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#1 brzghoff


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 11:14 AM

Hey ho,


been awhile and thought i'd check in.


i wanted to share some info about a phenomenon that i've experienced since i was a child but have only now learned it had a name and was experienced by others, ASMR, Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. its a warm and tingling feeling that starts on the back of the neck and runs across my scalp. its very soothing, relaxing and great at relieving anxiety. i first noticed it as a kid when my girlfriends and i would play with each other's hair- as girls often do. i also noticed it when i would hear soft soothing voices - like whispers. i have now learned that there are websites, podcasts and you tube videos devoted to this topic and ASMR "artists" who "perform" triggers for others to experience. learn more about it here: https://asmruniversity.com. apparently not all people experience it, but its worth checking out for those who recognize what i am describing. some videos/podcasts are not that great and are just taking advantage of the "craze" now that it has a name. it takes a truly compassionate and altruistic person to be an ASMR artist.  

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 04:47 PM

Great info Brz. I had heard the term but didn't know anything about it.

#3 fishinghat


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 04:53 PM

Some more info. Very interesting.



#4 brzghoff


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 05:11 PM

you'll find this interesting - i think - i sure do!


the 2nd article (link) you posted includes the following quote "A high prevalence of synaesthesia (5.9%) within the sample suggests a possible link between ASMR and synaesthesia, similar to that of misophonia."


i looked up the meaning of synaesthesia and it included this description in wikipedia " In one common form of synesthesia, known as grapheme-color synesthesia or color-graphemic synesthesia, letters or numbers are perceived as inherently colored." that's me exactly! 1 is cream colored, 2 is red, 3 is yellow, 4 is blue, 5 is black, 6 is a cream/peach color, 7 is a dark/brick red, 8 is black and 9 is brown. i get it for the days of the week too: monday is light blue, tuesday is brick red, wednesday is cream/peach, thursday is brown, friday is dark gray, saturday is white and sunday is light brown. its been that way my whole life! as for misophonia, i think we all get that. sounds we hate like fingernails on a chalkboard.  for me its the sounds of a spoon scraping the bottom of a plastic yogurt cup as people do when they get to the bottom. argh! funny huh?

#5 fishinghat


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 05:19 PM

That is interesting. It is so funny how far we have come in our understanding of the human body and how very much further we need to go.

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