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Weight Gain While Tapering Off

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#31 equuswoman


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    In the future want 2B off Cymbalta! The physicians are no help. Looking for understanding, support & encouragement as I know this is a difficult process. Want 2 be of help 2 others who will find this site looking for same things as I.

Posted 11 December 2013 - 12:07 AM

I can so r/t to the fluid retention. It does get better tho. I am so glad to have found this forum. The ppl here are some of the most understanding and helpful to us on this Cymbalta journey. Prayers for you from TheEquusWoman

#32 DinCA


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Posted 12 December 2013 - 01:19 AM

Wagtail, you are so very right...being able to read others cymbalta stories has been  a HUGE help.  Just knowing that I wasnt experiencing some of this stuff alone and the encouraging replies to my own posts...were enough to help me get thru to the next symptom.  And then they were there again f...or that next symptom...with patience, understanding and acceptance....even in my crazier moments.    I would not have made it this far alone...I am sure.  Good support and information are essential while getting off this stuff.  It is unfortunate that doctors dont realize that.  And it is hard for the ppl in our lives to understand what is going on with us during all this.  This site and the ppl here are a blessing.

I hope you are doing well

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#33 Donnaprashad


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Posted 26 December 2013 - 08:45 AM

Just read most of this thread. I was on 120 mg for almost 7 years. I went from 114 lbs to over 160 lbs. all this time I thought it was a result of chemo. I couldn't understand why others lost the weight after finishing chemo and I just kept gaining. I've been miserable with the weight because I've always been so small. After 6 days cold turkey the bloating is awful! But I just know that once I'm through this my weight will go down. It has truly undermined my self image to the point of hating looking at myself in the mirror. My appetite has been screwy since I began this disgusting drug. And my doctors have all been on me about loosing weight and not believing me when I tell them I've tried and it just doesn't change. Ahh well, they don't know what they are talking about anywY when it comes to cymbalta. And I am drinking coke like there is no tomorrow. Right now I'm not inclined to deny myself that one pleasure. Once I've gotten through the worst of this I will work on that. It gives me so much hope to finally know where the weight gain came from - and to know there is hope that it will go down!

#34 Timbo


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    Recently started tapering off of Cymbalta. Having bad effects and wanted to see if there were any ways to do this without having such a negative impact on my functionality.

Posted 26 December 2013 - 02:13 PM

Weight gain is a known side-effect of Cymbalta.  I am 6'1" and usually weigh about 205.  I have gained about 23 pounds in the past 6 months - even while working out at the gym and eating a relatively healthy diet.   I'm with you - I am hoping that the less of this drug that is in my system, the more my metabolism gets back to normal.  I have been sick to my stomach almost constantly since I started taking it about a year ago.   The vertigo/headaches I have had with the withdrawals has made that even worse.  This stuff is brutal!  I understand your desire to give yourself the pleasure of drinking coke; however, that probably isn't helping matters.  My weakness has been ice cream - like crazy.  I have never craved sugary foods in my life like I have in the past 6 months.  I am finding that if I avoid them, some of these side-effects seem a little less awful.  Plus, if it helps me get the extra weight off, I think it will help me feel better about myself.   Just saying...don't let this stuff have any more power over you than it already has.  Take care of YOU...and do things that you know will make you feel better about you - regardless of how this crap makes you "feel."   Hang in there, my friend!  We will all get through this eventually.   

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#35 thismoment



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Posted 26 December 2013 - 02:26 PM

Tim and Donna


I went through a period during withdrawal where I thought I could rid the world of ice cream by eating it all myself.

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#36 Timbo


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    Recently started tapering off of Cymbalta. Having bad effects and wanted to see if there were any ways to do this without having such a negative impact on my functionality.

Posted 26 December 2013 - 02:29 PM

Tim and Donna


I went through a period during withdrawal where I thought I could rid the world of ice cream by eating it all myself.

Haha!   You mean we can't!!?   Darn, I was sure going to give it a try.  I had to just stop buying it.  I was waking up in the middle of the night and making a delicious shake with coffee ice cream, chocolate syrup, and malt....mmmmmm!   Now my secret is out as to why I have put on the pounds, huh!?  ;-)  

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#37 thismoment



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Posted 26 December 2013 - 08:12 PM


Aside from the pails of vanilla ice cream I removed from the planet, I took a pretty good run at the chocolate-dipped vanilla ice cream bars-on-a-stick. After months of chocolate-faced dribbling trial-and-error, I learned to snarf the bar-on-a-stick clean from one hand and also type with the other.


I have saved each little piece of wood, and have them stacked in the garage where the van used to be parked. I'm thinking of using all that lumber to build something- maybe an ark, or perhaps a nice Downeast Lobster Yacht. lol

#38 LwillisAU



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Posted 27 December 2013 - 11:40 AM

Hi all,
I was on 60 mg Cymbalta for almost 4 yrs for migraines. My headaches were getting worse so I went to see a Neurologist. He wanted to try some new drugs but was very worried about me coming off the Cymbalta. He made lots of comments about how hard it is to come off of that drug. We decided I would stay on it while we worked with other drugs to find one that would help my migraines. Now we have finally found something that works and we are beginning the process of coming off the Cymbalta. He has me taking 40 mg a day for 2 weeks then I’m to go to 20mg for a few more weeks. It’s been 1 ½ weeks and I have gained almost 5 lbs. Now I had some weight gain while on Cymbalta (maybe 10 lbs) that I was never able to take off. Dr said it was just me getting older (I’m 47 now). But I have never gain that much so quick….even at Christmas time. Other than being very short tempered that seems to be the only side effect I have had…so far (hope I’m not jinxing myself). I’m so glad I found this thread. Gives me some hope that once I’m totally off that drug I can get the extra weight off too.

#39 equuswoman


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 01:50 PM

Hi all,
I was on 60 mg Cymbalta for almost 4 yrs for migraines. My headaches were getting worse so I went to see a Neurologist. He wanted to try some new drugs but was very worried about me coming off the Cymbalta. He made lots of comments about how hard it is to come off of that drug. We decided I would stay on it while we worked with other drugs to find one that would help my migraines. Now we have finally found something that works and we are beginning the process of coming off the Cymbalta. He has me taking 40 mg a day for 2 weeks then I’m to go to 20mg for a few more weeks. It’s been 1 ½ weeks and I have gained almost 5 lbs. Now I had some weight gain while on Cymbalta (maybe 10 lbs) that I was never able to take off. Dr said it was just me getting older (I’m 47 now). But I have never gain that much so quick….even at Christmas time. Other than being very short tempered that seems to be the only side effect I have had…so far (hope I’m not jinxing myself). I’m so glad I found this thread. Gives me some hope that once I’m totally off that drug I can get the extra weight off too.

Welcome to the Cymbalta forum. Glad that you found us. Lots of wonderful ppl here so willing to share their experiences with one another.

I had to go back on the Cymbalta 60 cuz the drop from 60 down to 30 was ok but on day 10 the w/d came a pounding on my door! But then

I found this forum and learned how to do the "bead counting" method. This is a very slow weaning process, for me anyhow. But I'm determined to make it and one day in the future will be Cymbalta FREE...


When I get discouraged and down and out I come to the forum here and vent and let the others who have gone before me thru this process how I am doing. I also post positive things here as well. We all share w/each other whatever may be going on during the time.  Someone always answers my questions and concerns...they really do CARE about one another here.


Anyhow praying for the best for you on the path you're on and remember if you have any difficult just log onto the forum and you will always find the help and encouragement that you need!


Again 'welcome' glad that you are 'here'...TheEquuswoman :hug:

#40 lovemy3girls


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Posted 27 December 2013 - 02:17 PM

HI all! I started Cymbalta after my pregnancy a little over 2 years ago. I was on bed rest during my whole pregnancy ( I was high risk). So of course gained more weight than I had anticipated. I gained an additional 20lbs after my pregnancy, due to the Cymbalta. I craved everything sugary. My coffee had to be extra sweet and if I didn't deplete the stores of chocolate I wasn't satisfied lol. I am now down to 45 beads and my appetite is getting better but also, I feel better after I eat, I know it's because during withdrawal from this crap keeping blood sugar levels up are important. I quit CT at what I thought was low enough and lost 10lbs in just under two weeks. Then bam symptoms set in at 6 weeks and I had to reinstate.  The appetite is back, but not as bad, horrible bloating though.. I get frustrated cause I was very active and ran miles everyday before my pregnancy and Cymbalta made me not want to do ANYTHING!

#41 thismoment



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Posted 27 December 2013 - 03:07 PM

Hi all,
I was on 60 mg Cymbalta for almost 4 yrs for migraines. My headaches were getting worse so I went to see a Neurologist. He wanted to try some new drugs but was very worried about me coming off the Cymbalta. He made lots of comments about how hard it is to come off of that drug. We decided I would stay on it while we worked with other drugs to find one that would help my migraines. Now we have finally found something that works and we are beginning the process of coming off the Cymbalta. He has me taking 40 mg a day for 2 weeks then I’m to go to 20mg for a few more weeks. It’s been 1 ½ weeks and I have gained almost 5 lbs. Now I had some weight gain while on Cymbalta (maybe 10 lbs) that I was never able to take off. Dr said it was just me getting older (I’m 47 now). But I have never gain that much so quick….even at Christmas time. Other than being very short tempered that seems to be the only side effect I have had…so far (hope I’m not jinxing myself). I’m so glad I found this thread. Gives me some hope that once I’m totally off that drug I can get the extra weight off too.

Hi LwillisAU


Welcome to this forum! Please take some time to read through some of the posts here; you'll find many kindred spirits in this space.


The step-down withdrawal regimen your doctor has recommended is contrary to what the manufacturer Eli Lilly recommends, and it's contrary to what most folks here are doing.


You dropped from 60 to 40 (hold the 40 for two weeks); drop from 40 to 20 (hold the 20 for three weeks); then cold turkey.


As you can tell, the withdrawal symptoms have begun, and they will get stronger when you drop to 20, and they will really become part of your life following the last big step from 20 to 0.


Would you consider adopting a linear taper (no steps) from the dosage where you are stable (maybe 40 if you're stable, or go back to 60 before beginning)? Maybe reduce over 3 months or more to get to zero. I reduced from 30 mg to 0 over 42 days and that was WAY TOO FAST for me. 


We count the beads in a capsule and remove the appropriate amount  each day over a period of time.


If I had to do it again, I would reduce by an additional 1% per day: Day one remove 1% of the beads and swallow the capsule; Day two remove 2% of the beads; Day three remove 3% of the beads until you reach 100% of the beads gone at Day 100.  Your withdrawal symptoms will be much more bearable. Take the next few months to find your feet and get used to your new reality.


Advise your doctor.


Best wishes! Please post here with your progress and insights. 

#42 thismoment



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Posted 27 December 2013 - 06:59 PM

It will come back. Let the Holiday carnival unpack itself. Rest.

#43 lovemy3girls


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Posted 01 January 2014 - 04:23 PM

Thank you thismoment, I am at a road block today. I noticed a few days ago that my leg pain was coming back along with the akathisia.. I am always fine first thing in the am. then after I take my tiny dose, leg pain, irritability, agitation, akathisia, neck pain, you name it. Am I truly that sensitive to this crap that such a tiny dose affects me this way?? I was in a really good mood this morning and had a great conversation with my hubby and he said he noticed my mood is worse after I take my dose.. This has been a pattern for 4 days now..Just not sure where to go from here... :wacko:

#44 fishinghat


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Posted 01 January 2014 - 04:36 PM

It would be interesting to know how long after taking the capsule your attitude changes. It takes cymbalta 2 hours to even start entering the blood stream and 6 hours to reach max concentration. I just though I would throw that out there.

#45 Timbo


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    Recently started tapering off of Cymbalta. Having bad effects and wanted to see if there were any ways to do this without having such a negative impact on my functionality.

Posted 01 January 2014 - 04:43 PM

Thank you thismoment, I am at a road block today. I noticed a few days ago that my leg pain was coming back along with the akathisia.. I am always fine first thing in the am. then after I take my tiny dose, leg pain, irritability, agitation, akathisia, neck pain, you name it. Am I truly that sensitive to this crap that such a tiny dose affects me this way?? I was in a really good mood this morning and had a great conversation with my hubby and he said he noticed my mood is worse after I take my dose.. This has been a pattern for 4 days now..Just not sure where to go from here... :wacko:

What time are you taking it?   I take mine right before bed.  I usually have a slight headache in the morning, but it goes away after a get up and move around (and drink coffee - don't necessarily recommend that).   I'm just wondering if changing the time of day you take it might help?  

#46 lovemy3girls


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Posted 01 January 2014 - 04:58 PM

I take it everyday at 10:30 am and by 1:00  I start feeling like crap,  When I am ready for bed, typically around 9:30 I feel a little better and in the morning fine again. Thanks for the quick reply! I worry if I do change to night dosing that I won't sleep :(

#47 Akk


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Posted 01 January 2014 - 04:59 PM

LuwallisAU-sounds as if you have a decent doctor who is familiar with the effects of this nasty pill...lucky you.  You can teach him the tapering method!

#48 Timbo


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    Recently started tapering off of Cymbalta. Having bad effects and wanted to see if there were any ways to do this without having such a negative impact on my functionality.

Posted 01 January 2014 - 05:09 PM

What time are you taking it?   I take mine right before bed.  I usually have a slight headache in the morning, but it goes away after a get up and move around (and drink coffee - don't necessarily recommend that).   I'm just wondering if changing the time of day you take it might help?  

I have had insomnia for years.   When I changed t taking it at night vs morning (5 weeks ago), I noticed a significant IMPROVEMENT in my sleeping patterns.   I have one of those Body Media Fit armbands that measures several things including your sleep patterns.   I was just looking over the data...I was averaging about 4-5 hours of sleep per night.  After the change, the average has been 5.8 hours.   Not a LOT of improvement...but some.  I slept 8.5 hours last night.   I don't remember sleeping that many hours in years.   So...my experience has been that taking it at night is better on many counts (including sleep).   


Another benefit to the evenings for me is that my withdrawal symptoms always start about an hour before I am scheduled to take my pill.  When that happens to me right before work, it makes the first few hours of the day miserable.   When it happens right before bed, I actually look forward to going to bed and laying down.   By the time I wake up, the symptoms are gone (except for the mild headache).    By the time I leave for work, I don't notice any symptoms at all.   


Hope that helps a little.  :-) 

#49 lovemy3girls


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Posted 01 January 2014 - 05:12 PM

I might try that tomorrow.  I will feel icky by tomorrow night cause of the withdrawals but willing to try anything at this point.  Thank you, that makes sense! Timbo, what dose are you taking?

#50 Timbo


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    Recently started tapering off of Cymbalta. Having bad effects and wanted to see if there were any ways to do this without having such a negative impact on my functionality.

Posted 01 January 2014 - 06:16 PM

I might try that tomorrow.  I will feel icky by tomorrow night cause of the withdrawals but willing to try anything at this point.  Thank you, that makes sense! Timbo, what dose are you taking?

I am tapering down from 60 mg.   I am taking 33 beads for my dose tonight (approx 10 mg).   You bring up a good point, and it is one that I took into consideration when I made the change.   Instead of extending the delay of my next dose 12 more hours, I took the dose 12 hours earlier.     It was a VERY smooth transition.   My theory was that 1/2 of the original dose was already out of my system and half of that would be out of my system in 12 more hours.   The risk of "too much" was non-existent, since I was on the way down and doctors frequently increase dosages by double the previous dose.   I discussed it with my doctor as well who said it was fine.    That's my experience, anyway.  If you do it, I hope it helps make the day more tolerable.  

#51 equuswoman


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Posted 02 January 2014 - 01:37 PM

I might try that tomorrow.  I will feel icky by tomorrow night cause of the withdrawals but willing to try anything at this point.  Thank you, that makes sense! Timbo, what dose are you taking?


I have always taken the dose in the evenings. Maybe if you start doing that it might help some for you as well. I am just counting the beads one bead at a time and taking it one day at a time. One day in the future I SHALL be Cymbalta FREE! Keep us posted on your progress! :hug:

#52 equuswoman


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    In the future want 2B off Cymbalta! The physicians are no help. Looking for understanding, support & encouragement as I know this is a difficult process. Want 2 be of help 2 others who will find this site looking for same things as I.

Posted 02 January 2014 - 01:40 PM

I am tapering down from 60 mg.   I am taking 33 beads for my dose tonight (approx 10 mg).   You bring up a good point, and it is one that I took into consideration when I made the change.   Instead of extending the delay of my next dose 12 more hours, I took the dose 12 hours earlier.     It was a VERY smooth transition.   My theory was that 1/2 of the original dose was already out of my system and half of that would be out of my system in 12 more hours.   The risk of "too much" was non-existent, since I was on the way down and doctors frequently increase dosages by double the previous dose.   I discussed it with my doctor as well who said it was fine.    That's my experience, anyway.  If you do it, I hope it helps make the day more tolerable.  


Yep I went from 30mg after a couple weeks up to 60mg X 18 months and so want off this crap drug!

But had to whoa down and take it nice and slow and praying for a smooth transition when I am at ground ZERO! ;)

#53 Mollymoo



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Posted 04 January 2014 - 04:18 PM

What supplements can I take if I do retain water while weaning? Is there a specific vitamin that will help?
I put weight on while taking cymbalta and now I find I'm very hungry and fingers are swelling.

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