenni



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Posted 13 January 2012 - 12:07 PM

Iknow we are all on this site because of our problems coming off Cymbalta but I did want to reply the post about coming off Cymbalta if planning a baby. I was already on Cymbalta when I got pregnant in 2007. I became suicidally depressed during pregnancy because I injured my back and could barely walk. My consultant bumped up my dose to 120mg.
If your choice is to be suicidal vs take a risk with the Cymbalta (or maybe switch to fluoxetine for 3rd trimester), think long and hard and talk to both the person prescribing the Cymbalta (pref a specialist not your family doctor) and to neonate doctors. My daughter had some feeding problems and poor muscle tone for a few months (4 wks on NG tube, muscle tone resolved by one trip for sacro-cranial osteopath) but that was it. She was assessed at 7months by a paediatrician neurologist (and believe me,those paediatric staff were looking to blame the drug not the terrible birth we had) and there was no evidence of any problems. She is now 4 and bright as a button - no problems.

Contrast that with my sister who became pregnant 20 yrs ago, was told to come off all her meds, admitted to a horrible state psychiatric hopt where she had ECT. She then spent the first few months of motherhood in and out of hopt, tried to kill herself, never really got better from her depression and is stuck on meds that make Cymbalta withdrawal look like a walk in the park.

Maternal health is important, too. Hopefully, your doctor put you on Cymbalta for a good reason and not just because the rep was super-nice and brought cookies and post-it notes.

Hugs to everyone who is going through this

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