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Coming Off It All And Can Use Some Advice

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#1 AMV



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Posted 25 July 2015 - 05:48 PM

Hello all,

I have to keep this short and sweet because I feel like hell :)

I have recently gotten off of Cymbalta(30mg) by using Fatzima. So far its been three weeks since quitting Cymbalta, and I'm currently on day two off of both Cymbalta and Fatzima.

I'm definitely feeling the effects of withdrawal zaps, pain, very short temper, headache and so on.

For those that have been through the withdrawals any guess how long the effects last?

Also, is there anything that helps ease the symptom(food, vitamin, etc)?

Any other advice?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 25 July 2015 - 06:17 PM



The withdrawal can last months, even a year or two. The first 2 months are the worse with things then slowly, and I mean slowly improving. The older you are and the more over weight (Cymbalta is fat soluble) you are the worse the withdrawal.

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#3 AMV



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Posted 25 July 2015 - 06:48 PM


I've missed doses before and felt like crap. This is going to be interesting.....

While I was on the Fatzima and off Cymbalta I had only one bad week out the four. I actually felt fairly decent on the last week. I'm currently 3 weeks off Cymbalta and TWO DAYS off Fatzima and already feeling it.

#4 gail


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Posted 25 July 2015 - 08:13 PM


This is like cold turkey. Isn't the a way for AMV to make it easier?

Can you bead count the Fetzima?

Couldn't AMV reinstate at a lower dose or something? To make it more comfortable?

I know that you are in dream world at this time FH, hope to hear from you. Hang on AMV!

#5 thismoment



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Posted 25 July 2015 - 09:34 PM


As Gail suggests, you could re-instate on the SNRI Fatzima to the last effective dosage and wean off that. Three weeks is pretty short to wean off as indicated by the withdrawal symptoms. A slow wean will yield no (or few) withdrawal symptoms.

Consider weaning off over perhaps 2 months.

Take care.
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#6 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 26 July 2015 - 12:23 AM

Why did you stop taking the Fetzima? It is the same type of drug, an SNRI, as Cymbalta so abruptly stopping it immediately caused withdrawals. At 3 weeks off the Cymbalta you were no where near through the withdrawals from it but the Fetzima was already working so you didn't have any side effects.


As the others have said you need to go back on the Fetzima and slowly taper off it. Fetzima has the same short half life of only 12 hours just like Cymbalta so you will have the same kind of problems withdrawing from it if you go cold turkey as you have. The information from the manufacturer that I can find says to not abruptly stop (discontinue) this medication without consulting your doctor but as we know here your doctor may not be aware of the problems with stopping it.


I did find the Prescribing Information sheet which says a "Gradual dose reduction is recommended, instead of an abrupt discontinuation." Also that "If intolerable symptoms occur following a dose decrease, or upon discontinuation, resume the previous dose and resume the decrease at a more gradual rate."


I do see that it comes in capsules but it doesn't say what is inside so I cannot advise as to how to taper and it depends on what dosage you were on (how many mg).  With Cymbalta the capsules contain beads and you can taper off by removing beads. A few more each day until you are completely off but I don't know if that would work with the Fetzima.


Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


Take care of you





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#7 fishinghat


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 08:30 AM

Sorry to take so long to chip in but both Lady Nancy and TM are correct. You have swapped one evil for another. Albeit subjective, many believe that withdrawal from Fetzima is worse than Cymbalta. Definitely go back to a comfortable level, stabilize, wean off over 2 months or longer. Patience.

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#8 AMV



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Posted 26 July 2015 - 10:43 AM

Thanks for replying everyone!

Lady Nancy, Cymbalta was something I've been wanting to get off of for a while now. My doctor put me on a tapering dose of Fatzima. I'm off if it now because I've finished the prescribed therapy. I'll do my best to outline what we did.

Day1 Cymbalta 30mg, Fatzima 20mg
Day2 Cymbalta 30mg, Fatzima 20mg
Days 3-7 Cymbalta 30mg, Fatzima 40mg

Days 1-7 Cymbalta 30mg, Fatzima 40mg

WEEK THREE(peak Fatzima)
Days 1-7 Fatzima 80mg (1st week off Cymbalta, withdrawals felt, very uncomfortable, but manageable)

WEEK FOUR(1st drop in Fatzima)
Days 1-7 Fatzima 40mg (2nd week off Cymbalta,withdrawal symptoms better)

WEEK FIVE(2nd drop in Fatzima and final week)
Days 1-5 Fatzima 40mg, Days 6&7 Fatzima 20mg(first few days with noticeable withdrawal symptoms, last part of week felt pretty damn good)

Day 1 slight symptoms, but not too horrible.
Day 2 symptoms worse, severity would come and go
Day 3(today) too early to tell, so far

FULL DISCLOSURE, I'm on a lot of daily meds, two different thyroid(hypo) meds,omeprazol,welbutrin,aderall,aderall XR,vitamin D, and zolpediem(ambian) I'm also on weekly testosterone injections, and weekly vitamin B injections. I do have xanax available, but almost never take it.

I currently have a combination of four diseases/syndromes. The Cymbalta was given to me at the very beginning of all of my health issues before most were known. Cymbalta was used to help with depression, but mainly with intermitant shooting pains throughout my body. Some of the pain could bring me to tears or drop me to my knees. I had always wanted to get off of Cymbalta, but I was on such a low dose(30mg peak), that it wasn't a priority. In fact, the ONLY reason that made me want to get off of it was how I felt if I missed a dose, or took it later than usual.

That's basically the whole story. If anybody has any other questions or comments don't be shy. I would like to help others as much as I could use the help. As we all know, this isn't a fun ride to be on.

Take care

#9 gail


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 03:12 PM


Looks like you have decided to do it cold turkey. I wish you well, in any case you decide to reinstate, which I would, don't hesitate.

People have given you great advice, it would have been better to cross taper with something like Prozac because of its long half life and taper the prozac after, an easy one to taper.

As Fishinghat said, you have swapped one evil for another evil.

But who knows, you could be the lucky one here to succeed. Keep us posted!

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