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Am I Going Crazy? Because I Sure Feel Like It!

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#1 Ginger72



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    Need help from withdrawal from this horrible drug...

Posted 24 August 2013 - 02:37 AM

To anyone out there:
I cry at the drop of a hat--sad and happy tears. I have been reading the forums/posts and haven't stopped crying yet about hearing success stories and horror stories.
My brain feels like it is " loose"... Feel like I am going insane, but I know that my real self is in here somewhere. This is not me!!! I have to have faith in God or the devil...whichever one is taking over my body/brain for some help!
I am seeing a Therapist and a CNS who is changing my meds. I was weened off Cymbalta for total of 2 weeks (went from 90 mg total down to 60 mg for one week and then down to 30 mg for a week to nothing). This was and has been horrible...I am now on Wellbutrin 150mg daily with no relief. 3 weeks totally off cymbalta, but still "crazy"!
My craziness consists of crying at anything, nausea, weird poops ( sorry), and more crying, having a list of "to do's" that sound like a great idea, but never do them. So many more craziness things, but too many to list. I've been completely off kilter and it needs to stop! When will it end?!
Help, please! This is ridiculous.

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 24 August 2013 - 05:35 PM

Your doctor is an idiot! (P.S. welcome to the site.) The best way is to bead count. This is done by opening up your capsule and removing 5 of the tiny beads inside. The next day remove 10 beads before taking the capsule, the next 15, etc etc. This brings you off the medicine much slower, more stable and with less withdrawal. When you get down to near zero beads the withdrawal usually kicks in and lasts 6 yo 8 weeks with signs of improvement by the end of the 3rd or 4th week. Going cold turkey or a quick drop like you did the withdrawal is usually much worse. It can last 2 to 4 months before it starts to stabilize. One of the things to remember abour cymbalta, it is stored in your liver and fat tissue and can take from 6 months to one year to get it all out of your system. Now that is not typical though. Like I said usually 2 to 4 months of tough withdrawal . Many of the people on this site has kicked it that way but many go back to the Dr. and get a light prescription of lexapro, zoloft or prozac. This is still an ssri like cymbalta but they are weaker with less withdrawal. Once your cymbalta withdrawal lets up and you feel better they then begin weaning you off the new ssri. I hope that all made sense. By the way you symptoms are clasic for cymbalta withdrawal. There are some suplements that you can take to help but I really am not an expert on them.


This is a horrible drug with a horrible withfrawal but you are not alone and can get through this like many before you have. Let us know if we can help and God Bless.

#3 Ginger72



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Posted 24 August 2013 - 10:09 PM

Thank u so much for ur advice. I wish I would have known about these horrible withdrawl symptoms before my dr started weaning me off! I read about the "bead method" but only after I was totally off it. Too late now, I guess. Just have to go through the process. These doctors/counselors/psychiatrists don't really get it unless they have been through it themselves, i think. It did give me hope and made me feel a little better once I found out that this is "normal" to go through these withdrawl symptoms. Honestly, I'm surprised that I've been able to function at work the way I have. i have seriously thought about going on a leave of absence,but have stuck through it.

Luckily, I have a wonderful husband who has been my best cheerleader. I really don't know how he has lived with me the last few weeks...I don't know what people do who don't have any support. Plus , just talking about this with other people knowing that I'm not alone, helps.

Do u think the new Rx of 150 mg Wellbutrin is even worth taking while going through the withdrawl? I would love not to be on any anti depressants, but I wonder if my psyche is strong enough for that? I've been on some sort of anti depressant since 2008.just started "talk therapy" with a therapist a couple of months ago. I like going but really only for the coping skills she has offered--I'm not one that likes to talk about "me". But I'll try anything (almost) once if it may help. I've actually have done a lot of new things hoping it will help: Yoga, reading the Bible, praying more, even meditating(when my mind lets me). I know I have to have faith, but man, sometimes it's soooo hard.
Thank you for listening, I truly appreciate it.

#4 fishinghat


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Posted 25 August 2013 - 07:41 AM

The wellbutrin should definitely help but that is a pretty good dose just for helping with withdrawal. You would be swapping one ssri for another.  Wellbutrin does not have as strong a withdrawal but still...not easy to come off of. Take it is a personal choice. It just depends on if you can handle what you are going through right know or if it gets too much.


Either way you go I wish you the be strong, and hang in there. Keep us posted on how you do.

#5 buzzbuzz



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    I'm in the throes of withdrawal (even though I did my best to bead count). I'm here for help and support, and would love to offer support and encouragement who are going through the same....

Posted 25 August 2013 - 03:45 PM

Your doctor is an idiot! (P.S. welcome to the site.) The best way is to bead count. This is done by opening up your capsule and removing 5 of the tiny beads inside. The next day remove 10 beads before taking the capsule, the next 15, etc etc. This brings you off the medicine much slower, more stable and with less withdrawal. When you get down to near zero beads the withdrawal usually kicks in and lasts 6 yo 8 weeks with signs of improvement by the end of the 3rd or 4th week. Going cold turkey or a quick drop like you did the withdrawal is usually much worse. It can last 2 to 4 months before it starts to stabilize. One of the things to remember abour cymbalta, it is stored in your liver and fat tissue and can take from 6 months to one year to get it all out of your system. Now that is not typical though. Like I said usually 2 to 4 months of tough withdrawal . Many of the people on this site has kicked it that way but many go back to the Dr. and get a light prescription of lexapro, zoloft or prozac. This is still an ssri like cymbalta but they are weaker with less withdrawal. Once your cymbalta withdrawal lets up and you feel better they then begin weaning you off the new ssri. I hope that all made sense. By the way you symptoms are clasic for cymbalta withdrawal. There are some suplements that you can take to help but I really am not an expert on them.


This is a horrible drug with a horrible withfrawal but you are not alone and can get through this like many before you have. Let us know if we can help and God Bless.


Fishinghat is right...bead counting is the only way. My doctor told me to cut my dose in half (60 to 30) for 2 weeks, and 30 to nothing for 2 weeks. I tried that, and I was unable to function. I had to drop back and punt. I still had w/d symptoms even with bead counting but not as severe. I am so sorry you are going through this. You will find lots of help here. You will get through this....you willl...



#6 Ginger72



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Posted 25 August 2013 - 05:55 PM

Thank u both for the support. I sit here reading this wonderful support to me and cry knowing that it's such an awesome and overwhelming feeling that there is support for something like this. I know that it is only a matter of time before the symptoms fade, but right now, this forum is helping me realize that it WILL get better and it's not the end of the world...I hate to admit it, but I have thought that before and those thoughts are so scary! Thank u, thank u and thank u again and I hope u are doing ok with ur withdrawal as well...

#7 Ginger72



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Posted 26 August 2013 - 07:22 PM

Just an update on me--today was a good day. Only cried once all day and my brain doesn't feel "as loose" (brain zaps, I guess). However, I have had a horrible headache that won't go away and I have been achey since yesterday (in my upper back/neck/shoulder area). I don't know if I slept wrong or if it's just part of the withdrawal. I will take it over the "crazyness" and "brain zaps" any day though!! I'm trying to be positive in thinking that the worst is over and itmwill only get better from here...hopefully? Not back to my full self yet, but getting there. One day at a time (felt like it used to be one hour at a time). Support helps and I am so grateful that I found this site. I didn't realize the power of knowing that I am not alone because before, I sure thought I was. Thank you for listening. Stay tuned....

#8 fishinghat


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 07:26 PM

Definitely not alone!! Hang in there.

#9 Ginger72



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 09:52 PM

Doing ok today. Brain zaps are getting better (fading), but I feel like I am SO sensitive with everything (feelings). I can usually let things "roll off me", but it seems like I can still cry at the drop of a hat. I don't cry as long and I don't sob as hard as I did about a month ago, but I can still cry. I don't think I feel sad as much as i did at the beginning (of withdrawal) but I wish my skin would "thicken up" a little. I guess this is just part of the withdrawl...it is true that time heals, but I wish this time of my life would speed up so I can feel 100% like me again. I will get there, I just need some more patience. I just teared up when typing that last sentence. I so want to be myself again. Thanks for listening. Stay tuned....

#10 fishinghat


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 07:59 AM

Hang in there Ginger. It takes time and patience.

#11 Ginger72



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Posted 07 September 2013 - 09:50 AM

Well, I have hung in there and am happy that I have...I still can easily cry, but it is not as bad. Brain zaps are totally gone as well as the nausea and "craziness" feelings. I think the 150 mg of Wellbutrin is taking the edge off the depression, but I would like to not be on any anti-depressants at all. However, I think I may have to be and I am telling myself that it is ok. This is who I am and I will just have to accept it. I'm not so sure that people can choose to be happy. If it were that easy, why wouldn't everyone just be that way?
No one "chooses" to be sad, do they?
I am very grateful for this forum because it really has helped to read other people's stories and to know that I am not alone. Thanks to you all out there for reading my sob stories over the last 6 weeks and helping me get through this mess of my cymbalta withdrawal. To people who have read my stories on here, please know that you are loved and there are other people who are going through the exact same thing you are. Please don't give up and know that time does heal even if it doesn't feel like it. I may still not be 100%, but at least I do know that one day in the near future I will be! Good luck and thank you!

#12 fishinghat


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Posted 07 September 2013 - 12:00 PM

That is great news Ginger. Congrats!!

#13 getbacktoactive



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Posted 29 September 2013 - 07:05 PM

I was weaned from 60 to 0 in 5 days, so I get where you are coming from. I'm really struggling to remain functional throughout withdrawal, but it's really difficult. I'm taking a bunch of supplements that are helping, I know there's lots of good info on the nutrition support board. I've heard that Omega 3s and B 50 complex helps the most with brain zaps. Good luck!

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