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Any One Else Having Trouble With Aching And Joint Pain?

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#1 Rpv



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Posted 25 January 2014 - 01:46 PM

I was on cymbalta 60 mgs for 5 years and wanted off so with drs help I weaned off for about 2 months. At first it all seemed fine and then I started having joint pain in my hips and shoulders, and I rarely have pain at all. Then I started with aching in shoulders and upper back and arms. I also have nausea and the others such as brain zap and also dizziness but am kind of used to that because I also have Ménière's disease which causes dizzys also.

#2 equuswoman


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    In the future want 2B off Cymbalta! The physicians are no help. Looking for understanding, support & encouragement as I know this is a difficult process. Want 2 be of help 2 others who will find this site looking for same things as I.

Posted 25 January 2014 - 07:28 PM

Hi and welcome to the support forum. I have been on Cymbalta 60mg for 20 months for LBP due to osteoarthritis. I wanted off due to the SE. I am slowly weaning by doing the bead count. I am still having some w/d symptoms even at this SLOW go. Some have quite cold turkey and do ok and some not so much.


But as far as your question. YES we can have increased joint pain when coming off this drug. I also have nausea and headaces almost daily. More SE as well but these are the 2 that are with me for the most part now.


Glad that you found us, so many  ppl here willing to share their experiences with you and give you courage and hope.         

Please let us know how you're doing.


Prayers :hug:

#3 Wagtail


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 02:39 AM

Hello RPV, oh yes the aching hips & legs ..many days of suffering . Thought I was going to need a hip replacement op !.
Thank goodness it was a s/e & has eased . I couldn't believe it could be caused from withdrawing from Cymbalta but it was !.. I guess time will heal us eventually , hang in there my friend . ..:-)

#4 FiveNotions



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Posted 28 January 2014 - 09:50 AM

Hi Rpv, I just posted a response to Carleeta on another topic that might be responsive to you...but I don't know how (yet) to cross post or whatever...so I'll try to summarize here...

Nausea (and vertigo) - the only thing that has helped me is ice....eating ice chips...and those refreezeable ice packs...like bags of frozen pea thingies.... I put a large one on my stomach, or just above it on the solar plexus....another on the back of my neck and on my eyes....and if it's really bad, on the insides of my wrists and back of my knees.... Beats me why it works, but it does...

Also, if it's just nausea, I lie on my left side....it corresponds with how our intestine and stomach are aligned in the body and so gravity works with us not against us.....

Muscle aches, fibro and flu-like pains - hot baths with Epsom salts.... I've also thought about using my heating pad, but haven't gotten around to that yet.... And, I bought several king size pillows that I prop behind and around me on the bed... A big pillow fort...cushions me and helps me feel "safe"....

Another trick is to gently massage or put pressure on your solar plexus and sternum...the chest bone between the ribs ..... Lots of lymph nodes and nerve endings there...also, hold a pillow over it as you rest....

Ok, my eyes are shot....back to the ice packs for me...

Hang in there, don't give up! It does get better....moment by moment.... +++

#5 vonmarie



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Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:08 PM

Hi Rpv, I am 17 days off Cymbalta and the worst of my w/d symptoms still is joint pain! Sometimes its unbearable, but I have found that Tylenol takes the edge off from it and that Motrin does nothing for it. Hope that helps, don't forget your not alone although it sure feels like it when your going through it!

#6 FiveNotions



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Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:49 PM

Hi Rpv, I am 17 days off Cymbalta and the worst of my w/d symptoms still is joint pain! Sometimes its unbearable, but I have found that Tylenol takes the edge off from it and that Motrin does nothing for it. Hope that helps, don't forget your not alone although it sure feels like it when your going through it!

Any chance that Aleve (sp?) would help? I use it regularly for arthritis.... It can be tough on the liver however, so I periodically take a break from it.... I also take milk thistle to help detox my liver.... Of all the pain relievers it's the one that's worked best for me ... Hands down better than Tylenol for me...

.. Also, I see now, reading the variety of pain levels etc that various of us are describing.... I'm really having just mild aches and pains ... Which I can distinguish from the arthritis ..... Nothing like the deep muscle and joint fibro so many here suffer with .....

#7 Carleeta



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Posted 29 January 2014 - 03:32 PM

Fivenations, Vonmarie. ..With regards to otc pain meds..The best answer I can come up with here is, of course, it all depends on the individual and whether or not the pain is from inflammation or strain. Furthermore, if someone is suffering from fibromiaglia (and my prayers are with those who do) I wouldn't be able to offer any advice because I do know this is far more painful than arthritis or muscle pain on a daily basis. Having said all that, and for others not suffering from fibromiaglia. .I would suggest Tylenol for the strains and any others Ibuprofen for the inflammation. ..I myself have a prescription for mobilc which I could use when my planters fasicilitis flares up...Good Luck to all

#8 considering



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Posted 29 January 2014 - 03:34 PM

Have you ever considered acupuncture? Acupuncture has really helped my back pain from degenerating discs. 


I just started to wean myself off Cymbalta and I'm worried about what might happen to my pain level, but I'm confidant that acupuncture will help me. 


Check out the U.S. network of Community Acupuncture Clinics. They are a great way to get low cost acupuncture treatment. 

#9 Carleeta



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Posted 29 January 2014 - 04:04 PM

Have you ever considered acupuncture? Acupuncture has really helped my back pain from degenerating discs. 
I just started to wean myself off Cymbalta and I'm worried about what might happen to my pain level, but I'm confidant that acupuncture will help me. 
Check out the U.S. network of Community Acupuncture Clinics. They are a great way to get low cost acupuncture treatment.

considering. ..Great advice! You have a wonderful positive attitude!

#10 FiveNotions



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Posted 29 January 2014 - 04:30 PM

Considering, I just googled "community acupuncture clinics," and there's a place here in dc called "City Acupuncture Circle" ..... They charge "whatever you can afford," suggested from $20 to $50 per session, plus a one time $15 fee for the paperwork and initial interview/consultation..... I'm about to make an appointment for next week! Thank you so much for this idea...I'd looked into acupuncture when I first came off cymbalta, but all I found at the time were high priced places that I could never afford...this place also does nutrition counseling and has neat sounding seminars on various health topics, from an eastern / Asian perspective.....

#11 Carleeta



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Posted 29 January 2014 - 04:34 PM

Fivenations. .So excited for you..Thank you Considering..All the knowledge from everyone cohesive on this forum is such a blessing to all. We are so very lucky to have found one another...Yippee to ALL

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