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Question On Possible Planned Withdrawal Pace

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#1 AliYogini


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Posted 21 February 2018 - 12:30 AM

Read somewhere, for a cautious withdrawal schedule for this type of AD your reductions should not exceed  10% of your previous dose (not your original dose) every or over a 4 wk period (unless you feel you can handle a slightly faster pace).   I had been holding at 10 mg (which in my case is 60 beads) for the last 30 days.  I just yesterday resumed my withdrawal process.   I calculated a schedule based on the above mentioned pace of withdrawal.  OMG.  According to that method, at the end of Dec,  I would be at 3.3mg or 20 beads. Yikes. .. that's a long time for what seems like little ground traveled.  What do you think about this proposed plan?  I might add that I just dropped 1 bead last night, (to 59 beads) after my 30 day break, and I really felt that 1 bead drop.  Part of the day I felt shaky,a little dizzy at times, and had a headache.  Feelng better now but I expect I won't be able to sleep.  Thanks for your opinions on this. Have 2 more questions, but I'll send separately.  Ali

#2 AliYogini


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Posted 21 February 2018 - 12:42 AM

Should have added..to above comment:

Does that pace (10% reduction every 4 wks) based on previous dose sound ridiculously slow to you? In my case, for this month, that would be a drop of only 1 bead every 5 days for a total of only a 6 bead drop for the month. I only started at 30mg to begin with, but I've been reducing since end of Sept. Seems like I will be on this forever. Thought about asking my dr for the prozac help, but I hate to go on another drug even if it is just for a short time, and this method is working. .albeit slowly and also a number of the prozac method people still had withdrawal issues. Just don't know what to do. Ali. (Couple more questions coming)

#3 fishinghat


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Posted 21 February 2018 - 10:51 AM

That 10% is just a guideline and not a bad one. With the info you provided I can tell you are going to be real sensitive to further drops. I would plan on December if that is what it takes. I can tell you from experience that pushing past your body's tolerance can end in a nightmare. Slow but steady wins the race.

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#4 AliYogini


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Posted 23 February 2018 - 01:00 PM

FH, saw my dr yesterday. She basically said what you said.. that my body is very sensitive to changes/reductions in meds. She did not advise the Prozac method, for me anyway, especially at this point. She felt unless I was going to stay on it, why introduce another drug since I was already down to 10mg on the cymbalta. She felt bead counting is the best way and the speed should be slow and only what my body can tolerate. She said if I am feeling strong withdrawal symptoms my body is telling me I am going too fast. Basically. .just what you said. I had been very very slowly tapering down my atenolol too. She said bad idea to try to withdrawal from 2 drugs at the same time...too stressful on the body. It makes sense but I think we all just get impatient when we decide we want to free ourselves from all this poison. So I guess this is going to be a long very slow journey for me..... Thank you again.

#5 fishinghat


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Posted 23 February 2018 - 01:07 PM

WOW, a dr who knows what they are doing. Stay with that one she is a keeper. Wait on the atenolol it is an easy taper anyway.


Boy do I know how hard it is to be patient but I have beat my head against the wall so many times know that I realize it is the only way to go. Keep up the good work. You are doing fine.

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