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Don't Know Where To Turn

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#1 Lundeliz


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    I c/t'd from 60mg in 2009. Went back on and started tapering. Spent the next 4 years trying to get off. It was very difficult. Finally stopped at 17 beads on Dec.4, 2013.

Posted 31 January 2014 - 09:52 PM

Hi everyone. I'm sorry for a negative post. I know you all have been trying to post

positive things. And it really helps to read the positive posts. But I am so scared

and I don't know where to turn. I'm so sick. The head pressure and the high agitation

that comes with it have just about driven me over the edge. I can't even stand to talk

to anyone without making it worse. I am about nine weeks off Cymbalta. The first six

weeks passed with symptoms not becoming unbearable. Then wham, this struck me hard.

I don't think I can return to Cymbalta. The side effects on it had become pretty unbearable

themselves. My blood pressure reached scary points. It is still doing that in withdrawal.

But only one really bad episode. I have decided to start a tiny dose of Zoloft, and see if

I can tolerate it. I had plenty on hand. I took only .5mg today. I made my own liquid

with water. I see my regular doctor on Monday and will talk to him about that. I am scared

out of my mind. I have made it with only taking the Xanax about three times so far, but I

am afraid I will have to now. I can't bear the agitation and pressure when it gets so bad.

I'm scared to death of getting addicted to the Xanax. I don't know what I expect anyone to

say to me, but I just needed to tell my tale. If I knew this would end in a month, or two

months, it would make it easier. But I'm afraid I won't be one of the lucky ones. Thank you

for listening. Feeling distraught and so very hopeless.
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#2 Carleeta



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Posted 31 January 2014 - 11:02 PM

Lundeliz, Welcome to the forum. Do not be sorry for your negative post. Not everyone is posting positive posts. You will get there one day but today is not the day. Today is about you and what you are experiencing from Cymbalta withdrawal. I recognize your fear and you are becoming sick. You have come to the right place..I see you are having severd head pressure and high agitation which you feel is bringing you to the edge. You have been off Cymbalta for 6 weeks when withdrawal effects started to surface and now at 9 weeks off and the effects are becoming unbearable. Blood pressure rising and agitation appear to be getting higher now at the 9 week out? May I ask you if you stopped Cymbalta cold turkey or used a teper method? Y

Yes theses symptoms with end and start to taper down as well. I do believe your of fear getting addicted to Xanax. Just posting your synptoms and fears on this forum will receive many members to start chimming in and helping you to understand why you are feeling these symptoms and what stage in the withdrawal you are. They are all wonderful, loving, caring, supportive, instructional on different methods of withdrawal, and will be here for you. There is hope to be found here.

From others who have similar symptoms as you, it sounds like they are experiencing the same things. They will let you know how. I they handled it best. I honestly feel if by taking the Xanax a few times you may not get addicted because you have it already set in your mind the fear of it and this is good.

Please don't feel hopeless as there are so many threads here where members have experienced the same things and even the fears.

You did the right thing in telling your story here..You will receive many posts answering your fears..

One good things is you will be seeing your doctor on Monday..Soon Fishinghat, Clara, FiveNotions, Wagtail..will be popping in and giving you their stories, and options, and advice... I wish you the best!!!!

What you need to do is to keep posting and posting everything you need to vent so we can handle some of the fears right off the back. The more you know the less fear you will have. Please hang in there. Prayers to you
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#3 Lundeliz


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    I c/t'd from 60mg in 2009. Went back on and started tapering. Spent the next 4 years trying to get off. It was very difficult. Finally stopped at 17 beads on Dec.4, 2013.

Posted 31 January 2014 - 11:23 PM

Thank you for the kind words, Carleeta. I cold turkeyed in 2009, then reinstated. I started bead

counting, and spent the next 4 years working on getting off. I did a crossover to celexa and tapered

off that for 1.5 years, eventually ending up back on Cymbalta, and stopped that at 5mg in December. I

pretty much made a mess of it all. I guess that's why i'm paying the price now. I tried hard to do it

right, but it wasn't a very straightforward taper. I could no longer tell what was withdrawal symptoms

and what was side effects from the med. Never could tell if I needed to go up or down or hold. In

frustration, I just ended it at 5mg. What a mess.

#4 FiveNotions



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 12:34 AM

Oh Lundeliz, I know what you mean ....so much of what you've said in your posts here describes what I was feeling just a few weeks ago ! And I, too, have felt that I've made a mess of everything .... But that's not true ... For me, or for you .... You, like me, are trying to do the best we can at the time .... With incomplete information and inadequate medical assistance ... All in the midst of being exhausted and sick for just getting off cymbalta .... Be at peace, be easy on yourself, and just try to slow the process down to where you can feel more in control ... Frankly, I think you're doing an amazing job of going through this.... It's different as to timing and specific symptoms for each of us, but so much is the same ... There is no one "right way" ... Just what seems to work for us, individually ... And I what works changes, or can change, over time .... As in AA.. One day at a time .... Sometimes just one second, or minute ...... And we all are here for you, every step of the way ....!

Now Let's see if I can respond to some of your main concerns ...

First, the head hurting and the blood pressure .... Cymbalta caused me to have high bp and tachycardia ... So the doc put me on meds to treat each of those side effects ... Rather than telling me that cymbalta cld cause them ... In fact, he had told me that it COULDNT ... When I quit cold turkey 8 weeks ago, at first I kept taking the bp and tachycardia meds ... Which caused me to go into low blood pressure and bradycardia .. And start fainting ... A complete tailspin .... I got lucky and found this site and learned the real S/E ... And took myself of them, also cold turkey ... What a mess that caused ... So, I started monitoring the bp and heart rate every 3 hrs ... And put myself back on the meds, but at lower doses ... And have gradually come off them, as my heart normalized along with getting cymbalta out of my system ....

Stay away from caffeine if possible ... Unless quitting that cold turkey is going to cause you caffeine withdrawal ... Headaches there are possible... Just moderate it then .... Chamomile tea ... Magnesium... Omega 3 .... Try one thing at a time, and monitor how it works ... Then add in something else, and again, see how it feels.... Epsom salt baths worked also for me ...

So, perhaps your head aches are partly due to high bp? Do you have a good doc and can you work with him to get that sorted out? Having unregulated bp isn't a good foundation from which yo quit cymbalta .... Easy does it!

If the head is due only to cymbalta withdrawal, what worked for me was ice packs ... On my head, back of neck where the arteries are, as well as on my wrists and back of my knees .... I call it the self induced brain freeze....

The anxiety ... Oh, if I'd had some Xanax, I wld have allowed myself to take them ... At the lowest effective dose, and for a brief period of time ... I'm very aware of the benzo addition issue .. I had a real problem with that about 8 yrs ago ... Again, the doc I had at the time never told me that physical addiction was a risk, and he kept upping my dose ... When I realized what I'd done to myself, with his help! ... I started to get off them ... It took me 2 whole yrs .... But even given that, as I say, in the. Worst of the early stages of cymbalta withdrawal, I wld have used the Xanax ....

Some of us here have gone back on cymbalta at a lower dose, and then stabilized, then returned to a more gradual taper ... Only what we can handle, the goal is to regain health and balance, not break ourselves further just for the sake of being able to say we quit cymbalta ...

You will move through this, and leave the cymbalta and the awfulness behind ... And there will be good moments, then good hours, then whole days ... And still some crappy ones ... For example, I've been whisking along for several days, all bouncy and healthy feeling ... Off of it for eight weeks ... And then today, wham ... El crappo .... Mood swings, massively achey body, headache ... Etc etc ... And so it goes ... I'm just plain tired ... And so I napped most of the day, hauled out the ole' ice packs and Epsom salts .... Guzzled chamomile tea and had a good cry ... Now I've got insomnia and so came here to see how my friends are doing ... And reading your posts gave me the courage I needed to keep trying ... Because I see in you such courage, honesty, and determination .... And that strengthens me ....

I'm rambling now because I'm So tired I can't think straight ... But I hope at least a bit of what I've said is at least a bit of help for you ....

Please keep us posted ... I'm praying for you, and all of us .... :-)

#5 Carleeta



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 12:36 AM

Lundeliz..you did not make a mess of things and stop blaming yourself. This is not your fault. The fault lies in the hands of the distributors of ssri's...Do not blame yourself. .what appears to be going on here, and this is just my opinion, is its possible your are feeling some withdrawls carried over cymbalta to celexa and over to cymbalta. .It's very possible you had not completed full withdrawls before from cymbalta and celexa...Then going back on cymbalta and weaning of this..Now I can see how you couldn't distinguish side effects from withdrawl symptoms. .knowing you are seeing your doctor Monday I know you will address the blood pressure issue, which is very important. .Then you will need to express your anxiety. He might suggest a benzo..not sure though, although something may have to be given to help the bp..I feel those symptoms have to be addressed first. I see the long road you traveled..and the doctor may prescribe other meds besides the one that comes to mind. Also explain to him your fears..I would suggest to try a benzo or proactive because once you stopped cymbalta and wean off another drug with a longer life time the withdrawals are not as bad..At least I found other members here to find this approach better..I wish I knew off hand what thread I read it on..But it's out there simewhere..Hopefully when Fishinghat and Clara and Wagtail, and FiveNotions chime in they can give you the names of the lesser and safer drug which will be easier for you to handle the horrifying ordeal you are experiencing, and easier withdrawl from what helped you through this difficult time
just do not blame yourself. You will get the help you need from members here along with your medical team..We are all here for you andfeel your panic and fear..God Bless you and try to hang in there

#6 Carleeta



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 12:38 AM

Five Notions. .glad you arrived..Great timing. .Great advice..Thank you..

#7 equuswoman


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    In the future want 2B off Cymbalta! The physicians are no help. Looking for understanding, support & encouragement as I know this is a difficult process. Want 2 be of help 2 others who will find this site looking for same things as I.

Posted 01 February 2014 - 12:45 AM

Hi I want to welcome you to the support forum. Not all the post here are of a positive nature. Many are negative. I've had my share of both. I am on Cymbalta 60mg for 20 months for LBP due to osteoarthritis. I want off due to the SE of Cymbalta. I began the bead counting method on Thurs Nov 4th. It's been difficult but the ppl here have helped me along this journey. Please know that the ppl here will gladly share their experiences with you. Again a warm welcome. We understand the fear, the anxiety and off of that.

Prayers and hope for you,

TheEquusWoman :hug:

#8 Carleeta



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 01:14 PM

Lunditz. .Two more days till your Dr appointment. .Today I'm hoping to hear something from you as I'm sure others do also. Please let us know how you are doing..When you feel you can post..We care!

#9 Lundeliz


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    I c/t'd from 60mg in 2009. Went back on and started tapering. Spent the next 4 years trying to get off. It was very difficult. Finally stopped at 17 beads on Dec.4, 2013.

Posted 01 February 2014 - 02:27 PM

Thanks for checking on me Carleeta. I had a good nights sleep. I'm making it OK. My nerves feel very fragile. But my husband left on a business trip so I'm home alone in the quiet. I don't know how some of you get through this with jobs or a young family. I feel like I can't handle any stimulation or I will just fly to pieces. For now I'm hanging in there. I'll be checking back in later. Thanks!

#10 Carleeta



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 02:43 PM

Lunditz. .Happy you did get a good night's rest. The way I see it...right now you are in a sensitive state. Of course being there alone is difficult. House quiet...No I certainly cannot have a quiet house..I keep tv on all the time..just to hear noise..Although that's just me..How pp go to work? Again everyone feels these w/d symptoms at different degrees and at different time. Youngings? That is a job in itself..Even without symptoms. . I'm happy to hear you replied..We are all here for you..Just keep listening to your body. You know it best..Even write it down daily and compare it to the next..You might find some answers to your own questions..And if you can't bring yourself to write it down that's ok too..Do the best you can today. .

#11 Lundeliz


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    I c/t'd from 60mg in 2009. Went back on and started tapering. Spent the next 4 years trying to get off. It was very difficult. Finally stopped at 17 beads on Dec.4, 2013.

Posted 05 February 2014 - 03:06 PM

Does anyone else suffer from high agitation in withdrawal? It is my worst symptom right now.

Lots of times I can't sit still. Yet I can't concentrate to actually accomplish anything. I

just pace around. I'm feeling very discouraged. I'm nine weeks off Cymbalta. It seems like

everyone else is feeling better by this point. The last three weeks have been the very worst

so far with no improvement in site. I also suffer with such head pressure! One positive thing

is that I was able to go to sleep without Xanax last night, and slept very well. Was that a window?

Yay, maybe so. Another positive thing, I saw my doctor on both Monday and Tuesday, and both times my

blood pressure was perfect. A good thing! If I could just stop feeling like I'm losing my mind. I

find no joy in anything right now. He gave me a prescription for Zoloft, just haven't completely made

up my mind to try it yet. Also gave me a prescription for Klonopin. I will try it the next time I have

a bad episode of agitation. He says it is easier to get off than Xanax.? But I'm really trying to limit

my use. We WILL get our lives back, right? Someday this will be a memory we will only recall every once

in a while, right? Why is it so hard to believe that?

#12 FiveNotions



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Posted 05 February 2014 - 04:10 PM

Are you tapering? I tried to find your post with the specifics of your withdrawal and dosing, but my mind isn't working too well today... (No agitation, just fog for me)

Sounds like you need to stabilize ....perhaps go back up a dosage/taper step....or two .... Also, switching back and forth between meds isn't wise .... Be easy on yourself ...patience and moderation .... Don't let the drug or the process control you .... We all want to get off this shit as fast as possible, but, speaking from cold turkey experience, it's much wiser and more healthy long term to go slow ....

Xanax is hell to get off, at least it was for me .... It took me two yrs of weaning at tiny tiny amounts... I have no experience with Zoloft ... My only other AD is/was wellbutrin xl 300 mg ....

I'm 8, almost 9 weeks off cymbalta, and had been having some great days ... But, since last sat evening, I've been a bit relapsed .... I figure this is all just part of the withdrawal process... And I figure that I'll always be in recovery, never fully recovered ... That's ok with me .... I just want to be as drug free as possible .... Cymbalta was poison to me while I was on it .... After the first few months when it helped I shld have been advised to get off it.... Instead, I was told it was for life... And as a result it took my life for years.... I'm actually thrilled that I can feel anxiety ... Well, in reasonable amounts and levels...for so long I felt nothing ... Zip, zero....

Sorry for my rant I. Response to your questions and concerns ... Clearly I need a nap... What I want to say is don't give up, give yourself huge credit for doing what your doing .... It takes courage to do this .... One day at a time .... And yes, you will get through this .... Look how far you've already traveled, and how much you've learned! And don't forget how much all of us here have learned from you!

#13 Carleeta



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Posted 05 February 2014 - 04:43 PM

Lundeliz. .let's see last I recall you went off cymbalta in December..Prior to that you tried to quit and ended up doing a crossover with celexa and then back on cymbalta until you stopped in December..I feel you are going through what I believe I went through..A mix of different antis during the years not totally taking them correctly and fully withdrawing from one completely...This is where I feel you might have gotten caught up with a spiral here..First off its not your fault..Remember that..Second, I believe zoloft is similiar to 1/2 lifetime like cymbalta. Third I've heard others say since proactive has a longer life time it's much easier to withdrawl from..I do believe Fishinghat will chime in and have more knowledge about zoloft than myself..Third..Yes agitation is definitely a withdrawl symptom..Everything you described seems common with the withdrawal symptoms. .

Sounds like it's good if you slept well with no Xanax..That is definitely a plus..

Everyone reacts to Xanax differently. If it's working for you, and it appears as though you are not taking it daily. Looks like an as needed basis for you. If this is the case then you will be able to handle coming off the xanax with little withdrawls..

getting back to feeling agitated..your physician gave you a prescription for klonopin..This might help the agitation more than the xanax does...because it primarily is prescribed for that reason. .I'm not saying it is better or worse than xanax although giving it a try and listening to what your body is telling you is the most important..

very glad to hear your blood pressure is down..

Great job in posting to the forum..We are here to help all we can...please keep us posted...Good Luck...

#14 fishinghat


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 05:07 PM

Lundeliz, try to stay away from Klonopin if you can it is only slightly better than xanax. I weaned off a 3mg a day dose and it took a year. It wasn't near as bad as cymbalta.Zoloft is easier to get off of than cymbalta and it can help with the extreme anxiety (which most of us had during our withdrawal). It takes zoloft the longest to build in the system, 6 to 8 weeks so releive will not be fast. Keep up the good fight!!

#15 Lundeliz


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 05:22 PM

Thank you FiveNotions and Carleeta. I really appreciate the encouragement. I realize you

are both struggling along with this too. I'm very down in the dumps today and I know this is part

of the process too. I think I need to work on acceptance. Just accept the fact that this is gonna

take some time. I'm having a really hard time with that. Watching everyone else go on with their lives

gets me down. I hope one day I can give encouragement to others like you guys do for me. Thank you for

being here for me.

#16 Carleeta



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Posted 05 February 2014 - 06:43 PM

Thank you FiveNotions and Carleeta. I really appreciate the encouragement. I realize you
are both struggling along with this too. I'm very down in the dumps today and I know this is part
of the process too. I think I need to work on acceptance. Just accept the fact that this is gonna
take some time. I'm having a really hard time with that. Watching everyone else go on with their lives
gets me down. I hope one day I can give encouragement to others like you guys do for me. Thank you for
being here for me.

lundeliz. .you do give encouragement to others just by posting..You are helping so many who just read your post. Yes you are have a difficult road right now and yes, that's ok.. You are so strong for going through this just to make your life more healthy and medication free..All those 'happy' people you see is what you think you see..They could be very well going on with their lives and taking Cymbalta without knowing the risks, they might appear happy to hide their pain, they could just be having a good day, and etc...It's just your hurting so all you notice are the people that appear to be carefree..

You are absolutely right...just accept you are going through these symptoms so you can feel free and alive again..
You are doing great..even through the bad days..Like they say 'Once you hit bottom, the only way is up'. And UP is where you will be...
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#17 Carleeta



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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:49 PM

Lundeliz, try to stay away from Klonopin if you can it is only slightly better than xanax. I weaned off a 3mg a day dose and it took a year. It wasn't near as bad as cymbalta.Zoloft is easier to get off of than cymbalta and it can help with the extreme anxiety (which most of us had during our withdrawal). It takes zoloft the longest to build in the system, 6 to 8 weeks so releive will not be fast. Keep up the good fight!!

Fishinghat. .Thank you for your post to Lundeliz. .Knowing you could give here more helpful insight on zoloft and klonopin. .I'm not knowledgeable on the 1/2 life or longer on the different antis with the exception for proactive having, I believe, the longest life, and there again I can't be certain. .So thank you..YOU ARE SO KNOWLEDGEABLE!
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#18 Carleeta



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Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:20 PM

Everyone. .I mean Prozac not proactive. ..It's my note filling in the word it likes...I apologize. .

#19 Lundeliz


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:08 PM

Yes, Fishinghat thank you very much for the info. I'm trying to stay away from

the benzos. Only taking when I absolutely can't stand it any longer. I really

don't want to be dependent on them when this is all over. I'm considering the

Zoloft. I know there is no guarantee it will help with the withdrawal. Wow, it

takes a while to kick in. And it will take me a while to make up my mind to try

it. That gives me something to think about. In 6 to 8 weeks, things could be getting

better anyway. Thanks!
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#20 fishinghat


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 09:40 AM

" That gives me something to think about. In 6 to 8 weeks, things could be getting

better anyway."  



That's the point. I had to go on Zoloft because I went 3 months with straight fear and crying. I knew that after that length of time I had to do something. Just listen to your body. It is hard to make that decision when your mind has been compromised by withdrawal. No one can do that for you but I would suggest discussing it with your significant other. Two heads are better than one. I wish you the best.

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#21 FiveNotions



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Posted 06 February 2014 - 10:57 AM

Considering, I'm with fishing hat about the klonopin .... Actually, it made my anxiety worse for some reason .... Xanax was very effective for me at just the lowest dose .... Also, it helped me trendously just to know I had it available and could take it if I needed it .... I carried that little bottle with me everywhere, like a magic talisman! .....it stopped what I call the "anticipatory anxiety" ... Getting anxious that I'll get anxious. ;-)

I only got into trouble with Xanax when a doc I had back in 2004-2007or so put me on generic wellbutrin, to which I had a horrid reaction ... He interpreted what I was telling him I was feeling as increased depression, so he kept upping the generic dose.... And then because I was having huge, day long panic attacks, he kept upping the Xanax dose ....then told me to take it "as needed" ..... Predictable I ended up in the hospital ... Which is where I learned that Xanax and benzos are addictive .... I was up to something like 12- 16 mgs a day ... Took me two yrs to get off ..

So, anyway, that was a huge detour from the conversation, but meant as a way to tell you that if you know what the risks are with Xanax, and keep the dose low, use for short periods of time .... It's a godsend to help with anxiety .... And being free of anxiety is so important to be stable enough to work through the cymbalta withdrawal ....

You're doing great with all this .... Discuss this with those closest to you, and get them on board .... We're rooting for you and praying for you ...thank you for posting, because you are helping me so much!
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#22 Lundeliz


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 02:31 PM

I really appreciate the warnings about the benzos. I sure wish someone had warned

me about Cymbalta. I am having some let up of the agitation or anxiety (not sure which

it is) in the evenings. I have been able to get to sleep and sleep well for the last

2 or 3 nights. I'm grateful for that. Fishinghat, if you don't mind my asking, were

the fear and crying withdrawal symptoms? That sounds really rough. FiveNotions, you

have been through quite an ordeal too. Having y'all here has really helped calm my

fears. I will find my way through this. It's not real clear right now to me what I need

to do. Not sure whether to try the Zoloft. My fear there is that I know I will have to

take klonopin or Xanax to get past the start up effects and I'm not sure I want to have

to do that. Probably I will give it all a little more time. Thank you everyone!

#23 fishinghat


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 03:22 PM

Lundeliz, just go slow and if that doesn't work go slower!! I know you are having a hard time and just realize there are some who simply can't deal with the withdrawal and its aftermath. There is no shame in having to go back on something. I was that way. I went through all the regular withdrawal symptoms, stomach problems, nausea, insecurity, agitation, anxiety, dizziness etc. After I went through my withdrawal it was replaced by 24/7 fear and crying. There is some thoughts in the research community that most ssris may actually physically and chemically change the neuroreceptors they work on. There is two things backing this up right now.


First, there has been some research on Zoloft and Prozac that showed they not only change the receptors but this results in withdrawal-like symptoms which may last for years which makes it necassary that the person go back on meds to survive.


Secondly, There are MANY people who were put on cymbalta for back pain, fibromialga (sp), arthritis pain and other non-psychological issues. Dr will typically put the patient on cymbalta for 2 months and if it doesn't work then they remove the patient from cymbalta. Current records show that about 3 to 7% of these people wind up with long-term withdrawal-like symptoms in people who have no prior history of psychilogical problems. This certainly suggests that the cymbalta is causing substantial damage to our bodies. Research continues but unluckily it will take a long time before we find out what is going on. In the mean time we have to find our way on our own. That is where this forum is so important.

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    I c/t'd from 60mg in 2009. Went back on and started tapering. Spent the next 4 years trying to get off. It was very difficult. Finally stopped at 17 beads on Dec.4, 2013.

Posted 06 February 2014 - 04:56 PM

OMGosh fishinghat. Why did I ask! I feel hopeless and terrified

now that I will never get a life back. I cannot live like this. I'm

really glad the zoloft gave you your life back. Thank goodness!

But there's no guarantee it will work for everyone. Lord help us all.

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 05:32 PM

Don't panic Lundeliz. I have never heard of anyone who can't find another ssri which doesn't work for them. The best ones are prozac, lexapro and zoloft because they have longer half-life. This makes them easier (but still not fun) to get off of if need be. One of those would work for you. But lets be optimistic that that won't be necessary. Only a small percentage have those long-term results.

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    I c/t'd from 60mg in 2009. Went back on and started tapering. Spent the next 4 years trying to get off. It was very difficult. Finally stopped at 17 beads on Dec.4, 2013.

Posted 06 February 2014 - 05:40 PM

Thanks fishinghat. Trying very hard to stay calm.

#27 FiveNotions



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Posted 06 February 2014 - 08:10 PM

Don't get overwhelmed ... Much of this can be worked through with a bit or research into the meds and what they do, and introspection and knowledge of what our own particular brain functions and medication needs are .... The trick is to get a med that's a good match for what we need ....

Maybe this will help you in your decision process ....

My own research and experience leads me to believe that we need to give some thought, when selecting ADs , to what type of depression we have ... And what neurotransmitter is involved .... I can't remember the brain impact of Prozac or Zoloft, because after I researched them I never got on them.... They didn't match what I knew about my type of depression....

For example, my "flavor" of depression is extremely low energy, no interest in anything (I think it's called anhedonia, the lack of interest) and a general gray color throughout my life .... I just cldnt give a sh*t about anything .... For example, I might think about committing suicide, but never would because I'd have to get up off the sofa and act on the thought ..... ;-@

What I've learned is that the "give a sh*t" neurotransmitter is dopamine .... And, Wellbutrin is almost the only antidepressant that increases dopamine levels in the brain .... Which explains why my recreational drug of choice in college was crystal meth, and when a lawyer back in the 80's, cocaine .... These act in such a way as to increase dopamine levels in the brain .... So do the meds for ADD...and some people go that route ...

Cymbalta acts primarily on serotonin I believe .... Does zip for dopamine .... So why the doc put me on it is a mystery, unless he thought I had fibromyalgia? Also, every doc I've had has failed to ask me about the type of depression I have ... And when I explain the dopamine connection for my own needs they've all just acted surprised .... It's like they just arbitrarily toss meds at me ... Like throwing spaghetti at the wall ...to see what sticks...

Anyway, back to my example ....Since my venture into cymbalta detox, I've also discovered that L-tyrosine is a helpful supplement for enhancing dopamine ...it seems to work great for me....

I've got to find my research on all of this and get it posted here .... I also bet that Fishinghat has some good stuff that he could share....

#28 fishinghat


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 08:52 PM

FiveNotions, I couldn't agree with you more. The FDA website tells what type of psychiatric condition each antidepressant is approved for. I will give you another suprise most anxiolytic drugs, including ssris, are approved for GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Like there is only one type of anxiety? Get real. Anxiety can involve adrenaline, noradrenaline, seratonin and other neurotransmitters. One needs to determine which medicine best matches their anxiety. One size does not fit all!!!


P.S. Cymbalta not only controls seratonin but also noradrenaline.

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 09:08 PM

Excellent info, Fishinghat! I'll check the FDA website tomorrow .... Also, I clearly need to learn more about the types of anxiety ... Do you have any articles that you could share with us?

And Thanks for the clarification on the cymbalta!

#30 fishinghat


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 09:19 AM

No real articles to share but your best source would be the DMSO 4. It is the current official guide for pschologists and med dr on psychiatric diagnosis. I am sure there must be something on the internet as well. Sorry I don't have anything.

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