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Hopefully This Time... !

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#1 Hopeful2014



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 05:01 PM



Just wanted to say thanks to FiveNotions for my welcome message, it gave me the motivation to actually write this post!


I discovered this website on Sunday 5th October 2014 and I can honestly say I had tears in my eyes reading some of the stories... It was sheer relief and confirmed that I was not actually going crazy on the 3 attempts that I had tried to wean off Cymbalta.  I had never heard of brain zaps until I discovered this site but I knew exactly what this meant as I had experienced them alongwith a number of the other unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.


To explain I am 38 years old and have been on Cymbalta for at least 3+ years (exact time unknown as I was on other AntiDs before this).  I was put on Cymbalta 120mg for both depression and nerve pain (prolapse disc in back).


In July 2011 just after getting married myself and my husband decided we would like to try for another baby.  However I was advised by my Doctor that I would need to come off Cymbalta before I became pregnant as it could be dangerous.  Therefore this was and still is the reason I want to so desperately get off this awful drug!!  I immediately started to reduce my dose with the help of my doctor, the recommendation was to alternate the dose from 120mg to 90mg each day (IE 120 / 90 / 120 / 90) then to drop to 90mg each day then to alternate again from 90mg to 60mg each day etc etc.  I did this all to quickly and soon hit the floor with a bang!  I ended up back on full dose and back to square one...  To cut a long story short I attempted another 2 times to wean off the drug only to fail again each time.  The last time I was worse than ever and the thoughts of ever trying again scared me to death!


However after discovering this website I am hopeful again that I will this time succeed in getting off this drug.  I am currently on 90mg (1 x 60mg capsule and 1 x 30mg capsule).  I have been on this dosage coming up to a year and have been stable.


Being over excited at the prospect of bead counting and finally being Cymbalta free I got straight down to counting the number of beads in my 30mg capsule on the Sunday evening!!  Confirming 270 beads so 9 beads equaling 1mg... After discussing it with my husband I decided my plan was to drop 1mg a day (9 beads a day) so:-


Monday 6th October I took my full dose of 90mg

Tuesday 7th October I reduced my dose to 89mg (removing 9 beads)

Wednesday 8th October I reduced my dose to 88mg (removing 18 beads) -  After a late night chatting it over with a close friend I decided I would stay on each reduced dose for 3 days as it all seemed a bit fast!

Thursday 9th October stayed on 88mg

Friday 10th October stayed on 88mg

Saturday 11th October reduced dose to 87mg (removing 27 beads)

Sunday 12th October stayed on 87mg


On Sunday evening I got an awful headache and felt sickly, I put it down to being overtired and went to bed extra early with painkillers!  I woke Monday morning feeling just the same and my stomach was starting to feel unsettled.  I thought I was coming down with some type of bug.  However the headache is still with me 3 days on and not showing any signs of getting better although my stomach seems ok again (although I didnt actually get sick at any point).


I am now starting to think this could be the first signs of withdrawal... What are your thoughts?  Could it really have an effect that quick and on such a low reduction?  Or did I take things to fast altogether?  After reading a new link on here just today I can see someone has done a plan for reducing the overall full dosage by 5% over a period of a month.  Is that the better way to do it... I think I probably already know the answer to that question but that means it would take me 20 months to get off the Cymbalta altogether :(


Needless to say I have remained on the 87mg since to see if the headache gets better.  I dont really want to increase my dose again if possible but am open to suggestions.


Apologies for the long essay but I felt I needed to explain myself properly to get the best advice.


Thanks so much... :)

#2 TryinginFL


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 05:19 PM

Welcome Hopeful!


I'm so happy that you have posted  -  the first step to getting help!  If you have read other posts, I'm sure that you can see how caring and supportive the wonderful people here are for you. 


The symptoms that you are experiencing are some cold turkey withdrawal.  I think that you have gone too fast!  I quit cold turkey and DON'T RECOMMEND IT!  There is a forum you can read on "bead counting - how to do it".  Go to the home page and click on "Forums" and then look down and on the left you will see it.  We are all different and can handle only certain amounts of down dosing to keep ourselves comfortable.  We have one member who could only handle a one bead a day reduction.  Yes, I know you are in a hurry, but the faster you go, the more miserable you will feel. 


I have been off the poison for 9 1/2 months and still have sleep issues and some anxiety.  Others here have also gone cold turkey and can relate their experiences.  Bead counting seems to be the most gentle and you have control over your withdrawal - not the other way around!


Please feel free to ask questions, vent, cry - by all means tell us what you are feeling, and we will be here for you!   We want to help!


Liz :)


PS Obviously, you are not over 50 if you are planning another baby!  I was just stating a fact! :blink:

#3 Jones


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 05:20 PM

Hi hopeful.
I don't post much due mostly to shyness, unless it is happy hour :) I know I know
But I do want to say don't loose hope. It took me many times and trips to e.r. And the doctor. Sounds like your symptoms are right on target. Tried cold turkey first, thus the above paragraph. Then I found this page and did the bead counting. I believe it saved my life.

I had success with the way you are doing it. I started with removing three beads. Stayed on one dose until I leveled out. Sometimes adding a bead or two back. It took a while. A loooong time, but I did it.

Maybe if you don't set a date to finish there would be less pressure on you and your body should tell you when it's ok to reduce again.

Hold on..this is doable. Hang out here for support.

#4 Hopeful2014



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 06:00 PM

Thank you TryinginFL & Jones for your replys, I really appreciate it...


Yes as I was suspected I went to fast and am feeling withdrawal symptoms by being over eager to get off this drug! I had myself convinced I wouldnt feel anything until I had reduced my dosage considerately :/


Do you have any idea if I should stay on my current (slightly reduced) dose or increase it slightly again? Do you know if it will take me long to level out if I stick where I am?


I will have a good read through the bead counting section but for now I need some sleep.


Thanks again to you both :)

#5 TryinginFL


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 06:15 PM

Hi again Hopeful,


If you can tolerate what you are feeling now, I suggest that you stay there until you feel stable.  If not, go up a little until you are stable.  Only then, remove only a few beads at a time - stay comfortable and go slooooow..... You will probably have to play around with it a little.


I can't tell you how long it will be until you feel stable - we are all different and your age is most likely a factor as well.  People over 50 have a harder time. 


Good luck - you have a great attitude and you'll get there!


PS  Please see my above post - put the PS on the wrong one - duh... :blink:

#6 Hopeful2014



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 06:24 PM

Haha that made me giggle :D  nope but feel the biological clock is ticking at 38 :unsure:


Think I will try and stay where I am although this headache has me drove mad and painkillers not doing alot for it!  If no better in next day or two I might increase slightly, will see how I go...


Thanks a mill

#7 brzghoff


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 06:25 PM




check the thread at this link out for all the bead counting info: https://www.cymbalta...g-how-to-do-it/

#8 TryinginFL


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 08:26 PM



I had the headache from hell for 2 weeks when I quit cold turkey.  At least you do have the option of adding a couple of beads if it doesn't fade soon...

#9 Hopeful2014



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Posted 16 October 2014 - 07:50 AM

Thanks brzghoff, thats great am going to spend some time reading through this section today  :)


Thankfully the headache has lifted slightly today so hopefully levelling out :wacko: Not sure I could stick 2 weeks of it TryinginFL :o

#10 TryinginFL


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Posted 16 October 2014 - 09:19 AM



Sometimes I wonder how I made it through the cold turkey stuff - it was truly the trip to Hell.... :angry:

We all have our own horror stories!

#11 ThisBetterPass


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    Cymbalta is like my biochemistry's stalker and can't take a clue.

Posted 17 October 2014 - 02:39 PM

Hopeful, was also 38 when I started this journey six months ago.  Considering our age, I first thought a lot of the stuff I was feeling could be related to peri-menopause.  I was wrong.

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