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Severe Joint Pain

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#1 SeriouslyWTH



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    coming off Cymbalta after 7 years

Posted 29 September 2015 - 05:20 PM

I've been on Cymbalta for about 7/8 years and decided recently I needed to reassess just how much it worked or works for me.  


As of last Tuesday I began the weaning process from 60mg to 40mg for a week and today it's going to be 20mg for a week and than BOOM over.  I am transitioning onto Zoloft (which I have taken in the past) upping the dosage today to 50mg from 25mg last week.  


I am in agony.  Both of my knees are killing me.  I am experiencing pain in most of my joints but my knees are horrible.  It feels like arthritis (which I don't have!).  Nothing touches the pain, not Advil or Aleve or aspirin.  I am crippling through this as I am certain the pain is part of my Cymbalta withdrawal.  It began within 24 hours of lowering my dosage.  This alone has set my resolution to get this poison out of my body!  I have suffered from clinical depression for 34 years, you name the drug I've been on it at some point and there is always adjusting to side effects and withdrawal with any of them but THIS?!?  I have never experienced anything like this.  And I know there is more withdrawal to come in other incarnations.  No matter what I am getting off this stuff.  I've been on Nortriptyline at varying dosages (right now I am on 40mg) and lorazepam 3mg for the past 34 years and frequently needed something extra help to combat the severity of my depression. I think at this point being on both still is a plus in combating the withdrawal but I am curious how many people have reported severe or continuous joint and muscle pain while in withdrawal and the how long it lasted.  Like I said, I am getting off this drug no matter what it throws at me I just wanted to ask if this is a common/persistent withdrawal symptom.

#2 TryinginFL


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Posted 29 September 2015 - 05:42 PM

Welcome SWTH!  We're happy that you have found us!


You are unfortunately coming off the Crapalta too quickly.  How long were you on the 60? 60 to 40 is quite a leap!  If it has only been a few days since you made the drop, my suggestion is to go back on the 60 until you feel stable.  Cymbalta has a half life of only 12 hours so it doesn't take long before you are into Cold Turkey Withdrawal.


I went cold turkey off of 60mg in Jan. of 2014 and it was one hell of a year!  I wish I had found this forum but I was almost a month into it and it was too late to start again.  There is a much easier way to get off of this stuff called Bead Counting.  This method keeps the withdrawal at a minimum and from what you are saying you are really into the withdrawal - everything you have said is normal for the hard withdrawal.


Are you on the brand name or generic?  I understand that you have been on this for quite a few years, and I want to add that the older one is and the longer you have been on it, the harder it is.  Those of us over 50 seem to have the worst time.


Unless you have a rare Dr., these asshats know little or nothing about the withdrawal.  The drug reps don't say anything about it.


We have people here who can help you set a schedule for the Bead Counting  -  I wish that I had done it!


Please do not drop any more and go up to your normal dosage.  Bead Counting will take longer but you will be much more comfortable!  After all, there is no time line here - the object is to get off safely with minimum withdrawal. 


I would suggest that you take apart a 60 and count the number of beads inside.  Then come back to let us know how many and someone here can help you!


I wish you the best and please consider my advice - you will feel much better!

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#3 fishinghat


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Posted 29 September 2015 - 05:56 PM

Many who have been on this site have been prescribed Cymblata for pain and when it did not work they weaned off only to find the pain got worse during weaning and for about 3 months afterward. Many others have experienced pain when coming off as well. The recommended way to withdraw for most is bead counting. Open your capsule and count the number of beads inside (usually around 300 but it does vary depending on the manufacturer). Reduce the number of beads you take by about 3 per day. So 300 beads the first day, 297 the second, 294 the third, etc. during this process if the withdrawal becomes to bad simply stay at the same dose until you stabilize then start reducing again a little slower. Some have had to reduce by as little as 1 bead a day. Now, having said that, when you get enough Zoloft in your system ( 6 to 8 weeks for full effect) then many of these symptoms, including the pain, will subside. Usually!!


I am sure that others who have had more pain experience with the withdrawal may have some tips for you 9n how to best manage the pain. You might also want to do a search on this site for those who had pain and read their posts.


Keep us informed on how you are doing. Stay strong and persevere.


God Bless.

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#4 SeriouslyWTH



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Posted 30 September 2015 - 12:37 AM

I will definitely keep in mind the method of bead counting.  I have a recently filled 3 month supply of the poison shoved in the back of my cabinet to work with.  Right now I am trying to tough it out and see if I can make it through.  If I can't I will go back to my original dose and bead count my way outta this.  I am 57 so yep I am in the worst category of age and time spent on Cymbalta for withdrawals.  Interestingly my psych is not returning my phone calls... she did jump at the thought of me coming off Cymbalta and mentioned it might be "hard" but didn't try in any way to dissuade me from going off it.  I left messages because I do want her to know before our next visit just exactly what I am experiencing for her own info and hopefully for any of her other patients who may want to discontinue this malignant drug.  I really want to give her the full picture of side effects I experienced while on it and while coming off it in the honest to God hope she never puts another person on it.  


I swear if this drug ends up being the cause of me developing an actual medical issue, fibro or arthritis, I am contacting a lawyer.  I can't believe this is still on the market and being prescribed.


I am so glad I found this group, it is so reassuring to know I am not alone and that what I am experiencing are valid withdrawal symptoms.  Trying to educate my husband and family on this issue so they will understand this is something unique to this drug and not me having some sort of meltdown.  


I truly appreciate your support!

#5 Ramona80


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 10:41 AM

I had pain all over my body when first in withdrawals in the spring. It would get worse sometimes, and better sometimes...sometimes I couldn't even walk or stand for more than a few minutes. My arms and legs seemed most affected. I couldn't reach or lift anything, or bend down. 


Earlier this month, the last week of taking Cymbalta (when I was down to just a few milligrams) everything in my body hurt again, and I felt a lot of pain & stiffness in my neck, & behind my jaws. That was there for about a week or so, and then it subsided. When I was having a lot of leg pain, it helped me to use a heating pad. 


Sorry you've had this pain. I hope it is short lived for you! 

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#6 SeriouslyWTH



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Posted 30 September 2015 - 12:13 PM

I hear you Ramona80! Today my hips are starting to ache but I have to wonder if that is because of the knee pain causing me to use my muscles differently.  The weirdest thing about the pain is that no pain relievers seem to relieve any of it, that just confirms for me that it is withdrawal and not some underlying problem the Cymbalta was "masking".  I finally heard from my psych this morning and when I told her about the joint pain she seemed "surprised" and then of course mentioned that perhaps I have an underlying pain issue that Cymbalta was helping me with.  It was pretty much what I expected her to say but I emphasized to her that it happened directly because I dropped the dosage, no other explanation for it.  She wants me to keep her posted and I sure will.  The only issues I have ever had with pain my lower back because when I am anxious I seem to tense up, and a half a 1mg tablet of Lorazepam always takes the edge off that.


Since this is the first 24 hours of dropping the Cymbalta to 20mg from 40mg I expect there will be more withdrawal symptoms rearing their ugly heads and I am totally keeping in mind the bead counting if I find myself overwhelmed. 


Going to spend a lot of time on this forum today reading up on others experiences.  This is really the only place for support and info about the dangers of Cymbalta withdrawal.  Funny the medical community hasn't stepped up and officially weighed in and acknowledged truly acknowledged this drug is a problem both in taking it and in getting off of it.

#7 SeriouslyWTH



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Posted 01 October 2015 - 03:15 PM

The continuous knee pain has me really concerned.  And ankle pain now too along with less severe/not continuous wrist/elbow/shoulder/back pain.  If Cymbalta had been masking the pain of arthritis why didn't I experience the cracking sounds that I have now just without pain?  This is confusing me.  One would think I would have noticed the sounds/feelings even if there wasn't any pain.  Does anyone know of similar cases to this??  


I will be contacting my PCP and I have a strong feeling he'll suggest an MRI.  I'm totally willing to have any test run that gives me an answer to any of this.  The thing is, if Cymbalta has been masking arthritic pain hasn't it also made my condition worse by masking the pain so that I am not aware I have arthritis thus causing damage to my joints?  


I will follow up with whatever happens next.  This is day 3 of 20mg of Cymbalta and so far the joint pain has been joined by loss of appetite and nausea with agitation and unpredictable crying jags. If something makes me smile I cry if something makes me sad I cry.. in general I am just a ball of pain and tears.


Still keeping in mind the bead counting.  Also have my husband and family members well aware of what's happening just in case my mood starts swinging erratically. I am lucky to have people looking out for me here at home and here online.  And really lucky I am not working as it would be IMPOSSIBLE to do.

#8 fishinghat


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 08:46 PM

We understand. Brings back memories.

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#9 Sleepyhead


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Posted 07 October 2015 - 06:40 PM

I never had pain before and now I believe I experience pain from withdrawal. Usually happens and signals I need to stop reducing and just stabilize for a few days. I get neck,back and shouldersee and jaw pain. I also have a new knee pain that flares up. I was on Cymbalta for 7 months and have been about another 7 months tapering off it.
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#10 TryinginFL


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Posted 07 October 2015 - 06:51 PM



I agree.  I think you should stop reducing until you feel stable. Many here have mentioned joint pain while coming off - apparently a withdrawal symptom, but I didn't have that.  My pain was due to the fibromyalgia which became worse during that time.


It sounds as though you are going slowly which is a good thing.  Take all the time you need - there is no time line here.  It just takes as long as it takes.  You need to remain comfortable - that's what is important!


Please continue to come back to let us know how you are doing - hang in there!



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#11 SeriouslyWTH



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Posted 13 October 2015 - 02:57 PM

Still on the road out of Cymbalta.. my last dose was 20mg last Monday October 5th.  Still have joint pain, muscle aches, loss of appetite and then nausea if I do eat BUT today I am experiencing LESS PAIN which I consider a HUGE step forward.  This drug fights to stay in your body, it fights to keep you taking it.. of all the medications I have ever been on and then off this is the only drug that actually seems to want you to be addicted.  It's the worst, simply the worst medication experience ever.  I have not seen my PCP yet, I am waiting to see how this all plays out before jumping to the conclusion I have arthritis (which is certainly what it feels like including the cracking crunching sounds in my knees) because I don't want to be dosed with anything for pain that may go away.  It's way too much of a coincidence that all these arthritic symptoms only appeared while going through Cymbalta withdrawal, especially my knees.  


I am sticking with my resolve to not go back to any dosage of Cymbalta and I will update my progress in the hope it will help anyone else who is going through this.

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#12 fishinghat


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Posted 13 October 2015 - 06:13 PM

Hang tough Swth.  Don't be surprised if you are of the Cymbalta for 8 weeks or so before the pain starts to ease. That is sort of common.

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#13 SeriouslyWTH



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Posted 07 April 2016 - 12:19 AM

Here I am 6 months later... there are lingering effects.  I am on Zoloft BUT my depression has worsened, my sleep is way off (constantly tired), no appetite and still experiencing knee pain.  Since all of these things happened when I began my journey to get Cymbalta out of my system I can only assume that they are largely due to it.  I have lost all faith in prescription drugs at this point.  I've been fighting clinical depression and PTSD for 35 years now, time for a different approach.  Going to be scheduling an appointment with a physician who can evaluate me for medical marijuana.  I have my therapist's blessing on this but I have yet to consult with my psychiatrist or my PCP.  They will have to come onboard, they'll just have to.  There are 2 dispensaries close by and the physician that will be doing the evaluation is close by as well.  I know the state (MA) makes people who are prescribed jump through hoops to do so but I am willing to give this alternative a go.  

#14 fishinghat


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Posted 07 April 2016 - 08:18 AM



All I can say is I hope it works for you. You need a port in the storm.

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