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Please Help Cymbalta Withdrawal, Discogram, Endometrois Infection,

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#1 sschumann



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Posted 09 March 2015 - 12:17 AM

I was Leary to start this medicine. I had been on citilpram over a year with little results. My Dr. Suggested cymbalta 60mgs a day. I asked for a lower dose, but was refused. I reluctantly started the cymbalta weaning off citalipram. It was supposed to help my depression, and pain. No relief, and was about to have a discogram, MRI, ctscan, xrays... Before my surgery I asked my Dr about stopping cymbalta because I gained 25lbs and let's go from pain and depression to being called obese. At the same time I was dealing with endrometrois bacteria infection. So I had total dick replacement fusion operation. I was not given my cymbalta while in hospital.. So I figured I am quitting cold turkey. I haven't discussed this with physician. 5 days cold turkey I have started having chest pain_ breathing problems, anxiety attacks. They also took me off xanax post surgery. Any suggestions as to what my next step should be... I would be greatful. Thanks in advance:)

#2 TryinginFL


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Posted 09 March 2015 - 07:54 AM

Welcome sschumann!


We're so happy that you have found us! 


I'm so sorry to hear of your health problems in addition to trying to get off this horrible poison drug.  If I am correct, you have been off for only 5 days?  There is nothing worse than the cold turkey withdrawal where you are now.  There is an easier and more comfortable way to get off this stuff called bead counting.  Using this method puts you in control of the weaning - you go at your own pace and avoid most of this horrible withdrawal.


I went off of 60mgs cold turkey about 14 months ago, and had one horrible year.  The older one is (over 50, especially) and the length of time on the drug seem to determine how difficult the withdrawal will be.  I DON'T recommend the cold turkey method!  The half life of this drug is only 12 hours, so you are in withdrawal within a day after you stop taking it.


Please check out the Bead Counting-How To Do It under the forum Are You New Here?  Here you will find much info regarding how to do this, and if you decide to go this route, we can help you.  First, go back on your normal dose - it may take a few days to get stable and then you can start the bead counting.  We would need to know if you were on the name brand (Eli Lilly) or a generic and the number of beads in a capsule - yes, take one apart and count the beads!  We have people here who can tell you exactly how many beads to reduce each day, but we need the number first.  There is no time line here - it doesn't matter how long it takes - you just want to remain comfortable. 


Why were you taken off the Valium?  Many suffer anxiety during this period and it would be extremely helpful, or if you do not want to take a benzo, Benadryl can also be very helpful with both anxiety and sleep issues.


Please let us know what you decide and we will help you!  We're here for you and we care!



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#3 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 09 March 2015 - 03:57 PM

At 5 days off a half dose of 30mg is often enough to stabilize which can be tried and once stabilized at that point then the bead counting can be started.

If your current doctor won't help you with this then it is time to find a new doctor or you will be doing this on your own which is what I had to do.

Good luck and please come back and let us know how you are and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.

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