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Constant Stomach Issues - Is It From Withdrawal?

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#1 imisschocolate



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Posted 25 February 2016 - 10:54 PM

In September my doctor suggested I wean off of Cymbalta 30 mg after having taken it for 3 years with zero issues except for having no libido.  I wanted to do this because I didn't want to have to rely on anti-depressants for the rest of my life.  My doctor gave me instructions on how to wean off (I had brought up concerns about withdrawal), she told me that I would experience brain zaps and most likely have some GI troubles.  It took me about a month to wean off to nothing which I thought was a slow process at the time but now I see how wrong about that I was.


It started off with constant brain zaps for about two weeks.  They were annoying and that's the worst I could say about them.  I thought that hey, this withdrawal thing isn't so bad after all.  Shortly after the zaps faded away, I got a UTI at the beginning of October and was prescribed antibiotics.  That's when the stomach issues started.  I thought they were caused by the antibiotics but they continued to bother me well after I finished treatment and continue to bother me to this day. 


October/November my life was spent at the emergency room or at my doctor's trying to figure out why I was constantly nauseous.  Along with the nausea I would feel tingling sensations in my pelvic area sometimes in the front and sometimes on my lower back.  All blood and urine tests were coming back normal, no pregnancy, internal exam and swabs, and 2 ultrasounds showed that my reproductive and digestive systems were normal.  Meanwhile I was having daily panic attacks at work mostly due to not knowing what was wrong with me and whether it would get worse. 


I defeatedly asked my doctor to write me another script for Cymbalta because I was a complete and utter nervous wreck and sick to boot.  Cymbalta did work well for me while I was on it but I wanted to see if I could go it alone but obviously not.  My doctor wrote me a script for 30 mg which is the lowest dose (though I've heard of 20 mg, maybe it's not available in Canada).  I was relieved to get back on it and was eager to start up on it again. The first day I took the 30 mg, I was fine.  The second day around 3pm, my head suddenly felt like it was burning from the inside.  It was so terrifying.  I spent the rest of that day and the day after in an absolute panic and did not touch my remaining Cymbalta pills.  After this episode I started having tinnitis.


This is getting insanely long so I will provide the rest in point form:


- Doc suggests getting custom made capsules (5mg) to start me out on the Cymbalta again.  I think this is a great idea and agree to it. 


- The 5mg capsules lasted a week.  I was waking up after sleeping for like an hour in a full panic state.  I told my doctor that I want nothing to do with Cymbalta ever again. 


- Had a shitty Xmas.  Nothing but panic and anxiety over the stomach and tingling issues but was able to eat.


- January: Stomach issues seem to worsen and become almost cyclical.  Nausea and unable to eat much for several days followed by feeling somewhat better and having more of an appetite.  Started taking pantoprazole 40mg twice daily.


- Lather, rinse, and repeat up until today.  During the bad times, it feels like every single nerve in my stomach is over-activated and I can't even finish half a can of soup or a glass of water because it's so uncomfortable and I feel like I'm overly full.  This will slowly fade over the course of about a week and a half where I can build up to eating actual meals, and then it starts all over again. I've kept a food diary and it doesn't seem to be triggered by anything in particular.  I've lost 10 pounds since the summer.  Doesn't sound like a lot but I'm borderline underweight at this point.


- After seeing a psychologist early February to work on the mental health issues, she suggested to me that I am indeed still going though Cymbalta withdrawal. A psychiatrist that my Dr. referred me to recently has suggested the same thing and it was from her that I learned about serotonin in the gut.


-Had a CT scan with contrast last week which came back with normal results.  I have an endoscopy coming up next month which I bet will read as normal.


Now that we're all brought up to the present, I need to ask if anyone has experienced anything like this or if any of this sounds like it might be Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms.  I've been reading this forum for the past hour and I'm reading that GI issues usually go away after a few weeks...I'm going on six months here.  This is really scary and no doctor I've seen seems to be able to give me a clear answer.  I'm wondering if it's those two other attempts to get back on the drug that have been drawing this out.


I tried not to make this into a novel but ended up a novel anyway!  Thank you to anyone who stuck through to the end, and I can clarify anything if asked.. 



#2 fishinghat


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Posted 26 February 2016 - 08:50 AM

Your psychiatrist is right, Still Cymbalta withdrawal. The good news is that you have been off long enough to begin to see some improvements. Hang in there it will get better.

#3 imisschocolate



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Posted 27 February 2016 - 08:11 AM

Thank you for your reply Fishinghat.  I'm going through a bad spell right now where even drinking water and tea makes me feel sick.  I feel so unhealthy.  Hopefully there will be a light at the end of the tunnel soon.

#4 kmrekl217


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Posted 01 March 2016 - 12:51 AM


I'm so sorry you're going through this misery.

I wish I had some  help to offer you. All I can say is hang in there. Keep reaching out to us and let us know if it improves.

#5 imisschocolate



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Posted 14 March 2016 - 08:28 AM

Small update:  Stomach issues still present.  There may be some improvement but too little to be able to tell.  I woke up in a panic yesterday and my brain felt like what I can only describe as a physical feeling of being overstimulated or flooded.  This was after 2 months of low lying manageable anxiety.  Is it normal to get such attacks after what seems like improvement?  I saw my doctor last week and I won't be seeing her again until April and she didn't have the answers to my questions about cymbalta withdrawal. I feel like I'm damaged permanently.  

#6 fishinghat


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Posted 14 March 2016 - 12:25 PM

Well IMC, I can't promise you that you have not been permanently hurt but I doubt it. These unexpected swings are common with the withdrawal. They are slow to improve but will slowly get better. Don't panic, you are going through a normal pattern, Stomach issues and all. It will get better.

#7 gail


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Posted 14 March 2016 - 03:44 PM

Hello IMC,

FH is right. Progress is never linear. When you feel that you are out of the woods, back in you go.

An in and out process that can last for a while. And those panics, well, like the rest, wax and wane. Sorry, this absolutely sucks. All is TEMPORARY.

#8 ChicagoCyclesoffdrugs



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Posted 26 March 2016 - 11:53 AM

Hi Imisschocolate,
I am new on this forum and just posted what seems to be a similar problem. I haven't been off Duloxetine long enough to know how long it lasts but I would say that if your scans are normal; labs are normal, then if you want to stay off cymbalta, stay off of it.

I just went back on 30 mg due to nausea. I don't have time to deal with it but since the nausea went away immediately I think I'll finish out grad school and taper over the summer down to 0, if I have trouble with 30 mg.

Here is what I've been doing and I will do again when the time comes that helped this past few weeks of my hellish medication experiment.
1. Meditate daily for 20 minutes/day minimum. I use the Insight Timer app on my iPad or the Calm app. Use the Calm app if you have never tried meditation. Calm is really great if you have never meditated because she starts out with beginner instructions and short meditations that last 10minutes. It WORKS every single time. For headaches, anxiety, extreme anxiety, and yesterday, nausea got better. It is not religious or dogmatic; it's. Breathing.
2. Exercise: light exercise outdoors. I don't know where you live but if you can get out side and breathe outdoors, exercise is the number 1 remedy for anxiety and depression and it works without side effects. I'm a cyclist and it cures me of anything if I can go. I spent a lot of money on bicycles but they are super cheap compared to the alternatives of feeling horrible. I stopped riding when I started grad school and moved to Chicago but I'm going to go back to it now no matter what. I went yesterday and felt great.
3. Acceptance. Accept that it is not comfortable and take care of your body as well as you can. Meditation should help loads for acceptance. If your tests are normal, view the repeated worry as a mosquito that won't leave you alone. Or a fly....flick it away. OH! AND, get this...One of the effects of Duloxetine for me was to reduce obsessional negative thinking. Going off it, I realized, I'm having rebound obsessions and I think I know what it feels like to have OCD now. I know it's the withdrawal from Duloxetine (Cymbalta, by the way). It's like the neurotransmitters are trying to realign and my mind is obsessing on every body sensation and fear. It's just rebound and it will normalize eventually.
4. Nutrition, water, eat food that doesn't cause you to feel worse. I read up on IBS yesterday and discovered a chart for foods that should be eaten and those that shouldn't to prevent nausea in people who have IBS I induced from stomach virus or whatever. For instance, apples cause me to feel nauseated now. If it sounds ok, I eat it. If thinking about it causes me to feel nauseated, I avoid it.

It sounds like you have an extended period of time on the W/d. I went back to 30 mg / day and when I wean, I will pour out the beads a little at a time for two weeks, then keep going down to a lower and lower dose.

How are you doing since your last post? I hope better.
Good luck and feel better soon!

#9 Sindi



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Posted 31 March 2016 - 04:28 PM

Hi Imisschocolate,


I'm new to the forum, but yours is the first post I've read about stomach issues during the withdrawal process. I too am having some pretty severe stomach issues... nausea, vomiting, pain that feels like my stomach is in a vice!


I have been on Cymbalta for 3 years and was put on it initially because I have Ulcerative Colitis and was in the middle of a bad flare. After the flare was under control, I continued taking it because it helped so much with my anxiety. I was even able to stop taxing Xanax and that seemed to be such a plus. Another plus, for me, was the weight gain. I had been under weight for many years and struggled to gain, but no luck until I started taking Cymbalta. Although it helped with that and my anxiety, I really wanted to discontinue using it because I'm already on several medications for the UC and want to cut down on anything I can. I've always taken 20mg, once a day. Since this is such a low dose, I didn't think coming off of it would be a huge ordeal, but I was wrong!! I started weaning on March 16th and was just taking 1 pill every other day and as of the 29th, I've started every 2 days. The first symptom, which started right away, was the brain/body zaps... WOW! Crazy weird and so bad I would swear if someone were watching me walk, they surely would notice a slight pause in my step, each time it happened. That was followed by headaches, the stomach issues, massive anxiety, unable to focus and hot flashes. I'm pretty miserable today :( I rarely take off of work and today there was just no way I could do it. I haven't been very productive for the last week and of course, that is making my anxiety worse... vicious cycle!


I thought the stomach issues were because the Cymbalta was still helping with chronic symptoms from the UC. However, I'm now thinking it's just withdrawal symptoms. Finding this forum has been a blessing because it does seem there is light at the end of the tunnel for many, after their symptoms have subsided. My hope is I can handle it and not have to begin using it again. Had I known it was this hard to stop, I would have never started it in the first place!


Good luck to all of you this frustrating journey and thank you for posting your stories... it really helps!! :) 

#10 TryinginFL


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Posted 31 March 2016 - 04:40 PM

Welcome Sindi!


The first thing I will say is to get back on your 20mg.  Skipping days is NOT a good thing - the poison drug has a half life of only 12 hours, so you are putting yourself into immediate withdrawal the day you do not take it


There is an easier way to get off this stuff called Bead Counting.  Under the topic "Are You New Here?" - move down a bit and you will find Bead Counting - how to do it.  Please check this out and then come back with any questions you may have.  You will feel better very quickly if you get back on the 20 and then bead count down.


I went cold turkey off of 60mg in Jan of 2014 and the entire year was a nightmare!  Unfortunately, I didn't find this forum until it was too late to go back on the stuff and bead count down.


Using bead counting, you can control the amount you decrease and keep the withdrawal to a minimum.. It should not take too long to wean off of 20mg.


 Everything you have mentioned is definitely withdrawal.  BTW, I just finished a month-long bout of Colitis that was unbearable!  And I've been off the crap for 26 months! 


I wish you the best and remember - we are here for you!!!



#11 gail


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Posted 31 March 2016 - 07:11 PM

Hello Sindi,

Liz is right, reinstate the 20 and bead count from there.

The every other day method is not for cymbalta, perhaps others like Prozac which has a long half life.

Do yourself a favor, reinstate.

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