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Ot: Clonidine For Weaning Off Valium

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#1 Jgfergie


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Posted 12 April 2018 - 10:36 AM

Hi Fishinghat:


You mentioned to me on a different thread that Clonidine would be better for weaning off Valium than Gabapentin.


I have a few questions & more things to share:


1.  Does Clonidine require tapering; i.e., are there withdrawal symptoms from coming off of it?


2.  Does Clonidine meant to treat anxiety?


3.  I've been taking 600 mg of Gabapentin for the last month to assist with my taper from Valium.  I'm currently at 7 mg of Valium and tapering relatively slowly (from 11 mg at the beginning of the year).  I'm also on 60 mg of Cymbalta and 200 mg of Wellbutrin, which I've been taking for depression for the last year.  But in the last 2 weeks I've experienced strong headaches and insomnia.  Also, I don't feel it is that effective at treating the anxiety.  At first, I thought it did, but now I think it's marginal.


Thank you again for your observations on this OT subject.






#2 Jgfergie


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Posted 12 April 2018 - 10:39 AM

Fishinghat -- one more question to add to my previous post: what schedule do you recommend for weaning Gabapentin, considering the following factors:


a.  I've only been on it for 5 weeks.

b.  I have reacted very negatively when attempting to drop Valium too quickly.


Thank you!  

#3 fishinghat


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Posted 12 April 2018 - 12:00 PM

I wouldn't worry about weaning off the gabapentin at this point. One thing at a time. I will mention that most wean off over a 4 to 8 week period. Your dose isn't too high.
Clonidine does not have a withdrawal but it does have a rebound on blood pressure. Usually people taper off over a 2 or 3 week period just watching their BP as they cut back. As long as your bp is good you are good to go.

#4 Jgfergie


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Posted 12 April 2018 - 12:19 PM

Hi again, fishinghat:


The reason I wanted to get off the Gabapentin first is because I introduced it so recently and don't want to form an addiction to it.  


Then I was thinking I would wean off the Valium.  (I have been on benzo's a lot longer than Gaba.  I was on Klonapin for a year before switching over to Valium to make the taper easier.  So, I've been on benzo's a lot longer than the Gaba.)


Or -- perhaps I could wean them together?



#5 fishinghat


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Posted 12 April 2018 - 12:37 PM

Yea, in that case the gabapentin first. Some have a hard time with it but most sat it is a lot easier than Cymbalta. For myself, I was able to taper off gabapentin in about 3 weeks. I was pretty uncomfortable but I could tolerate it. It was a LOT easier than Cymbalta. lol

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