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Hard Detox Is My Only Option

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#1 rtgodb



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Posted 21 September 2013 - 10:56 AM

So I've been on Cymbalta for about a year. I don't have any negative side effects from taking it, but I can't afford to keep taking it. I had a doc who was giving me samples to get by, but it looks like thats been exhausted. I have been wanting to get off of it for a while, as I don't think its needed anymore. I took it to get through a situation that was wrecking me and my family life. The situation is greatly repaired perminently. I am out of medicine, and I can't afford the $200 damn dollars to buy more. I came here to learn if there are any suggestions I can follow to get through the detox without getting too badly beaten up. I've been on 60mg daily. I'm a 6'3" 32 year old 250 pound male. I'll do anything to avoid a prolonged detox. I can grind through a couple days of hell, but the drawn out mess of disorientation and suffering sounds horrible. I am really grateful for this forum, and I sincerely hope everyone here is feeling better.




Ryan :unsure:

#2 Ape


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Posted 21 September 2013 - 06:40 PM

Try some of the vitamines listed on these posts like vitamins b complex coq10 omega 369 multivitamins And some suggested apple cider vinegar. Good luck I don t know what else to suggest because I am still on cymbolta and I am waiting for my pdoc take me slowly off

#3 DinCA


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Posted 22 September 2013 - 04:10 AM


I too was on it at 60 mg somewhere just over a year and had to go cold turkey.   But then, cymbalta and I never really got along from the beginning...I just didnt realize that was what was going on.  But you may be one of the lucky ones who dont have too much of a problem getting off it.   You will find on this site over and over again..."20%" ......they say that it is 20% that seem to have real a problem with quitting cymbalta  ..... discontinuance syndrome.  So, there is a decent possibility that you may NOT have hard of a time with it. 

But being prepared will help if that is not the case.  And this is definitely the place to do it.  I can tell you if I hadnt read some of the stories here., and gotten a few really good replies with advice, early on....I would have been lost.  I am sure I'd have given up had I not had an idea of what was coming....and that it would be getting better at some point.  

so here's my best advise,....

If you can at all swing getting more cymbalta.....do it....tapering or bead counting really is the way to do this. Or  maybe there is a cheaper med that can help you thru this.  Doing this is no walk in the park...but cold turkey can be much harder.

Find the posts here about supplements and start taking them as soon as you can.  These guys know what they are talking about. I noticed a difference right away.   If the cost becomes a problem, I found even the cheaper discount store versions helped when money was short (maybe not as well but it was MUCH better than going without all together when I ran out).  I also added some others, according to my own symptoms.  Just make sure you research everything as there are some supplements that dont do well with medications...or with other supplements or some health conditions.  I worked at a nutrition center for a little while years ago and witnessed some problems with this.  so do research.

Remembering that it is ONLY the cymbalta  , is really  important. YOU are not crazy...but the cymbalta IS !   I was absolutely frantic early on  (it is a little like mentally and emotionally bumping into walls at every turn...sometimes physically too  :) ) It takes a few weeks for that to calm down.    If you feel out of sorts...come here...because everyone here DOES understand.  I had a few days myself,  of feeling like a full blown schizophrenic meth addict on mega-steroids, who was also  mentally disabled and had the  mouth of a sailor..when I could actually get the words to come out  ;)   It was a blessing to be able to come here and vent or whine in a safe environment where some one else gets it and all will be forgiven...or to just read that some one else had a similar experience.

I think this stuff brings up insecurities and fear and intensifies them. ... many people here will agree with that.    So remind your self of that often.  If  things look to big to handle...THAT  is the cymbalta talking. 

You are trying to FLUSH the cymbalta toxins out of your body...so plenty of water and sweating (exercise)  ...and then more "plenty of water".

Between insomnia and dreams.....Sleep can be a problem, but try to get it as much as you can.   If you get the nightmares....they are a b@%#*.....The first thing I took was the fish oil...and  it helped greatly.  But just keep in mind that it is your brain ...cymbalta (or the lack there of) is causing it to misfire like a car  that is in serious need of new spark plugs.   and remember...this too shall pass.

Life doesnt ease up on us just because we are in dire need of it to and stress makes it worse.  So any life stresses that you can control easily...do just that....keep them at a minimum.  And any that you can"t....try the Scarlett O'Hara approach and try to tell yourself you'll worry about them another day.  :D  (...yes, I'm old.)  But it works if you can do it.

The emotions go wonky.  Both rage and tears.  And your thinking can get cloudy.  The supplements will help      AGAIN...remember it is not you, and come here to vent.  if it gets too bad , a therapist can help. 

Try to explain to your family and friends.  try to get them to check out this site.  But be prepared that maybe not everyone is going to be supportive.  It is just because they dont get it.   It doesnt mean they dont care.  hell...even some doctors dont get it.  It was hard for me to remember that It was cymbalta who was the enemy...not everyone else.

You chose the right word...this IS a DETOX !....and I think it should be treated as such.  If you went to a detox center the focus would be on simplifying things..a calm quiet atmosphere where you can relax while your body uses all its energy and works overtime to heal its self.  They work hard in those places to flush your body out and keep all extra stimuli at bay so you and your body can just focus on getting better.   Think of it  like having had major surgery ....then going  home for a few weeks of bed rest and recuperation .  So... as close to that scenario that you can get in your life...that is the place you need to be.

I wish I could remember how it went each week.  But for me everything is fuzzy.  Fishinghat gave  a kind of weekly time line of what to expect...if you can find that post, read it,.  As  well as I can recall he was spot on with it.    And it helped so much to know not only what might be coming, but when it might be over.  Try to think of it as each week is a hurdle ....but YOU WILL GET OVER IT.  The hard part only lasts a few weeks so take it one bite at a time.

This must be extra hard for men. You have to PAMPER yourself thru this.  Be EXTRA KIND to yourself.  INDULGE yourself in that a little bit.     And make sure you pat yourself on the back for what your are doing...OFTEN. 

I tend to write novels  (no, that's not a symptom...it's just me :rolleyes: )   So I will just end by saying I hope that you fly thru this with no problems.  But if you do..there are really good people here and information that  is essential to getting thru this.  You can do it.  If you get into trouble make sure you ask for help...from your doctor, here, or your family.  Just reach out to people.  The feeling alone is one of the worst things in this, I think.  and most of that is just caused by the wild emotions and the unclear thinking.  it is a little lie that the cymbalta tells you which isnt true.  ;)   So hang in there

#4 davaotom



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Posted 22 September 2013 - 04:52 AM

I'm about 45 days off.  It will take a lot more than a few days of hell.  Some people feel side effects a year later.  I can't afford it either.  I'm still depressed but I was depressed while I was on the drug too.  Didn't help me much.

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