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Cold Turkey After Taking 60Mg/day For 7 Years And Living A Pure Hell Right Now...

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#1 SeanT



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Posted 04 May 2017 - 09:23 PM

I have been taking 60mg/day for 7 years for lower back pain.  I had back surgery 2 years ago and since my back is better I finally got the courage to stop taking Cymbalta.  I say courage because I had missed a dose before and was in absolute misery so I have been fearful ever since. Starting out, I went from 60mg to 30mg and the first 5 days or so were pure hell, physically, but mentally I felt alive and had feelings for the first time in years so I decided that I never wanted to touch Cymbalta again and went cold turkey.  Well, that was 19 days ago and I am in living hell - nausea, diarrhea, headaches, body aches, body pain, organ pain, sweats, chills, insomnia AND no energy, mood swings, irritable, brain zaps, etc.. - stop me if you've heard all of this before  :angry:


I have been taking CBD oil (cannabinoid - medical use since I live in CA) and it has helped a lot, plus benadryl to sleep at night, but I am not even close to a functioning member of society right now.  Thankfully I quit my job, don't have kids or wife or significant other, and can just be alone and rest and take care of my body right now which I know is not an option for most people and I understand I am fortunate.  That said, I am in pure hell.  Every hour is hell, so do the math on that for 19 days and with the full understanding that this could go on for weeks, months or years, it's frightening.


My question is:  Is anyone else dealing with really itchy skin?  My skin is on FIRE and itches like CRAZY, I am literally digging holes in my arms and chest.  Anyone have any suggestions?  I would be super grateful.


Nobody deserves to go through what we are going through, nobody.  Reading these posts makes me sick with anger.  I fully intend on going public and becoming Eli Lilly's worst nightmare once I am 'better' but for now I would literally settle for 2 hours without this agony.  


thank you

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 05 May 2017 - 08:03 AM

Sean, welcome


The itching is a fairly common withdrawal effect. If I were you I would go back on the 30 mg and bead count my way down.  It is  a slower more manageable withdrawal. In addition they warn people not to go cold turkey as it can cause suicidal thoughts. seizures and much more. The Benadryl can also be used during the day to help alleviate some of the emotional issues. Don't use it too often though or your body gets use to it and it won't work.


Hang in there and keep us informed of how you are doing.

#3 gail


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Posted 05 May 2017 - 09:40 AM

Hi Sean,

I agree with Fishinghat, it's preferable to go back on 30 and bead count your way down.

Calamine lotion for the itching is good. Let us know how it goes!
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#4 TryinginFL


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Posted 05 May 2017 - 12:04 PM

Welcome Sean!


I understand so well what you are saying - I went cold turkey off of 60mg after 4 1/2 yrs.  I have now been  off almost 3 1/2 yrs and went through a year of Hell.


I agree w/FH and Gail - please go back on the 30 and take time to stabilize - then slowly begin the bead counting.  (Sure wish I had done that, but had not found this forum and now realize it could have been even worse than what I experienced and that's scary)


Are you on any other meds?  Any benzos?


Please keep us updated and remember that we are always here for you!



#5 coastgirl



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Posted 24 May 2017 - 01:30 PM

What type of CBD are you taking?  Indica/Sativa or a blend?  I'm in CA and have my card.  Wondering if it will help with this nausea that I'm having after stopping Cymbalta

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#6 SeanT



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Posted 24 May 2017 - 01:47 PM

coastgirl, I am taking these - https://pluscbdoil.com- but if you can get to a dispensary I would ask them for something stronger.  I have my card but have just been too sick to leave the house last few weeks.  When I did go to the dispensary they had a number of options but I cannot remember the brand names other than the ratios ranging from pure CBD - works ok - or hybrid with THC 7:1 or higher - worked much better but there is a high involved and I don't recall if sativa or indica.  sorry but I hope that helps a little? I am now on day 39 and still feel as awful as I ever have since stopping.  also, check out this website - super helpful.  I am taking the supplements and brain zaps are gone.  http://www.theroadback.org/cymbaltawithdrawal.aspx

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#7 coastgirl



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Posted 29 May 2017 - 03:31 PM

Thanks - I am nervous to try m******** as I have only used it very sparingly in the past and have had a wide range of reactions to it (I was smoking friend's stuff, however, and didn't know what the ratios were or what strain it was).  I have had very GOOD experiences with weed but due to my inexperience I'm a little nervous trying something and it making it worse (although I know the effects of the weed will wear off after a few hours).


I have my card now (I was originally going to try to use it to manage my anxiety and depression but then I tried Cymbalta instead :( ) so I will know the exact strains and ratios I'm getting.


I may try a high CBD strain because it doesn't have psychoactive effects.


Currently using sudafed to manage the brain zaps, but I still feel out of it and not myself.  I don't have suicidal thoughts but it's very uncomfortable to feel so unlike myself that I'm considering going back on a very small bead count and tapering down from that.  I just don't want to put any more of this CRAP in my body.


My withdrawal is getting slighly better (I was only on Cymbalta 1.5 months before tapering off), but I remember with Prozac (which I was on a low dose for 1 month before deciding it wasn't working) I had brain zaps for a month or two :/  

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#8 fishinghat


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Posted 29 May 2017 - 03:33 PM

Hang in there. You are actually doing well compared to most. With a little patience I think you will beat this.

#9 coastgirl



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Posted 01 June 2017 - 01:33 PM

Thanks Fishinghat.  Your supportive posts help me keep focused that this will eventually go away.


Tried to not take sudafed this morning and I feel so messed up!  Just dizzy and can't think straight.  I feel so out out of it.


I also noticed I seem to get more hungry and it will make symptoms worse.

#10 SeanT



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Posted 01 June 2017 - 03:24 PM

coastgirl - not sure if you saw this link in my last reply but it is super helpful.  the recommended supplements eliminated my brain zaps entirely.   http://www.theroadback.org/cymbaltawithdrawal.aspx 


here is the paragraph:  Unless you have other Cymbalta withdrawal head side effects, such as dizziness, or "brain zaps" which is an electrical jolt that usually runs from the base of the neck up into the skull, you may only need to take the Neuro Endure Mini for relief. If you have these head symptoms, taking the right omega 3 fish oil will normally bring fast relief for the Cymbalta side effects.

Read the reviews of the Neuro Endure Mini on Amazon and and you will see what we mean. Click here

The manufacturer currently has the Neuro Endure Mini reduced to $12 a bottle on Amazon. This is the lowest price it has ever been. 

The right omega 3 is called Omega 3 Supreme TG and is also found on Amazon. Click here. This omega is also reduced to $18 a bottle and is the lowest price for it we have ever seen.

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