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#1 GreenMachine


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Posted 24 February 2013 - 07:57 PM

\I was on Cymbalta for 2 years or so at 60mg and finally had enough of it due to several reasons.  It did me well for the past two years as far as relearning how to handle stress and whatnot after a few years of drug addiction followed by 6-month inpatient rehab. Here I am now, 2.5 years clean and sober and decided it was time to come off Cymbalta due to a number of reasons, including have a 1 year old son and 2 year old daughter and feeling like I'm "missing" it.  So I talked to my psych about coming off, and he gave me a 5 day sample of 30mg pills to use then stop completely.  When I first dropped to 30mg, within a day the withdrawal symptoms started and progressively turned into flu-like symptoms/vomiting/etc. I did the 30mg for 5 days and stopped completely.  So, here I am, 10 days later, and feeling much better.  The worst of my withdrawal symptoms were during those 5-30mg days.  I can verify for anyone curious, being someone who has experienced narcotic withdrawal, the withdrawal from Cymbalta was definitely as bad, worse in some ways.  But, now, the brain zaps are a little better every day but I still have them.  The worst symptoms I'm experiencing now are mood swings and irritability.  But, the mood swings are pretty wild, i.e. the rage I feel makes me want to really hurt someone.  On the other hand, I can look at my two little ones and get choked up because I love them so much.  A stupid commercial I just watched about life insurance made me tear up and stabbed me in the heart.  My wife has been really supportive though.  Another symptom is erratic thought patterns, so I hope this post makes sense since I've had to go back and edit it like 10 times.  I am also prescribed 150mg/night trazodone for sleep and I feel like that helped me through the withdrawals as well.  I began some supplements too at the beginning of the withdrawal which may have helped me a bit, but not sure what was the supplements and what was the trazodone.  The interesting thing for me is the first half of the day my mood is pretty even and "normal" but as the day goes on (and which I suspect is the trazodone wearing off) my mood swings and I can become quite the irritable @$$hole.


On the plus side of all of this, my libido is WAY up...YEEHAW! I also have finally picked up my guitar out of the genuine desire to want to play after not for 2 years.  Cymbalta killed my desire for hobbies.


When I first started typing this post I titled it "ROAR!!!" because I was really feeling the rage...better now so I renamed it. lol


To end this, I'll list the w/d symptoms I'm still experiencing @ 10 days clean off Cymbalta:

mild brain zaps


wild mood swings/rage

impaired memory

occassional joint/muscle pain

occassional lethargy



Thanks for letting me share.


#2 fishinghat


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 08:55 AM

I sure do understand those symptoms completely (except maybe the short term memory loss). I am just entering my 3rd week cymbalta free and while those symptoms continue they do seem to be letting up a little. I found your comment on things being 'better during the day and worse in the evening' interesting. I am not on trazodone but I too share that feeling. I really don't like to see that sun setting. Scarey.


Anytime you need to rant and rave don't hesitate to post. You hang in there, better times are coming!!

#3 GreenMachine


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 03:51 PM

So, here I am 2 full weeks off Cymbalta...I've had a headache for a solid 48 hours now and it's unlike any other headache I've ever had.  Not quite as bad as a migraine (which I used to get rather often), but bad enough to not want to move my eyes or turn my head.  Even though it's been 2 weeks, could this still be Cymbalta withdrawal?  

The wild rage and mood swings are no better; I almost told my boss to go to hell and just walk out, but, I hung in there and still have my job. 

#4 fishinghat


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 04:23 PM

Oh greenmachine, it absolutely can be due to cymbalta. I am just a little over 2 weeks cymbalta free and am just beginning to have breif periods where I feel better. I think we probably still have a long ways to go but I think I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope you will start feeling a little releif in the next few days. I know that if you read a lot of the old entries a lot of those folks had a hard time for the first 3 weeks before they started to turn the corner. Hang in there!!!

#5 GreenMachine


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 05:06 PM

Gotcha...thanks for the quick reply.  I really thought I was going to lose my job today over some BS, and probably would've reacted violently, but now I'm thinking that maybe there's a little paranoia involved in this withdrawal as well.  Weird.

#6 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 28 February 2013 - 05:17 PM

That would make sense about the paranoia GreenMachine as the brain often reacts with some sort of anxiety when going through withdrawals and paranoia is a form of anxiety.

I did a little more research on this poison and yes it has a half life of 12 hours but it takes 2.5 days to get down to only 10% left in the body and that last 10% they are not sure how long it takes to get rid of.

I would suggest that they check some of our members who are off of it to find out what is left in us.

I am on day two of 30mg after taking 60mg and suffering more as the day goes on.

You guys give me hope that I can get through this.

#7 fishinghat


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 07:10 PM

Well said lady2882. I saw one research document that followed blood samples of cymalta users after common off hte drugs. It said that most had no detectable cymbalta in the blood after 6 weeks but a few had detectable levels as far as 6 months!! There was some discussion that the cymalta, which is fat soluble, is stored in fat deposits and in the liver therefore in overweight people this stored cymbalta is slowly released over an extended period of time. If that is the case I am in deep trouble. lol I guess that is motivation to loose weight.

#8 fishinghat


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 07:18 PM

You know I just realized that that may be why some of the people in the prior entries took omega 3 fish oil and claimed it got rid of the cymbalta out of their system a lot quiker and help the withdrawal. omega 3 is an oil and could absorb the fat soluble cymbalta. I can't handle omega 3 so I never tried it but maybe that is something you guys may want to consider.

#9 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 28 February 2013 - 07:26 PM

That would explain the withdrawals lasting so long (that's not a pleasant thought) and since those being treated with this drug haven't been very active, whether due to pain or depression, its a scary thing.

I guess they should have done some tissue and fat testing before releasing the drug.

I don't imagine those poor lab rats, mice and rabbits were allowed to live long enough after the testing for anyone to see the withdrawals.

Yes people they tested this drug on lots of little animals, I know it is necessary for our safety but I don't have to like it that they kill the animals when they are done.


I wonder, I just started taking a supplement that contains omega 3 and lutien as it helps prevent macular degeneration (runs in the family) so maybe I need to bump up the dose. I can add some ground flax seed to my diet too.


#10 GreenMachine


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 07:55 PM

I should probably be taking omega 3's as well, I just haven't yet due to being at a point in my life where I'm trying to do the bare minimum after years of being a supplement junkie (used to bodybuild/powerlift, that turned into steroid abuse, and that turned into stimulant abuse for better workouts, which ended in just being a straight up junkie and landing in rehab, but I digress).  


I feel like I should mention that just a few minutes ago I was talking on the phone and actually able to laugh about some of the ridonkulous things happening at my job.  It's been a while since I've goofed off (and meant it).  I remember while being on Cymbalta faking laughing when it was appropriate...lol  It's also nice to have real emotions, both up and down.  I can't remember where I read it, but I remember reading another's report of someone coming off Cymbalta that she could look at her kids and actually "feel" the love as opposed to just knowing she loved her kids.  I can look at my kids and actually feel that I love them now.


Lady, you can do this! I remember that day you're on; I really should have tapered/weaned the bead counting way instead of 5 days at 30mg then jumping off a bridge, figuratively speaking.   Do you plan on beadcounting from 30mg to 0mg?

#11 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 28 February 2013 - 08:28 PM

Oh definitely start the bead counting once I level off at 30 mg. After today there is no way I would go cold turkey.


I understand what you went through with the drugs, my drug of choice was alcohol and when that wasn't enough there were all kinds of meds that when taken with alcohol gave me the confidence I didn't have without them.


I had trouble asking for help back then, was not hard to get online and find help this time.

If I make fun of myself now it is because I learned to face life with humor. Kind of goes with the theory "You don't have to be crazy to live/work here but it sure helps.


hang on to that love for your kids and never forget to tell them you love them and when they do something special tell them how proud of them you are.

That they will always remember and you will too.

Life is way to short sometimes to take those kids for granted.

#12 GreenMachine


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Posted 02 March 2013 - 06:09 PM

Thanks for posting that, Lady.  It's cool to know I'm not alone in *that* form of Recovery as well.  Serenity Prayer!


I picked up some fish oil finally as well as more theanine.  I believe the theanine does wonders for a bunch of the withdrawal effects.  When I ran out last week, the next morning I woke up with that headache that didn't go away until yesterday.  Highly recommended @ >200mg twice a day on an empty stomach.

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#13 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 02 March 2013 - 11:01 PM

Thanks, I think I will try it GreenMachine.

I will have to be careful as it can cause low blood pressure and I have abnormally low blood pressure so probably will try a half dose to start.

Anything to help with this awful pounding head.


I have said that prayer quite a few times lately. Nice to know I not alone in that :D

#14 GreenMachine


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Posted 03 March 2013 - 05:53 PM

Well, sadly, I've just had the worst 24 hours since the beginning and I can't figure out why...the headache pounds away like a jack hammer in the back of my head.  Right now I feel like I'm on the upswing from it, but I had to lay down for a couple hours, unable to function.  Not sure what to do at this point...

#15 fishinghat


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Posted 03 March 2013 - 06:04 PM

Only one thing to do at this point GreenMachine. Wait.....It not easy and its not fun but it is better than staying on the cymbalts.


Who is the farthest along on their withdrawal? lady2882...Cymbaltacrap?  I can't wait to hear that someone is over the hump and starting to feel better.

#16 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 03 March 2013 - 10:23 PM

 Last night was a night from hell and I didn't get much sleep, I guess I am lucky that I rarely sleep deep enough to dream so I don't have nightmares like some do.

On the plus side, today was day 5 for me on 30mg and finally had a sort of good day.I was actually able to eat some today and did some cleaning. Headache was very slight and not as many trips to the bathroom. If I have another reasonable day tomorrow I will start the bead counting on Tuesday.

What do the more experienced members think? Is it time?


GreenMachine just hang in there. It hasn't been 3 weeks yet and the crap is still in your blood. 6 weeks before most of it will be gone. Maybe the amount in your system dropped so now you have some withdrawals. I just hit the 12 hours since my med so headache is back. You have to be strong so that I know it is possible. You and fishinghat are my inspiration.


Has anyone heard from CC (CymbaltaCrap)? CC is a couple of days ahead of me.

#17 fishinghat


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 10:02 AM

lady2882 - Yea, if you think you are at a level you can handle then...one more decent day and I would start the bead counting.

#18 GreenMachine


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 12:31 PM

Feeling better today...just a slight dull headache left.  Thanks for the encouragement guys...I needed it.  Sorry about getting so negative when I posted that last one.  

The only thing I can figure what happened was I went out and bought fish oil Saturday and took it that evening. By the time I woke up the next morning, all hell broke loose.  The fish oil is the only thing that was different.  Although it sounds very unlikely, could it have kicked the detox into overdrive and caused what I described above? 


Do you guys have normal 8-5 jobs?  Has this affected your work performance?  Just curious because the first week of WD for me I called out 4 days out of 5...

#19 fishinghat


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 01:12 PM

I am retired GreenMachine. No way I could work and fight this at the same time. Do what you have to to beat this. The day will come when you can get your strength back and deal with work better.

#20 GreenMachine


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 04:27 PM

It's nearing the end of my work day and other than being a little spacey, I feel pretty darn good...finally.

#21 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 04 March 2013 - 05:36 PM

I'm not able to work so have too much time on my hands. I try to keep busy but lack motivation at home. I've had to go out a few times this last week and although I am beat when I get home I think it has been good for me.

GreenMachine its good to hear you had a better day today. The fish oil may have pulled more of the drug out of your system than usual. Not a bad thing in the long run but I bet it was hard on you at the time.

#22 johanna7272


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 10:31 PM

I'm not sure why I didn't see this topic, but it sounds like GreenMachine, Lady2882, CC and I (TTS for timetostop) are around the same time changing doses, but I did not stop cold turkey or drop a whole pill. My symptoms so far have been mild compared to what I have read and am hearing from ya'll. I am so glad to hear that FishingHat is doing better...there is light at the end!
I am currently not working due to having surgery on December 31st. So I have to be able to function as normally as possible (though I am not sure I have ever functioned normally ;)). I am an ER nurse so I have to be able to make quick decisions. I am going to take as long as it takes to get off the drugs...as symptom free as possible. Right now I have a 3 month supply of 30mg pills to take three a day for 90mgs. I hope to be down to 60mg in a month, then 30mg the following month. It sounds like I may want to prolong the last month after hearing people with more withdrawal symptoms after completing the beading process. I hope to be off both Cymbalta and clonazepam by the end of the summer.
What are the supplements that you are taking GreenMachine? I have been taking Krill Oil/Omega 3's for awhile but would not have a clue about anything else...though I do take melatonin to help sleep. I was also taking sleeping pills but stopped those after I got out of the hospital and started on the melatonin and sometimes Benadryl at bedtime with good results.

#23 GreenMachine


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 11:59 AM

I'm having a great day today...haven't felt this good in a while! 


TTS, I've been completely off Cymbalta for 19 days now...no taper, just went from 60mg normal dose, to 5 days at 30mg, then stopped.  Not the way to go for a normal adult with normal responsibilities, i.e. work, kids, etc. But, I did it, and it can be done!

My supplement list is as follows:

Multivitamin (NOW Foods Adam)

Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega-D3

Magnesium Glycinate 400-600mg/day 

Theanine 400-600mg/day (empty stomach works best)

I'm also still prescribed 150mg trazodone for sleep.

#24 fishinghat


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:40 PM

Congratulations greenMachine. It sounds like you have turned the corner. You will still ahve some bad times but they will be less and less. I am real happy for you!!!

#25 GreenMachine


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 02:07 PM


#26 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 03:33 PM

yeah GreenMachine

So happy for you.

The Theanine 400-600mg/day (empty stomach works best) was for the headaches, right?

I can seem to find any here (that's what I get for living 3 hours from a city on a farm lol, but really I love it here).

What brand(s) do you recommend? I'm going to see if I can order it online.

#27 GreenMachine


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 04:30 PM

Theanine helps keep my mood stable and helps with anxiety/jitters...it only helps with the headaches mildly.  When the headaches were at their worst, I was using 800mg ibuprofen and 1000mg tylenol on top of it all.

I like NOW Foods and Jarrow brands for theanine...but if you find a better priced one, make sure it is Suntheanine brand.

#28 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 05:13 PM

Thanks GreenMachine for answering so quick. Since theanine helps with anxiety and stress I think it might help with my migraines as they always start at the front of my head. 

#29 johanna7272


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 08:16 PM

YEAH GreenMachine! I think someone else posted recently that they felt better after 19 days as well.
Thanks for the list of supplements. I picked up a good multi yesterday. Still having the intense itching in weird places and my lower back has flared up, but I have a TENS unit that has been on all day with good relief and I am icing a lot. Could not sleep at all last night...tonight I am back to taking Benadryl with the melatonin.
Lady2882, how big is your farm? I have a small farm--5+ acres, cats, dogs, horses and starting a large garden again.

#30 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 10:48 PM

Now that I'm at the 12 hour half life of this crap, I actually feel human and awake for the first time today. This stuff really can't be good for the body. I had to wear a ball cap all day as the light hurt my head. oh well I know there is light at the end of the tunnel cause GreenMachine and fishinghat keep us informed on how they are and giving good advice and encouragement.

Thanks so much you two.


TTS - When I first met my husband he told me that he and his brother farmed a little. He had 4 old wooden bins and a few old building that were set up as bins so so looked like a small farm to me when I first came up to see his place. Imagine my shock when I first went to his brother's place where the bin yard is and saw all the 6,000 and 4,500 bushel steel bins. Apparently his idea of a little is 4,500 acres of grain crop lmao. I had no idea what I was in for and sometimes it is very frustrating but I wouldn't trade him for the world.

As for animals we only have the cat and 3 dogs, but the garden is huge 45 feet x 100 feet and we dug up another 50 feet to make it longer and widen it by about 5 or 6 feet. I also have a small greenhouse and flower beds too. But if I don't stop now I will bore you with the details. Gardening is a passion of mine. Even if I have to crawl around out there I will garden.

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