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In Tears.....

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#1 CapeCodGirl



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    I am dealing with withdrawal from Cymbalta that I was only on for a few months. This is insufferable.

Posted 07 August 2009 - 03:29 PM

I'm so relieved to have found this group!

I have changed anti-depressants 4 times in the past 1.5 years. Seems nothing works quite right. Cymbalta was the most recent attempt. When it turned out to not be working, my doctor - who really is wonderful and supportive - suggested switching to lamotrigine in very small doses (no, I'm not bi-polar, but I do have anxiety issues more than depression...). Thus began my very slow ascent from Cymbalta... into what feels like hell.

I have finally completed my "step-down" off of Cymbalta, and the withdrawal symptoms have kicked in to high gear. The brain shivers (I call them Friday the 13th shivers - they sound like the effects used in those movies... chh chhh chhh, paa paah paah... when I move my head, eyes or even blink. Having gone through similar withdrawal with Effexor, I expected this. However, I didn't expect:

leg swelling
urgent, sudden diarrhea
achy, flu-like symptoms
Overall malaise

The brain shivers are far worse than anything I've ever experienced. The physical pain of this is nearly unbearable.

However, I have a great deal of hope after reading all of your testaments. I'm on day 10 of being Cymbalta-free, and have moved up the full dose of lamotrigine that I will be on for now (50 mg). The anxiety and depression seem to be ok, but the withdrawal symptoms are really killing me.

Thank you for all of your stories. They are so very helpful. I hope my experience can help someone else.

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