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Want To Quit 60Mg Generic

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#1 Disneymom



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Posted 03 March 2014 - 06:29 PM

Hi, my was feeling moody so my doctor put me on the generic Cymbalta. I did 30mg for 10 days then switched to 60mg. I've been on for 2 months now.

I just had a follow up with my doctor and he stated he doesn't think I need to take the meds anymore. I didn't realize there were so many issues quiting which really upsets and scares me.

The side effects I've expirienced have been tired during the day, insomnia at night. Feeling hot and sweaty and a loss of sexual interest.

I'm nervous because I just started a new job today so I can't really miss if I'm not feeling well and we have a family vacation scheduled for April 11th that I don't want to be miserable during.

Any help or tips is much appreciated!!

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 03 March 2014 - 06:47 PM

Welcome to the site DM. There are three ways to do it. Cold Turkey, swapping meds and bead counting.

I don’t recommend cold turkey unless there is no choice. The cold turkey withdrawal can be quite severe and usually lasts longer. With swapping meds you lower your dose of cymbalta over a 2 or 3 week level to zero and at the same time go on a different ssri with a lot less severe withdrawal, say zoloft, lexapro or prozac. Once you make the switch you slowly come off the new ssri. Very slowly. The third choice, bead counting, is where you open the cymbalta capsule each day and remove a few beads, usually 2 or 3. So the first day you remove 3 beads, the next day 6 beads, the next 9 beads etc. This provides for a slow steady withdrawal. If symptoms get to bad you just hold at that dosage for a while until you stabilize. Then start dropping again. Be aware that for most the last few beads give the worse withdrawal. Be prepared to slow down when you get to the very end. Now this is just an example. Some can only remove 1 bead a day and others 7 or 8 beads a day. You will have to play with it a little bit to find what works for you. This doesn't mean you won't have withdrawal but it will be lighter and you will have some control over it.

#3 Disneymom



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Posted 04 March 2014 - 01:35 PM

Thank you for all that information! Last night I broke one open and eye balled it. My husband and I split the beads in half. Tonight I will split that half again. So far I feel fine except really tired which I've been since starting this drug. Keeping my fingers crossed.

#4 fishinghat


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Posted 04 March 2014 - 01:56 PM

That is a quick drop.  Good luck but if things get too bad you may have to back up some and taper a lot slower. Good luck and keep us posted.

#5 Carleeta



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    Read so many painful stories on here and offering others support while trying to heal myself from cymbalta and other antidepressents.

Posted 04 March 2014 - 05:52 PM

Disneymom...Welcome! First off have you stopped cold turkey because your physician wouldn't prescribe cymbalta any longer?
Could turkey may or may not be an intense issue for you..Some individuals have very tolerable withdrawl symptoms and some have more intense withdrawl symptoms...Just base yourself on your symptoms and not the symptoms of others...By this I mean: listen to what your body is telling you for you know your body the best...

If you feel you are having a difficult time with withdrawls, there are different ways to quite cymbalta by tapering off this at a slower rate either through bead counting or incorporating another type od antidepressent to aid in the intense symptoms and then tapering off the other incorporated anti depressent.

FishingHat has given exception advice in this area of your concern. .

There are wonderful members here which will support you all the way through your decision and what options you choose to use..

Best of luck to you..:)

#6 Disneymom



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Posted 04 March 2014 - 10:36 PM

Thank you for your reply Carleeta! I'm using the generic because that's what this doctor prescribed to me. Now he says I don't need meds. I've been really hot and sweaty, irritable and very tired since starting them two months ago. I started researching how to quit and spooked myself out. Haha

Last night I only took half the beads. Tonight I'm tempted to not take any. Not sure how long it takes before you see withdrawl symptoms but I felt the same today as I have the last few months.

I assumed everybody has the sane terrible experience coming off. Good to know some don't.

This site has been very informative. I don't understand why something like this is out on the market.

#7 FiveNotions



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Posted 05 March 2014 - 05:43 PM


please, if at all possible, use the bead counting method...and don't be haphazard in how you do it...it will be easier for you in the long run....I came off cold turkey, and believe you me, if I had it to do over again, I'd bead count!

#8 aMarie



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Posted 06 March 2014 - 05:02 AM

I would recommend going slower as it may hit you and if you feel sever withdrawals don't keep dropping the dose. Every one is different and I have heard the last 20mg is the worst part. try b vitamins, multivitamins eggs, bananas, fish oils and red bull - this all helped greatly with my withdrawals. lots of vitamin c for tiredness. Good luck.

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