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Discontinuation Duration?

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#1 hmk79



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Posted 09 October 2012 - 08:44 PM

I've been taking Cymbalta for about 6 years now (Thanks Grad School!). I've been on doses as high as 120mg and have just passed the 1 week mark of a slow taper off of the stuff w/ 10mg of fluoxetine.
I feel horrible. I'm nauseated and my brain is zapping like crazy. I'm extremely irritable one minute then crying the next. I'm all itchy. Oh, and I'm exhausted but I sleep like crap. From what I've been hearing, this is pretty normal discontinuation syndrome and I've had it before if I missed doses/lowered doses etc. My question is, how long is this going to last?! I feel like a junkie and have to stop myself from going back to the bottle (the one labeled CYMBALTA)!!

#2 truckprincess


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    Cymbalta withdrawals

Posted 12 October 2012 - 09:06 PM

How are you feeling now? What is your tapering process? Are you taking the prozac as you are weaning or are you going off that too ( I just wanted to be sure what I read is correct)? I too have had the major fatigue but yet trouble getting to sleep (even though I am on sleeping meds). I know how you feel trying not to go back to your regular dose. But if it's hitting you this hard the first week maybe you are tapering too much too soon. You were on a pretty high dose. My stomach was pretty upset the first week of tapering down so I increased my intake of fiber supplements and that helped a ton. The brain zaps are hard to deal with I wish I had an answer for how long it all lasts. I'm going on week 5 of tapering off 60mg and I'm not as far as I'd like to be with it.

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