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Slow Taper Still Causing Symptoms. Removing Just Three Beads From 30 Mg Is Making Me Miserable

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#1 Lizard



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 07:06 PM

Background: Last year in August (2012) I decided to go off 60 mg Cymbalta cold turkey. Life was going well, I was no longer depressed, and was successfully treating sleep apnea. My doctor suggested that perhaps my history of depression had been due to sleep apnea, so now that I was being successfully treated for sleep apnea and getting full nights of restful sleep, it might be reasonable to try going off antidepressants. so it seemed reasonable to  So, without his advice, one day I decided to stop taking 60 mg. I was miserable within a few days. Body numbness, inability to think, my head felt horrible. But, I thought, the half-life is short and I should be able to tough it out. After 8 weeks of insomnia (2-3 hours of restless sleep per night) plus the symptoms above, I went to my doctor in defeat and resumed taking Cymbalta. We decided to try 30 mg, and within two weeks I was feeling normal again, no symptoms, and was getting full nights of sleep. I have continued to feel normal on this lower dose, so at least the 8 weeks of misery at least got me to a lower dose. However, I can honestly say, it was one of the most miserable 8 weeks I have ever experienced in my life. After I had recovered I asked the pharmacist if people could still experience withdrawal symptoms after 8 weeks of not taking this medication. He told me that the withdrawal symptoms should have been gone in 2-3 weeks at most because the drug has a short half-life. 


Now, in March 2013, I have decided to try getting off Cymbalta completely. The days are getting longer, I am not depressed, and life is fairly good at this point - definitely a good time to try going off of Cymbalta again. I went to the doctor and got the okay to taper off Cymbalta by removing a few beads each week. Starting on March 7th, I removed three beads from my 30 mg pill each morning and took this lower dose. I thought I would try doing this for two weeks and then take out an additional three beads, which was slower than what the doctor recommended initially. He had recommended that I take approximately half of my regular dose for 2 weeks (15 mg) and then go cold turkey. But given my experience last year, he agreed that I could try removing a few beads every few weeks which should completely eliminate any possibility of developing withdrawal symptoms. Well, guess what....Starting on day 4 of only removing 3 tiny beads per pill, the withdrawal symptoms started creeping in. Now, about a week into it I have started losing sleep and the symptoms are pretty bad. My skin is just crawling and my mind is very numb. This morning I was pretty freaked out and only removed two beads. 


So, now I am thinking how am I ever going to get off this stuff? If removing only a few beads makes me this miserable, how will I ever taper through the whole pill? Has anyone else had to do an extremely slow taper? I cannot go through months and months of this - which makes me feel that I will be stuck on this stuff for life. Can Cymbalta affect my brain chemistry permanently and make it so I can never get off of it? I feel pretty hopeless at this point. What if this happens even when I remove a single bead? What if I have to go through this for each of the many tiny little beads in that pill? 



#2 fishinghat


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 08:05 PM

Your situation sure sounds like a really tough case "lizard". First of all I really feel strange calling someone "lizard"! lol

But seriously, I have read probably half the posts on this site and I only have one suggestion. Go back up about 3 beads and see if you level back out in a couple days. If you do then you may need to do that extreme slow taper. During my withdrawal I have often felt strongly that the withdrawal symptoms will last forever. But here I am at nearly 5 weeks free of cymbalta and while I still have a some emotional problems I can say that a lot of the issues, particularly physical, have gone away.I have access to a medical database for medical research artlicles and have not been able to find any reference to long term damage to the brain or emotions. Now that doesn't mean that if you are taking it for say depression that the depression might not come back. BUT this drug is wicked on the brain and if you have hopefully solved the sleeping issue then for goodness sake I hope you get off this stuff. Don't hesitate to lean on us for help or just to vent. We will all be glad to help if we can. Hang in there and maybe yu can figure this out.

#3 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 04:49 PM

Welcome aboard the crapalta train Lizard.

I read your symptoms and they sound very familiar. I had it really rough going from 60 to 30mg as I didn't taper. I just took the 60 one day and then next took 30mg.

I am going to make some suggestions about things you can eat to help with the symptoms.

First get some flax oil or ground flax seed and add it to your diet. Fresh ground is best and little coffee grinders do an awesome job but if you can only get preground then store it in the frig. I use it in muffins, pancakes and if I'm in a hurry I just mix it in with my yogurt. I even mix it in with the gravy. The thing is to get about 3 tablespoons into you each day.

Next if you can eat nuts then eat lots of them, especially walnuts. They are brain food and release feel good endophins. Again, fresh ground is best but eat what you can get. I can't eat tree nuts but even peanuts (peanut butter) helps with the brain buzz.

Third is water, drink lots of it.

For the jitters try some chamomile or lemon balm tea. The lemon balm tea will help you sleep and both relax you.

If GreenMachine was around he would probably tell you that L-Theanine helps with the headaches.


The really sad thing here is that they don't tell us what could happen if we go off a drug and this crapalta is a bad one.

The half life is 12 hours, but 2.5 days before most of it is gone. Unfortunately for most of us here we found out that it can still be in your bloodstream for 6 weeks and now they have found that some people still have it in their blood 6 months later. Especially if you have an extra weight on you which of course the drug has already added the extra weight because it likes to attach itself to fat molecules.

So for this my final recommendation is to start taking some fish based omega 3. It helped me alot. The flax is plant based but I found the two combined work better.


If you want anymore info or just need to vent then leave a post here as I am pretty stuck in the house as where I live we have at least 3 feet of snow with more on the way and today is a balmy 0 degrees F (it was -15F this morning :ph34r: )

#4 fishinghat


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Posted 16 March 2013 - 05:14 PM

Good Lord, as if the crapalta isn't bad enough lady2882Nancy!! Balmy 0 F. Right now it is around 65 here (Missouri) You need to move south girl!!! argghh Just thinking of that cold makes me worse!! lol

#5 CymbaltaCrap


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Posted 22 March 2013 - 05:03 AM

Lizard can you wean even slower!? Like take 1 bead out for 2 days straight, then 2 beads out for 2 days straight, then 3 beads out for 2 days straight? I know that must sound soooo slow but it might be the only way to go about it to not cause you too many horrible symptoms?? Then you might have to stay at say 10 beads for a week or so? Gosh I'm sorry you're having such a rough time trying to wean even as slow as you're going now! That's just horrible!
Also to add to lady2882Nancy's suggestions, a vitamin B complex can help with symptoms of depression. I wish you all the best Lizard!

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