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Getting Off Cymbalta By Switching To And Weaning Off Trintillex

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#1 JohnnyZ



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Posted 03 November 2017 - 01:08 PM

Hello, new member here, male- age 62.  I've been on Cymbalta 60mg about 7-8 years preceded by Paxil for about 4-5 years.  The Paxil was for social anxiety which helped me significantly at the time.  Then my GP switched me to Cymbalta for diabetic neuropathy, and anxiety.  Getting a bit personal here... earlier this year my wife of 37 years blindsided me with her cheating and suddenly leaving (I came home from work one night, asked what to have for supper, then she was gone forever in 20 minutes).  I went into a major depression.  My GP added Trintillex 10mg on top of the Cymbalta 60mg which pretty much made me a dizzy, nauseous and still emotionally distraught zombie.  Anyway, after a few weeks of realizing that my wife will never return, I made the conscious decision to end the misery and turn my life around by seeking a companion through an online dating service.  After a couple of months and many dates, incredibly, I found a wonderful match.  We almost immediately decided to date exclusively, and realizing that I just may have met the one, I decided that I needed to get off the Trintillex asap as I was very happy and our relationship was progressing.  I tapered on my own by breaking the tabs in half for only one week.  Felt like crap for over a month after stopping the Trintillex, essentially cold turkey.  The worst symptoms were major night sweats and little appetite which lasted over a month.  I also had erectile dysfunction which was very humiliating at the start of a relationship.  But, I eventually came back to normal, except for the ED.  I then realized, and from research, that I probably had ED all along from the Cymbalta all the years I've been taking it but didn't realize it as there wasn't much sex in the last decade of my marriage.  So, from research again, I decided that I wanted off the Cymbalta but in a safe virtually withdrawal-free way, and I decided to ask my GP to help me do this with the Prozac switch and taper method (as opposed to the bead counting way).  He strongly recommended using Tritillex instead of Prozac as he claimed it was quicker and with much less (or none) withdrawal symptoms.  He also claimed he's had other patients successfully switch to Trintillex then taper.  So, I reluctantly agreed.  This was just yesterday...


So, my GP's recommended switch and taper schedule is:  7 days of Trintillex 20mg, then 7 days of Trintillex 10mg.  That's it!  Being very skeptical of such a quick taper even though he insisted that I'll be perfectly fine, he did say that if needed, I can do a 3rd week of Trintillex 5mg...


So, today is day 1 without Cymbalta 60mg substituted with Trintillex 20mg.  I feel a little bit foggier than usual, but I really didn't expect any huge difference in my brain and body on the first day.  However, I'm curious and a little scared of what day 3 and beyond may bring.  I will certainly post my progress here...


Thanks for reading.  I look forward to comments.

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 03 November 2017 - 05:53 PM

Welcome, I certainly look forward to your posts. The switch from Cymbalta to Trintellix should be fairly smooth but normally they drop your Cymbalta while ramping up the Trintellix. They don't just drop it cold turkey. We did have one member recently do the same change though with no adverse effects. You might check out...

This is the ongoing story of one members change.
This is the only information I found on withdrawing from Trintellix (it is from the drug insert).

Adverse Reactions Following Abrupt Discontinuation of TRINTELLIX Treatment
Discontinuation symptoms have been prospectively evaluated in patients taking TRINTELLIX 10 mg/day, 15 mg/day, and 20 mg/day using the Discontinuation-Emergent Signs and Symptoms (DESS) scale in clinical trials. Some patients experienced discontinuation symptoms such as headache, muscle tension, mood swings, sudden outbursts of anger, dizziness, and runny nose in the first week of abrupt discontinuation of TRINTELLIX 15 mg/day and 20 mg/day.

I can only find a few people who have mentioned a significant withdrawal from this drug. It is beginning to look like a better way to get off Cymbalta. You are about to find out. lol

#3 torontoguy



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Posted 04 November 2017 - 08:38 PM

Hi Johnny,


First, I am so sorry to hear of the situation with your wife, it must have been traumatic. I am the member that fishinghat refers to in his post. You can read my whole story but essentially I tapered Cymbalta from 60 mg in 10 mg intervals and stopped 23 days ago. The plan with my psychiatrist was to go 5 days clean before starting Trintillex. I was not trying to come of all antidepressants but was looking for something to help my depression since Cymbalta was not working for me. On the third day post Cymblata, I started to experience dizziness but continued with the plan to start 10 mg Trintillex on day 5. I experience some other withdrawal symptoms like nausea and flu-like symptoms, but the dizziness was and is the most disabling for me. I continued with Trintillex for 2 weeks but the dizziness persisted so severely that I stopped on Monday. Trintillex itself is known to cause dizziness so I can't be sure of its origin. I am also taking codeine for pain, and I'm not sure if that plays any role in all this.  I was chairing an important conference on Thursday, so in conjunction with my shrink, we agreed to discontinue Trintillex until I see her this coming Tuesday.


I continue to experience severe dizziness today which is 23 days post Cymbalta. Having sifted through many forums, and with fishinghat's considerable knowledge base, I understand this is not entirely uncommon although I have never suffered side effects in the past. I'd certainly be interested in hearing your progress as I wonder if it would have been better to start Trintillex while tapering Cymbalta, but my shrink thought it would be best to be clean for a few days before starting. I hope that your journey through the transition will prove easier than mine.

#4 JohnnyZ



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Posted 07 November 2017 - 02:39 PM

Thanks for the replies...


Days 1-4 (Trintillex 20mg, NO Cymbalta 60mg)

Symptoms experienced- mild dizziness, mild anxiousness.  Note that I've started taking these vitamins/supplements to supposedly help alleviate symptoms - triple strength fish oil, vitamin E, vitamin b-complex, ginko biloba- in addition to my usual daily multivitamin and organic fruits and vegetable capsules.


Today is Day 5 (Trintillex 20mg, NO Cymbalta 60mg)

Symptoms experienced- mild dizziness, mild anxiousness, and some memory fogginess.  Nothing that I cannot tolerate...

#5 fishinghat


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 02:41 PM

I am eagerly wait on your posts. From what I have read on Trintellix this has the potential to be a much easier way to come of Cymbalta. So far so good. Thanks for the info.

#6 JohnnyZ



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Posted 08 November 2017 - 01:43 PM

Today is Day 6 (Trintillex 20mg, NO Cymbalta 60mg)

Symptoms experienced- somewhat more than yesterday's mild dizziness and mild anxiousness, and some brain fog.  Also, a bit nauseous and no appetite for lunch.  More conscious of symptoms than previous days, but still tolerable.


Note: earlier today I read a topic in here about pseudoephedrine and its supposed effectiveness to alleviate SSRI withdrawal symptoms.  I take 12-hour sudafed (the real, behind the counter sudafed) 1-2x daily as I have persistent nasal congestion.  Yesterday evening, soon after the morning sudafed tab had worn off, I had a very stressful situation which caused an emotional low that had me sitting for 10 minutes feeling very depressed.  I was able to talk myself out of that stupor and continue on in a neutrally emotional state until bedtime.  I took a 12-hr sudafed around 11pm and woke up at 6am this morning feeling very good physically and emotionally, like I had a decent sleep.  My point here is that, looking back at the previous 5 days of my Cymbalta/ Trintillex withdrawal plan and its relative low and tolerable symptoms, I wonder how much my daily use of sudafed has been a factor in my light symptoms.  Although, I did take a sudafed this morning, Day 6, and my symptoms are more pronounced today.  Coincidence that my withdrawal symptoms have been relatively light so far, or has the daily sudafed helped in keeping them light?  I will most likely be taking a sudafed tonight at bedtime as well as tomorrow morning.  I will post again around noon...

#7 fishinghat


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Posted 08 November 2017 - 01:59 PM

Thank you for the great input. I am in the process of putting together data on what has worked for members and what has not. This will surely be added to the section on pseudoephedrine which by the way I am putting together this week. Thanks for the update and I hope it continues to be tolerable. 

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#8 JohnnyZ



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Posted 13 November 2017 - 01:54 PM

Nothing different to report for Day 7 (still on Trintillex 20mg, NO Cymbalta 60mg).


Day 8, last Friday, 11/09 (1st day reducing Trintillex to 10mg, NO Cymbalta 60mg)

Symptoms experienced- continued mild dizziness and mild anxiousness, and some brain fog.  Still taking pseudoephedrine 12-hr twice daily along with triple strength fish oil, vitamin E, vitamin b-complex, ginko biloba- in addition to my usual daily multivitamin and organic fruits and vegetable capsules. 


Day 9 (2nd day reducing Trintillex to 10mg, NO Cymbalta 60mg)

No significant symptoms change.


Day 10 (3rd day reducing Trintillex to 10mg, NO Cymbalta 60mg)

No significant symptoms change all day, however, towards the evening I noticed more nasal stuffiness than usual and increased brain fog and dizziness.  Tolerance level about medium (as opposed to light/medium).


Today is Day 11 (4th day reducing Trintillex to 10mg, NO Cymbalta 60mg)

Brain fog and dizziness more pronounced this morning and still.  Mildly nauseous but able to eat a light lunch.  Experiencing anxiousness which might be from my thinking about the rest of this Trintillex taper with only 3 days left- I'm concerned about how I'll feel a week from now which will be 4 days without any SSRI.  If my current symptoms are no worse or even slightly worse than today's, I'll be fine with that.  If any worse, I'm thinking that I'll still avoid trying 5mg's of Trintillex especially since not taking any SSRI for 3-4 days, and ride it out.  We'll see- still have this week to get through...

#9 fishinghat


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Posted 13 November 2017 - 03:02 PM

So far not bad.

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#10 JohnnyZ



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Posted 14 November 2017 - 07:45 AM

Day 12 (5th day reducing Trintillex to 10mg, NO Cymbalta 60mg)

So, I realized late afternoon yesterday that I did not take a morning Sudafed.  I was getting very stuffy by suppertime and very anxious and dizzy/lightheaded.  Took a Sudafed and within minutes, not only was the stuffiness relieved and I was breathing easy, but the anxiousness was gone and the brain fog lifted significantly. 

Supper was very late and I had gotten pretty nauseous.  Only was able to eat half.  Felt much better shortly after.


I thought of this just yesterday, that I should've rated each day on say, a scale of 1-5, 5 being worst.  Looking back, I'd rate days 1-10 as mostly 1's and a couple/few days at 2.  Yesterday I'd rate a 3...


I should also comment on sleep.  Sleeping has not been a problem, then again, I've only been getting about 5 hours/night, so I am pretty tired.  I do not remember any dreams...


Today so far, I'm only experiencing mild dizziness and lightheadedness.  Been awake about 2 hours and now at work.  I've only had a coffee and my pills and supplements.  Ever so slightly nauseous and not feeling hungry, but I'm going to eat a couple of packets of instant oatmeal.  If I have any significant symptoms I will report back.  Otherwise, I'll be back tomorrow...

#11 fishinghat


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 09:22 AM

You are very good at your observations. Yes, the Sudafed is amazing. I just posted some info on "and the answer is..." about cold medicines.

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#12 JohnnyZ



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Posted 15 November 2017 - 03:37 PM

Day 13 (6th day reducing Trintillex to 10mg, NO Cymbalta 60mg)

No significant change since yesterday.  I'd rate yesterday as 3/5, and today so far is about the same...


Tomorrow will be the last day on Trintillex 10mg.

#13 fishinghat


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 04:16 PM

It will be interesting to see what you are like 3 or 4 days off the trintellix.

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#14 JohnnyZ



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Posted 16 November 2017 - 07:45 AM

It will be interesting to see what you are like 3 or 4 days off the trintellix.

That's exactly what I'm looking forward to, in a cautious sort of way...  :unsure:

#15 JohnnyZ



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Posted 20 November 2017 - 03:27 PM

Day 4 without any SSRI.  Very surprised at how well I'm feeling.  I'm barely noticing any dizziness and very little brain fog.  No nausea or anxiousness.  I'd rate today as low as a 1 or 1.5.


Days 1 and 2 without an SSRI were actually worse than today, mostly nausea and and a bit of anxiety.  Ratings around 3.  Day 3, yesterday, was about a 2.5 as nausea and anxiety lessened.


Be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow, day 5 without an SSRI...

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#16 JohnnyZ



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Posted 22 November 2017 - 09:48 AM

Day 5 (yesterday) without any SSRI.  Another surprising day.  Again, barely noticing any dizziness and very little brain fog.  No nausea or anxiousness.  I'd rate it a 1 or 1.5.


Day 6 (today) without any SSRI.  Dizzy and a little nauseous due to low blood sugar (Type 2 diabetes).  Finishing a muffin as I type, and feeling better, although still a bit dizzy.  I also just realized that I did not take a sudafed this morning with my vitamin/supplement "stack" which was 3.5 hours ago.  Perhaps, that is contributing to the dizziness.  Even though my sinuses are clear, I'm going to take 1/2 of a 12-hour tab now and see if it relieves any of the dizziness.  I'll be back at lunchtime to report...



* The sudafed did alleviate most of the dizziness...

#17 fishinghat


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 10:20 AM

I really appreciate the feed back JZ. So far I am impressed with your response to the Sudafed. We may be on to something there as well as the Trintellix crossover and withdrawal.

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