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Weight Gain While Tapering Off

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#1 Silverfish



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Posted 31 July 2013 - 05:11 PM

Hey guys!


So I've been following this forum for a bit on and off since I started taking Cymbalta. I searched for topics regarding this issue and found a little bit, but I still feel I need some answers.  

I started tapering off Cymbalta 30mg about 1 month ago (been taken them for approx. 2 years), bead counting, and I feel sort of OK most of the time. Lately though, I've begun to put on weight really fast. 


Now, I was on Paroxetine before Cymbalta for about 10 years and gained about 67 lbs in just a year. This caused an old eating disorder to flare up, and I've been battling that ever since.

I've managed to lose most of the weight again, though it's taken me years and years, cause it's hard for me to lose weight. Just 3 months ago I had plastic surgery to remove some of the worst traces of the weight gain/weight loss. It cost me my life savings.


I haven't had any weight gain while on a steady dose of Cymbalta, but now I'm afraid that I'll gain all the previous weight back while weaning, cause there doesn't seem to be any way for me to control this! I really watch what I eat. Needless to say, my eating disorder is really messing with my head :'(


So, as I've seen a few of you talking about this issue - weight gain while weaning - what was your exact experiences? Was it really extra weight, or was it gas or maybe fluid collecting in your body? How much weight did you gain while tapering off? When did it stop? How hard was it for you to lose the weight again?


Please help!

(And please excuse my english, as it is not my first language :))

#2 DinCA


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 06:10 PM

Hi Silverfish

I started Cymbalta over a year ago.   The year and a half prior to starting it I had lost around 80 lbs.  and not by really trying.  But by a change in ME. that resulted in a change in my daily life.  then I had a bad bout with my long time degenerative spinal problems and got a little depressed....but still wasnt gaining weight back.  Doc gave me the cymbalta and said it was great for chronic pain and the depression that sometimes accompanies it.  I started gianing weight  a few months into cymbalta.  the last time I was weighed at the  doc was a few months ago but I had at that point gained back around 2/3 of what I had lost.  She kept pushing me on losing the weight but nothing was happening.  and she didnt believe me that I was trying.   then I was also having problems with some swelling.    Now after about a month of being off it...the swelling is AWEFUL.  I thought I was gaining weight really fast too but when I took something for water retention...I actually fit comfortably into a pair of pants that I thought I had not only out grown but totally OVER grown  :blink:   so far this time, at least, was from the water retention.

But I am having strange eating habits.  craving sweet drinks.  no intrest in food for days.  sometimes I make myself eat something when I having a problem NOT eating...then I eat like crazy.  never really hungry...but then, also  never feeling full.  it is all very confusing.  One thing I am certain of is that I cant listen to my body where food is concerned right now.  I have to make myself eat on a schedule, sometimes force myself...and then make sure not to over eat when I do.   It's like I have created my own little eating disorder. 

Do you think yours could be from swelling?  What does your doctor say? 

And your english is fine., by the way

#3 fishinghat


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 06:23 PM

Her english is fine? Shoot, it is better than mine!


During withdrawal many of us developed strange cravings. Mine was bananas and strawberrys.

#4 Silverfish



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Posted 02 August 2013 - 10:37 AM

Thanks for your replies! (and nice words about my english) :)


I can't really talk to my doctor about it. It's quite a long and complicated story, but there's no doctor involved in the tapering. 

I'm hoping it's water retention. I tend to get that a lot, usually related to hormonal stuff. Perhaps I should try something for it, and see if something happens. If my weight does go down, it would probably give me some peace of mind for now.


I feel the same way about food, DinCA - no appetite really, and after I've read about others craving carbs especially, I'm very aware of what my body seems to crave. I eat too much sugar, but that's always been a problem, heh. I do the same with forcing myself to eat regular meals, which also helps me keep a normal rythm with regular bedtime and routines. Which again helps keep my head clear.

I eat vegetables, meat, fish, that sort thing. Drink lots of water. No soda. I think I need to watch my portion sizes, though. Like you said, not really feeling full either.


I hope my usual eating habits return to normal when I'm done, then. I really hope my weight adjusts itself again, too.

#5 fishinghat


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 11:07 AM

Silverfish, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Each of us has our own physical and emotional challenges and anyone who says different is lieing. Adding more pressure to yourself is just going to make the stress worse. Do what you can to succed but if you fail, well that happens. Back up, regroup amd try a new approach. Don't forget to enjoy life along the way. Our life is a constant set of challenges as well as rewards (such as freinds, spouses, hobbies, etc).


Hang in there and my best wishes for you.

#6 DinCA


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Posted 06 August 2013 - 02:30 AM


I forgot to click "follow this topic"  and it has taken me days to find you again.  lol    Fishinghat is right ...dont be too hard on yourself.  This has all been quite hard enough.  We should be giving ourselves pats on the back.


I am still fighting the sweet drink cravings.  And sometimes that has caused more stress than anyone can imagine.  I mean it is ridiculous.  ....arrrggggghhhh.  I would kill for a pepsi right now.  And I still do have one sometimes.  I tried replacing soda with home made herbal teas and tried cutting the sugar slowly, each day.....ended up making my own home made southern style SWEET TEA.  SO I am back to trying to cut the sugar down each day.  Also...I never really have been big on ice cream ...but it is my new tru love.  I have no need for other sweet stuff but the drinks and....EXTREME MOOSE TRACKS ice cream...yummm!!!  no other flavor...just that one. 

I realized the other day that part of the problem there is that I am not really able to taste much else.  everything is very bland. and alot of foods are kind of messing with my stomache.  Realizing that kind of helped.  Are you having that problem?   And just the smell of frying (or sometimes any cooking method)  food tends to make me nasueated. so if it isnt something quick, or something I can just grab and eat...it wasnt happening.  Also...My energy level fluctuates so much that I just plain dont feel like it.  so the rest of the time it is still the same.....have to try to  remind myself to eat and then still , I tend to over eat if I am not thoughtful about it.  the food thing is just so bizzarre.  But the stressing over it is causing other problems.  I really do see see where it could bring back or bring on eating disorders.   Alot of old stuff seems to have tried to come back since starting cymbalta.....

SO I VERY MUCH agree with fishinghat.  And the things  that we are worrying over are all things that can wait to be dealt with in a few weeks when we are back in better shape.


oh and watermellon is my other new love...II always liked it but I can not get enough of it sometimes now...its almost decatent...but it IS just watermellon ....so I guess it aint all bad.   :)


Hope your doing ok and feeling better about things.


#7 fishinghat


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Posted 06 August 2013 - 11:51 AM

DinCA you crack me up!!

#8 Silverfish



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:52 AM

You are of course both right. I tell people to choose their battles all the time, and that it's important to give yourself a break once in awhile. Guess I should take my own advice ;)


DinCA, I have the exact opposite problem with fried foods. I love the smell of french fries, and it seems to be amost impossible to control the urge for them right now, argh. However, what you said about food tasting bland - you're right! I need salt on everything these days, cause I find it doesn't taste like anything.

And since salt also encourages water retention...well, this makes perfect sense. I recently had one of those days where I had to pee ALL the time - and my weight actually went down several pounds over the course of just a couple of days. So I think I can rest a bit assured that, at least a good portion of the weight I'm putting on from time to time, is in fact water. This makes me feel so much better.


Also, I'm sad we don't have moose tracks here. I want to try it, it looks so good!

#9 DinCA


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:25 PM

Fishinghat...I am soooo happy that I can make someone else smile over all this crapalta.  I think joking about it is all that keeps me holding on til "he next good day"  sometimes.  I think we need a topic called "the lighter side of crapalta".  Somewhere that we can all laugh together at ourselves.  I just might start one   :)


Silverfish...I love that choosing your  battles thing...something I need to remember too.   I have had some french fry cravings .....but just the thought going into a fast food place where you literally breath in the grease turns my stomache.  of course the drive thru is a whole different story   lol .    Early on I decided one night that home made hash browns would be a good alternative.....that was when I found out about the smell of frying foods.....it was aweful.  and I could smell it in the house for days afterward.

I too, had to RE-realize the salt/swelling connection and am trying really hard to stay away from it.  But I would really love to just be able to taste something  other that sugar for a change.   I am shocked at how much water weight shows.  It is like you gain pounds in just minutes.  if you cant get any pills for the water retention (and if you do make sure you get potasium as well because those pills deplete your potasium...but not too much potasium because that is bad too.... :wacko:   arrrggghhh   as if this isnt all confusing enough) try something natural...even some cranberry juice will help you get the pee rolling a little.    I have read here and my therapist has told me, that water and excerice are the best ways to get this junk out of your system.  so I am thinking that if we are having water retention...that is an extra bad thing.    so focus on peeing and sweating  to flush the crapalta away. 

And as far as the moose tracks go...be thankful you dont have it in your area....i can eat the whole carton by myself :wacko: ..... it is freaking amazing

hope all is well

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#10 DinCA


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Posted 22 August 2013 - 03:45 PM

Silverfish....how are you doing?

#11 Silverfish



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Posted 24 August 2013 - 11:40 AM

Thanks for asking!


I'm doing ok, I think. Tomorrow I'm down to 65 beads (started from 280), and while I'm still panicking over my weight every day, it's actually not so bad. I try to keep busy and come back here when I need to read about other peoples' experiences and find some support and reassurance.


Having a few of the infamous rage outbursts, ehrm. But I also feel as if my brain is functioning better again. My language is improving. Like I'm thinking more clearly. So there's not really any doubt in my mind, that losing the drugs is the right thing for me now :)


Mood swings...sure. But it will pass.


I've been giving out advice in a few other online (national) forums about Cymbalta and how to get off it. Referred a bunch of people to this site, so expect the Danish invasion any day ;D

#12 fishinghat


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Posted 24 August 2013 - 05:48 PM

Glad you are hanging in there silverfish. You are right on course with the bead counting. Now don't be suprised if there is an increase in the withdrawal symptoms when you get down where you are taking only 5 or ten beads. Some people at that time stay at that level for a little while before reducing more. Your body will let you know if yoou are cutting back too quick. If it gets too bad just go back up 3 or 4 beads and once you stabilize start cutting back on the beads again.


Really proud of how your doing. Keep us posted.

#13 DinCA


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Posted 24 August 2013 - 08:19 PM


WOW...you have made alot of progress with the beads.  I am so happy to hear you are doing well.   The worrying and stressing over weight..and numerous other things...does seem to diminish as you go on.    I did it cold turkey so I rcant really say much on the tapering.   But,  those outbursts of rage will dwindle too.   I found they still  flair up once in a while, usually  :unsure: to a lesser degree.  as do some of the other symptoms... the obsessive worrying, smaller bouts of low self esteem, the fuzzy thinking, and a few of the physical symptoms as well.  For me crapalta took some things I have a problem with anyway, and made them all worse.  But I find when I have had a little "relapse" that it is because I wasnt drinking enough water, forgetting the supplements, or not getting enough sleep and/or sitting on my butt too much.  :)   So, remembering  the sleep, sweat, supplements and water thing,  seems to be the key, I think. 

This whole experience has changed how I look at and think about some things and so I think,  in turn it has changed ME as well.  I dont see how any of us could be the same after all this. 

I hope everything continues to go well for you. 

#14 Silverfish



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Posted 06 September 2013 - 10:52 AM

A little update:


I'm taking a break from tapering. I'm at 50 beads, and there's a whole lot of stress going on in my life right now. I felt depressive thoughts moving in on me, so I backed up a bit and plan on staying here for a month or so. Still having mood swings and lots of general anxiety issues, but I'm handling it. Sometimes more gracefully than others, hrm.


Even though I'm stressed by stuff, I feel myself stabilizing and I think I'm even sleeping better than when I was at a full dose. This is great! Good sleep has always been important for my well-being, and Cymbalta gave me nightmares and stressful dreams that didn't leave me well-rested at all, as is the case for many of us.


Regarding my initial weight issue, the number on the scale is relatively stable, not much above my starting point, and I can live with that for now. I still have horrible cravings for fried foods and take-away, which unfortunately sits well with being too stressed to cook my own meals every day.

I've begun cooking large portions on my good days and putting some in the freezer. It's a lifesaver for me, being able to eat nutritional food on the bad days, when I can't manage much. It makes a world of difference for my mood when I eat well. I may continue this habit even after I'm completely done weaning :)


So yeah. I hope you guys are ok out there. Hang in. It certainly pays off! 

#15 buzzbuzz



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Posted 07 September 2013 - 05:50 PM

Hey there. I just read the whole thread. I had a problem with water retention while I was tapering off of cymbalta. My wedding rings got so tight that I couldn't get them off for several weeks. I think retaining water during withdrawal and cessation of this drug is common due to it's anti-inflammatory qualities while taking it. My bloating lasted about 4 to 6 weeks (one day of bloating was too long in my book) and then it calmed down. It really made withdrawing harder because it messed with my body image. One of the reasons why I stopped cymbalta was because I was unable to control my weight while taking it. I found some essay on the net about some study where it was shown that cymbalta messes with your blood-sugar levels. That didn't surprise me. I was hungry constantly on the stuff. I know they claim that cymbalta is appetite-neutral, but it sure as hell wasn't for me....


There's nothing wrong with stopping your taper for a little while. You can continue tapering when your life is less stressful. I hope that things get better soon....

#16 DinCA


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Posted 14 September 2013 - 09:14 PM

"THEY" claim a lot of stuff about cymbalta.....maybe "they" should read a few threads here and get the REAL picture.  but then I have a pretty good idea that what "they"  claim and what "they" KNOW...are two different things.


It's been over two months since my last cymbalta and altho I still have a little problem with water retention...it is not HALF as bad as it was those first weeks.  My appetite is still wonky.  Not all that interested in fried foods or cooking them.  (well, cooking in general)   My sense of smell is still out of the ballpark sometimes...and sometimes it is fine.  Once in a while I still notice that I cant really taste things.  but that has gotten better.  still drinking sweet drinks...but I think that has more to do with establishing a bad habit now than the intense cravings it was before.  But also still loving watermelon    :)

Good news is that I am starting to lose weight finally.  with out really trying.  But that could just be because of the fact that I am no longer driving across town at midnight 5 times a week to find the mega sized bucket of extreme moose tracks   :D    No...seriously  I seem to be getting back on track to where I was before starting cymbalta withdrawals ...thinking more clearly, making better choices, a lot less intense cravings, I am looking forward to really getting in there and working on it. 

I still think cymbalta put on the pounds ALL BY ITS SELF during the year I was on it.  idk...maybe it  screws with cortizol like it does with everything else.      I think for the 20%....cymbalta  messes with your self body image, your self esteem....just goes to work on your insecurities in general.  and , like everything else...that gets multiplied exponentially during withdrawals.   It is a nasty little pill.



Silverfish...I'm with you...., the further away from cymbalta I get the better I feel about the weight...and that after  cymbalta, I can now get back to losing it.  That is thrilling all by its self.  I hope things have evened out for you.  cleaning out the cymbalta is hard enough ....It's too bad we cant get a break from life stress while trying to get off this stuff. 

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#17 andreamarie



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Posted 03 October 2013 - 12:31 PM

I have certainly gained weight while on the drug and tapering off. Like ten pounds. Mostly around my belly. Could be the bloating/water retention? Also feel the brain zaps in my whole body especially during exercise which discourages me from anything high-impact.

#18 Bowdoctor



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Posted 07 October 2013 - 11:08 AM

I GAINED 20 Pounds on Cymbalta, in 2 years my Doctor had me up to 60mg a day, and 3 months ago changed me to 60mg two times a day.   I feel so sleepy and out of it!  Today 10-07-2013 I will start to reduce my Cymbalta S L O W L Y.....


I see some of you gained when going off the Cymbalta.... OH MY I better not, I am 5'9" and weigh 230#.  Doctors want me under 200#.

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#19 DinCA


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Posted 14 October 2013 - 06:45 PM


the  weight thing seems to be a problem for some of us.  I stressed so bad on it in the beginning that it just caused me even more problems.  Being aware is a good thing....but .DON'T stress on it. Well...try not to, anyway.   Looking back...the weight should have been the least of my worries.    It is something that I now have some control over.   And in rebuilding my life ...post-cymbalta....that is a good thing too.  :)


If there was one thing I could wish for for anyone dealing with cymbaltas side effects or withdrawls...it would be to eradicate all the stress and fear that comes with it.    The fear and worry are what cripples us most...I think.   I hope you are doing well with the tapering.

#20 ohsooz



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Posted 29 October 2013 - 03:56 PM

I'm so glad to see I'm not alone on the weight gain issue. I've been on 60mg Cymbalta for 10 months and have gained 30lbs. I'm weaning off now, but all I want to do is eat! Has anyone else had this issue during withdrawals? I'm afraid I won't be able to lose all the weight once I've transitioned to the new med.
Any advice would be great.

#21 Silverfish



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Posted 06 November 2013 - 10:13 AM

Ok, an update from me, if anyone's interested :)


I've had quite a breakdown during the last couple of months (combination of post-anaesthesia anxiety, losing my income, husband losing his job, everyday stress and general autumn depression issues) and I'm up to 70 beads pr. day now.

I'm planning on staying here through the winther if I can afford it, and possibly increasing my dose if I don't feel better soon.


My weight is pretty much the same, except for occasional water retention, and I'm hungry all the time :/ Still craving salty, fatty foods and it's hard not giving in when everything feels crappy and hopeless. I was counting on being drug free by now, but oh well. I'm hoping to feel better next spring and then giving it another try :)


I hope you're all ok out there.


#22 fishinghat


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Posted 06 November 2013 - 01:17 PM

Whatever it takes silverfish. Don't give up. You will know when the time is right to drop some more.

#23 equuswoman


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Posted 08 November 2013 - 09:54 AM

Fishinghat...I am soooo happy that I can make someone else smile over all this crapalta.  I think joking about it is all that keeps me holding on til "he next good day"  sometimes.  I think we need a topic called "the lighter side of crapalta".  Somewhere that we can all laugh together at ourselves.  I just might start one   :)


Silverfish...I love that choosing your  battles thing...something I need to remember too.   I have had some french fry cravings .....but just the thought going into a fast food place where you literally breath in the grease turns my stomache.  of course the drive thru is a whole different story   lol .    Early on I decided one night that home made hash browns would be a good alternative.....that was when I found out about the smell of frying foods.....it was aweful.  and I could smell it in the house for days afterward.

I too, had to RE-realize the salt/swelling connection and am trying really hard to stay away from it.  But I would really love to just be able to taste something  other that sugar for a change.   I am shocked at how much water weight shows.  It is like you gain pounds in just minutes.  if you cant get any pills for the water retention (and if you do make sure you get potasium as well because those pills deplete your potasium...but not too much potasium because that is bad too.... :wacko:   arrrggghhh   as if this isnt all confusing enough) try something natural...even some cranberry juice will help you get the pee rolling a little.    I have read here and my therapist has told me, that water and excerice are the best ways to get this junk out of your system.  so I am thinking that if we are having water retention...that is an extra bad thing.    so focus on peeing and sweating  to flush the crapalta away. 

And as far as the moose tracks go...be thankful you dont have it in your area....i can eat the whole carton by myself :wacko: ..... it is freaking amazing

hope all is well

Hi I enjoyed reading UR post as well. It brought a smile 2 my face. It is so good to know that I am not alone in the journey trying to get off the Cymbalta! & YES the MooseTracks are freaking amazing! I am a sugar addict and have to be extremely mindful of that! :)

#24 DinCA


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Posted 11 November 2013 - 02:42 PM

Silverfish...I am so sorry to hear of your troubles.  I have said before...it would be so very nice if  life would just give us a break while we attempt to rid our bodies of this crapalta.  unfortunately the world keeps turning....  and twisting. 

You have done so well with this...you've put up such a hard fight... that I think you need to give yourself a pat on the back for coming as far as you have.  This is no walk in the park and there is nothing wrong with taking some time to catch your breath. 

There should be a detox center JUST for cymbalta...and Eli Lily should foot the bill ...along with taking care of our families while we are healing... I am thinking a cruise ship would be nice...while we detox in the spa, sipping margaritas...the family can be playing shuffleboard on deck and eating lobster for dinner...on our way to the Bahamas   :D


Equuswoman....No..your not alone.  and you found the right place to be for support.  It is near impossible for the ppl in our lives to understand...and you cant really blame them...I mean I, myself, would not have believed half the stuff crapalta can do to a person before my own little trip with it.  I am not sure where you are at with it...but there is a ton of excellent information here and just keep holding on....it gets better.   (update from me...I have been moose tracks free for 2 months   woohoo   ...I have moved on to cake )

#25 thatstheoldme


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 10:01 AM


#26 Clara


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:03 AM

Just found this new thread, or whatever it is. Bless ya'll, silverfish, DinCa! Having problems with keeping thoughts together today, but here I go anyway!!! I too wonder about the "being able to taste". Lost interest in food, lost weight and on and on I could go. You guys are so articulate! Any way, I am here in the midst of this battle with you! My sense of humor, which I never really had a good one, is here, back, sometimes to the ridiculous point. I'm just trying to "go with the flow", (btw over a week now and 0 Cym), yay, me! What a crappy rollercoaster ride this is :wacko: With the holidays upon us, I am filled with anxiety, anticipation, stress, you name it! Bad timing for the SINbalta w/drawal crap, but I ain't going back now! I'll pray that we ALL get through this season with healing in our damaged selves from the drug and all else life has thrown at us! God bless and Happy Thanksgiving! We all do have much to be grateful for. Just gotta keep our focus on that, stay positive and know, this is not forever!!! :hug:   Clara.

#27 equuswoman


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:05 AM

Just found this new thread, or whatever it is. Bless ya'll, silverfish, DinCa! Having problems with keeping thoughts together today, but here I go anyway!!! I too wonder about the "being able to taste". Lost interest in food, lost weight and on and on I could go. You guys are so articulate! Any way, I am here in the midst of this battle with you! My sense of humor, which I never really had a good one, is here, back, sometimes to the ridiculous point. I'm just trying to "go with the flow", (btw over a week now and 0 Cym), yay, me! What a crappy rollercoaster ride this is :wacko: With the holidays upon us, I am filled with anxiety, anticipation, stress, you name it! Bad timing for the SINbalta w/drawal crap, but I ain't going back now! I'll pray that we ALL get through this season with healing in our damaged selves from the drug and all else life has thrown at us! God bless and Happy Thanksgiving! We all do have much to be grateful for. Just gotta keep our focus on that, stay positive and know, this is not forever!!! :hug:   Clara.

prayers for U sweet friend. Wow "0" Cymbalta...I will be so glad when I am at 0...but it is ever so slowly I must go to get there. But get there I shall with the help of my new found friends here on the Cymbalta forum! :hug: TheEquusWoman

#28 DinCA


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 06:16 PM

Clara...BRAVO!  on the week w/o crapalta  (I love your "SINbalta"   too!). 

The food/taste/smells/weight thing is a  serious pain in the behind.   But gets better over time.  I still think....(and I want to reverberate...this is just MY opinion, based on my own cymbalta story).... it best to allow yourself some indulgence in this whole area.  Eat what you can, when you can....keeping in mind your health of course, making as many healthy choices as you can.  


I just look at it as picking your battles wisely.   Like all the rest of this....the weight gain/loss can cause some serious stress if you let it.  Part of that is cymbalta......causing us excess  stress over EVERYTHING.  It turns up the volume and adds an echo to that little voice of the critic that we always have whispering in our ears...whether that concerns our weight, thought processes, memory loss, our behavior...whatever...crapalta exaggerates it all exponentially.  Seems to me, the  thing crapalta feeds on is stress and fear....it seems to need those things desperately...so it creates it anywhere and everywhere it can.  

For me it started with weight re-gain....I tore myself up over  it in the begining...in the long run, it was the least of my worries and I wasted alot of energy over it, energy that was needed for other battles.  I realize this is easier said now, as I am just starting to feel like I am on my way out the back door of cymbalta hell  (or maybe just now getting a glimpse at the exit sign in the distance :D ) ....But any time...for any of the w/d symptoms...that you can muster a pat on the back or a que sera, sera attitude....do it,  because crapalta will have you beating yourself up over every symptom at every stage of the game.   And THAT is JUST the cymbalta...feeding its self.

Happy Thankgiving to you too.   I hope the holidays shine some much needed light on all of us here.

#29 DinCA


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 06:23 PM


I so appreciate you positive attitude in all of your posts.  It's refreshing!

#30 Wagtail


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 12:23 AM

Hi everyone , this has opened my eyes !. I could starve myself when I was on the Cymbalta & still gain weight . I took my last capsule 4weeks ago & you all know the journey that I'm traveling . The sugar cravings & the diet problems were ones that I didn't expect as is the fluid retention . I have been looking forward to wearing my wedding ring again , it hasn't fit me for a few years & that in itself was stressful . Hopefully after reading all your posts & now being aware that this is a withdrawal symptom that I need to deal with , I feel more empowered & less likely to let it get me down .. Thank you all for sharing , even when you might think what you're saying is trivial , you just might be helping someone like me who was not aware of certain symptoms ..

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