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Cymbalta And Elevated Liver Enzymes

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#1 running11



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Posted 24 July 2013 - 09:57 PM

Hi all,


I am new here and I need to STOP Cymbalta ASAP!  I have been on 60 mg. for two years to help my spinal stenosis.  I had artificial disc replacement on C 4-5 and C5-6 on my cervical spine on April 23, 2013.  Since then I also have been taking Hydrocodone to help with my pain.  I was told by my spinal surgeon today that I need 3 levels done on my Lumbar to relieve the pressure.   So , i am still in moderate-severe back pain.   We went over some recent blood tests and my liver enyzme levels are high.  My spinal surgeon said to go off of Cymbalta because it may be  the cause for my liver enzyme increase .  He said to stay on 30 mg for three days and than 15mg for three days and then off for three days.  My pharmacy said they don't come in 15 mg, and I think this taper is pretty severe .  What are some of your thoughts ?  Would Cymbalta increase my liver enzymes or is it the Hydorcodone?


Thank you for you help

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 25 July 2013 - 08:29 AM

All ssris are famous for causing liver problems. As you are probably aware Cymbalta is an antidepressant. Most psychiatrists do a liver function test at least yearly for patients on ssris. The manufacturer suggests every 6 mths initially then every year. So I guess the answer to your question is I would suspect the Cymbalta.


In regard to your other issue, too fast a withdrawal, they have done extensive studies on the withdrawal from Cymbalta. Only 20% of the people have any withdrawal symptoms BUT those symptoms can be pretty overwhelming in those that are unlucky enough to have it. The situation you have does not really allow for the best option which is bead removal. This is where you open your capsule, remove 5 or so of the small beads, close the capsule and then take the capsule. The next day remove 10 beads, the next 15 beads, etc. This allows for a slow even withdrawal with less side effects. With your liver already being effected I don't think you would want to take that long to come off the Cymbalta. There are some supplements that can help with the withdrawal symptoms (if you develop any).


I hope that helps some. I know this is very stressful on you but hang in there. What ever you decide let us know how you are doing and feel free to come to this site to let it out. We have all been through it or are going trough it so we understand. Hang in there.

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#3 running11



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Posted 25 July 2013 - 10:21 AM

Thank you for the reply and the positive and helpful feedback.  The withdraw from Lyrica which was horrifying and we going on vacation on Sunday so it would probably be a terrible time to withdraw.  I stopped cold turkey! 


Do you have any idea how many beads are in Cymbalta and how long it would take to stop Cymbalta doing it in this fashion ?  I've tried this withdrawal with another SSRI; Paxil and it was almost impossible to do.  I am still recovering from neck surgery , cervical spinal I had two disks replaced so I am still healing from that.

#4 fishinghat


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Posted 25 July 2013 - 11:37 AM

You have a challenge ahead of you.The pills vary from around 150 to 250 beads. Doing the bead method trakes about 40 days and doesn't assure you you will noy have withdrawal symptoms but only helps minimize them  Usually the symptoms are very minimal until you are nearly at the end of weaning. After you are off cymbalta you USUALLY have the worse symptoms for the next two weeks, two weeks of SLOW improvement and then another month of lighter symptoms. This varies a lot though as cymbalta is like other ssris and is fat soluble. This means it is stored in your fat and your liver. Once you are off the pills the body begins to pull cymbalta out of these and this can continue the withdrawal symptoms.


What you have to remember is 80% don't have symptoms or little symptoms. Hold on to hope and let us know if we can do anything.

#5 running11



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Posted 25 July 2013 - 11:37 AM

Okay , followed your great advice.  I took 13 out today and then 5 beads each day for the next seven.  Since, I seem to be one of the unlucky 20% would you recommend asking my md for a 10 mg. script to Prozac?  Sorry for the two posts but I wanted to let you know that i was taking and following you great advice!  Thank you for the much needed feedback! :D

#6 fishinghat


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Posted 25 July 2013 - 12:05 PM

No problem running11. I have been down the same road. I think the use of a light dose of prozac will help. Another one that does well is lexapro. They are suppose to be a LOT easier to come off of. They will also buy you time to get the rest of that crappy cymbalta out of your system.

#7 running11



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Posted 26 July 2013 - 07:26 AM

Ok went to my primary and she said to go off my statins and see is it is that.  However, with that being said my spinal doctor told me he doesn't want me to go into , " liver failure and to drop Cymbalta to 60 for two days and than 30 for two days," My alt number is more than double of what it is supose to be.  It is 76 and it's supose to be 6-29.  I wonder how bad the side effects will be.  Adding to the fact we supose to go on vacation in 2 days.  I am so upset about my numbers i can't even sleep.  I asked my primary to give my prozac to help come off of it and she said no!  I think because SSRI's can all cause elevated liver .  Has anyone ever dropped Cymbalta that fast?

#8 fishinghat


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 08:08 AM

Your dr is right. Any of the ssris can cause the liver problems and I stuck my foot in my mouth about the Prozac and Lexapro. Sorry. There are a lot of stories on this site about going cold turkey. While usually not a 'fun' experience it has been done. I would really suggest you search the site for cold turkey entries and do some reading up on how they handled it. By the way, the doctors advice on the statins make sense. Both are hard on the liver so coming off both may be wise. Unluckily that sure puts you in a bad spot. It could be a rough ride but I am hoping it goes easy on you! Keep us informed on what is happening and if there is anything we can do. Hang in there.

#9 running11



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Posted 26 July 2013 - 08:58 AM

Thanks for your response … I feel like I'm white knuckling it here.  My liver is 76 andit should be 6-29 !  Ouch more than double than the outer range … so I'm upset . The side effects  shouldn't be too bad if I go from 60 mg. to 30 for a week than drop to 30 for another week? 

#10 fishinghat


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 09:11 AM

I am not going to lie to you...that could be pretty rough . You shouldn't have much of a problem the first week and it MAY not be too bad the second but after that could be interesting! Don't be too afraid though. Cold turkey never killed anyone that I know of! lol The liver is far too important an issue to take any risks with. Follow your dr advise and then if any side effects develop let us know and we will try to help in any way we can. There are some things you can do to ease your symptoms depending on what symptoms you develop. I can tell you one thing stressing yourself out over this is only going to make your withdrawal worse. Try to focus on positive things in your life. Do those things you enjoy as much as possible and you can always come on here and air out your problems to us. We will be glad to listen.

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#11 running11



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Posted 26 July 2013 - 09:30 AM

Best friend ,


Thank you for the kind response .  I need all the encouragement I can get.  My doctor also took me off statins which could be a factor too!

#12 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 26 July 2013 - 11:09 AM

Hi running11

Lots of people go "cold turkey" from 60mg and yes there tends to be side effects but they get through them. A positive attitude helps alot as well as drinking lots of water and keeping active will make a big difference.

You can do this and save your liver.

Take care

#13 SideEffects



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Posted 04 August 2013 - 11:50 AM

Hello everyone,
This is exactly what I was looking for. I went to my Dr 2 weeks ago & she did blood test. She called me the next day because my liver enzymes were elevated. I had blood work done last fall & they were fine. She switched me from lexapro to Cymbalta in December. I'm also have a lot of bruising, and sudden acne. I'm 53 & have never had acne. I'm seeing the Dr this week but I've already started to count beads! I guess I have to start a daily excerise routine & work through the withdrawal.
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#14 fishinghat


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Posted 04 August 2013 - 02:19 PM

Welcome Side Effects. Unluckily you can find a lot of stories like this on this site. Liver problems are common. I hope you the best of luck and please keep us informed how you are doing.

#15 running11



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Posted 04 August 2013 - 03:18 PM

Side Effects,


How high is are your liver enzymes?  Mine are 76 for the ALT more than double the higher range.   I am very scared.  The normal range for the ALt is 6-29.  My AST is 33 the range is 10-30.  My doctor told me to go off my statin first which is Crestor, which I take for my high cholesterol. Then, I will repeat my blood test to see if its the statin or the Cymbalta or Tyelenol.   I have.  I weaned myself to 50 mg.  by taking one 30 mg and one 20 mg..  I am hoping to get a script for 20 mg. and for the next 10 days wean to two 20mg which will be 40 mg. and then 10 days to 20 mgs until I am off.  Cold turkey is to much for me… I did that with Lyrica and was in bed for two days with extreme flu-like symptoms .  I don't want to do that again…  She asked me five times if I was drinking alcohol which I'm NOT!!!  She didn't seem like she believed me from my numbers….I am blaming Cymbalta and Crestor.  Hang in there.  I'm right there with ya!



#16 Silverfish



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Posted 04 August 2013 - 04:20 PM

Hi Running11!

I see that you're already in good hands regarding advice on tapering off, so I'll just try to calm you down about the liver numbers.


When I had the results of my first blood sample on Cymbalta 60 mg/day, my ALAT was 374. They put me down to 30 mg/day, and two weeks later the ALAT was 189 and the ASAT was 94. 

What I'm trying to say is, that the body is really good at repairing itself if you help it along. Especially after relatively short periods of damage. Don't be scared that your liver is going to fail any day now. Obviously I'm not a doctor,  and you should always listen to your doctor first. However, I think you have time to go through a safer and slower tapering :)


Also, I'm not familiar with the other kinds of medicine you mentioned, but pain killers also tend to elevate the liver count dramatically, in case you're taking any of those.

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#17 running11



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Posted 04 August 2013 - 08:30 PM

Hi Silverfish,


Thanks for suggesting that I am already in good hands!  Because I am the one who came up with a tapering schedule!  I asked my doctors repeatedly to give me one and they said to take 30 mgs for three days and then just stop.. I was on 90 mgs.  I didn't think that was so smart so I came up with my own plan.  I am very frustrated with my doctors.


 Thanks for sharing you results.  It is comforting to know I am not alone.  I am sorry that your numbers are high.  Are you on other meds that could be causing these numbers?

#18 Silverfish



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Posted 05 August 2013 - 04:09 AM

You are definitely not alone, running11!


I think my numbers are much better now. It was definitely the Cymbalta 60mgs that was causing the elevated numbers.

It's been about 2 years since I started Cymbalta and got the above numbers. I was cut down to 30 mgs/day right away and the last time I had a blood sample done, it was normal. So I'm not very worried anymore, though it's still one of the many reasons I'm currently trying to lose Cymbalta altogether. I'm not taking any other medication regularly. Just the occasional painkiller when the withdrawal headache is too rough on me ;)


I sincerely hope you manage to taper off without too much discomfort. Listen to your body. After all, we're the only real experts when it comes down to it. Sometimes doctors can be pretty useless, I know. 

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