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I Did It! Cymbalta Free Forever Update - Final Post!

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#1 NOLONGERfightingforsanity



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Posted 26 April 2013 - 06:38 PM

The following post has taken me 3 days to complete because of the wonderful changes in my life. I apologize if it seems haphazard! You MUST go back and read the original post I made on Monday titled 'I DID IT! CYMBALTA FREE FOREVER! YOU CAN TOO!' first, for this post to make sense. I chose to post a new thread so this wouldn't get missed, as often only the first part is read.



THANK YOU NANCY! Yes everyone, take lady2882Nancy's advice! TAKE HER ADVICE!




There are thousands of people who succeeded doing it this way, long BEFORE I did!


The whole scientific world has been discovering for years that foods reverse all kinds of disease - all the data has been out there for years! RESEARCH IT!


I only gave you bit and pieces of quotes from the BOOK (not websites) 'Depression the Way Out'. All the credible footnotes are there for every single research that is in that entire book!!! You can then checkout all of those sources as well, and THEN get all the rest of the details about the toxins in the fish etc. that were CHAPTERS worth of info that I just didn't have the time to give you. Hopefully that would have just whet your appetite so you would DO THE RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF!


Even though I did everything the way my doctor told me to, because of a terrible experience I had over a decade ago getting off of a drug (I quit cold turkey - yeah, really stupid), if my doctor said take 2 weeks on this dose, I did 3. I was not taking any chances.


Sadly even doing that didn't prevent me from getting so sick to the point of even being suicidal. I cried buckets, I had mood swings that terrified even me, I couldn't sleep at all even with 2 drugs I take at bedtime to sleep! Those 2 being clonazepam ( 0.5mg - ONE only) and zopiclone (7.5mg - one was never enough) just at BEDTIME. I would wake up after maybe an hour of sleep and take another zopiclone! I lived off the zopiclones to get just a few hours of sleep. I haven't had to do that for a LONG time - those days are O-V-E-R! Even though the dose was so small, it's unfortunate that the clonazepam couldn't have helped to make it easier because if it did doctors would be using it, and, I wouldn't have had to make the lifestyle changes I did. I would have loved the easy way out too, but it doesn't exist now and I can't see how it ever will because that would mean pills, pills, and more pills - then you'd be right back where you started.


I still have to get off those 2 drugs AND Tramadol for pain (one 200mg dose in the morning) because I am going to be DRUG FREE!!! I am going to have to find something natural for pain because I have RSD (in a wheelchair for years because of it) as well as a back injury, whiplash and fibromyalgia which I all still suffer from, so pain is a part of my life everyday. I REFUSE to take anymore drugs! Unfortunately I was told by my doctor you don't get addicted to Tramadol but I already know that's not true from research and from my own experience. I also intend to get off my thyroid med because it can be controlled naturally as well, but I'm leaving that for last.


I do have a natural product that I desperately want to try for menopause that I ordered awhile back, but because of the contraindication with the drugs I'm on, I can't take it until I'm off the clonazepam. It is supposed to get the adrenal glands working so it prevents future problems with your bones etc., besides taking care of the nasty things like hot flashes and night sweats.


I need to add here that after a year of being wheelchair bound and taking enough morphine and gabapenton to knock a horse down, I decided to go vegan. After 3 months the swelling went down to a tolerable level and I was able to cut the morphine in half at that point. I told my pain specialist all about it, but I still had to laugh when some time later he excitedly brought me the article from one of the doctor report magazines they share amongst themselves, that research had proven that a vegan diet helped RSD patients. I said, 'that's what I've been telling you all along!" He finally got the point, but even though I had lived it he still had to get the official report to totally accept it himself! That's what all of you have to do and why I've given you the link. Morphine, by the way, was a piece of cake to get off of compared to this deadly drug!


Anyways, I believe none of these others are going to touch what I went through getting off Cymbalta, inspite of my doctor trying to tell me that the clonazepam is going to be worse (but I'm preparing for it anyways). It was the course I attended with all the info that went with it that got me off the Cymbalta!!! The diet is the main one BUT NOT THE ONLY ONE - there are around 10 different lifestyle changes that have to be done to make you and keep you drug free, exercise being just one of the others. YOU NEED THEM ALL. I AM DOING THEM ALL. Do your research - go to the site and GET THE BOOK writen by an EXPERT. It's not here today, gone tomorrow like things on the web can be, it's HERE TO STAY, AND, the program he gives, that he's been doing for years, he did in his own practice FOR years and has been so successful that people want him everywhere to do his program so he made that possible. I was lucky they had one here I could attend. The seminar is done using all the books he provides (not all written by him), 8 DVD,s recorded with his lectures, plus the fascilitators that are there to help you through it! These books are all registered with Library of Congress and are backed by scientific research. Anyone can post on the internet and tell you anything they want, and they do! There are lots of 'wanna be's out there. I chose to go with reputable doctors and proof positive. I'm not being any guinea pig for experiments to just prolong the suffering, and praise God, I made the right choice!




I am just going to add here a few exerpts of email posts I had sent to Nancy during my progress of getting off this drug the way I did. By the way, please pay close attention. You are supposed to do everthing I learned at the course FIRST, then WITH YOUR DOCTOR'S HELP, taper off the drug! I can't stress that enough!!! I did it the wrong way around, but that's because I didn't know what I know now, but, I STILL DID IT!


Here are my email posts, mistakes and all:


March 22 2:12 PM


"I have not gone thru’ any of the things you have described, even when I went from the 60 mg down to the 30. I never went thru’ any of that at all. I don’t know how you did it! I did it the same way I am doing the 2 days and what I had/have are the same as all the side effects I have suffered since I got on this crap except that some are worse at times and some are definitely better, even with tapering down! For the way you did it you suffered WAY more than I did!!! It’s either the diet (and probably is!) and/or the way my Dr made we go down. I wouldn’t have survived what you did! I was crying all the time but I was doing that before already. I never had any brain zaps, nausea, jitters, migraines (but I have had migraines since I was 14 from head trauma, but none yet in the tapering), and other things that you are talking about – THANK GOD!


Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 15:25:38 -0600


"Monday was the supper/banquet to conclude the depression course I attended. That was also the day I should have taken my next pill, but I really prayed about it and was SO impressed not to do it. I had baking going on all day for the meal. I had told Melanie I would bring the food but wasn’t going to stay.


I was feeling reasonable when I dropped off the food and ended up staying. All the food was major depression fighting food and I’m not joking, after I started eating I started to feel SO good that I KNEW FOR SURE that the diet IS EVERYTHING!!!!! The next day I headed to the store and stocked up.


It is Tuesday, 2 weeks since the day I took the drug minus ten beads. This Friday will be 2 weeks since I’ve taken any CRAPALTA!!! Every time I start to feel not as good I RUN for the food and eat the things I know keep it in check AND IT WORKS!!!


Every day is getting better and better. I still have my moments where I am reminded it’s still in my system. My pharmacist told me that I could be looking at up to a month before it’s gone, or at least feels like it is.  She also told me that she has seen others get off of it and all of them did it the way I did, by skipping the days and not bead counting.


I honestly don’t know how any of them would have survived without the knowledge I have and the food I’ve been eating. The things I told you to eat (so many you can’t) has made all the difference in the world. I still can’t believe how incredible it is and how CRUCIAL the right diet is!


I still have the vivid dreams but even they are changing! They are no longer the nightmares they used to be, and some of them are actually happy! I still have the hot flashes but even tho’ I’m not totally into menopause yet, I know men also get these from being on this poison, so I’m probably getting it from both ends. I’m not crying all the time like I was before, especially for no reason – yeah! The insomnia still sucks.


The headaches and nausea are virtually gone, as long as I eat properly! When I get hungry I don’t DARE not eat, and I mean eat right away, AND, eat the RIGHT stuff, and then I’m just fine!!! Basically, as long as I eat meals at regular times like everyone should anyways, and while eating the right stuff, boy, can I ever see the light! I am already feeling like I haven’t in years! I’m so excited about the future now! I know I’m off this POISON for good now and I’m never looking back!!!"


22/04/2013 5:20PM (just this past Monday)


I also had someone hit and run and total our car; then my 3T external harddrive crashed, then other things were breaking down on me in my house like my blender. Everything was hitting me at one time. If it hadn't been for this course, I would NOT be here writing this right now, AND, feeling wonderful on top of it!


I just spent over 6 hours today (Wednesday) with my Mom, taking her to the doctor, shopping from store to store and stopping for lunch. I never got home until after 7 this evening. I could never have done this months ago! It was wonderful!


I suffered just like the rest of you except for the brain zaps (and some things Nancy did), because those scared the hell out of me and I did the research before I started tapering to make sure I never got them (brain zaps), and I didn't! But I am not suffereing from this drug anymore and that's the hope I'm trying to give to the rest of you!!!




Also, for you Nancy, I JUST read some of your previous posts like the one in Feb about how the 'vitamins and supplements saved the day'. Sadly I know from you first hand what you did, and STILL are going through just days, as of my last posting. You are giving false hope to people since those things have not helped you (we're almost at the end of April) and you know what you all described to me as what you are going through just 5 days ago and I am NOT. I have all the emails.


I had kept even your gender out of my post to protect YOU, but since you decided to reveal yourself so prominently, you did everyone a favor and people need to know the whole truth. Why don't you be honest with them and tell them everything you told me. BE HONEST! Did you go back and tell them how you have still been suffering, and how bad you are actually suffering? How many people that didn't have the money, went and purchased all those things you swore by, found themself in the same boat you are still in, then probably thinking that there is something wrong with them alone, maybe lost all hope and possibly did the unthinkable?! I understand that successful sucicide is one of the withdrawal sypmtoms. For someone to 'think' that others are succeeding in something and they aren't, would cause a hopelessness I sure wouldn't want to be responsible for!


I don't have the time to read the responses on that post as I've got so much to do now that I have a life again, but were you even honest with them that this is not even working for you by April 25, over 2 months later? I'm going to hope that you have been.


If you had even taken the time to carefully read what I shared about 5-HTP and SAMe it was to show what else is out there, that they are not for everyone and not even reliable as far as studies go, particularly the 5-HTP! Why? Because people need to know that looking for a quick fix like jumping from one pill to the other IS NOT THE ANSWER and NEVER WILL BE!!! I was NOT recommending them, just letting people know that PILLS always have drawbacks, where my new wonderful lifestyle DOESN'T!


I don't understand why you are so against something that works? You are bashing your head against a wall for nothing/beating a dead horse, because people are going to find out what I did, one way or another. It's only a matter of time after trying your suggestions, then for those who are still going to suffer like you still are, are going to be searching other avenues. They ARE eventually going to find out everything I've already said because it is out there! The regular doctors, like one of mine, ARE catching up, albeit slowly.


Nancy, for the love of God, get your life back too!!! How many more years, (it's been 5 already!) are you going to be sitting here posting things, going down dead end streets that aren't even helping you?! The information you would get in that book will give you all the foods you can eat. I only listed the highest ones to bring the fastest relief, but they are far from all of them, and I know there is LOTS you can eat!!! Plus there is all the rest of the information (facts) that you DON'T know and you NEED to as they would help you SO MUCH!


I am believing that you lashed out at me because of this drug. Your suffering is horrible, and just like I said at my last posting to you, I am praying for you and I am NOT going to stop praying for you because what you are going through is terrifying to me! Don't let go of your hold on God no matter what! Have mercy on yourself, quit being so stubborn and try something that WORKS! What have you got to lose? You have EVERYTHING to gain! You haven't even given it a chance! I am pleading with God on your behalf! Love yourself and your husband enough to get out of this hell! I really care about you Nancy, and I apologize if I've said anything to hurt you because that was NEVER my intent, but I'm sure deep inside you already know that! I hope you can forgive me if I have. I forgive you and I hope down the road we truly can be friends.



I have been trying to get this post finished for 3 days! I have been so busy transplanting seedlings, shopping with my mom, doing things and going places with my grandsons and shopping on my own - there's just not enough hours in the day! The sun is shining and I am on cloud 9! My nausea and headaches were completly gone days ago. I have not taken anything for nauseau since last weekend, and, I have an appetite for good foods I haven't been able to eat for years, and especially during the withdrawal period!!!


I have lost close to 40 lbs since I started this journey last Nov and am now down to a size 8-10 pant size which is fabulous from what the drugs did to me and where I came from because of them. I had gained over 100 lbs, most of which I had managed to lose years ago, but these last ones wouldn't budge until starting this withdrawal last Nov! I look great (so everyone keeps telling me), but especially I feel I great! I have my self esteem back, something I had lost years ago! I love going shopping now and be able to look in the medium and small sizes instead of in the specialty sizes!!! I am so happy right now that I almost feel guilty!


Last evening (around 9:30 believe it or not), a friend stopped by to tell us something. We ended up sharing stories and laughing our guts out until midnight! I didn't get to bed until 12:30, something I try not to do anymore, especially after running around all day yesterday, but, I slept right until 9:30 this morning!!! WOW! I never got up ONCE, even to go to the washroom, and especially to take another zopiclone! WOW! I feel fantastic!


Something especially wonderful these past days, has been the relationship with my hubby. Things have been really stressed between us, especially because of me, something I can see NOW. I know I have put him through hell! I shared with him what I had found out about the possibility of having permanent sexual problems (dis-interest for me), even though I am able to experience O's again (that in itself is a miracle!). Things have been really 'tender' between us for the last few days. It's almost like we are getting to know each other for the first time. It's been thrilling and exciting, and at the moment I'm feeling like the dis-interest may be a thing of the past too - I hope I'm right. When we finally meet up again after a day of working and running around apart, there's something there that hasn't been for many years. It's beautiful!


I went back and re-read all the emails that were posted between Nancy and myself. What a sad mess we both were! What a sad mess everyone on this drug has been, and those of you that are still on it, still are!


The havoc this poison has wreaked on our bodies, our relationships, families and friends, is unforgiveable! While these monsters are spending the millions (probably billions) they have made off of their victims (US) on false advertising to get more poor victims, they are living in their lavish homes, driving their lavish cars, eating at lavish restaurants, wearing their lavish clothes, going on lavish holidays and spending lavishly on whatever they want with the money they have made on people who are KILLING themselves because of this poison!     WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?!!!


I had come across a site not long ago where a lawyer is looking for victims to contact him so he can go after this drug company (Eli-Lilly who Bush ownes) and recompense the victims for what we have suffered. THAT'S WHAT WE SHOULD BE DOING!


I have gotten my life back, but at what a price?! Why are we letting them get away with this? While I am writing this, I don't even want to guess at how many more victims are being adding to this drug daily, and will continue to be so until someone, somebodies (us?) do something about it!!!!


I am CURED, but for those of you still suffering, even though you are still suffering, we could band together and do something about this! There is strength in NUMBERS!!!


I have so much I want to do now and get back on with my life, and I had been planning never to come back to this site after this posting because I don't need anything here anymore because I AM cured, but because of this issue, if enough people were willing to fight this together, I would come back.


I will have to go look for that lawyer again. I didn't mark the site but if he's still on there he shouldn't be too hard to find. If I'm alone in this, so be it. I at least have my life back again and this poison is FINALLY OUT OF MY SYSTEM!!!


It may be days before I will be able to check back here because I have so much to do now, and so much I WANT to do, but I will make an effort to check back.


When I thought about it after my last posting, I wondered, why would I have to beg others to try something to get well. If you are suffering bad enough, you'll do something about it - you'll check it out. I have always been a person who cares too much about other peoples suffering, even before I ended up here myself. I really don't want to ever have to bother with this site again, but leaving you all behind now is making me feel guilty. I know I shouldn't be because I given you everything you need to be well like I am, but I still feel like I'm abandoning you all. I am only going to check back here because of the topic I just covered as there is obviously no reason for me to be here anymore. If no one is interested in going after these people (I honestly wouldn't know how to do it alone), I won't be back here again.


I applaude those of you that are going to go the path that I did, and get off of this forever and get your lives back now! You won't be here 5 years from now still trying to find things that don't work.


Unless we band together on the 'justice' topic, I am finished with this place, I am out of here. This chapter in my life is CLOSED! I am SO HAPPY right now that I'm fighting back tears of JOY! I want to go outside right now and hug everyone that passes by my house! I have people I'm going to see tomorrow that I know have been praying for me, some for years. They are probably going to have to peel my arms off of them - because of their joy to answered prayers, it may be the other way around! I can't wait 'til my hubby comes home....


May God Bless and keep all of you as you struggle through this hell. You can do it - I did - AMEN!



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#2 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 01:21 PM

I am greatly saddened by the above posting.

The above member came to this site and posted "This Works Big Time - Your Ticket Out!" on March 9th of this year. Since no one had replied to it, on March 14th I did. We exchanged private messages for a bit then since we live in the same province (SK, Canada) we exchanged email addies and continued that way. I was hoping that I had made a friend and we would get to meet one day.

When a member asks for my help, I help in any way I can. I have a number of friends who will tell you that if they need someone to talk to who will not judge and will get thoughtful honest answers that I am the one they pick. This is just the way I am.  It hurts me terribly that this member would distort my attempts to help and throw it all back in my face.


I have been off Cymbalta for 31 days today, not 2 months.

I have been a member of this site since 26-February 13 and anyone can see that by checking my profile. I obviously have not been here for 5 years. Until January 2013, I had no experience with this drug at all other than having viewed the commercial on TV. Five years ago I was a Floor Manager at an inbound call center with 131 phone agents on my shift.

I have not hidden any of my problems since coming here. I have been open and honest with everyone. I have posted the good, the bad and the ugly.


This could not have come at a worse time for me as I, like so many people on the site, have a doctor who does not believe that any of my current problems could possibly be caused by Cymbalta and that you have to be on it for years at extremely high doses to have side effects when you stop taking it. He just wants to load me up with a bunch of new drugs to fix me.


I feel discouraged, disappointed, depressed and so very alone.


Take care of you

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 01:00 PM

You know how I feel. You are a wonderful person who does hte cery best they can and with an open mind. I am 100% in sync with you.

#4 chimera


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 01:50 PM

I am greatly saddened by the above posting.

The above member came to this site and posted "This Works Big Time - Your Ticket Out!" on March 9th of this year. Since no one had replied to it, on March 14th I did. We exchanged private messages for a bit then since we live in the same province (SK, Canada) we exchanged email addies and continued that way. I was hoping that I had made a friend and we would get to meet one day.

When a member asks for my help, I help in any way I can. I have a number of friends who will tell you that if they need someone to talk to who will not judge and will get thoughtful honest answers that I am the one they pick. This is just the way I am.  It hurts me terribly that this member would distort my attempts to help and throw it all back in my face.


I have been off Cymbalta for 31 days today, not 2 months.

I have been a member of this site since 26-February 13 and anyone can see that by checking my profile. I obviously have not been here for 5 years. Until January 2013, I had no experience with this drug at all other than having viewed the commercial on TV. Five years ago I was a Floor Manager at an inbound call center with 131 phone agents on my shift.

I have not hidden any of my problems since coming here. I have been open and honest with everyone. I have posted the good, the bad and the ugly.


This could not have come at a worse time for me as I, like so many people on the site, have a doctor who does not believe that any of my current problems could possibly be caused by Cymbalta and that you have to be on it for years at extremely high doses to have side effects when you stop taking it. He just wants to load me up with a bunch of new drugs to fix me.


I feel discouraged, disappointed, depressed and so very alone.


Take care of you

you have been a great help to us all. please please, do not let this discourage you. I know the timing is truly lousy, but you are not alone x

#5 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:23 PM

Thank you fishinghat and chimera

#6 scared60


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    Had a scary incident, now thinking of getting off Cymbalta. I came for advice, support and friendship.

Posted 07 January 2014 - 08:29 PM

Oh no ... Lady ... don't be discouraged ... please.  You have been a wonderful source of information in my short 5 days on this site.  Please, you are not alone .... everyone HERE and OUT THERE is with you.  More importantly God (or whomever you believe in) is with you!  I haven't been at this site long enough to know one person from another, but I do know the ones that have contributed to me while I go through my decision making process.


I thank you Lady2882Nancy for your contribution!

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