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Feeling Frustrated :(

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#1 Xiaojie


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    For support in dealing with Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms.

Posted 16 April 2014 - 03:43 AM

Hi Everyone. Just a quick update on my condition. I'm now status post-Cymbalta cessation 8 weeks. I've survived most of the worst withdrawal symptoms. I say 'most' though not all. There are still some I contend with daily.

As some of you know, I fell last week and suffered massive nerve and soft tissue injury to my lower back, hip and left thigh. It has been HELL, primarily because I've been so adamant about not taking any narcotics for pain, or any other kind of drug, if I can help it. I did take Ultram (tramadol) for the first three days after the fall (it was of little help for the pain). After that, only Chinese herbal medicine formulated this time, for pain. I had been taking the herbs for four weeks prior, but those were formulated for liver detox. And I'm still taking those, plus the added herbs for pain. Drinking tons of water, and still eating Paleo.

A tenacious withdrawal symptom that has been with me ever since I quit Cymbalta cold-turkey 8 weeks ago is severe fluid retention. Massive fluid retention. It caused all kinds of potentially serious problems.The herbs took care of all of it in a week and I am back down to normal (lost 8 lbs of water in one week!). But still having dizziness, heart palpitations, nausea and headaches.

However, because of the fall last week and all the pain I'm in, it's difficult to focus on anything else. And it's getting more and more difficult to tell the difference between some withdrawal symptoms and symptoms relevant to my injury - which by the way, has turned out to be much more complicated than just a big bruise, as there was damage done to the sciatic nerve, muscles, and surrounding tissue. I can't believe it's been a week and I'm still on crutches and can't get around without them.

Feeling very very frustrated and discouraged.

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 16 April 2014 - 08:34 AM

You sure have had a time of it Xiaojie. The cymbalta withdrawal symptoms you have left should continue to abate. That nasty fall you had is a different situation, I wish you the best and may it heal well. You will have to have patience.


God Bless

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#3 FiveNotions



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Posted 16 April 2014 - 08:47 AM

Oh Xiaojie, you really are being put to the test, aren't you!

I agree with FH, the cymbalta issues are fading... front and center now are the issues related to the fall....

I applaud you for sticking with Dr Liu and the herbal treatments...both for the cymbalta/fluid retention stuff and now for the pain etc related to the fall ....

My additional thought, wrt taking rx painkillers, is that sometimes these meds...in low dose and moderate use....can help the body heal by breaking the pain cycle enough to sort of "buy some time" for rest and healing ..... you might want to consider allowing yourself to at least accept a prescription for something to just have on hand if the pain gets out of hand...esp. If it's interfering with your ability to rest and sleep comfortably...

Are you working now, or are you able to take a bit of time off?
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#4 fishinghat


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Posted 16 April 2014 - 09:08 AM

Xiaojie, Accupuncture perhaps? Sometimes it can really help with the pain from nerve damage.

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#5 Xiaojie


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Posted 16 April 2014 - 10:20 AM

Hi FH - yeah, some days I really feel picked-on, lol. Yes, Dr. Liu wanted to do acupuncture last night but I wouldn't let her do it. Usually I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but last night I was in so much pain, just the thought of her digging (and I do mean digging - I asked her specifically about it. Because there's one method where the needles are simply inserted into the skin and then left, and there's the deep-tissue method she wanted to do to me - and she has to dig the needles in and twist them around and dig them in) needles into my already screaming nerves was enough to make me run screaming from her office. I'm just to big of a wimp for that. So, they'd have to agree to sedate me to get my consent for that. :/

Hi FN - you may have a good point about the pain killers...I hadn't looked at it from that point of view. Maybe when I go see the orthopedist for my MRI I can talk with him about that. Maybe short term is ok so I'm able to rest, because yes, the pain has been too bad to get much rest - only 1-2 hours a night. And unfortunately, no, I can't take anymore time off from work to rest because I already took two weeks off when I was in the hospital dealing with the MRSA outbreak. I wish I was independently wealthy and didn't need to work, so I could just stay home and rest and take care of my poor body. At work, they do allow me to sit to teach, so I push my office chair from classroom to classroom all day. And the kids clamor to help me, and they indeed are a big help. But even so, teaching in this much pain while smiling and pretending to be fine is turning out to be a real challenge. But I could win an Oscar for my performance, lol.

God, please give me the strength to endure another day...but I do count my blessings. I have so many. So contrary to how the culture here looks at someone like me who has constantly gone through one crappy thing after another as cursed and everyone should avoid me, actually the opposite has been true - and I'm quite blessed with kind, caring, supportive friends (you guys and others on this forum included). So somehow I'll get through all of this...
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#6 xman


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Posted 16 April 2014 - 10:59 AM

Hope...sometimes you have to grab onto that and hold on for dear life! Someone just reminded me about hope.


Wishing you better days Xia!!

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#7 TryinginFL


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Posted 16 April 2014 - 07:32 PM

Xia... I am so sorry to hear of your pain and what your fall has caused you physically - working must be exhausting for you - especially since you are not able to sleep much. Yes, I agree, you need to have a back up pain pill to at least allow you to rest. Your body will heal faster and you will feel better with normal rest...

Your Dr Liu is a true blessing! When you are up to it, I think the acupuncture will help you, but the idea of that deep tissue stuff sounds horrible! Your poor body and mind have really been put through some tough stuff - as if the Crapalta W/D wasn't enough!

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, along with the other wonderful ppl here...

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#8 FiveNotions



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Posted 23 April 2014 - 10:37 AM

Xiaojie, we haven't heard from you in a few days.... are you okay? Please let us know!
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#9 considering



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Posted 24 April 2014 - 10:49 PM

Acupuncture has really helped my back pain. When you can face the needles you might consider trying it. I going to try it tomorrow for my horrible vertigo. 

Keep trying various things for relief.


For me, it's has been helpful to focus on the possibility of more physical and psychological ease. A while back I was so convinced that I was doomed to age miserably and it was all downhill at this point in my life (just turned 64). Getting off Cymbalta has actually turned out to be a sign that I was looking forward to my future rather than settling in for inevitable decline. Despite the withdrawal symptoms, I have actually felt more alive and happier than I felt on Cymb. Sure I cry more, but it's more the tears of being able to feel things again after a period of deadness. 


Thanks for anyone who is reading and listening. Writing is actually helping me to reflect on the transition I'm making after 8+ years on Cymbalta.

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#10 FiveNotions



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Posted 24 April 2014 - 10:54 PM

Considering, I've maxed out my "likes" for the day....but I definitely do like what you said....at almost 61, I'm actually feeling that my remaining years in this life can and will be good ones....I've lost 7-8 years to the cymbalta, I can't get them back (hell, I can't even remember them)... But I've got a chance now for a fresh start....and yep, I cry at the drop of a hat....not hysterically like in the first couple of months, but with genuine emotion....I also am laughing again....

Let us know how the accupuncture works for the vertigo!
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