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Does This Ever End?

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#31 Pups4Life


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 04:48 AM

I don't know where else to post and I don't want to sound like constant complainer, but.....
It's 2:30 am and I've managed a whole 2 hours of sleep despite being plumb exhausted and taking some Ativan. This anxiety is beyond what I can manage. I finished my third day of Buspar today and while I feel incredibly drugged all day, the anxiety continues to grow. This evening I seriously considered the hospital as I can't seem to calm down and I feel ready to explode. I called the crisis line for mental health and they recommended getting some clonazepam (mines expired) or seroquel from a medicentre and get back to the psychiatrist for something different on Mon. I have been begging God to end this anxiety and pain or end my life...and He's doing neither. I am unable to cry right now...as I wish I could as crying could be a good release. I have a friend spending the weekend with me as I'm too afraid to be alone. Please, can someone give me some hope? How do I get through this? Was it THIS bad for others? I know I can't continue without the help if meds. It's only been 3 days on the Buspar but it's not doing a thing...do I wait it out or move on? I hate the thought if a big drug like seroquel but I also hate the thought of one more day of this. I have a family member who is on Pristiq and happy with it...do isle that switch onto another SNRI? Any advice is appreciated!

#32 thismoment



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Posted 07 March 2015 - 08:08 AM


So sorry to see you are struggling. Perhaps the clonazepam is the better choice right now, but I don't know. As far as another SS/SNRI goes, you would have to experiment with the help of the doctor.

You need to sleep and get the anxiety down, so perhaps the clonazepam would do both. Be careful about too many meds at once-- sometimes its hard to keep track.

I wish I could help.

Take care.
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#33 fishinghat


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 10:52 AM

TM is right. When I was at your stage they put me on 6 mg of Ativan at nightime for sleep. It did little for the anxiety or sleep but that is the waay I am with benzos. To answer your question...Yes, this is very common in the early stages (months 1 to 4) to have anxiety so extreme that you feel like a trip to the ER is necessary.

#34 gail


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 02:35 PM

Ah Pups,

All I can offer is my own experience. With benadryl total strength blue caplets, one and a half, this got the anxiety down real good. I would give it a try while waiting for Monday.

As for Seroquel 50xr, on the seventh month of discontinuation, my doc put me on that. Instant relief for one month, had to stop in the third month because of nightmares and depression worsening. We all react differently!

Get your friend to the drugstore for that benadryl. I found that it worked better than a benzo. It will give you a break!♥
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#35 fishinghat


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 05:04 PM

Gail is right but watch it when you drive. It can make you sleepy.

#36 Pups4Life


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 05:32 PM

Thanks for all the advice and thoughts.  Just got back from Emerg.  The psych resident was fantastic...so compassionate and thorough and reassured me that I'm not going crazy (I don't say that to be funny...I seriously thought I was going insane!)  The doc with the final say (Doogie Howser with a beard) was of no help...laughed when I mentioned the possibility of this being discontinuation from Cymbalta, said I should just take more Ativan, laughed at the fact I'm taking Buspar as no one uses it anymore, suggested clonazepam but refused to give me any (I have a whole bottle that is expired...and he was still not comfortable refilling it in case I "abuse" it) and told me to see my psychiatrist next week.  When I asked if I could add the clonidine to the mix he acted as though that was the craziest thing he ever heard, but agreed that I could add it.  So, one foot ahead of the other and hoping and praying the nightmare of last night doesn't repeat itself.  And a nap.  After a night of no sleep, I need a nap.

#37 gail


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 05:50 PM

Nap on Pups!

You got a Rx for clonidine, if I understand right. That might help, wish you luck with this, many found it good for anxiety.

Still on luvox? Pups, one day, it is you that will offer advice on the forum! Meantime, hang in there, one way or the other, you will make it! Give it time, and don't forget the benadryl, if it is too tough!♥

#38 Pups4Life


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 07:35 PM

Thanks Gail! My nap lasted 15 min...:(. I already had clonidine (they wouldn't give me anything!) and will take more Benadryl. It's so hard to know what is the right thig to do...I don't want things to get worse if I do indeed need to be on an AD. I hope you're right...that I WILL get through this and WILL be able to offer advice to those coming behind. (Tears in my eyes)

#39 Pups4Life


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 07:38 PM

Oh, nope...I decided to try BusPar instead of Luvox. Today is day 4...hoping to see results soon!

#40 TryinginFL


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 07:47 PM

Awww Pups,


You ARE helping others already, as those who come behind you are learning from reading of your experiences.  It sounds like your trip to the ER was hellish.  Most Drs are such asses...mostly because they DON'T know about the withdrawal and they must continue to keep up their Godly attitude - blech!! :angry:  I had one PCP who wanted to put me back on the crap after I had already cold turkeyed through 4 months!  Needless to say, I did not see him again.  I am on my 3rd PCP since I went on that poison.


Yes, dear one, take a little more Benadryl - the worst that can happen is that you sleep - what you want to do anyway, right?  I just hope that it has no interaction with the Buspar (which I know nothing about, I confess).


I know what it is like to not sleep  -  am still having problems with this, though not as bad as in the beginning, but I have been off about 14 months now.  I have been using Motrin PM or similar since I have fibro and arthritis anyway, and it seems to help some, but this past week has been hell regarding sleep.  Wonder if it will ever fade... not making any bets on it!


Hopefully the Benadryl will also help you to calm down as it sounds as if you are wound rather tightly at this point.  Please try to think of something else - watch a mindless movie if you can find one.


I pray for calmness and peace for you,

Liz :hug:

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#41 Pups4Life


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 08:29 PM

Thanks for your kind words Liz.  I can't say the trip was hellish...the nurse and the psych resident were SOOO kind and understanding...I really felt heard, understood and reassured.  If nothing else, I DID get the reassurance that I'm not going crazy and they promised they would not admit me (this is a huge fear!).  So, I'm trying to find the value in all things (some days that's easier than others).  I am feeling a bit better right now...my anxiety peaks when I think about doing this again tomorrow or the next day, so I'm trying to stay in the moment.  I'm so sorry that you are still struggling...not sleeping is a beast!  Are you at least calm and content when you're awake?  I've struggled with insomnia for many years myself and before this journey, I was content to be up early in the morning just putzing around...because I enjoyed life (I didn't fear it, anyways) and was at peace with my sleeplessness.  I hope and pray the same for you!

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