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Six Months Off And More Miserable Than Ever

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#1 Grimalkin



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Posted 05 April 2018 - 03:52 PM

I haven't been on here for awhile, just trying to get through the whole withdrawal process. I think I finally stopped all together in October or November. However, I am a miserable wreck. I am never happy and I never sleep. NOTHING brings me joy anymore and I sometimes wish I wouldn't wake up in the morning, except that I now have insomnia which is just a cruel irony. I read that the depression that returns after leaving cymbalta is worse than that which was present before. Um, yeah. I have searched the forum for the answer but has anyone successfully returned to any anti-depressant that hasn't tried to kill them like cymbalta tries to do? I went to my gynecologist the other day who, of all people, looked at me and said, "Are you OK? You seem sad." I mean, the people I'm closest to haven't seen it that quickly, other than my poor long-suffering boyfriend who just happens to be a saint. She suggested Trazidone for the insomnia, but said it also is an anti-depressant. She says it's not habit forming and shouldn't have the same withdrawal effects that cymbalta had. I just want to know if all of you are somehow miraculously anti-depressant free or if you've found something that helps that doesn't put you through pure hell. I'm sick to death of crying.

#2 Raven72


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Posted 05 April 2018 - 04:53 PM

Hello Grim, May I call you Grim?

I personally am anti depressants free but it is by choice. It hasn't been easy but to me it is better than being on something. I have been SINBALTA free for 2 years as of 4/1/18 and Paxil free for about a year. After having to cold turkey two different drugs I called it quits. The only thing I take prescription wise is my ADHD medication. It gradually gets better but still comes and goes (the depression). I now rely on my Faith to pull me through and it has worked better than any drug. I am by no means pushing Faith on you, just wanted you to know what works for me now. We are here if you need us.

Oh, Fishinghat will give you the best antidepressants to try if you wish. He will chime in soon.

You are blessed to have a boyfriend that cares as much as he does. My husband found this site for me. I would be lost without it. I just found my way back after a year hiatus.

#3 fishinghat


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Posted 05 April 2018 - 05:40 PM

Usually people have good luck with Zoloft, Lexapro or Prozac which do have withdrawals but typically not as bad as Cymbalta. Of course there are no guarantees that any of them will work but many have good luck with those. I would also recommend you read the thread "and the answer to your question is..." in the Medical Support Section. It is a detailed overview of what every one has tried and the good points and bad points of each. You should het some ideas from there.


For mist (including me) the crying starts letting up around the 4th to 6th month. I remember going for a one hour walk and crying every step of the way. I have no idea why I was crying. This is wicked stuff.

#4 whosthat


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Posted 05 April 2018 - 11:07 PM

sorry for your troubles. trying to figure out if i need a new medication myself. that "are you ok" thing made me smile inside. i am so lost i can't even fake a smile anymore. i noticed today my cheekbones are starting to poke through. face looks gaunt.


goodluck to you



#5 gail


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Posted 06 April 2018 - 07:20 AM

Hello Grim and welcome,

As for Trazodone, I have been on it for 4 years on and off. It's mild and easily stopped.

And as for what helped me, other meds. The 3 antidepressants that Fishinghat suggested are good ones, for their longer half life.

I would say that after five months of suffering, it may be time for you to try something else.

Come by anytime you wish, suggestions might defer, which is good as it will be up to you to decide what's best for you!

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