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#1 bella78



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Posted 03 March 2012 - 03:32 PM

Here I go, hoping this turns out to be a success story. There are so many people on here that could use some good news and I hopei can help with that.

I started taking Cymbalta over 4 years ago for my Rhumetoid Arthritis and it did wonders. I have now gotten my flares under control and do not want to spend the money nor do I want to be held hostage by a drug that I may not need.

I was at 60mg when I started to ween. My Dr. Put me on 30mg for about 3 weeks. I didnt notice any difference. She then had me take one 30mg every other day for 2 weeks and thought that should be enough. After about 3 or 4 days I started to get brain zaps and nausea. I began to take a 30mg very 2 days and the symptoms went away. I am now on about 10-15mg every 2 to 3 days. My only real symptoms are some dizzyness and itching. I am letting my body tell me how often I need to take that 10mg. I wait until the symptoms are just about as much as I can handle without affecting my daily life then I take it. I know that the process will take some time but I am determined to not let the Cymbalta win!

For the itching I can take a hot shower and scrub with a very moiosturizing body wash with shae butter and when I get out I apply a body oil like moroi or argan oil. The itching then subsides dramatically. I plan to try some benedryl next time to see if it will help me sleep as well.

I find that by just living my life and putting less of a focus on my symptoms that I can actually forget about them sometimes! I know, it sounds crazy, but it actually works. There is something definately true about the mind over matter argument.

My last dose of 10mg or so ( I break open my capsules and take 1/4 of the beads) was Wednesday the 29th and I am just starting to get dizzy! I am going to try to wait it out til tomorrow and then I will be down to 4 days between doses!!! It is so exciting to feel like you are beating the drugs!

I have also been taking fish oil (2 capsules every morning) and I think that this has definately helped curb the brain zaps.

I hope to have a baby within the next year or so and plan to be free of all medications that are not nessecary. I am moving in 4 weeks and hope to be almost 100% free of the Cymbalta by then.
Wish me luck!!!

#2 cinderella



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    i joined this because people need to be aware of the crap this drug puts people thru

Posted 03 March 2012 - 03:59 PM

i wish you all the luck in getting off of this shit completely,i have been off it for almost a month now,and feeling alot better,this stuff should not be given to anyone.i went cold turkey because the side effects were terrible when dose was increased to 60mg.actually the side effects werent much diferent then the withdrawl sysptoms i went thru.now dr has given me celexa to take at 40mg daily.well took first dose lastnight.well dont think im taking it anymore either,got up this morning with a headache and i felt really tired like i had a hangover and just feeling like shit again.i too have been taking the fish oil and it seems to help alot too.im going to go cold turkey with any antidepressants other then trazodone which i take at night to sleep.i will not go thru this crap again.

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