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#1 suzan



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Posted 14 June 2012 - 03:19 PM

I have been on Cymbalta for about a year for depression and osteoarthritis. During this year I have been sick with flu-like symptoms, chills, sweats,... I was originally on 60 mg. and told the Dr. I was going to discontinue as it made me ill and disoriented, zombie-like. She put me on 30 mg. as it still was affecting me, I was told to take it every other day. I did that and now realize from my reading that was probably a very bad thing to do as the half-life of the capsule is 12 hours, I must have constantly been in withdrawel. A couple of months ago, I was still suspecting the Cymbalta of making me ill rather than helping me so I talked to a counselor about it. She said she felt I should take it every other day as I was still depressed. Finally, a week or so ago I decided that I have had it and planned to take it every other day for a week and then every third day, perhaps lower the dosage in the capsules,... yesterday I realized that I was on day 3 without having taken it and knowing that with a half-life of 12 hours it was probably out of my system, I decided to stop altogether. Last night and today I have really felt the withdrawel symptoms, especially evident has been the brain zaps. I read some online boards regarding quitting cold turkey and methods for effectively reducing dosage to avoid withdrawel symptoms. Here's my question, Now that I am in to withdrawing from it for 98 hours (it has been 4 days and 2 hours since my last dosage)am I better off sticking with it, is my body already learning to adapt, or am I better off to take a dose and decrease the dosage by removing the granules in the capsules slowly? I do notice that the symptoms seem to be decreasing. I have not read anything at this site yet but wanted to put this out there before I delve further. Thanks for your support.

#2 freeme2


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 11:54 PM

I takes about 19 to 20 days for Cymbalta to get out of your system and then who knows how long for your body to resume "normal". You need to start making your own serotonin.

#3 suzan



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Posted 15 June 2012 - 09:55 AM

Thank you for your response, Free me 2. I am feeling somewhat better today and did read posts here regarding what to include in my diet to start making seritonin. I think some of those posts were from you. ;) I also have 10 mg. capsules of prozac left and am incorporating them into my daily regime along with the various supplements I have found listed for assistance in seritonin replacement. What a crazy experience this drug provides us with... and we pay for that privilege. I need to contact my PCP to let her know that this is not a drug to put people on but not sure how to do that yet! In retrospect, I wish I had used the remaining capsules to cut down using the granule reduction method but think that reintroducing any Cymbalta into my system now would be foolish. Any thoughts on that?

#4 freeme2


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 10:04 AM

I know the withdrawals can be really bad. If you can use the prozac to help deliminate some of the cymbalta effects, it would be better alternative than taking more cymbalta. Otherwise, you will go through the same effects again when you are trying for the 2nd time to get off the cymbalta.
Just know that everything you are experiencing is from the withdrawal. The doctor can give you how much prozac to take and you will need to wean off of this but it is much easier. It has a longer half life of 3 days, I think.
The ginger and dramamine will help the nausea.
You can also do a cleanse to help remove everything faster too. Your liver processes the cymbalta.
Milk thistle is a good liver cleanse.
If you don't like taking pills, you can buy teas and make sun tea with everything. You need about 4 to 5 teabags for sun tea. Put one fruity tea in like peach, strawberry or raspberry to make it taste better. Truvia is a good sugar substitute.

#5 suzan



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Posted 15 June 2012 - 11:25 AM

Thank you so much again. I know we have milk thistle here, not sure how old it is though. Will look. I wonder if the amount they list on the bottle is the correct amount to take.

#6 freeme2


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Posted 15 June 2012 - 11:20 PM

I take 300mg Milk thistle a day, but you can take whatever your bottle serving size indicates.
If you have access to a sauna, this is extremely great for detox of the body. I like both dry and wet saunas. Even the epson salt bath will detox the body, plus help with the sore muscles or pain coming back.

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