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My Journey So Far

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#1 flik76


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Posted 16 February 2014 - 04:52 AM

Hi Everybody,

Well here I am at day 16 of recovery (I prefer that term rather than withdrawal)........holy moly I didn't think I would get here!

I just wanted to post how it has been for me and also share what things I have found helpful so far, 16 days ago I was searching for this kind of information, these kinds of answers.

Week one is kind of a blur, I was very nauseous, had terrible headaches and dizziness, was overwhelmingly tired, felt as though my brain was trying to come out through my eyes, I ached, I itched, I was hot and sweaty, had sharp pains all over, blocked nose, sore throat, cried at everything, if I wasn't crying I was yelling and losing my s#@t over nothing.

Week two, some more of the above with day 12, 13, 14 and 15 being absolutely horrendous.

Today, day 16.......not too shabby :D I woke a little, nauseous and dizzy with a headache. It passed after food and a big drink of water. My brain and head have given me a lot less trouble than previous days. And I haven't curled up for a nap or even felt tired. I hope to God this means I am over the hump!

I have gained a lot of weight in the last two weeks, not sure what that is about ?? but tomorrow is Monday and if I feel this good, I will make a start on rectifying that issue, up until this point, I was being kind to myself and not stressing over the bulge that was developing, one issue at a time please! ;)

Ok, so what helped? 

  • Cold water! And lots of it! I have drank and drank and drank!
  • Vitamin supplements, I am now a convert, I swear to God these made all the difference. I won't go into brands, but here's what I have been taking. High Strength Omega3 Fish Oil, Vit B Complex, Stress and Anxiety Relief Herbal Capsules, PMS Relief Capsules, Liver Tonic, A "Good Bacteria" capsule you know, the ones for a health gut and bowel. An Immune Defence Blend, the occasional antihistamine  and last but not least a soluble Mineral and Trace element in my water. 
  • Don't get dehydrated or tired, it makes it all feel worse.
  • Keep yourself busy, I found the busier I was the less I noticed how poo I was feeling, plus being around people meant I got to have a giggle which made me feel great.
  • Wearing my glasses more ??? I noticed I felt less dizzy wearing them, I usually only wear them for reading and driving.

So that's it folks, nothing spectacular, but that's how I've gotten this far...........fingers crossed that todays success is a sign that the worst is behind me! :)

I truly hope you are all doing well and being kind to yourselves xo.

#2 Clara


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Posted 16 February 2014 - 08:14 AM

flik76, That is spectacular!! Oh yes it is!!! Thanks for sharing and keeping us all informed, uplifted, and laughing! Have a blessed Sunday!!!!  clara :)

#3 FiveNotions



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Posted 16 February 2014 - 11:10 AM

Awesome, bravo! Thanks for mentioning what supplements you're using....I need to get something for the miners/ trace elements....

Have a great day, and don't push yourself too much, just savor all the wonderful progress you're making!

#4 TryinginFL


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Posted 16 February 2014 - 01:57 PM

Contratulations flik76!  I thank you as well for listing the supplements you are taking.  I am about ready to start week 5 and l have the headache popping up now and then and am still extremely tired.  Maybe taking some of these supplements will help!  I never would have believed that this could go on so long...


The crying also comes up occasionally but nothing like the first 2 weeks :) I have been drinking herbal tea which helps some, but am sure I need more than that.  Are you having strange dreams?  I still have them but they seem to be tapering off.


You mentioned the weight gain - I have no appetite to speak of and have not been eating much so thought I would lose some of the weight I gained while I was on this crap....only 4 pounds so far :(  I must agree with you, though - one thing at a time.  I'm sure that working out would help but I have no energy and don't feel well enough for that.


Thanks so much for sharing and we all wish you nothing but the best and send our support!


Liz :hug:

#5 flik76


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Posted 16 February 2014 - 04:54 PM

Thanks again guys, you are all so supportive!
Liz, I have not sufferef at all with bad, vivid or strange dreams, quit the opposite actually, I crash as soon as my head hits the pillow and sleep is black and silent.
Day 17, slightly ill, slightly dizzy, pretty fierce headache though. I'm sure once I get to work and get occupied it will go.
Have a great day guys.

#6 equuswoman


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 12:03 AM

Thank you for post  and glad to hear that you are now on the up side! Take care and let us now how you are progressing.


Prayers & support for you. TheEquusWoman :hug:

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