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Really Need To Withdraw From Cymbalta

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#1 Asilee



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:31 PM

I've been taking 60mg capsules of Cymbalta and I would like to wean off of it ASAP. Now, I'm not all that great in math, sadly, and I would like to know how many beads do I remove from the capsules? How long do I need to do this? Do I have to remove more and more as I continue the weaning process?


I was told to take one every other day but all I'm getting is bad coordination, mood swings, tiredness, irritation, and brain zaps.

#2 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:53 PM

I took 29 days to wean from 60mg which was a little fast really but it can be done.

First please go read some of the side effects and if you still want to get off fast then go read the posting "Have to Withdraw Rapidly" under Weaning off Cymbalta and give that a try.

If you have any questions or need some help then just ask.

There is lots of help and good people here so you came to the right place for help.

Take care of you

#3 Asilee



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Posted 08 April 2013 - 05:18 PM

I took 29 days to wean from 60mg which was a little fast really but it can be done.

First please go read some of the side effects and if you still want to get off fast then go read the posting "Have to Withdraw Rapidly" under Weaning off Cymbalta and give that a try.

If you have any questions or need some help then just ask.

There is lots of help and good people here so you came to the right place for help.

Take care of you


I read the side effects and noticed that some people were going through suicidal thoughts, pains and aches, and then some were  saying they were having no effects from withdrawing from Cymbalta at all. I'm willing to try anything to get off of Cymbalta. Since I was already taking multivitamins and Flaxseed Oil, I think I'm off to a good start.


Thanks for the immediate response and support.

#4 fishinghat


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:52 AM

Go for it Asilee!!! We are right here if you have any questions or just need to vent. Good luck and keep us posted.

#5 JBLynn



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:40 PM

It's different for everyone like most things.  I'm going through the process now.  My dr told me to take 60mg every other day for a week and then to switch to 30 mg every other day for a week and then stop.  From the beginning I would experience at least a headache and some dizziness by about half way through my 'off' day.  I anticipated this as I had missed a dosage before and noticed this.  My first few days on 30 mg was rough.


My last dosage of 30 mg was Saturday.  For me the headache has been pretty constant regardless of taking over the counter meds.  The dizziness/nausea picked up the last couple days too, along with unpleasant digestive issues.  Dramamine helps some (be sure to get the less drowsy kind if you plan to function).  These have been unpleasant, but tolerable for the most part.  For me the biggest struggle has been just feeling mentally 'foggy' I guess you could say.  I've had a hard time focusing and obtaining info...I work full time and am taking a class, so it's pretty noticable for me.  I made several uncommon errors at work yesterday.  I just feel kind of out there. 


Just try what you think will work best for you and go from there...it hasn't been as terrible as I thought it would be, so I think I've been lucky.  It helps me to eat every few hours to help with the nausea and drink a lot of water.  I tend to drink a lot of water anyways, but days I haven't the headaches seem more severe.  I haven't tryed L-theanine, but am going to get some today as I have read a lot of good reviews about it helping. 


Good luck...we all feel your pain.  I feel like family and friends can't fully understand the fog I'm in.  We have each other!



p.s.  If there are lots of typos I blame my withdrawals. :)

#6 Irisheyes



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:48 PM

When I first stopped taking cymbalta I had the typical symptoms. I read on this site about soaking a rag with castor oil, putting it over your liver and putting a heating pad over it. You wrap the heating pad in a plastic bag so it doesn't ruin the heating pad. I did that for about an hour a day for several weeks and it seemed to help.
It's an Edgar Casey treatment for liver ailments. The person who posted it said it stimulated the liver so it could help your body rid itself of the cymbalta more quickly.
You need to use good castor oil & a lamb's wool cloth is best. I know it sounds like hocus locus but it might help & can't hurt.

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