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Helping With Withdrawl

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#1 cinderella



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    i joined this because people need to be aware of the crap this drug puts people thru

Posted 12 February 2012 - 12:14 PM

hi im a newbie here,but i feel i have to talk about this drug and how it makes you feel. i have only been on it for a few months and believe me that was enough ,i went from 30mg to 60mg a couple months ago for my depression and fibermyalgia. have to say its been a very scary journey on this crap. the side effects were unbelieveable and scary for me. i cant imagine how you people feel and what you go thru to stop these meds when you been on them alot longer.i feel lucky because i caught it quickly and my side effects were bad enough early to stop them. while taking this medication i started to feel really high like in my own little world,every thing i looked at seemed weird,my body would go numb and my left side of my head was going numb also along with feet and hands. i went to the hospital and they couldnt tell me why. i also became really agitated and big time anxiety couldnt sit still felt like panic attacks all the time ,really bad heat flashes,this drug is not safe and shouldnt be aloud to be given to people,the other day i think and feel that i actually almost went into a seizer it scared me and my boyfriend pretty bad. i have not taken any more in almost a week and im feeling alot more like me again,im having the brain snaps and they are scary sometimes but i have found that a drug called trazadone which im on for sleeping helps well with these . its pretty weird but since stopping this drug i am seeing things clearly and my boyfriend has noticed a big change in me aswell,i am more happy and loving , it feels good to be me again. p.s my sister i think was on this family of meds for the same thing as me back in 2004 and she commited suicide in july of 2004,i truly believe these meds are to blame ,because like me my sister was not the type to give up she was a strong person like me.

#2 cookie



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    In the future I would like to stop cymbalta

Posted 14 February 2012 - 01:44 PM

I have taken cymbalta for 6 years. I tapered very slowly for 1 year and a half. I had many symptoms but they were manageable until I reached lower doses. New symptoms began to appear. I couldn´t breath. I would try to get air and it was a very hard task. I began having new allergies. I couldn´t digest food, the food would get stuck between the esophagus and the stomach. I would go to the bathroom once a week. At the beginning of tapering I had trouble finding words. As I got to lower doses I couldn´t speak at all, I couldn´t comprehend written or spoken language. I had prickling sensations all over my body. I began having new joint pains, gastritis, thyroid problems which I never had before the medication. And the list of physicial symptoms goes on. Concerning emotional symptoms, the symptoms for which cymbalta was prescribed (depression) turned into severe paranoia, depersonalization, derealization, crying fits, rage fits, uncontrollable laughter, constant panic attacks, mood swings (cycling rapidly from one minute to the other). I had to go back on the medication and would probably have to take it for life since the withdrawal symptoms are unbearable to me. Cymbalta no longer helps my depression, but I am not able to quit it. I was diagnosed with Depression and now after 6 years of taking cymbalta I am being told I am Bipolar (I had never mood swings before the medication). Before cymbalta I didn´t take medications. Now besides cymbalta I have to take a medicine for sugar problems, thyroid problems, gastritis. And since my emotional problems are not solved my doctor wants to add another psychotropic medication.

#3 cinderella



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Posted 21 February 2012 - 07:30 PM

wow i guess i should count my lucky starrs that iv only been on this shit for a little while,im sorry for what you are going thru,its now 2 weeks since i have took the cymbalta and i finf now that my syptoms are getting worse ,at work i am loosing my concintration,body aching alot,heat flashes are worse,plus chills really bad too.i aslo dont feeel like me most of the time feel like im in a fog,having crying spells aswell, my sleeping patterns are screwed up too aswell.going back to doctors in about a week hope he has some better help for me,i know one thing there will be no more cymbalta going thru this body ever.these side effects are bad but the ones i had on the shit was worse.hope you feel better and take care.will update on here after i see the doctor on the 28th

#4 cinderella



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Posted 24 February 2012 - 10:45 AM

well today is my 45th birthday and i wont forget this one because of this shit cymbalta,had to leave work on wednesday because i couldnt do my job,im lucky my boss is great and very understanding,yesterday i didnt go to work either,barely had the strenght to even have a bath,then while in the bath had a panic attack,so didnt relax either.been off theses for 2 weeks now and have considered taking them again but not going to while i was on them i had bad side effects they are almost identical to the withdrawl effects.panic attacks,blurred vision,lightheadness,shortness of breathe,tingling in diferent parts of my body,feels like i have the flu big time.im taking trazadone for my sleeping and it works good,only im up earlier now then i was when on this shit.having rreally strong hotflashes and anxiety most of the time.does anyone know actually how long it takes for this crap to be out of your system,its been 2 weeks now and i took 60mg for about 6months.

#5 peaches



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Posted 25 February 2012 - 06:49 PM

I took the same dosage and quit told turkey just last Sunday. I'm taking omega 3,6,9 fish oils and 5-htp vitamins get those and the brain zaps will go away in 20-30min after u take them. I'm 7 days cymbalta free and I have no anxiety or mood swings, just nausea.

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